MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 806 : Domination of the Southern Border (32) Battle and Transfer

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Regardless of Phoebe's domestic intrigue, the war of punishment continued. Next, Xiebo and Phoebe fought for more than two months. Quiberon successfully ensured that the front did not collapse, and ordered a retreat after the end of the autumn harvest. , discarding all territories in Valais province except Jasmine.

This is a poison with honey. You must know that after the autumn harvest, it means that you can no longer get taxes, unless the cabinet shamelessly orders repeated taxation, but that will inevitably mean that many civilians have to flee with their families.

And Quiberon judged that Lupudong would definitely march. Although Lupudong has won many battles in the past few months, he will recover all the coastal lands from Kaslin, Lin Monet, Sarba, Manemai to Laikawa. But it did not decisively defeat the Phoebe army - after all, the number of troops was absolutely inferior.

This made the National Assembly very dissatisfied with Lu Pudong's performance. Many domestic public opinion accused Lu Pudong of being a mediocre general, and the dignified Master Shibo Wang went out to punish him, but he did not win the victory, but instead fought back and forth with the opponent.

Kiberon learned through the news that these urgings brought a lot of pressure to Lu Pudong, so at this time Lu Pudong must bite the bait he threw out, and give the country an account by recovering the province of Valle. Showing that you're in charge of the military isn't nothing.

However, once Xiebo entered the province of Valle, it also meant that the Xiebo army would leave their magic weapon of victory - the protection of the navy.

The Valais Province is located in the interior, and the navy is beyond the reach of the battle between the inland areas. Lu Pudong has only 5 legions. Dangerous things, Kiberon believes that he can find fighter planes in it.

This is indeed the case. Facing the poison bait of Giberon, Lu Pudong was in a dilemma, and when he was so anxious that he was about to go crazy, there were still a group of nobles who could only talk about military affairs for him.

A group of nobles sitting in a salon in Batiros claimed that Lu Pudong should take the opportunity to quickly advance to recover the province of Valle, so that Shibo could have no worries, so that the navy could bypass the Oxtail Peninsula by raiding, repeating Fini's Auspiciousness a hundred years ago. The military adventure that brought the fall of the British Empire.

Regarding this point of view, Lu Pudong has only one opinion. This person's brain is still stuck in the distant past, is that the era when the star castle has only one point or two?

Xie Bo dared to take such a military adventure at the beginning, and let the navy go around the Oxtail Peninsula to raid the Bieber frontier. The confidence came from the fact that Fini received a few star fort support and was placed in the Laney corridor. There are not many stars in the Bieber frontier. Fort, only dare to travel alone for dozens of days to carry out this adventure.

And at that time, the power of the Oyingberg dynasty was severely damaged. The last hope to support the resistance of the domestic nobles was to pass the natural danger of the Lenny Corridor to obtain a decent peace. , this classic battle recorded in the annals of history completely destroyed Fini's morale and led to the collapse of the Owingbeck dynasty without much resistance.

But is it the same now as it was then? Phoebe Bo is not like the Oyingbeck dynasty at that time. It is already fragile enough to lose all resistance if it is raided. If Shi Bo bypasses the Oxtail Peninsula and raids again, it will be a big deal. Star Castle and Xie Bo are dealing with each other.

And Quiberon knew that Phoebe also had his own secret recipe for victory, that is, Lorraine. It was thanks to the secret report spread by the Lorraine forces that he could get the opponent's general battle plan so easily.

In addition to leaking secrets, Lorraine was also stirring up the wind and rain in Batiros, using all kinds of methods to hinder Lu Pudong on the front line, so just when Lu Pudong began to regain lost ground, Batiros set off a new round of Political storm, the subject of controversy is the war against Phoebe Bo.

In the past few months, due to the impact of the war, the problem of rising prices in Xiebo has become more and more serious. The attitude of the people is that it doesn't matter whether they fight or not, but you have to bring the prices down to me.

However, it is absolutely impossible to control prices. Once prices are controlled, how can business groups and nobles cut the leeks and maintain the pattern of free trade?

Therefore, the members of the League of Order blamed the price situation on the war with Phoebe, and believed that now Phoebe has learned a lesson, so Lu Pudong should stop advancing and let the next action be replaced by negotiation. Prices will naturally stabilize.

While the League of Order opposes the war as always, Shiaire's fears have unfortunately been verified. After Seliti III unexpectedly supported the Civil Rights League, he unexpectedly backstabbed, abandoning the Civil Rights League. Began to support the League of Order and demand a cessation of the war, thus having a serious disagreement with Shiairet's cabinet.

After several arguments to no avail, Celiti III, like the last time, launched a no-confidence vote against the Shiairi cabinet. This time, the Order Alliance and the Noble Alliance joined forces to cooperate with Celiti III's privileges over the cabinet and succeeded. It brought down the Shiairi cabinet, which was established only 8 months ago.

After the fall of the Shiairi cabinet, Warner was appointed by Celiti III and came out again to form the third batch of cabinets, so before the end of just one year, Shibo experienced the formation of three cabinets.

After Warner's cabinet was re-established, they continued to reject the Civil Rights League and began to strongly advocate peace negotiations with Phoebe, on the grounds that they could concentrate on solving domestic livelihood issues. In order to prevent Lu Pudong from going alone, Warner's cabinet also began to deduct. Supplies and reinforcements to the front lines.

The changes in the political arena of Batiros and the entry plan proposed by Lu Pudong were all passed to Phoebe Bo's table through Lorraine's special channel, which made Quiberon more confident in his subsequent actions.

Lu Pudong has a basic common sense of military strategy, so he knows that the purpose of Giberon giving up the province of Valle is to use it as a bait, but many times he knows that even the bait has to be bitten, otherwise it will not be called Yang Conspiracy Therefore, Lu Pudong could only order the army to send troops in the winter to seize the vacancy in the province of Valle after the retreat of Phoebebo's army.

As the commander-in-chief of the Shibo army, Lu Pudong naturally knew that Warner's new cabinet intended to negotiate peace, but the officers on the front line, including himself, were unwilling to negotiate.

First of all, the situation of the war is still very smooth, so the officers are willing to continue to fight to obtain more merits; secondly, as the commander of the Xibo army, once Phoebe settles the conflict through peaceful negotiations and even enters the political arena, everyone will have a career in the future. Will be excluded, don't forget the first lady Lorraine's surname is Atona.

In short, the officers including Lu Pudong knew that it was poison, so they had to bite the bait thrown by Quiberon. The price was that the cabinet had to overspend a large amount of stability maintenance funds to provide for the army's operation to recover the province of Valle. .

You must know that this is not a conquest but a civil war, and the governing foundation of the improved alliance comes from morality, so he cannot make the military discipline like locusts like the nobles fight. In order to do all this, Lu Pudong needs money, but the Warner cabinet lacks the most It's money, especially cash.

Therefore, after Lupudong regained the province of Valle, Warner’s cabinet declared that punishment was appropriate, and now it was time to start negotiations with Phoebe to end the conflict and limit the war to a certain scale.

But is this possible? It is obviously impossible. Countries such as Oretia will obviously not let the war end so easily, and because Phoebe was pushed to the forefront, he can only go ahead for the king, so this negotiation is doomed. It was a futile effort.

Because although Warner is a peacemaker and speculator, but even so, the premise of peace between him and Fibibo is still that Phoebe recognizes the "Mother Law of 2923", because this is related to Warner's ability to The basis of governance, this is the bottom line that this speculator cannot budge.

Phoebe said that he was willing to recognize the status of the mother law in Xibo, but asked Feibe to be special and Xibo to recognize Feibe's rule over the old customs province.

For the condition of Phoebe Bo, even the Lord and faction of Warner could not agree. After all, since the founding of the Parson Dynasty, Xibo has never lost a province, and Warner dare not let the lost province be lost. This precedent was created when he was in power, otherwise not only would he have to take the blame and resign, but the efforts made by the reformers in the past two years would also be in vain.

Therefore, for Warner, the territorial issue is an iron law that cannot be negotiated, and Phoebe is determined to annex the old customs province. .

After the setback in the negotiation, Warner's cabinet finally turned to support the means of war. Of course, the purpose of their support for the war was to promote peace by fighting, but in any case, after the attitude of the Order Alliance turned tough, the soldiers on the front line in Lupudong finally received enough However, this obviously comes at a After the Alliance of Order turned to war, they asked Lu Pudong to launch an offensive in winter. Warner plausibly brought out the military case of Xiebo a hundred years ago to guide Lu Pudong. Pudong claimed that when Shibo attacked the enemy country in the past, he was relying on his powerful productivity to attack all year round, making the enemy country stuck in the old era exhausted and getting worse and worse, while Shibo became more and more brave in battle.

Hearing Warner's example, Lu Pudong immediately wanted to scold mmp. If you take the past as an example, then give me the troops of the old era. Don't you know that I only have 5 legions in hand?

But Lu Pudong obviously couldn't argue with Warner. Under the threat of Warner's cabinet cutting off support, Lu Pudong could only choose to give in. Before October, Lu Pudong began to prepare for the attack.

There are only 5 legions on hand, and Lu Pudong is assigned like this, 1 legion is stationed on the outskirts of Jasmine to prevent Phoebe's army from rushing out through the Laney Corridor - this is the reason why Quiberon chose Jasmine as the last line of retreat. , as long as Jasmine is controlled by Giberon, there will always be a stable exit in the Laney corridor.

Another legion cooperates with the navy, so that the safety of the sea area in front of the tail of the oxtail from Hado to Laikava is guaranteed, so the remaining 3 legions that have passed the expedition of the old customs province can still be successful even if the expedition fails. Retreat to the sea to ensure safety, so that the entire army will not be wiped out.

After making a plan, Lu Pudong crossed Salba and started an expedition eastward in November, but his plan that was supposed to be a top secret appeared on Quiberon's desk not long after, including every step of the operation and the specific force. Lorraine's credit.

It made Kiberon know that the situation was at the most critical moment, so he decided to activate Phoebe's carefully managed hole cards.


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