MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 4 : Might of the Star God

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At this time, Leng Yi, in addition to thinking about which priest to choose, is also considering whether to build a **** system.

Although in the initial options, Leng Yi rejected the option of the DND gods belief system, people's ideas are always changing. Now it seems that although there is no need to copy DND, some imitations can be made to build a **** system for the future. to prepare for some plots.

Of course, these are things that need to be considered in the future. Now, let’s deal with the problems of the Sulassi city-states first. Are we going to help the rising Myrdal, or to help the ruined Doleman?

After thinking it over and over again, Leng Yi, in the form of a star god, said the first sentence to the people around the altar: "You have been praying day and night, and I have heard it."

When Leng Yi spoke, he brought his own translator, and in these words, Leng Yi also hid a small trick.

Hearing these words of the Star God, some soldiers under the altar were moved to tears. Words such as "Praise the Star God" came out from time to time in the crowd.

However, there is still a troublesome place, and I need to think about how to deal with it coldly.

Through the eyes of God, Leng Yi could clearly see the piety of the people present.

Although after Leng Yi God descended, everyone around the altar began to float upward in their belief in the Star God, but this couldn't be covered. Some people's piety was originally very low.

What makes Leng Yi a little embarrassed is the distribution of the piety of the people present. The general trend is that the lower the rank, the higher the piety. Therefore, the 22 priests standing on the altar have a piety to the Star God. lowest.

Leng Yi dared to make a promise, if he appeared in the image of an ordinary traveler after Xing Qimu floated into the air, but glanced at it with the eyes of God, making these priests feel that there was no possibility of defeating him, otherwise these priests would have long ago. He rushed forward and replaced the Star God to slaughter the demons.

And now, there is another problem.

A powerful star **** must be able to see how devout a priest is to him. So, as a god, shouldn't he show his face to the priest on this matter?

If you don't lift it, then you can let it go even if you are not pious to the Star God, and your majesty will be lost.

If it is opened, it means that all the 22 priests will apologize to death, then it will definitely lead to chaos in the city-states of Sulassi. What's more, if you kill these leaders, do you want to go out and take Sulassi as a child?

Please, I have the civilization of the entire continent as a choice, why should I bring this in person? Just because they were the first to be born?

After weighing it twice, Leng Yi felt that he should share this matter with the priest, so he came up with an idea.

Knowing that his devotion to the star gods is just like that of a bird, now Fokodo has fallen into deep fear, and he is weighing in his heart, should I flee back to Myrdal and call for the slaughter of the false gods, or is it right? Desperately fighting to the death?

In any case, Fokoto is also a character who has experienced strong winds and waves, and it is absolutely impossible to wait for death.

At this time, the god's eyes lowered slightly and turned his gaze towards the altar, and Fokoto's heart was also mentioned in his throat. He knew that the moment to decide his own destiny was coming.

It really came, in a way that I couldn't imagine.

The entire altar floated directly, rising towards the sky.

Seeing this move, Fokodo had a more intuitive impression of the strength of the Star God.

Frankly speaking, it is not impossible for me to float the altar, but I need to prepare a large magic circle in advance, and when I start to raise the altar, it will definitely not be so stable.

Really... strong... as expected of a god, I don't even know where his power ends. Up to now, there is only bitterness left in Fokodo's heart, and any plan, in front of the absolute power, has become a thing of the past.

"The Lonely General meets the human closest to God alone."

In one sentence, it explains why Leng Yi made the floating island float.

Ordinary people who don't know about the piety of their priests can't help showing envious expressions when they hear that the priests can talk to God alone.

Of course, ordinary people are just ordinary people compared to the priests who are on the altar. No one of this group of people is a famous person in their hometown.

"So powerful, Star God!" A guard with a frenzied expression on his face raised his head in admiration, "My old man used to say that Star God does not exist, and every time he pays tribute to the Star God, he always pays tribute. unhappy."

"Then when you go home, ask Uncle to talk about it," an accomplice next to the guard echoed, "Now, not only has the Star God descended, but he also told us his name, gu!"

Hearing this, the guard said with an annoyed expression: "Hey, I knew that the Star God was called 'Gu', why is the middle name of our patriarch Su instead of Gu."

"That's a god's name!" The guard's companion glared at him, "Su, it's the greatest syllable under a god's name!"

The guard suddenly realized: "Ah, you're right, I didn't expect it."

Not to mention the bystanders with different minds under the altar, first set their eyes on the altar.

After the altar was lifted into the sky, the eyes of the gods dissipated, but this did not mean that the star **** had retreated, and the starry sky was still there during the day, not to mention the blue light on the altar?

The Star God released a human-shaped body, which was shrouded in dazzling blue light. Foko glanced at him a few times, and immediately lowered his head, stimulated by the blue light.

"The piety in your hearts, I have skills in my heart." After a long time, the Star God opened his mouth and said the first sentence.

"Forgive me!" Hearing the Star God's words, one of the priests couldn't hold it anymore, and kept hitting his head on the ground, "Great god, forgive me, forgive me!"

The other priests were even more silent at this time.

However, Star God's second sentence made everyone raise their heads in surprise, even though the blue light flashed to their eyes.

"To be honest, I don't care what you think."

Under the gaze of the priest, the star **** faded the blue light, revealing his face slightly, it was a perfect face.

"When you were walking, did you ever care about the ants on the side of the road? So what does your inner piety have to do with me?"

Hearing this, Foko was convinced and completely convinced. This is the attitude of a high-level god, and at this time, knowing that the Star God might not care about his offense, Foko's heart surged. The desire to survive.

However... Fokoto seems to have heard something in the words of the star god, but it is not certain yet. The Star God said too little, and he needed to ask him to say more before he could be sure of that thing.

Thinking of this, Fokodo's heart suddenly became hot. If his discovery is true, then he will not only survive, but also successfully complete his original goal!

"Your beliefs can bring me some strength, but these strengths are better than nothing to me." When the Star God spoke, he actually started to walk, walking around the edge of the altar casually with his hands behind his back.

It was hard to look at the priest of the Star God. After the priest knew that he would not die, he moved more actively, and fixed his gaze firmly on the Star God. And as the Star God walked, the kneeling priests had to rub their knees so that their bodies were always facing the Star God.

"Simply put, with your prayers, I will be better off, without your prayers, I can't get there, but I think it's better to pray more and more, and if I kill you all , that will be very troublesome, and then find new prayers."

Thank goodness, the Star God finally stopped circling.

At this time, Fokoto was the first to ask the Star God, and the other priests turned their gazes to him, revealing the audacity of Fokoto in their eyes.

"Lord Star God, do you mean to ask us to find more believers for you?"

Unexpectedly, the Star God actually replied to Foko more, which made the other priests annoyed for a while, why wasn't he the one who asked the question first: "Look? Your prayers will naturally increase, and you are like a windfall to me out of thin air."

When he said this, Leng Yi was also thinking in his heart, as a Star God, what could he give the other party.

If it's a one-time thing, of course it's easy, but if it's like in the classic Western fantasy, listening to prayers and responding to needs... Where did I get that American time!

The religion of the earth, apart from giving people spiritual comfort, is nothing but an advanced Ponzi scheme. However, in a world where there really is a god, prayers give God power—although it doesn’t give Leng Yi power, Leng Yi can set it up. Faith is enough for other gods - and what does God want for them?

If not, is there no need for God? Ah, it feels like a dead end. Although it was troublesome to think at this point, Leng Yi immediately left him behind.

wipe! This time, I came to pretend to be happy, so why bother me with such painful questions! So Leng Yi decided to put this question to the fore. Anyway, my little gift has been given out. Whether I can get it or not depends on Fokodo's own ability. .

"I'm here today to show you a standard." After throwing away the philosophical questions, Leng Yi started to do what he likes to do and make settings.

When I watched "X Breaking the Sky" before, I had a profound impact on the online game-like grading. Today, it's your turn, Mr. Leng Yi, to do the grading!

Among the initial options, the level of spiritual power, Leng Yi chose low, which means that the world is low in spiritual power.

In the gathering and hunting of ancient human beings, both humans and beasts could control the flow of spiritual power, and those who attacked with spiritual power were warriors.

Before the advent of Cold Game, Sulassi already had some rough classifications of warrior levels. Although there are still some differences in the details, they can be roughly divided into the following.

The lowest level is the ability to use spiritual power to flow in the body.

The second level allows the release of spiritual power, and some city-states, such as Myrdal, are also subdivided into the level of spiritual power possession and the level of spiritual power shock.

The third level, which is also the highest level at present, allows spiritual power to affect a certain range, which everyone calls a domain.

However, in the memory bank that Leng Yi looked through, he found that the so-called warrior domain is that within a certain range, warriors control the spiritual power inside to form a block of tentacles to attack the enemy.

The newly established mages are also classified, but they are rougher than warriors. For now, the so-called magic power is only at the first level, and it was created by the great ancestor of Fokodo.

The first level is to model spiritual power in the brain, and then use that model to convert spiritual power into magic power, and perform some primary applications, such as setting fire, releasing water, in short, the four primary elements, after so many years With the development of , Sulassi's mages have figured out the basic tricks of the three elements of water, fire and thunder.

The second level is to let the magic power out, and some city-states, such as Myrdal, will be subdivided into the magic possession level and the magic shock level.

The third level, which is also the highest level at present, can allow magic power to affect a certain range, which is called the domain.

Did you find anything? Yes, except for the first level, the subsequent stages are completely copying the experience of warriors, these idiots! Have you ever seen the Master lead the charge with magic power?

However, there are still some new ideas, such as the second-level mage, who knows how to use the skill of hardening skin, which can be regarded as the skill of finding the earth element.

The mage's domain is no longer directly attacking with spiritual power like a warrior, but has its own magic, such as Fokodo, who likes to keep casting fire magic in his domain.

In general, although the profession of mage has been created, according to the current classification, there are traces of serious imitation of warriors, but Leng Yi believes that one day, mage will walk out of his own track.

Looking at it now, there are two most important changes for the mage. One is that the great ancestor of Fokoto figured out the modeling method and transformed spiritual power into magic power. The second is Fokodo's father, who knows how to build the mage tower. Ah, now the Surasi people call it the priest tower. In short, these two changes.

In addition, spiritual power also has an impact on the user's lifespan. It is clearly recorded in the Sulassi country list that the average life expectancy of Sulassi people is 51 years old.

Yes, if it is modern, it is nothing, but this era is a wild and ancient era. The average life expectancy of people on earth in this era is only about 20 years old.

After explaining this, Leng Yi opened his hands like a scale.

The left hand flashed a few times, and a light made a list from the bottom of the right hand.


White jade grade, the lowest

Emerald rank, spiritual power possessor

Fire Phosphorus Grade, Spiritual Power Releaser

Legendary level, with domain

and the right hand


apprentice, lowest

Formally, the mana caster

Legendary level, with domain

"In the future, let's read the grades like this." After confirming that the priests read it, Leng Yi withdrew his hands, "This is the purpose of my visit."

Then all the priests showed expressions of disbelief. They came along with you, the old man, Star God, just to show off.

Leng Yi turned his back and said his last words: "Okay, I'm going back to the starry sky, and I'll do it again in 12 years."

After speaking, Leng Yi left without hesitation.

After the altar fell, the priests looked at me, I looked at you, and finally Fokodo broke the silence.

"Can you all hear the language of the Star Gods? And the words of the Star Gods?" Rao Yifo Keduo's cultivation, at this time, his face also had a smile that could not be concealed, "This, but our city-state of Myrdal Specifications!"

Yes, this is Leng Yi's gift to Fokodo.

As I said a long time ago, this time the meeting was due to the fact that after a hundred years of development, each city-state had some differences in some words and languages, but Leng Yi used Myrdal's specifications.

As for Fokoto, he successfully discovered the gift that Leng Yi brought him.

Read The Duke's Passion