MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 11 : Ruiying's twins of the gods, and the librarian

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After solving these problems, Leng Yi flew to the Argon Flower tribe, browsed the history list of the Argon Flower tribe, and wanted to find out the truth of his own problems through this method.

After making a list of the tribe's information, and after some thought, Leng Yi came to a preliminary conclusion.

In the earliest days, everyone was on the same starting line. But their oldest ancestor, very gifted, became the ruling class of the tribe.

In a world with spiritual power, the descendants of the ruling class obviously have better cultivation resources and conditions.

When looking at history, Leng Yi found a situation, and after making this situation into a statistical table, the conclusion is more obvious.

If the newborn is born in a full-time family, that is, does not need to work on his own, he can put aside the consideration of survival and concentrate on cultivation, regardless of the factor of death in the middle, the probability of reaching the fire phosphorus or legend is 62%.

However, if the newborn is born in a non-full-time family, regardless of the factor of midway death, the probability of reaching fire phosphorus or legendary, with talent B as the watershed, upwards A, S or even SS, the probability of reaching fire phosphorus and legendary, Assuming that the number of comparison objects is equal, it is the same as the part-time family, and the talent B is similar.

And if the talent is below B, it is terrible, almost difficult.

However, how many people have talent B or higher? It has been 100 years since the Dali, how many Argon flower tribes have appeared? Cold games have been counted, 22, and these 22 have basically entered the full-time job after adulthood.

So, the world is generally like this. It depends not on your birth or your talent. Leng Yi doesn't know whether this is good or bad for the future of this world. After all, there is no precedent for this.

After solving this doubt, Leng Yi set off and flew to the Southern Border Continent to see that new country, Ruiying.

First of all, the first thing is to click on the list of this country and check the country from the list.

Country name: Ruiying (87 years of the calendar - 100 years of the calendar / 13 years)

Age of Domination: Ancient Era

Country Type: Theocratic city-state government.

Leader: 2nd Patriarch, Ruiying Qiu (32 years old, 3 years)

Religion: Primitive Light Faith

Ethnic Group: Ruiying

After simply reading the list, Leng Yi went to Ruiying for a lap again. For this city-state, Leng Yi already knew what to do.

If it is said that Surasi developed independently at least in the early days; the **** of trade only found Merami halfway, then this Ruiying can be said to be deeply imprinted by the **** of light from beginning to end.

I don't know why, but it's actually the God of Light... Leng Yi remembered that in his early novels on Earth in his previous life, there was usually a light religion in the Chinese-style Western fantasy world.

And the Light Religion can be said to be the Christianity of the Earth, except for some places, such as those who equated the power of theocracy with the power of the Pope, these strange logics are basically the same.

There is also a **** of light here, and that **** of light has also established a faith of light, but as Leng Yi sees, the faith of light at this time is not a systematic religious belief, maybe this **** of light has not touched the point. .

However, compared with the **** of trade, the **** of trade prefers to watch Merami's tribute, and the **** of light is the first **** to think about expanding his beliefs.

Seeing this, I have always been unhappy with Leng Yi of the three evil sects, and I can't stop sneering in my heart: Hehe, I hope that Your Excellency the God of Light can receive the gift I gave you in the near future.

Although Ruiying and Sulassi, in the country list, the judgment of the country type is theocratic city-state government, but the two are still very different.

The so-called priests of Sulassi are actually the patriarchs who have changed their skins. Because Leng Yi warned the priests when Sulassi founded the country, the priests did not pay much attention to the sacrifices and stopped insulting them. The boundaries of the star god. In general, the priests of Surasi are first a patriarch, and then become priests.

As for Ruiying's priests, they would rather abandon the responsibility of the patriarch and serve the God of Light comfortably. They are really a group of servants of the God of Light. For Ruiying, the priest's sacrifice is the main responsibility.

Because Ruiying was still a pioneer at this time, the God of Light has not yet gotten to the point of religion. Therefore, Ruiying now is relatively normal, and there are not so many sacrificial ceremonies.

Leng Yi possessed Rui Ying's librarian and swaggered through Rui Ying's historical documents.

Of course, since Rui Ying was born 13 years ago, many of the parties involved in the founding of the country were still alive, so this historical judgment is still relatively clear.

However, when looking at the historical documents, Leng Yi was immediately upset, because the historical documents said the 13th year of the Guangming Calendar, not the 100th year of the Dali.

Your name and equipment can’t be faked. God of Light, you seem to be very jumpy, even more than the ancestor gods. I will focus on you at the God Realm Convention later.

Thinking of this, Leng Yi suddenly had a new idea.

Separated a soul, went directly to the realm of the gods, opened the magic circle, and ensured that his voice could be heard by all the gods in the realm of the gods: "All gods! Now I propose that you all meet again and speak in the name of the Ancestral God! You have half a year to prepare and think, and when that time comes, you will meet in my palace!"

Then, ignoring the **** realm that was panicking because of the sudden speech of the ancestral god, Leng Yi immediately withdrew his thoughts.

That's it for now, I hope there won't be too many people who like to do things, but, if you really want to do things... hum, then I'll let you experience the anger of the ancestors!

The story has only come to this point, the story of the Ancestral God is not over yet, I will not let the Ancestral God die, who can kill the God successfully!

The thinking that diverged because of seeing the bright calendar came to a stop here, and Leng Yi continued to watch the document.

Of course, the documents are not very detailed, so Cold Game is not looking at the documents above, but by displaying the list of his own systems on this to watch. As for why you watch it this way? Of course it's because there's a B.

Just scanning the first few paragraphs of the document, Henan Bangzi suddenly arose in Leng Yi's mind, "Mr. Joseph, sit down and listen to what I have to say..."

Well, that's what happened. As the document continued, Leng Yi couldn't help but grow his mouth. That God of Light, he really gave someone else's fiancee to Green, and then sent his subordinates to tell the man that it was a god. children.

Not only was she green, she was green twice, and gave birth to two sons, Mai Ruiying and Qiu Ruiying, and Ruiying was the girl's name.

How much does this God of Light like that girl? Leng Yi took a look and found that this girl named Ruiying, and now her eldest son who has died, has recovered to the most beautiful death. God is blessed together.

In a word, this is a story of the growth of Long Aotian. The Son of God led his younger brother. From the beginning, there was only one knife. From scratch, they conquered one tribe after another. Treasures of rare treasures were sent to encircle and suppress them, and even went down to earth by themselves. In the end, they forcibly dragged the unification of Ruiying, which should have continued to develop, and created this foundation.

At the age of 25, Ruiying Mai became the patriarch. At this age... Nima... And he has only been the patriarch for 10 years, so he gave the position of the patriarch to his younger brother, 29 years old. Qiu, on the other hand, went to heaven to be with his parents.

Oh, when you see Leng Yi here, you can understand that Long Aotian is the enemy of every history lover, because Long Aotian will always produce all kinds of unreasonable events.

However, the God of Light let his son go, and it was not purely a sacrifice. After Ruiying was established, the God of Light was also growing rapidly with the power of faith.

This unfortunate wind must be contained! However, Leng Yi did not act on Rui Ying now, but after writing down the incident of Rui Ying in his heart, Leng Yi planned to save this matter for the God Realm Conference in half a year, and attack the God of Light together.

After all, this country has already been established. At this time, every established country is rare and valuable. It is better not to destroy the other party.

Then Leng Yi almost couldn't contain his anger. Of course, UU reading didn't break out when he was looking at the map, the map was almost done, and Leng Yi broke out when he was looking at Ruiying's terrain.

Although he also created the Bourbon Flood, it was for a more far-reaching plan, and the Bourbon Flood also caused certain damage to the Bourbon people.

But what about the God of Light to Ruiying? The south of Ruiying was originally a desert, but with a big wave of the God of Light, it took twenty years to transform it into a fertile soil, waiting for the people of Ruiying to go.

And it's not about the production capacity of the land, and if the colors on the minimap are different, Leng Yi was really almost cheated by the other party.

Good, um, good.

Seeing this, Leng Yi kept a small notebook in his heart, and wrote a note to the God of Light who he had never met before.

It's been a long time, and it's the first time I've been so angry. As the first God of Light who provoked my anger, you are very good. There is a kind in Korea, and many people admire it!

Before leaving, when he saw the librarian who had been possessed by him, Leng Yi originally wanted to improve his 4D, but then he thought, if he improved other people's 4D so often, would his B level drop?

After some deliberation, Leng Yi decided to set a new rule in this world.

So, after the belief was poisonous and the lifespan was limited, the world was coldly determined by the will of God, and a third rule was added: the offensive librarian.

"The rules are set with the lofty will of the planet. When the librarian is maliciously owed wages by the superior for three months, the life expectancy will become 83 years old, the talent will be increased by one level, the combat power will ignore the rules and increase by 5, and the four dimensions will be increased by 8."

Leng Yi, who consciously did a good deed, went to Sulassi happily, ready to see what Sulassi looked like after a hundred years of separation.

Read The Duke's Passion