MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 1 : God is pregnant

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"who I am?"

In the chaos, a consciousness suddenly woke up and found that everything in front of him was so blurry, this consciousness couldn't help but wonder.

"Cold game."

The same voice from nothingness answered the doubts of consciousness.

Known as the consciousness of Leng Yi, after hearing the answer, he asked the answer, "Why is my body missing? And who are you?"

The voice was very patient, and continued to answer the other party: "You used to be a reincarnator in the main **** dimension, but you are dead now, so your body is gone; as for me, you can call me the main god, or call me the system. ."

"I'll call you the system. If I call you the Lord God, I feel like I want to beat someone up. Uh, forget it. Let's call it the Lord God, be kind."

"Your will." The answer's voice was surprisingly good-natured.

"So, what am I going to do now?" Leng Yi felt that he was very comfortable now, as if he was lying on a warm bed, but he couldn't fall asleep all the time, so Leng Yi asked the other party.

"Now you have two choices. One is to choose the lofty will to participate in the game of God, the planet; the other is to continue to sleep, but this time, it will be an eternal sleep."

"If you think about it, choose one."

"Are you sure?"


When Leng Yi said it was certain, the whole world suddenly changed.

Just like the big explosion that opened up the world, the originally dark field of vision instantly became bright, and the white light quickly filled the entire field of vision, and then slowly faded away.

When Leng Yi could see the scene in front of him clearly, he found that the Milky Way was slowly rotating in front of him. The plate-like galaxy was so beautiful that Leng Yi couldn't help but get drunk.

But at this moment, the Lord God interrupted Leng Yi's indulgence: "Question, sheep eat grass, humans eat sheep, what do gods eat?"


"Eating people?" According to the order in which the Lord God spoke, Leng Yi continued to guess.

"Not quite right."

"what is that?"

"It's hard to explain it clearly, I'll try to keep it short. The most basic food intake is life. When a life is born, it will be carved with a mark on the root of the gods; when it dies, it will be carved with another mark, two marks. The difference between them is the amount of food God eats."

"Life? Is it too slow to eat?" Leng Yi started his numb brain and thought hard. For something like God, it sounds like the B grade is quite high. If you eat it one by one, although the quantity changes and the quality changes, it is still a shrimp-level grain.

"So, what God likes to eat the most is the rise and fall of the regime. The birth, growth, change, and demise of a regime will also engrave a mark on the root cause, and the energy obtained at this time is far greater than that provided by life. Among them, Death has the greatest energy."

"That's it."

"So, when you become a god, you can artificially interfere with the process of civilization, and then let civilizations collide violently, so as to provide you with the greatest energy."

"Are there any other requirements?"

"Want to request? I'll send you a link. After clicking it, you can go to the next door to participate in the spore game. There are too many requests there. If you can't do it, you will kill it. Do you want it?"

After speaking, a window popped up on the galaxy, which read "Whether to participate in the game of God: Spore Journey", and the following lists yes and no.

Leng Yi clicked no without hesitation.

"I'm not a masochist. It's great to farm at home happily, but if you don't ask for it, is there no end to this game? When will it end?"

"When you are tired, go to a new world to start a new game, or choose to go to eternal sleep until the end of this multidimensional universe."

"Is there an apocalypse in the multidimensional universe?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't." At this time, the talkative Lord God's tone suddenly turned cold. Leng Yi knew that he had violated the Lord God's taboo, so he nodded and said yes.

Then a bunch of options popped up in front of Leng Yi's eyes, which was the last choice before entering the game.

"What should I do?"

"Imagine a mouse! I solemnly remind you that although you can only think about it, you still imagine a mouse to operate."

"A solemn reminder? Why?"

"There has been an example of a foolish thinking divergent, thinking that I know this is killing me and I can't click, but the subconscious clicks, and the speed of thinking is very fast, and then he starts directly, and after entering, he has been I cried and wanted to re-election, but it didn't work..."

"This is really a sad story..." After hearing the reminder from the Lord God, Leng Yi imagined a mouse and a hand, and started to operate.

First of all, it is the type of creature. It is carbon-based creatures without thinking about it. I have never seen those silicon-based or amino-based creatures. They are of different types. How can I operate them?

The terrain options, like playing "Civilization", are all random, so there is a sense of novelty when entering in this way.

Spiritual strength concentration?

Seeing this option, after thinking for a while, Leng Yi understood that it is estimated that it is the option that will determine whether the world will take the technology or magic in the future.

Choose "low", I'm not used to those worlds where one fights ten thousand, and if it's high, wouldn't it be shooting myself in the foot by creating a bunch of things that want to go against the sky? And choosing no is too boring, so low is just right.

Then there are the native races...

"Race, let me choose Human Race, and then do you want to have multiple races?" Leng Yi hesitated when he saw the options in the second column.

At this time, the main **** gave a thoughtful hint: "Since you are a new god, don't choose multiple races, otherwise it will be easy to overturn."

Leng Yi nodded, feeling a little surprised that the Lord God could actually say the words of an old driver like overturning a car.

After a brief period of surprise, Leng Yi continued to make the initial options before entering the world.

Seeing Leng Yi's options, the Lord God asked, "Aren't you from the Celestial Empire? How do you choose the white world?"

"Don't you say that the rise and fall of the kingdom is the food of God? Then if I choose to have countries similar to the Chinese in another world, as far as I am concerned, I will pay special attention to these countries, because if I watch this country suffer If so, I will feel uncomfortable."

When he said this, Leng Yi frowned slightly, because Leng Yi realized that no matter what, he couldn't remember his past, but his past habits were still haunting him.

This feeling is very strange...

"Then if I do this, it will eventually lead to a result. It is extremely difficult for a family like the Tian Dynasty to weaken, and even if it weakens, it will be transferred back. Wouldn't this cause my game to lose a lot of fun?"

"Haha, interesting reason."

Laughed? Lord God actually laughed? Leng Yi was secretly surprised in his heart.

"So, if the race is white, I will treat all countries equally, what's more, at that time, no matter how I operate the world, I will not encounter the...heartache when I see the heaven-like dynasty suffer."

"I understand, you can continue."

Leng Ye nodded and continued to adjust.

The gods entered time.

Leng Yi chose the "beginning period of civilization", analogous to the earth, which is the period when the Sumerians established the city-state. In this way, it is easy for him to operate.

"The choice is complete."


World: Random

Spiritual strength: low

Race: Single Europa race.

"It's really simple," Leng Ye said after seeing the overview.

"Whoever told you to choose a bunch of options at random."

"So... I went in?"


Then, Leng Yi pressed the last "Start" button.

As the start button was pressed, the entire field of vision began to light up again. After the light reached the peak, it began to dim. Finally, what appeared in front of Leng Yi was a computer screen with a world map inside.

Leng Yi shook his head a few times and found that the screen would move with his head, just like playing VR. Then, Leng Yi found the mouse again, and the mouse appeared on the screen.

As Leng Yi waved the mouse a few times and watched the mouse move with his hand, he felt a little weird for a while.

Then, a crazy thought came to Leng Yi's mind.

"Chair." Leng Yi felt his buttocks, he was sitting on a chair.

"Cigarettes," Leng Yi's mouth felt like he was smoking a cigarette.

"Elementary school students."

"Damn it! Rush up! Jump over the tower and kill! Damn, run across! You idiot know how to play!" In an instant, the originally silent void was filled with noises from various Internet cafes.

Hearing the familiar words, Leng Yi suddenly felt like he wanted to cry, as if he didn't click yes, he just went out the door, and now he's still sitting in an Internet cafe playing on the computer.

"As the Lord God, I have an obligation,"

"Small miss," Leng Yi interrupted what the Lord God was about to say, "I can adjust my mentality, don't worry."

After taking a long sigh of relief, Leng Yi began to look in front of his eyes.

In the main direction of the screen is a map, Leng Yi understands that, if nothing else, it is the world map of the world he owns.

Leng Yi put the mouse on the edge of the map, and wanted to move the map left and right to see if there were any other places on the map, but only then did he find that the map couldn't move.

"My world is this big?"

"The world you're in is a disc world. Simply put, the world is either a ball or a plate. You can't go back to the original place all the way to the west, so what is displayed now is the entire continent."

"I made it out of random terrain?" Leng Yi was a little discouraged when he found out that the continent looked unscientific. Isn't this world a standard Xiaobaiwen continent...

"No, it's because you belong to the **** of mass production."

"Specific explanation?"

"God, there are two watersheds before leaving the planet and after leaving the planet. At that time, the gods will have other modes of operation. Simply put, the main **** will not let you access that kind of operation."

Hearing this, Leng Yi gave a wry smile: "After all, he is a **** of mass production. I am very satisfied to be a god."

After understanding the reason, Leng Yi knew that this matter was not something he could ask for, so he pressed his irritability and went to watch the screen first. UU reading

The theme of the screen is the map.

In the upper right corner, the first year of the calendar is marked, as well as the time bar.

The Lord God, who understood where Leng Yi was looking, explained: "Here is to tell you which year in this world it is now, and when you feel bored, you can use the time bar to fast-forward the time in this world, but I am in Here to remind you, you can only fast forward and pause, not backward."


After figuring out the operations in the upper right corner, Leng Yi saw the bottom of the screen again.

Below is a series of lists, including "ethnicity, country, language", etc. You can tell from the name that you should check the development of the mainland for yourself.

Then in the lower right corner, there is a scarlet circular button that reads "God descended".

"This button is for you to descend into the world, and the method of descending is up to you." The Lord God explained in a timely manner.

As for the list on the left, it is "God's Will". Leng Yi clicked into it. There are those that control harvests, natural disasters, resources, and even those that control the birth of talents within a certain range. These can be regulated.

In the lower left corner, there is also a button for the God Realm.

"If you feel bored, you can click this button to establish places like heaven, hell, and even the polytheistic system of DND. It is not impossible to be a great god." He was still the main god, and gave an explanation where Leng Yi's eyes showed.

"I don't like religious things very much," Leng Yi replied.

"Then is there anything else you don't understand?"

"If you didn't say anything less, no more."

"Then I'll leave, I wish you a happy time."

"Is the conversation room the life of a continent... This is really God, well, wish me a good time."

Read The Duke's Passion