MTL - Godly Stay-Home Dad-Chapter 1702 Unparalleled in the world

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"Hanyang Xianjun!"

Wu Moxian Jun held a knife in his right hand, approached step by step, and sneered: "In the beginning, you tried to find a way to trap me in a big secret place and count it with me. You have nothing good in Yunxiao Palace. Today, I will pay it ten times , I will personally refine your soul! "

Tianyi Xianjun and others did not speak. Forty ancestors of the Holy Land flew forward one after another.

The teams on both sides had dozens on one side and only four on one side.

The number of people is very different.

This also gave the Five Demon Kings full of confidence.

Although I heard that Hanyang Xianjun's name is very loud and also gives him some pressure, how can so many ancestors present at the scene allow him to make trouble?

"Hanyang Xianjun, rest assured, we will be the last one to kill you, let you look at the people behind you, one by one under my sword!"

Wu Moxian Jun gritted his teeth and his eyes were angry. He wanted to take the lead in charge and make the first knife, which represented the beginning of the battle.


Huge scalpels emerged from above.

Many people behind the sacred place marveled:

"Uncle Wumo's swordsmanship is much more powerful."

"This knife is called a desperate sword. It is a superb magical power that Uncle Five Demon King learned only after a century of practice. The nine-stage crossover that died under this sword is eighteen without twenty."

"This breath ..."

The sword is a thousand feet long, like a solid knife, exuding a faint light, attracting the mind, as if looking at this sword, as if watching the deep starry sky.

"It's worth the knife."

Several other ancestors nodded one after another: "The five demon's strengths are similar to ours. Over time, he can also become an ancestor-level figure. One ancestor, the sacred place is about to rise. Providence, congratulations."

Tianyi Xianjun laughed when he heard the words: "It is the Five Demon who has the ability and has nothing to do with me. I am very relieved to see his strength."

"This knife, not only can win Hanyang Xianjun, but also can make his hands messy. If it was that Shuitian Xianjun to stop it, it is estimated that the breath can kill him directly. If Lingxi Xianjun comes, she would have the ability , The five demon can also fight with her for a while. "

Some people talked.

The desperate sword condenses 50% of the energy in the Five Demon Immortal Kings. He didn't want to kill in one shot, because he knew it was unlikely. He wanted to hit the other side seriously, and then he started to slap!


Wu Moxian Jun rushed faster and faster.

He came sprinting with a desperate knife.

In order to prevent accidents, Tianyi Xianjun and others also accelerated their physique and did not intend to give the other party any chance.

However, the accident happened.

In full view.

Zhang Han stayed in place, Shui Tianxian Jun struck his sword, and wanted to kill, but he was not the opponent of this group of ancestors. He was waiting for the opportunity, and he was going to fight against the opponent's ninth-level Xianjun. Yue Wuwei was similar to him. As for the spirit Xi Xianjun, not far from Zhang Han.

"Look who hits more." Lingxi Xianjun gave Zhang Han a provocative look.

Zhang Han shook his head slightly: "You might be disappointed."

Hum! !! !!

Zhang Han's body suddenly appeared extreme coercion.

His eyes glowed with trembling momentum, rising steadily.


Tianyi Xianjun frowned slightly: "This breath, it seems that Hanyang Xianjun is also a little capable, five demon, be careful."

"Dead to me!"

Wu Moxian Jun moved his right hand forward, and the huge desperate sword fell quickly.

Just at that moment.


Five demon fairy eyes suddenly rounded.

He seemed to feel that his body was like a balloon that had been torn apart, and a lot of energy was constantly leaking out, and even the control of the Death Knife became unstable, causing the sword awn to flash continuously.


He didn't notice the abnormality.

The anomaly appeared on its own initiative.

Bang, bang, bang!

His shoulder was tapped three times, and a faint voice came from his ear:

"Kill you, just for a moment."


Wu Mo Xian Jun sucked in the air conditioner: "Why, what do you mean?"

He turned his head to the confused side, and he saw the figure of Zhang Han in a white shirt. He saw a sword and a seven-star sword in his chest.

"When did the sword disappear?"

Wu Moxian Jun looked forward, and saw that Zhang Han's polar form was still in place, but the Qixing Sword was missing from his hand.

"how is this possible?"


The desperate dagger suddenly disappeared, and the powerful energy turned into a wind, blowing in all directions.

In the fierce wind, the body of Wu Mo Xian Jun was constantly disintegrated.

And Zhang Han, white shirt, flowing hair, flying in the wind, too clear fairy! Holding a seven-star sword, standing in the sky, overlooking all:

"Are you really ready before moving to Yunxiao Palace?"


"It seems that in the name of Xianyang Xianjun, I can't scare young people like Xiao Xiao, or do you think that my strength can be greatly damaged by the Jiuxiao Shenlei?"

"You are too ignorant."


The large demon appears on the right side of the polar body.

Jiuyang **** body, golden armor giant, thunder body appeared one after another.

Six major bodies came out at the same time.

"It's scary."

Lingxi Xianjun grinned, and didn't want to stay here anymore, her figure moved: "Come to play with me."

Said to the dozens of ancestors who were already dumbfounded.

"The five demon are dead now?"

"How did he do that?"

"Silent and silent, this aspect is too weird. We need to be careful."

"We underestimated the strength of Xianyang Xianjun."

After the shock, the ancestors present were extremely dignified.

This means, even they can not show it, it is conceivable how difficult it is if they face it.

"Also, what kind of avatar is this?"

Everyone sees the difference.

"Even ancient beasts, what is this huge guy?"

They are concerned about Zhang Han's combat effectiveness.

Tianyi Xianjun, with a pale face, remembered inexplicably the words of those who died in Yunxiao Palace:

"You wait in a holy place, when my elder Zong returns, it is revenge!"

At this moment, there was a little panic in Tianyi Xianjun's heart.

Including many people behind, still shocked.

"The Five Demon Kings died in person."

"How could this be?"



Zhang Han's Taiqing fairy body raised a seven-star sword, and her figure disappeared again without a trace.

"Be careful!"

Tianyi Xianjun and other ancestors screamed, and various defense and attacking supernatural powers frequently hit.

"Light and shadow!"

For the first time, Jiuyang's body was exposed to power. His arms were shot to the sides, and the sun suddenly appeared behind him. The light was illuminated in all directions. The actions are different, as if they are performing different magical powers, the coercion is getting stronger and stronger.


Thunder thunderous, huge thunder, turned into millions of raindrops, surrounded by.

The ultimate body played various magical powers that blocked the void.

The gold armor beast roared, its huge body moved forward, its two claws waved, and several blades of space that could cut into the space came quietly.

"No, his attack is too strong."

"We far underestimated his strength. Don't fight, don't fight, rewind!"

The forty ancestors present changed their faces.

"He definitely has the strength of the top ten in the seventh hill."

Bang Bang Bang ...

In just one round of attack, forty ancestors trembled.

They kept defending, and the six bodies continued to attack.

They are busy.

Zhang Han pressed hard, Lingxi Xianjun fell aside to watch the excitement, and her eyes were also shocked: this cold sun was abnormal.

Super fighting power makes attack like storm.

Tianyi Xianjun and others, some can not bear this tremendous pressure.


Tianyi Xianjun sighed angrily.

I never expected that this Hanyang would be so powerful. I knew that they would contact some holy places more, and they would not end up fleeing.

"Destiny bead, we must get it."

"Escape for the time being and go to the third giant."

Tianyi Xianjun and the other three privately voiced their voices.

On the bright side, they shouted, "This kind of high-intensity attack, he can't last long, everyone works together to kill him!"

I saw an old man with a red-covered face, and finally murmured, suddenly turned into a sharp drink:

"Soul kill!"


As if the breeze was blowing, Zhang Han's polar body was attacked by a powerful spell, and unknown energy was consuming energy in his body.


Zhang Han looked at the old man who shot.

"The old man cursed and killed the soul. He had killed two peak-to-peak robbers, Hanyang Xianjun, and I advise you to leave, otherwise, all of you will die."

Allowing him to say this is enough to show fear.

However, the weird scene reappeared.

"The spell is good, but unfortunately, the wrong target was used."

The Taiqing fairy body suddenly appeared beside the old man, and the Qixing sword raised and stabbed without giving him time to react.

The old man fell.

This is the 40th Holy Land Alliance, the first ancestor to fall!


The scared faces beside him were pale, and they flew backwards.

"what happened?"

"How did he appear here?"

"Impossible, hundreds of defenses, he cannot come in silently."

"Is this the immortal method? Oh my god, this is the immortal method!"

Immortal law is extremely strange and powerful magical power. It requires special defense and is extremely difficult to learn.

And now the clone of Xianyang Xianjun actually masters the immortal law.

The fall of the first ancestor really frightened many people.


They decided not to fight again: "Break through the blockade, leave, **** it, is this what you say is the first peak in the cave?"

A lot of hostility turned to the cave-like holy land.

It is impossible to forgive if the combat effectiveness against the enemy is unclear.

"Want to leave?"

The magical powers played by the Jiuyang Deity, the sun came down, illuminated the Quartet, countless figures, looming, many magical powers emerged from the light one after another.


The body of another ancestor was blasted.

But his soul was still about to escape, a hand appeared in the light, and suddenly burst his soul.


A fist appeared out of thin air, Rao was rigorous in their defense, and could not perceive in advance. Another ancestor was hit by the fist, and he vomited blood and choked.

"Come on!"

Fortunately, he is a physical practitioner, resisting the first punch, and the scared soul is flying away, and he wants to escape.

But he did not resist the second punch.


His body overflowed with blood and blood, constantly exerting powerful magical powers, attacking all around.

But his magical powers can only kill the attack of the thunder body, the extreme body, and the golden armor beast, but did not block the strange light of the **** body.

Bang bang ...

It was another three punches, and the crest of the physical exercise was pale.

"Hanyang, Hanyang Xianjun!"

He seemed to be asking for mercy. At this moment, a sword light flickered, and the Taiqing fairy body appeared, as if death, took his life.

The third ancestor fell.

At this time, they understood that it turned out that the killing moves were the Taiqing fairy body and Jiuyang body, and the other four bodies were responsible for the main attack and entangled them.

Although they understand, they cannot defend.

"Quick, run away!"

Many ancestors were completely panicked.

They flocked in droves to break the gap and fled backwards.

"Want to escape?"

Uh ...

Taiqing fairy body, Jiuyang body, began to harvest.

The fourth place, the fifth place ... the ancestors' fall, one by one, is astounding.

"Is he a devil?"

There were countless disciples around, and at this time they were aggressive.

Even the ancestors killed casually, what should they do?


"Master is invincible!"

Mu Xue and others said subconsciously,

Lingxi Xianjun was not far away, watching this scene, murmured to himself:

"He is really invincible."

"Zhang Hanyang, is unparalleled in the world."

ps: I have recently said that I need to add more. I did n’t add it. I ’m ashamed. I ’m not lazy. I ca n’t go out now. The old book is updated normally, everyone understands that it can be more certain, more public, and the public account will be issued from time to time. You can follow Shan Wang Zhang to see the update time or something.