MTL - Godly Hunter-Chapter 913 Blue sky make wings

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The immortal crystal cracked, and suddenly a beautiful blue light burst out from the crack. Novel download

It was the first time Chen Mo had seen such radiating equipment, and he couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

At present, the blue sky makes the wings undoubtedly an artifact.

The fragmented immortal crystal fell to the ground piece by piece, and Chen Mo couldn't help feeling a little sorry.

The method used by Fatila to slap crickets is not the way to eliminate immortal crystals in normal games. It contains the destructive power of black caterpillars. The structure of these immortal crystals has been destroyed and can no longer be used.

According to Fatila, the immortal crystal should be the strongest prop in the game, and it can't be overstated.

But Chen Mo has never heard of anyone in the game who can make artifacts. Although it is a pity, in order to get the blue sky and wings as soon as possible, he can't care so much.

"what happened?"

The cracks are getting bigger and bigger, and the blue sky inside has partly exposed the wings, but Chen Mo suddenly heard that in addition to the chirping sound of the drill, there was also a whining low sound in the stone room.

"From the blue sky made the wings come out?"

Chen Mo frowned.

But this whine didn't last for a long time, it gradually disappeared, the area of ​​immortal crystals became less and less, and the blue sky made the wings gradually appear in front of him. Although Chen Mo was puzzled, he didn't bother to care too much, but he still took it now. Go to the blue sky to make wings.


After two hours.

With the sound of a crisp sound, the last piece of immortal crystal was stripped from the blue sky by the tiny puppet.

The huge blue sky made the wings linger in front of him. Although he had seen some rare equipment, Chen Mo was extremely curious about the attributes of the blue sky to make wings. He couldn't help stepping forward and touching his palm on the blue sky to make wings. 800 (

The system prompts: you get "the blue sky makes wings"!

The blue sky makes the wings finally available!

Chen Mo was a little excited, and quickly checked the attributes of the wings of the blue sky.

But at the sight of the blue sky's attributes of wings, Chen Mo couldn't help it.

Blue sky make wings

Description: Angel wings use special materials and special methods to make angel wings, which have terrifying power.

Equipment quality: Artifact

Limited: Angels above level 90 can be equipped


Physical Defense 10000

Magical Defense 10000

Power 1000

Intelligence 1000

Agile 1000

Spirit 1000


Maximum movement speed 50

50% reduction in physical damage

50% reduction in magic damage

Holy damage 100%

Additional ability effects:

Archangel's Sword: The wings can condense into an archangel's sword. Turn defense attributes into attacks, and increase the attack power of equipped angels.

Angel Realm: All the angels in this realm have greatly improved their full attribute abilities.

Divine Power:

Mutant Angel (Passive): Under the influence of divine power, the equipped angel can mutate to break the upper limit of the order. Forcibly raise the order!


The blue sky makes the wings an artifact, yes, but it is only an artifact that only angels can equip!

Chen Mo doesn't know the attributes of other artifacts, but the blue sky makes the attributes of wings definitely the most powerful one in the artifact.

The normal increase in intelligence is not much, but it increases 100 million health and blood volume at one time and increases the maximum speed by 50. These two attributes are definitely metamorphic.

But compared to the attributes below, these two attributes are not much.

A 50% reduction in physical magic damage is equivalent to doubling the health of the equipped angel, and a 100% increase in sacred damage also doubles the angel's attack power.

In addition, the Angel's Sword can make the angel's attack power to the limit. The angel field is a group strengthening skill. The additional two abilities and effects are of great value to the angel.

but. The most powerful, naturally, is the last divine power, the mutant angel!

Equipped with clear blue sky to make wings, normal sky can mutate directly!

It is not difficult to understand the level improvement in the skill description. In short, the angel with ten wings can become twelve wings, and the twelve wings can become fourteen wings!

Ascending an order is equivalent to letting the angel evolve once, and the improvement of attributes and abilities will be very scary.

No wonder the original angels wanted the wings of the blue sky so much that they had them. The strength of the angel tribe will greatly increase.

"Sure enough, weird."

Chen Mo did not think that the blue sky made the wings limited to the use of angels. At first glance, he was anxious to look at the attributes and did not notice that the blue sky made the wings' equipment names behind. In fact, there is a "?".

Chen Mo knew this was the key to whether he could equip the blue sky with wings, so he didn't hesitate to click the question mark with his hand.


The wings of the blue sky that had entered his backpack flew out of it.

When Chen Mo was astounded, at the moment when the blue sky made the wings appear, the blue sky made the small shadows in the stone room hall behind the wings.

These ghost images gradually solidified. Chen Mo couldn't be calm when he saw it.

These ghost images are all angels, angel children, male and female, with blue wings on their backs!

A clear cry came from them. Some of these angels were crying, and some looked at Chen Mo with their eyes wide open.

"These wings are all made of their blood and flesh!"

"They are mutant angels deliberately raised by purebred angels!"

A slightly older angel child looked at Chen Mo and said suddenly.

In just two sentences, Chen Mo knew everything.

The artifact that can have such a huge increase in the angel family does not come out of thin air, but it does not know how many mutant angels will lose their lives!

"We want revenge!"





An angry revenge sounded in the stone room, making people hear the creeps.

System prompt: Do you accept the mission "Revenge of the mutant angel"?

Mission: Revenge of the mutant angel

Content: Destroy the high-level angels.

Difficulty: sss

Reward: The blue sky cleanses the wings ~ ~ binds with you and merges into one, never falling.


A system prompt appeared. After Chen Mo glanced at the task content and rewards, he accepted the task without hesitation.

Destroy the high-level missions of the angel clan, sss level, but it is not a problem for him.

He and the angel tribe had a feud. They had thought that it was not good to bother them, but now they are taking advantage of the task to kill the angel tribe.


The blue sky brought the wings to his hands, and Chen Mo immediately returned to sail with Thunder Beast.

Chen Mo did not return to the last place immediately, but went to Shura Kingdom.

He also has a chance to enter the ability battle tower, this time he is going towards the final reward of the ability battle tower. (To be continued.)

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