MTL - Godly Hunter-Chapter 857 Win 1 game first

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Choose one of the two options, and move the six blocks at will, which will allow the three to reach the desired square, solidify the advantage, and allow the three to reach the end faster.

"Little, we choose the first!"

The Lost Girl took the lead.

Little soldiers are looking to Chen Mo, and want to hear Chen Mo's opinions.

After Chen Mo groaned slightly, she did not refute the choice of the lost girl.

There is no restriction on the robbery goblin action, the next round of robbery goblin will be able to move back twice to get two items or status.

If the robbery goblin can attack the player, Chen Mo will definitely choose to restrict the action of the robbery goblin.

However, in the first game, the robber goblin cannot attack the player, so the robber goblin cannot stop the player's way forward. When the card is destroyed at two points, the robber goblin can only move in place without the latter going back It is better to choose your own side to move arbitrarily.

After the three made their choice, it was their turn to steal the treasure.

However, before its action, two bangs appeared, and the second grid above and to the right of the Robbery Goblin was broken and sunken, unable to pass.

Seeing this, the robber goblin took two steps directly behind him.

These two steps are one step at a time. In the first step, the Robbery Goblin got a card. In the second step, the Robbery Goblin is standing on a random question mark.

The system prompts: Robbery Goblin triggers a random attack event, but because Robbery Goblin cannot attack you in this game, the random attack event is not triggered.

Then it was the turn of the three men. After a brief discussion between the three men, the little soldier moved up five steps.

The fifth step is a pair of dice. The grid effect should be related to the dice.

The system prompts: The team gets the status of double dice, and the next confluence moves the number of double dice directly.

Double dice status, this status is also good. However, the previous two moves with the treasure goblin were still worse.

This movement is also the same distance, but it can move twice to get two items or states, which is obviously better than double dice.

Thieves Goblin Round.

The previous round of robber goblin got a card, but this time the merger did not see the robber goblin used. It simply moved six steps to the right and stopped.

"Number 5, move ten steps!"

The little soldier threw a number 5, and all three were a little excited when they met.

In this way, they can take ten steps at once.

This game also requires the player to reach the finish line by walking two hundred squares. The number of steps in ten squares at a time is not low.


But after the three men walked ten squares, they saw a tiger-like monster icon on the square they were standing on.

Without waiting for the three to respond, the three were drawn into a small copy.

This copy is a stone round platform floating in the air, with a fiery red tiger in the middle of the stone platform. And in front of the three, there was a countdown of 20 seconds.

"Hand, you have to kill it in twenty seconds!"

Chen Mo said in a deep voice.

Instead of killing the fierce tiger in twenty seconds, it was time to go to the treasure stealing goblin.

The three finally managed to get ahead. If they didn't move, the robbery goblin was moving, and they would soon be caught up by the robbery goblin.

"Twenty seconds, how to kill? This guy doesn't look like he can kill in twenty seconds!"

The lost girl was a little dumbfounded.

Flame tiger. The whole body is burning, and the wheel strength is at least an ordinary three-turn monster in the outside world. It might not even be an elite three-turn monster.

And twenty seconds to kill a three-turn monster, the time is too urgent.

"Ice field!"

"Ice sky!"

But without saying anything, Chen Mo directly used two big tricks to attack the Fire Tiger.

When the lost girl was at a loss, he had already previewed the rules of battle in this special copy slightly.

On the grid with monsters, you will encounter monsters, and do not kill monsters within twenty seconds. Will go one less round.

One time is OK, but two or three times more, the challenge will definitely fail.

When entering the scene and fighting with monsters, Chen Mo confirmed that his skills would refresh the cooldown.

That is, every time you enter the battle scene. The skills of him and the little warrior can be used at will.

In this case, Chen Mo naturally did not intend to stay.

However, if there is not such a setting, if you encounter a grid of fighting monsters, it will definitely be trapped inside. If you want to solve the monster within 20 seconds, it is simply impossible.

As soon as the ice field and ice-air characteristics came out, the ground in the entire battle scene began to freeze, and the sky was filled with a large number of ice crystals.


Chen Mo moved his hand, and a large number of ice crystals in the sky smashed one after another on the fierce tiger.


The Fire Tiger was attacked, and it roared angrily, trying to kill the three of them.

But as a result, the Flame Tiger was naturally unable to do so.

In the process of moving, it was sieved by a large number of ice crystals, ran to half and was killed.

System prompt: The team successfully kills a monster within 20 seconds. The killed monster will randomly generate a corresponding character in any one of the left, right, right, left and right sides of the enemy after the enemy chooses the direction of the next turn. As long as someone passes, they will be involved in the battle.

Killing monsters is really good.

And the benefits are not small.

Robbery Goblin has privileges, but its combat power is there. It wants to kill the Flame Tiger, which is very difficult to do.

It's the turn of the robber goblin.

The robber goblin continues to advance, but it is not known whether it is bad luck or the trio's luck is good, the monster appears on the way of robber goblin, and the robber goblin enters the battle.

Twenty seconds!

Can Thieves Goblin kill the Fire Tiger inside?

The answer is naturally impossible.

The Flame Tiger did not meet Chen Mo, nor could it be killed so quickly.

However, it is still impossible to kill the flame tigers.

Twenty seconds elapsed and the robber goblin returned to the grid.

"Okay, we are going to go one more time!"

The lost girl shouted with a fist, and the three had to lead the robbery goblin longer.

Next, the little warrior kept throwing dice to advance, as did the robbery goblin.

However, Robbery Goblin cannot attack the player ~ ~ It has a lot of attack cards that cannot be used.

On the side of Chen Mo, I don't know if the little soldier is lucky, and often enters the grid with good props or status.

For this reason, the three have been walking in front of Robbery Goblin.

Although the robber goblin tried hard to chase it, it couldn't keep up.

From beginning to end, until the last three people took the lead to reach the upper right corner, and won the first game, Robbery Goblin failed to catch up.

System prompt: You won the first challenge!

System prompt: The second challenge game begins!

System Tip: The game rules have changed slightly!


Three more tomorrow. (To be continued ...)

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Read The Duke's Passion