MTL - Godly Farmer Doctor: Arrogant Husband, Can’t Afford to Offend!-Chapter 1868 New book guide

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Title: Ghost Doctor Rebirth: Mysterious Master

Description: A handle of the heart, a bowl of poisonous soup.

Returning from the rebirth, she changed from a genius yin and yang to a noble woman.

It is clearly a rare spirit in a hundred years, but it has been cast aside by the world as an ominous woman.

Ominous? Oh - then I will let you know what is really ominous.

The husband who had never met before was too mysterious, and he did not see the true face, but he appeared on the side of the couch every night.

"French, I am so cold!" Push away.

"Yiang, I am so cold!"

"Yiangzi, I am yin, you want to be cold, you need to get yin and yang to reconcile, come on!"

‘璞呲’, someone’s clothes broke into cloth...

Chapter 1

"Sister saves me, it hurts, I am so painful!" Feng's cry shouted like a knife around her heart.

"Feng Ge, if you want your brother to live, know what to do?" Meng Jingyi pointed to the lock of the soul, where is the grave she prepared for Fengge.

Only Feng Ge needs to use such a grave to kill her.

Not only killing her body, but also destroying her soul, let her completely disappear into this world.

"Do you think that killing me, you can get the master?" The nails are embedded in the soft meat of the palm, she can not feel the pain.

"Don't try to know how to know?" Meng Jing's beautiful face floated up and stunned, and his eyes were murderous. "Don't talk nonsense, I counted three, not you die, but he died."

Feng is only ten years old, he already knows to distinguish between right and wrong. I didn’t understand it before, thinking that as long as my sister defeated Meng Jingwei, he would be saved.

But now, he seems to understand, Meng Jingyu wants to take his sister's life to change him.

"No, my sister doesn't want to, don't care for me, kill her for me--" The word revenge has not yet been exported, pinching the fingers of the phoenix from the neck, and pinching the two words that Feng will export.

"I." Meng Jing's resentful eyes fixed on the face of Feng Ge, this face, what magic power, can actually kill the master brother.

"How can I believe in you? If I go to death, you still refuse to let go of the phoenix. Who am I looking for?" Meng Jingwei is the head of the money. She is right to do what she can find.

"You have no choice!" After the end of the phoenix's finger from the neck, the phoenix has already increased its focus.

Fengge has no choice but to watch her brother die in front of her.

"Well, I am going, you better do it."

Fengge turned his head and sighed with a sigh of relief: "A, my sister is gone, you have to take care of yourself, don't let your sister worry, okay?"

The wind is open to the mouth and wants to talk, but it just spits out a blood, and a word can't be said.

She resolutely walked into the lock of the soul array, the footsteps just stopped, and the bronze statue in the corner of the corner shot a sword with a stalked poison.

In the lock of the soul array, her mysterious method can not be displayed, even the movement has become extremely slow.

The sword pierced her chest, back, lower abdomen, thighs and tied her into a hedgehog.

Severe pain is like having a bad dog, biting her body in a bite, trying to tear her into pieces.


"Sister, the big thing is not good, the soul of Fengge escaped from the lock of the soul." Tsing Yi girl rushed to Meng Jingyu.

"What do you say?" Meng Jing, who was closing his eyes, practiced his eyes and opened his eyes.

The girl in Tsing Yi fell to the ground and shook her body and said: "The phoenix song does not know what kind of demon law has been made. It has been trapped by the lock of the soul, and actually escaped the two souls."

Meng Jing’s cold face suddenly slowed down by three points. “You mean, she only escaped two souls and three souls?”

"Yes, she only escaped two souls and three souls, and the rest was still trapped in the lock of the soul."

Meng Jingyu quietly raised his eyes and looked at him secretly. He saw that his previous anger had faded a lot, and even a light smile appeared in his eyebrows. He only secretly sighed and quietly wiped the cold sweat between the foreheads.

Quietly coming down from the couch, the fitted green dress lining her waist and legs.

"She even learned the spirit of degeneration that has been lost for a hundred years. It is a pity." What about the genius of a hundred years? Still not dead in her hands.

Without Feng Ge, the master is her quiet.

"Master sister, what do we do now?" Meng Jing asked.

Meng Jing smirked and raised his hand to caress the willow branches in the net bottle. "Nothing needs to be done, but it is two souls and three sorrows. It can't be a ghost. It can't enter the reincarnation. Without three days, she will fly away and thoroughly. The disappearance of the bottom." It seems to be plagued by the suffocation of her body, the original green willows suddenly yellowed.

chapter 2

Feng Ge is dead, but she still wants to live.

She is a yang woman who has been in trouble for a hundred years. If she wants to return to the world, she must find a woman who was born at the same time on the same day as her.

That is, a hundred years of hardship, how can it be easily found?

Even if I found out, with the physique of Quanyang, she is now in a ruin, and she can’t get on the body.

Wind songs are never afraid of death!

Can die in the hands of that kind of person, she is not willing!

And the younger brother Feng is still in the hands of the monk, she can't die like this!

As night fell, the phoenix floated out of the willow tree, and the ‘body’ had not yet floated out of the grove, and a strong yin swept toward her.

Fengge is not an ordinary ‘people’. She is the highest-spirited female disciple of the Qingshan School. She is the youngest leader in the mysterious world. She will naturally not be overwhelmed by this sudden appearance.

When the powerful yin swept her, she reacted very quickly and pinched a scorpion and quickly entered a willow tree.

That yin is not coming to her, but she has only swept a little.

What is the yin of something so big?

A black shadow appeared in the forest, and the pace seemed to be not stable. It stumbled and walked. Before it reached the willow tree where Fengge was hiding, the black shadow fell.

Curiosity is more than just people, ghosts are there.

The phoenix floated in front of the shadow.

It’s strange to see that the figure is about a man. She can’t see the man’s looks.

Is it because her ‘body’ is about to disappear?

"Go to the other side, chase!" In the distance, there was a scream of screaming in the distance, and a lot of footsteps ran towards her side.

I don't know what kind of wind I smoked. She didn't want those people to find the man in front of me.

"Fucking - ghosts hit the wall, who is the boy? Quickly pee!"

"No boy? No one?"

"You guys are like the saints on weekdays. At this time, even the boy's urine can't be squeezed out."

The phoenix sings the lips, and the worry just swept away.

She only has two souls and three scorpions, and her ability is limited. She is afraid that she can't stop these people, but she thinks more.

The man lying on the ground suddenly opened his eyes and he looked at the phoenix in front of him.

A remnant?

"Who are you?" The voice of the man seemed to have quenched the ice, and it was as cold as the Rakshasa.

Feng Ge Wei Wei, incredible look at the man in front of me: "Can you see me?"

This feeling is very bad, the man can see her, but she can't see his appearance.

The man’s face is like a black mist, except for black, nothing.

The man kept silent and stared at her coldly. "Why help me?"

It seems that she is a lot of things, this man, not an ordinary person, is far less so weak than she thought.

She didn't want to say too much, shrugged her shoulders: "I have a lot of things, you have never seen me, goodbye!"

Goodbye, forever!

After going tonight, maybe there is no more phoenix in the world. How can I see you again?

The man looked at the remnant of the soul and went away, trying to reach out and grab her, but this raises his hand, the chest hurts a lot, and the mana can't be applied.

Feng Ge just floated out of the woods, a smoldering wind suddenly rose to the ground, and the incident suddenly, her soul can not hold the body shape, so it was so powerful by the strong yin wind.

She is like a piece of fallen leaves dancing in the wind, with the wind blowing and fluttering, until I can't feel a trace of power, which is able to stabilize the figure.

“Where is this?” In front of it is a mountain forest, full of lush colors, and the mountains are endless.

The sulky forest in the forest, the normal people do not like this sinister.

She is not a normal person now, not even a ‘person’.

She likes this sinister feeling and is very comfortable.

If it is not a broken soul, can not be cultivated into a ghost, she really wants to hide into this forest, to become a powerful ghost, return to the Qingshan faction to revenge.

Chapter 3

It is imperative now to find the right body as soon as possible for her to foster a remnant.

Preparing to leave the forest, a mournful cry came into the ears.

Cried like this, isn't someone dead?

Feng Ge’s heart is happy, and he is busy with the sound.

If someone dies, it means that there is a body for the soul. If it is appropriate, it can even be rejuvenated and resurrected.

She has not been eager to regain her vitality. She only hopes to find a body that does not exclude her, for her to raise the soul for a while, until she raises the three souls and six scorpions.

Sad and crying is a middle-aged woman, lying on the ground is the flower season girl.

She saw the girl's soul floating out of her body, a very beautiful girl.

The girl obviously didn't want to die. She wanted to go back to her body. I tried it several times without success.

At this time, the wind was blowing in the forest, and a ghost wearing a white robe appeared in front of the girl.

The girl wants to escape, but how to escape the ghost whip in the hands of ghosts.

The girl struggled and screamed: "Why are you arresting me, why are you arresting me? I am not dead yet, I am not willing!"

Ghosts looked at the girl coldly. "Your time is up, and if you don't leave, you can't enter the reincarnation." Ghosts talked to the girl, but his eyes looked at the phoenix.

The girl also saw the phoenix song. "Why don't you catch her? Just grab me? Let me go!"

"A glimpse of the wreckage that is about to dissipate." Ghosts regained their gaze, and the young girl disappeared into the dark fog.

The yin wind dissipated, and she quickly drifted to the girl's body and tried to lie in, but was pushed out by a force.

My embarrassment, is luck so good? It turned out to be a full female.

Quanyang female met the whole Yin female, a natural nemesis.

No wonder the repulsion is so big!

It will be bright soon, and if it can’t be won again, she will be scattered when the sky is bright.

She can't fly away, her brother is still in the hands of Meng Jingwei, she must not die like this.

Biting his teeth, there is only one desperation at the moment, no more.

Fengge has only two souls and three souls left, and the soul is not going to continue. It is not an easy task to want to win. Moreover, the other party is still a full female.

If you give back the soul, there are only two ways.

Success, resurrection.

Failure, the soul flies.

For Yu Fengge, she has only one road and no second road.

The woman who was crying in front of the girl suddenly fainted, and when she woke up, it was the next morning.

The pale golden sunlight fell on the girl's semi-dry and wet clothes, and fell on the undulating chest.

The woman groaned, rubbing her eyes hard, and then looking at the girl's chest, yes, there was ups and downs, she did not read.

The woman rushed forward and twitched her fingers to catch the girl's wrist.

Although the pulse is weak, it is truly touchable and alive, and she is still alive.

how come? Last night, I didn’t have any breath, and my heartbeat was gone. How come?

The joy is always greater than the surprise. She hurriedly picked up the girl and hurriedly left the river and returned to the village where they lived.

"Gu Dazhen, what is the wind hoe?" A man with a farm tool saw Gu squatting on the unconscious wind, and hurried to ask.

Gu Yu converges on the worries below, and laughs and laughs: "This girl is fun, fell, and does not get in the way." The pace between the talks did not stop, and the man did not wait for the second sentence, she has already run away.

Going home, the door was closed, and the hands and feet were stunned and the wind was replaced with dry clothes. When she changed clothes, she felt that her left body was hot and her right body was very cool.

What's happening here?

Chapter 4

Suddenly blinking, she saw the ray of sunshine falling from the leaking roof.

God is still fair!

Feng Ge woke up, noon after three days.

The sunshine in midsummer is very poisonous, but it can be seen in the eyes of Fengge, but it is so warm and lovely.

She can face the sun again!

She is free to breathe again!

"Oh." The sound of the falling of the vessel broke the silence of this room.

Feng Ge turned back and saw a woman who was stunned. It was the woman who was crying on the side of the river that day.

"Miss, you can wake up!" Gu Yu red eyes, tears of joy rolling down.


Feng Ge raised his eyebrows, they turned out to be not mothers and daughters.

"Like a long, long dream, I woke up, and many things can't be remembered." She looked pale and pale, her lips slightly hooked, and her smile was meaningful.

Gu Yu is a little embarrassed, the girl in front of her, obviously Miss Feng Ke, but I feel no.

Feng Ge did not say much, turned and walked to the door, reached for a handful of sunshine, hot, very comfortable.

The gaze fell on the grove facing the gate, and the smile was light, and the smile on the face faded two points: "This is the cold forest!"

She did not ask Gu Yu, but she was telling what she saw.

Gu Yu was busy nodding: "Yes, this is the cold forest. We planted it when we moved here. The lady said that you are afraid of heat. Planting a cold forest here will not be hot in summer."

Of course, it won't be hot, and the cold forest will gather in the shadows. How can it be hot?

Also planted in the right place, the heart can not be said to be sinister.

However, she is counted as her. If it is not this cold forest, she may not wake up again.

The evil spirits gathered in the cold forest will only harm the owner of this house, and the owner of this house is already dead. There is no such name on the yin and yang books.

The owner of the house today is Fengge. And Fengge, has never been afraid of these evils.

These days she has been guarding the lady, knowing that the lady in front of her is the lady.

The lady in front of me is not like a lady.

Temperament, manners, and even standing postures seem to have changed one person.

Midsummer night, in the hot room, it was surprisingly cold at this time.

Even if the forest is cold at night, it will not be cold.

The closed eyes quietly opened a slit, and the darkened room had more things that should not appear.

This is the first time Feng Ge’s life has seen something unclean without opening a yin and yang.

The former Fengge is a Quanyang woman. She has just arrived in Yang, and there is no Yin and evil to get close to her. She naturally cannot see these things.

If you want to see it, you can see these things only by opening the yin and yang eyes with the mysterious method.

Now she is on the body of the whole Yin, and the body of the whole Yin is very easy to provoke these things, it is not unusual to see.

Is this something that is raised outside the cold forest? Not so good!

Close your eyes and pull the quilt up to cover the shoulders of the dew in the air.

She knew that a hanged ghost was floating on her head, and her long tongue almost touched her forehead.

She also knew that there was a **** ghost lying on her bed, staring at her body with the sinister eyes.

There is also a water ghost in the house walking around.

The original main wind Ke can see them, they are harassed by them all day, no wonder the body is so weak, can live to this age, it is really not easy.

She is not afraid of these things, these things can not hurt her.

As usual, the sinister extended his hand and first extended the blue-green palm to the girl's white cheeks.

Chapter 5

The scream of 嗷 , , , , , 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫 淫

The hanged ghost saw it and sneered at the sinister ghost, and the voice was horrible.

The blushing soft tongue smashed out of the slinger's mouth, and the girl who squatted on the bed, as usual, used its tongue to entangle the girl's neck and lifted her high, waiting for it to break. She put down, repeated torture, watching the girl struggle to cry, and unable to resist, is their only fun.

However, this time, its long tongue could not hold the girl's neck.

Like a **** ghost, the tongue just touched the girl's body, and there was a burst of white smoke, as if someone was burning his tongue with a big fire.

Both the hanged ghost and the **** ghost have suffered a big loss on the girl, and the falling ghosts will naturally not take risks any more. After all, they have similar strengths.

The coldness in the room quickly dissipated, and when she felt hot, she opened her eyes.

A few devils dared to let go in front of her. When she was 12 years old, she went down to the world to join the world. I don’t know how many sinister ghosts I have seen.

If the soul is not damaged at this time, the mysterious law is lost, she will let these tricks provoke her little devil to leave safely?

In order to get a good night's sleep, she rummaged through the house for a while, using some bits and pieces to put a drive in the room.

With the squad, the outside ghost can't get in, can only squat outside the house, both sent yin to help her raise the soul, and will not disturb her sleep.

And with the outside of the gathering of the cold forest, she does not even have to put on the soul-removing bureau, the yin of the cold forest is more intense than the usual yin of the soul-building bureau.


Even if there is no harassment by the little devil, she is not safe to sleep.

I have been dreaming all night.

I dreamed that my brother was crying and crying for help. I dreamt that the master stood at the foot of the green hill and looked at her coldly, dreaming that my soul was flying away...

When I woke up, the outside was very noisy, and the snoring was very fierce. The voice of Gu Yu was especially weak in those screams.

She stood up and listened for a while, and she understood what was going on.

This house is the industry of the wind home, and Gu Yu is only the descendant of the wind home. The two troublemakers are the so-called distant relatives of the Feng family.

They think that Feng Ke is already dead, and the house should be taken back by their generation, so that Gu Yu is now ready to pick up the things.

No matter how they explain that they don’t listen, they have been so noisy.

These people are very fierce in the yard. Only Gu Yu is alone. If they really want to rush in, how can Gu Yu stop?

They are afraid!

Then let them fear enough!

Fengge slowly got up and found a plain white dress from the cupboard. The black hair was scattered, and then the face was wet with water. Then he walked to the window and looked out from the half-open window.

Her figure just came to the window, and the femininity outside quickly retreated into the cold forest.

The wind in the courtyard was set off, and the back of the person was numb.

Obviously standing under the sun, this is a sweaty state, swept away by this smog, and several people are playing chills.

"How, what's the matter?" The middle-aged man in a short brown coat reached out and pushed the thin young man around him.

The thin and tall youth is also cool in the back. Every time I come here, I feel colder than anywhere else. Today is especially cold, as if I am in a **** of a ghost.

The skinny young man just said that he didn't know what the afterglow of the corner of his eyes seemed to sweep. In the half-opened window, it seemed like someone - not - more like a ghost.

The strength on the leg is like being pumped out, the hands are subconsciously holding the person around him, one mouth, the teeth are shaking: "Fu, Fu Shu, window, window, window -" He can't say it, quickly close Eyes, want to run, but the legs and feet can not make a force, the gallbladder must be broken.

Chapter 6

The middle-aged man who was called Fu Shu was useless while looking at the youth. He turned his eyes to see the direction of the youth.

At that sight, he was so scared that he flew away and ran away.

The young man saw Fu Shu ran, and he rushed to run, but he couldn’t run fast, and the heart was in a hurry! The man has not yet ran out of the small yard, and there is a hot stream in the crotch...

Gu Yu doesn't know what they saw, how can it scare like this? After the young man ran out, she turned back and looked out the window, nothing.

"Miss wake up!" Gu Yu took the hot water into the door, and Miss Xiao was sitting on the bed and pulling it.

"Well, it seems to have been sleeping for a long time." She whispered softly, and the stern color in her eyes had disappeared when she saw Gu.

A lunch break, Feng Ge put a lot of words from Gu Yu mouth.

It turned out that she is not a villager, but a young lady in Kyoto.

Gu Yu is the dowry of Feng Keshengmu. In order to complete the entrustment of the master, the family who accompanied the family to come to live in this small village, lived for seventeen years.

Feng Ke’s biological mother was originally the main mother of Fengjia. Feng Ke was born as the eldest daughter of Fengjia, and she should have enjoyed the rich and beautiful lady in Kyoto City. At this time, she was in the small village of Kyoto, two thousand miles away. .

Gu Yu said that on the day of Feng Ke’s birth, it was a day, but suddenly it turned into a night.

The wind whistling, like a ghost crying.

The whole world is swallowed up by the darkness.

Until the cry of the baby came out from the wind home, the dark and terrible darkness gradually dispersed.

"I am the baby?" Feng Ge raised his eyebrows. It seems that this body is not only simple and full of yin constitution.

Gu Yu nodded: "Yes, Miss was born at that time. Later, the lord invited the Taoist priest to come to the house to practice. The priest said that the young lady was guilty and was an ominous person."

The Taoist priest also said a lot, it is not good, she can't say to the young lady, but I haven't heard it.

"The wife who planted the cold forest in front of this house is my biological mother?" Feng Ke asked.

"Of course not." After the completion of Gu Yu, he blinked. "Your mother is learning that the old man wants to marry his wife, and when you send the lady to the mountain village, she is forced to die, hoping to leave you. Who knows that her collision has really lost her life. It is cheaper for that woman!"

Therefore, Feng Ke’s biological mother is already dead. Now the main mother of the Feng family is a person who has nothing to do with her.

It is no wonder that the cold forest will be planted in front of the door. She wants to let her die!

Take the son and hand it to Gu Yu: "Don't cry, cry can't solve any problems."

Feng Ge’s voice is very cool, and it’s not normal to listen to Gu’s ear.

Miss is not like this on weekdays.

The phoenix rose and slowly walked to the window, looking out of the courtyard through the window gap. The green leaves in the green shuddered in the wind, even under the sun, the top of the cold forest always lingered around the sinister black. gas.

"I am really born with a sin, but it is not necessarily an ominous person. Those who say that I am ominous, I am afraid you have ulterior motives!"

Whether it is a whole Yin female or a full Yin female, it is a spiritual body that has never been seen in a hundred years.

A yin can pass through the meditation, one person to the yang can cross the road.

I don't know if Feng Ke's luck is better, or Feng Ge's luck is better.

One stays in the soul, one stays in the body, the yin and yang fit together, what is the fate?

And let's see it!


Castle Peak

Yun Changjun looked at the dying phoenix on the bed, his palms clenched into fists, and the bones were pale.

The original deep bottom of the sea, at this time set off a huge wave, it is the waiter standing outside the house also feel his rushing anger.

Chapter 7

In the room, there was a young boy in Tsing Yi. At the age of sixteen or seven, the face was shaking and the eyes were not moving.

"You say it again!" Yun Changjun's gaze has never left the boy on the couch, and the sound is cold like a bitter ice.

"Master, it really doesn't matter to me, I really--" The teenager still wants to argue again. Yun Changjun standing in front of the bed doesn't know when he plucked in front of him, his fingers clasped his neck. The strength is just right, it will not let him suffocate and die, but it can make him feel the pain of death.

"I will ask you again, what have you just said? Say it again!"

The teenager was hugged around the neck. Where did he say something, ah, it was released several times by Yun Changjun.

"I said that I said -" He gasped heavily, full of fear: "It is the master sister, the master sister did, she used the phoenix to leave the life of the younger brother to fight, and forced the poisonous Fengge master to enter the lock. Soul array."

The straight figure was sloppy, and the throat sipped sweetly and sprayed the boy's face.

Very poisonous in the body, lock the soul array.

Although the poison is terrible, it can be the means of the Qingshan faction. Even if the body is dead, it can be revived by the secret law.

The premise is that the soul is all in one.

But she entered the locks of the soul...

He rubbed his shirt on his chest and endured the pain of his heart. His eyes fell on the **** teenager again: "She is dead, and even the soul is gone?" Asked these short words, as if they were exhausted. All his strength.

The young man shook his head: "I don't know, Master, I really don't know." He didn't know that the master sister had to deal with the phoenix sister, and when he knew it, everything was already late.

Meng Jingwei!

"She won't die!" Yun Changjun got up, raised his sleeves and wiped the blood from his mouth. He walked up to the door. "Look at Fengfeng. If there is a half-difference, you don't need to live."

The young man's body trembled and looked up to see the phoenix on the bed. If the master did not arrive in time, he protected his heart. At this time, I was afraid that my brother and I would be reunited!

Yun Changjun smashed the green female peak like a gust of wind. Here is the residence of the female disciple, and the male disciple of the same door is forbidden.

Yun Changjun is not the first time to come to Qingnvfeng, but it is the first time to enter Meng Jingyu's residence.

"Meng Jingwei!" He stood in the small courtyard, and the face was frosted, and the light was staring at the closed carved door.

The door was pushed open, and the girl in Tsing Yi walked out quickly. She lowered her eyebrow and stood in front of Yun Changjun: "Large, Master, quietly sister, she is not."

"Where are you going?" From the time he stepped into the yard, he knew that Meng Jingshu was not there. There is no breath of her here.

"I said that I went to Yushan for dinner with the head." Tsing Yi girl said, still dare not look up.

"Hey - she is running very fast." Yun Changjun stared at the girl in front of her eyes, suddenly reached out, **** clenched the girl's jaw like a pair of irons, forced her to look up at herself.

"Say, how did you harm the phoenix?"

The girl's face became more and more white, and the body shook involuntarily. The tears of the painful sighs were even daunting.

"It's really not my business, the master is forgiving." She cried for her sister to take her with her, but the sister-in-law had ironed her to let her stay.

Up and down the Qingshan Gate, who does not know the master's brother, the surface and good talk, is actually a smile face tiger.

Whoever angered him, the end is absolutely miserable.


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