MTL - Godly Empress Doctor-~ His words are also good

If audio player doesn't work, press Reset or reload the page., the fastest update after the Divine Doctor Huang: Proud and tyrant, strong pet! latest chapter!

So King Jing made a mistake about how he and Leng Yexiao worked together to make Emperor Dongsang misunderstand the Lord Yanling, how to lend Master Min, and how to plant the emperor's empire... from beginning to end.

After King Jing finished his speech, the master of Yanling County was in shock.

"It was so... it was so..." The Yanling County Lord stared at King Jing with his teeth gnashing his teeth: "You even count me like this, you **** it!"

King Jing smiled and looked at the Yanling County Lord: "Monarch, willing to gamble to lose, since you are not as good as others, why do you blame others for your ingenuity? Are you right?"

King Jing said as he approached Yanling County Master.

The Yanling County Lord sees the momentum is not good, turn around and run!

But King Jing had already made preparations, so when the Lord of Yanling County turned to run, he shot directly!

Bang Bang Bang!

Fierce fighting sounds endlessly.

The Yanling County Master had already ran outside the building, but he could be caught up by King Jing in an instant.

But for a while, the Yanling County Master had fallen softly.


The sword of King Jing crossed from the throat of Yanling County Master!

Yan Ling County Lord fell in the pool of blood, she opened her eyes wide, staring at King Jing...

Jing Jing sneered with a terrible face, he was afraid that the Yanling County Master would not die, so he raised his sword high again and pierced her heart!

"Uh..." Blood spewed from the main mouth of Yanling County. The whole person shrank, and finally died completely.

But King Jing was still not at ease. He stared at Yanling County Master. After sensing that she had no breath, he waved his hand and a flame rushed to Yanling County Master.

call out--

The flame spread and quickly burned the Yanling County Lord into a fireman.

"You are still dead after all." King Jing's mocking eyes stared at Yanling County Master: "Since then, no one knows this secret anymore. After my son ascended to the throne, you are still dead. Go for peace of mind. "

King Jing's hand trampled on the body of Yanling County Lord.

He waved his hand side by side, and the flames poured out wildly.

In this small courtyard where the master of Yanling County lives, the slaves have already been killed by the cold night owl. King Jing only needs to set a fire and burn all of it.

As for why you set fire?

That is to destroy the evidence.

King Jing does not know to what extent the ancient technology of the Dayan dynasty is so powerful, just in case, so it is best to burn everything clean, even if they want to check in the end, they can only find Junlin Yuan and Fengwu went up.

Before leaving the mansion, King Jing deliberately left a trace of blood in the main house of Yanling County.

Phoenix blood.

Dragon Phoenix Divine Blood.

These two drops of blood...the degree of recognition is so high that Jun Linyuan and Feng Wu cannot escape.

After King Jing walked out of the mansion, there was a blazing flame behind him, and the whole mansion was full of fire.

"All done?" Leng Yexiao looked at King Jing.

King Jing nodded: "Go back and talk."

Leng Yexiao was a little uneasy: "Has the blood been put out? Has the hair silk been put out? And is Lord Yanling County really dead, and...

King Jing waved his hand: "Relax, I'm ready for all this."

Leng Yexiao looked at the burning fire and knew that the master of Yanling County could not die anymore, so he was relieved.

"Come on, someone is coming."

King Jing dragged Leng Yexiao quickly back to the Prince's mansion.

However, they still couldn't calm down, because the things that belonged to them were indeed done, but the Ma Quanquan beside Yanling County Master was a strong enemy. I hope Master Min will give it a try.

"Relax, not only Master Min, but another Master Situ also arrived." King Jing told Leng Yexiao, "These two are the most important strongmen of His Majesty. It is impossible for Ma Quanquan to join forces with them. Came out alive."

Leng Yexiao glanced at King Jing silently and suddenly asked, "Isn't he your master? Are you not sad at all?"

King Jing snorted: "Since he accepted me as a disciple, he has not held good thoughts, but it is convenient for him to act in Dongsang Kingdom. Such a person, I am nostalgic for what he does?"

And the county government at the moment.

King Jing they thought that Yanling County Lord was dead.

Indeed, at that time King Jing had already made many knives, and even the body of Yanling County Master was burned with real fire. How could the Yanling County Lord still live?

But the king of Jing is not countless...the little girl hiding behind the scenes is quietly heading at the moment.

The formation of Yanling County Lord actually has a hidden safe area. This safe area is... a hidden well.

Before the fire in the courtyard, Feng Wu was hiding in the well, but now, Feng Wu is about to climb up from the well, and he sees a flame falling from above.

Oh yeah!

Feng Wu hurriedly evaded to the side, but heard a crackling sound, and a flaming body rolled down to the bottom of the well.

It is the master of Yanling County.

The well water could not extinguish the real fire that King Jing imposed on her, but Feng Wu shot and extinguished the flame on her in twos and threes.

However, by this time, the master of Yanling County was dying. She leaned her head to see a person. By the moonlight, she recognized that this person was really...

"Xingxiang... You are not dead!" Yan Lingjun's face appeared excited, she wanted to raise her hand to grab her maid, but now she has no strength to lift a finger.

Feng Wu also pretended to be a pleasant surprise: "Is the lord, the lord, are you? How did you get down? How are you... How are you? Uncomfortable?"

After a series of words from Feng Wu, it seems to be very concerned.

The Lord Yanling said: "How can you... be here?"

She crawled all the way and saw the corpse full of yards. Almost all the people in this yard died. Now there is still a big living person?

Feng Wu cried with a cry: "Slave slave... The slave has always had a bad stomach, and this time too, the abdominal pain in the middle of the night is unbearable, so he went to the toilet quietly, but saw someone running into the yard to kill and set fire, the slave... The slave was afraid, just Hiding in the well water until now."

Yan Ling County took a deep breath, she knew she was almost reaching the limit...

"Don't worry, Master, you must be fine. I'll go find the medicine. I'll..." Feng Wu's acting skills are quite good. At the end of the day, she still wants to hang Yankeng Lord.

Because in the eyes of Feng Wu, a half-step god-level pharmacist, the Yanling County Master has now returned to the sky, let alone the Elixir, she is a powerless half-step God-level pharmacist, and the Yanling County Master herself It must be known.

"do not--"

The master of Yanling County really shouted the phoenix dance ready to climb up, and slowly said to her: "I don't have much time, and you will write down what I said next."

Feng Wu cried and promised to come down.

The main story of Yanling County: "Kill me, King Jing and Leng Yexiao, and Emperor Dongsang."

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