MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 73

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Li Zhou

"Xevier, you?" Li Zhou looked at Xavier in surprise, he didn't understand why Xavier didn't agree one second, but agreed to him the next second.

in a bad name."

"You have helped me so much, the most I should do is to find a way to establish your reputation, instead of hiding your credit in the name of your goodness. Although I can't really tell How good are you to the other worms, but letting them know you're the best **** will give you some prestige. And—"

One day, there will be countless females scolding you, asking me to abandon you, or even kill you. After all, no insect can tolerate the leader who led them to overthrow the male's rule, but submit to the feet of a useless and dirty male."

Li Zhou was a little moved, he didn't expect Xavier to think so long for him.

He suddenly remembered that Xavier had told Casey the source of the star brain that he would use for his research, and did not cover up his traces as before. Tell him that you don't fully trust Casey.

That's why he still had some doubts, but now he fully understands Xavier's painstaking efforts.

Xevier is to let Casey know that he is different from other males, and he is a comrade who can stand by Xavier and them.

This also made him understand that this idea of ​​Xavier was not because of his request today, but began to consider how to build his reputation and how to spread his reputation a long time ago protect him later.

Li Zhouqiang is used to it. In the past, his subordinates all depended on him, and he planned for others. No one has ever planned for him in such a long term.

At this time, he was hit by Xavier's practice directly to the bottom of his heart, and the heart that had been warmed by Xavier was once again set on fire by Xavier, which made him unable to hold back his heart. With steaming enthusiasm, he raised his head and kissed Xavier, who was still about to say something.

He pressed the obedient Xavier on the middle island stage, bit Xavier lightly, and when Xavier opened his mouth, he took the opportunity to sneak in and dance with Xavier.

After a long time, he let go of the red-faced Xavier, touched Xavier's swollen lips that he kissed, and said softly: "Thank you, Xavier, thank you for taking so much trouble for me ."

Sheville shook his head, grabbed Li Zhou's hand on his lips, rubbed it on his cheek, and responded gently: "These are nothing, I should Thank you. Besides, I am selfish, I don't want you to leave me for any reason, and I also want to let all the insects in the empire know that my hero of Xavier is the best in the world."

"And such a good hero only loves you, right?" Li Zhou answered shamelessly.

He wanted to tease Xavier to see if Xavier would blushed and faltered at him for shameless.

But what he didn't expect was, Xavier nodded with certainty, and said: "Yes, I want them to see, but never touch."

This time, Li Zhou can't be cured. In fact, he really doesn't think he is so good.

He just bragged about himself just to tease Xavier, he never felt how great he was just because he was better than this interstellar male.

Because in his concept, husband and wife should support each other, respect each other, and regard each other as unique.

So he helped Xavier, planned for Xavier, single-mindedly just fulfilled the responsibility of a partner, and Xavier also worked hard for him where he could not see.

Looking at Xavier with the expression "I am the best in the world", Li Zhou really wanted to find a ground seam to drill into, but unfortunately, there was no ground seam for him to drill.

No way, in order to make Xavier stop looking at him like this, Li Zhou stretched out his hand to cover Xavier's sincere eyes, leaned his whole body up, and kissed Xavier's neck. Said, "Sheville, don't look at me like that. If you go on like this, you won't be eating, but you."

Xevier's eyes were covered by Li Zhou, his senses became more acute, he could clearly feel the slight itching of Li Zhou's breath hitting his ear.

He didn't know what was going on, but when he heard Li Zhou teasing him like this, he suddenly became competitive.

He was unwilling to take the initiative of Li Zhou, and he didn't want to let Li Zhou bore him in the future. He remembered what netizens taught him, he took the initiative to put his arms around Li Zhou's neck, and also softly bewitched Li Zhou : "You can eat me, but you have to eat first."

Li Zhou raised his eyebrows and looked at Xavier who had learned to fight back against him. It was very novel. He didn't want to eat anymore, and his mind was occupied by Xavier's provocation just now.

However, just when he wanted to make further moves, Xavier took the opportunity to turn over to hold him back, and said proudly: "I can eat if you want, wait until you recover."

Li Zhou: ".."

What to do? Even if he has reached the strength of the fourth-order ability user, what is the use, he is still not beaten by his wife's strength.

However, Li Zhou regained his energy in just a moment, because he remembered what Xavier promised him in the morning, looking at the flat and spacious middle island, comfortable sofa and stair railing, Li Zhou Couldn't help laughing out loud.

Shewell didn't know that Li Zhou was full of thoughts about how to play with his waste, thinking that it was his own backlash that made Li Zhou interested and a little happy.

He now thinks that the netizens on the forum are still useful, so he decides to wait for Li Zhou to fall asleep tonight before going to the forum to learn.

Greeting Li Zhou to come over for dinner quickly, and decided to watch a movie with Li Zhou after dinner to relax and live through the world of two bugs.

This can make Li Zhou calm down, so as not to have nightmares at night that will affect his body.

He shared his thoughts with Li Zhou, and Li Zhou readily agreed, and the two insects had their own thoughts and sweetly started to eat lunch that was not lunch.

Meanwhile, the fifth floor of the Neal Street Clubhouse.

The female, who was secretly taken over by Clyde, Yass, was worried. Thinking of the male who let him show his wings that day, he was afraid, but he couldn't help but worship.

He is a girl who was sold into a brothel at a young age, and all he saw in his small world were some that looked good.

In fact, a waste male with a full stomach, they will only find happiness in him, but they will never care about his feelings.

Because he is a bit like the Imperial Admiral Xavier, all the males who came to him mistreat him like a wolf, in order to feel the pleasure of the Imperial Admiral kneeling and licking them.

So after the pleasure, the males find that he is not like Xavier, and will hurt him even more.

However, he never resented Xavier because of his looks, he only resented those males who humiliated him as a hero of the Empire.

He was disgusted from the bottom of his heart, and disgusted with these males who drink the blood of females but are high above, not only grateful males, he feels that they are the most despicable beings, even the star beasts who invaded the empire in order to survive are better than superior.

When his team of fully armed guards||Nan||Feng|| secretly took over the Imperial Capital Star to take care of him, he realized that some bad insects wanted to use his appearance to harm Xavier.

Although he didn't know what the specific method was or who was killing Xavier, he was still alert. On the way to the Imperial Capital Star, he deliberately covered his face.

Until he saw that the worm who came to pick him up was the commander, he instantly understood his situation, so he tried his best to seduce Jorvik, and when Jorvik was confused, Seduce him to ruin his face.

Unfortunately, Jorvik was so **** that it didn't completely disfigure him, it just delayed him for a while.

When he saw the culprit behind his guess came to see him, he knew that he had no chance, and was strictly guarded against him, and even had no chance of suicide.

He knew that what he would face next would be hell-like torture, and he also knew that after the torture, he would be silenced, and the hero of the empire would fall into endless **** because of him, and he would become the shout of the whole people. bed bugs.

He didn't want to implicate the heroes of the empire in his own death, but he really had nothing to do. Just when he was at a loss, the male seemed to have fallen from the sky.

He didn't see what the male looked like, the only thing that impressed him was his ethereal and magnetic voice.

Although it was only a few short sentences, it also let him know that Yuko was here to help Xavier, and that Yuko knew who he looked like and his role.

However, even so, the male didn't think about killing him, but wanted to control himself to pass the news, and promised to save him after it was done.

He didn't think it was his appearance that made the male unstoppable, so he had a good impression of an unknown male.

Although the way he controlled himself made him miserable, he didn't hate that male, because he saw the hope of getting out of his current life.

In the past two days, he obediently took the medicine, and wanted to get rid of his face as soon as possible, so that the mastermind behind the empire, the emperor of the empire, could continue to plan, and he could pass the news to the hero.

However, even if he is imprisoned, he can still learn about the outside world from other places and find a way to help the male.

He looked at the scars on his face that had begun to heal in the mirror, smiled charmingly, turned to look at the closed door, and rang the call bell.

A moment later, two guards filed in.

Yas adjusted his expression, hid behind the gauze, and said coldly: "I want to see the commander, I have something important to tell him."

The guards were beaten by Jorvik and Clyde, so they dared not offend Yas, and could only tell the truth: "Your Excellency Commander is still injured and is still in the hospital, so I can't see you, but His Majesty arranged We have a new receptionist, and if you meet, your subordinates can communicate."

Yas did not answer immediately, but thought of the male who threatened him. With his intuition, the commander was injured and male was inseparable. He was happy to think that the commander who had tortured him so badly was hospitalized.

Looking at the guards who were still standing outside the tent, Yas coughed lightly and said lightly, "Pass it on..."

The author has this to say:

Li Zhou: Sheville, hey..hehehehe..

Cherville was holding his waist: It's a miscalculation, my husband can't just flirt. The forum can't be trusted!

Old rules, time to catch bugs

Read The Duke's Passion