MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 65

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Casey: Xavier, I want to PK with you!

The soundproofing of the clubhouse is actually very good, but Lan Yite shouted so loudly just now that Jorvik, who was playing next door, was listening.

No fun."

The female raised her head and looked at him with a wink, and said, "Not all insects can be as sentimental as your Excellency."

"Really? Hahaha!" Jorvik laughed and pulled the female on the ground into his arms, squeezed the female's chin and kissed it, before rolling on the bed Don't forget to instruct the idle female in the room to go to Li Zhou's box to have a look, and come back and tell him if there is anything wrong.

The female responded in a low voice, and without daring to delay, she turned and left the room.

Afraid of disturbing Li Zhou and killing herself, the female turned around and left without turning her head, thinking in her mind how to answer Jorvik's question as she walked.

At this time, in the box.

Li Zhou held a glass of water expressionlessly, waiting for Lan Yi to finish the performance to moisten his throat. He found that the worms under Casey were really worms, and Lan Yi was capable of ventriloquism. Open his eyes.

Not only can you imitate the voice and tone of other insects, but you can also switch between them freely, without being stiff at all, just close your eyes, it will definitely make you feel like you are there.

He was a little embarrassed at first, but after listening for a while, he felt ashamed and no longer felt ashamed.

On the contrary, I think Lan Yi is really powerful, no wonder she can save her life and pass the news in this kind of place and this system.

At this moment, he noticed the movement in the corridor, and gave Lan Yi a wink, Lan Yi understood, cried out louder, and added a lot of meat to himself It makes this all-false affair even more real.

Lan Yi, who had been calling for a long time, was also thirsty, drank a glass of water, leaned on the sofa, and laughed in a hoarse voice: "Your Highness, you can't do it, can I? While performing a full martial arts show for you, you have no reaction at all?"

Li Zhou glanced at Lan Yi, who was addicted to teasing him, and calmly said, "You don't need to test me, I won't betray Xavier."

Hearing Li Zhou say this, Lan Yi put away his hilarious expression, smiled slightly, and said, "How do you know that I am testing you? Instead of trying to seduce you? After all—"

Lan Yi's painting style changed and became charming again, he straightened up, looked at Li Zhou with a wink, and said, "It's so hard to find such a pure and beautiful little male. , maybe I'll be just as good as yours?"

Li Zhou smiled, he did not answer Lan Yi, but instead asked: "Xavier is your idol, right? Knowing that he is married and married to a male who has never heard of it. At that time, did you have the urge to kill that male?"

Lane: ".."

Awkward, he did have this thought, so when he saw Li Zhou coming here, his first reaction was anger.

Admiral is so good, but his hero is still not satisfied. He came here to find flowers and ask willows. Fortunately, the boss also said that he is different from other males. In his opinion, all males in the world are the same disgusting .

But when he saw Li Zhou, he changed his mind. Li Zhou is indeed different from other males. Li Zhou came here not for fun, but for the general.

But that's the way it is, he wants to test whether Li Zhou is pretending, of course, he also wants to see Li Zhou's helpless joke.

What he didn't expect was that Li Zhou's reaction was quite fast.

Seeing that Li Zhou was still waiting for his answer, Lan Yi coughed lightly, completely put away her coquettish attitude, and said solemnly: "Yes, when I knew you came to the club, I thought about how to silence you. An interest-free solution. But not now, I will fully cooperate with your plan."

"Okay," Li Zhou looked at Lan Yi with admiration, and said, "Then according to the original plan, you will rest first, and in twenty minutes, you will go out to find the female who brought you up. Just say that I'm not satisfied, I still need a few females to serve me, and you don't need to worry about the rest."

Lan Yi nodded and whispered: "I don't need to rest, I can go now."

"No, you rest first."

After Li Zhou finished speaking, he got up and started to observe the beautiful lights hanging in the house, ignoring Lan Yi who was still saying he was fine.

Lan Yi saw what he said, but Li Zhou was unmoved, thinking that Li Zhou had some plans, so he did not dare to speak.

The two worms stayed in the box so quietly, doing their own thing.

Although Lan Yi sat on the sofa obediently and rested, but his eyes kept falling on Li Zhou, who was studying the chandelier. He couldn't stop thinking, what kind of a man could Li Zhou be to make the boss so cold The admiral saw in his eyes a love that could not be hidden.

Twenty minutes passed, and he deliberately did not wear a coat, exposing the shocking scars from Li Zhou's previous fight, and ran out of the box with a sad face as planned, and went to the fourth floor to find the team leader.

However, after explaining the situation to himself and the team leader, from the reactions of the worms and males who passed by him, the team leader's meaningful eyes, he reacted bluntly, this little male is self-esteem. , complaining that he just said he couldn't, so he deliberately let him stay for 20 minutes before he came out.

He was really dumbfounded, but it was a mistake, the team leader really believed that he couldn't satisfy the S+ male, so he didn't punish him, but let the bug send him back to rest .

However, just after he went out, all the lights in the corridor for lighting and creating atmosphere "stabbed" all went out.

His first reaction was that Li Zhou did it, but then he thought it was impossible. He couldn't imagine how Li Zhou, who stayed in the box and didn't come out, turned the whole club out of electricity.

Although the time is in the morning, due to the confidentiality of the clubhouse, creating an ambiguous atmosphere and fear of female insects escaping, the windows of the clubhouse cannot be opened and light-tight, except for the public toilet for the staff. .

, his own life is at risk.

At the same time, the doors of each box were opened in the dark, and I could hear the males asking loudly why the lights went out. The tone was very irritable, and I could hear the males screaming because they could not see The sound of an angry whip.

The bug waiter in charge of each box, while turning on the light source of the star brain to comfort the distinguished guests loudly, walked towards the box, while the leader maintained the order of the female prostitutes wandering in the corridor, Warn them not to move around, and not to take the opportunity to escape.

Lan Yi didn't want to run away, he was just a little worried, afraid that Li Zhou would be in danger of a worm staying in the box. He walked cautiously downstairs, leaning against the wall.

But when he finally walked to the box downstairs, he found that Li Zhou was no longer there. He reflexively ran towards the public restroom, and as soon as he reached the Jorvik box, he heard the screams of female prostitutes.

He ignored Jorvik and continued to walk towards the bathroom with difficulty.

The bathroom was also dark, and he didn't notice any movement, just when he wanted to look for it, he found that a ray of light leaked in through the window.

If it was before, he might not have found out, but today is different. He knows that Li Zhou is going to climb to the fifth floor from here, so he pays special attention.

Afraid that the guard would see the light, he hurried forward and closed the window tightly. After hearing the rapid footsteps of the guards, he stretched out his wings and flew, trying to stick himself to the ceiling of the compartment.

After the guards checked and found no problems, he couldn't hold on any longer and fell from the ceiling. Since he couldn't see his injured leg, he groped to open the window lock and let Li Zhou come back before he went back.

Before leaving, he glanced at the window with only a ray of light, his eyes flashed, and he turned his head resolutely and left the window that was only one step away from freedom.

At this time, Li Zhou had already flown to the fifth floor in the chaos. A few minutes after Lan Yi went out, he used his supernatural ability to create a small repulsive magnetic field in the room to make him fly , grab the connecting wire of the chandelier, and carefully charge the ultra-high voltage electric energy compressed into a thin wire into the connecting wire.

In an instant, all the lines of the clubhouse were paralyzed by this sudden high pressure, and Li Zhou also took advantage of the absence of insects to react, and focused his abilities in his eyes, and quickly responded to what Lan Yi said Run to the bathroom.

When passing by Jorvik's box, he relied on that only he could see, and the insects in the darkness would not find the opportunity of one more insect. He entered Jorvik's box and was stunned. Yeovik shouted how the power went out, and wickedly left a very thin wire in Jorvik's vital organs before continuing to gallop toward the bathroom contentedly.

After reaching the bathroom, he repeated his old tricks, found the gap between the guards and the insects and flew out, and soon reached the fifth floor.

He didn't know which room the female was locked in, and he couldn't see it because the window was not transparent. It was time for the guard and the female child to confirm the safety of the dialogue.

Li Zhou was overjoyed and flew towards the window where the sound came from. After confirming the position, he put his hand on the glass.

The glass window photo entered the room.

After entering the room, he did not rush to find the female, but quickly pulled the curtains to prevent sunlight from entering, and then began to search for the location of the female.

But when he found the female, the good mood of sneaking into the fifth floor was gone, because when he saw the female's face even if it was half wrapped, it was 78% similar to Xavier's face, Instantly understood Clyde's trick.

This Clyde asked Jorvik to suggest that Xavier would betray him, and found a female prostitute who looked like Xavier, obviously to smear Xavier in the future and prepare to divide them .

Maybe she will also take a picture of the slutty side of the female prostitute and send it to the interstellar network to discredit Seville.

And he remembered that Jorvik didn't leave the club all night because of this female son, and instantly understood the dirty thoughts of Jorvik and even Clyde towards Xavier.

He held back his anger, walked directly behind the female child, stretched out his hand and put his hand on the female child, when the female child was about to scream, the current was instantly released.

The female groaned and fell to the ground, twitching in pain but unable to make a sound.

Li Zhou wanted to kill the female directly, but when she thought that the female was dead, Clyde would still look for a worm similar to this Shevel, and continue his conspiracy. Left behind.

Sex is extremely small.

He thought to himself, instead of killing the female to make Clyde more alert, it is better to keep the female and see what tricks Clyde is playing.

If it was really what he thought, Clyde would not dare to spread things out while the star beast was still alive.

But in order to prevent Clyde from being so stupid, he still felt that he should leave behind.

He put his hand on the back of the female child's wings, mobilized his mental power to let the female child stretch out the wings, and then penetrated the electric wire wrapped with spiritual power into the female child's wings.

Looking at the face of the female child that became more and more painful because of his actions, he whispered like a demon in the dark night: "Pain? This pain is controlled by me, as long as I am in Nepal If you want your pain within the range of Illinois Street, you can't escape."

Seeing the female child's eyes widened in fear, Li Zhou continued: "Be good, record all Clyde's words and deeds on paper, and paste it on the window of the living room at noon every day. Just go up."

"Remember, after ten minutes, take the note off. If you forget it or get caught by a bug, you will die. If you can do it, When Clyde can't hold you, I will definitely save your life and send you to live somewhere else."

Li Zhou stopped looking at the female lying on the ground and left the bedroom.

From the window of the living room, he melted the glass ball that had just been glued to the outer wall and re-pasted it on the window. Due to the high temperature, the properties of the glass have changed, and it has become transparent glass.

But don't worry, the female will definitely find a way to prevent other bugs from discovering this loophole if she wants to survive.

After finishing all the finishing work, he turned in the bathroom on the third floor, closed the window, and quickly returned to the box, took off his clothes and lay on the bed in a sleeping posture .

When the work bug came, he made an appearance of being awakened and shouted who turned off the light.

With such a bad experience, this is our club's VIP card, with this card, you can come to our club to play at any time, and everything is 30% off."

Li Zhou snorted coldly, glanced at the insect servant disdainfully, and said, "It's almost the same, now take me back."

Insect Servant responded again and again, respectfully sent Li Zhou to the aircraft, and then turned around to deal with the rest.

Li Zhou sat in the aircraft in the clubhouse, closed his eyes, and replayed in his mind what he had just done little by little. When he was about to leave Neil Street, he specially mobilized his energy force, causing the electric wire he left in the female to attack.

After a while, he withdrew his mental power, wiped the sweat oozing from his forehead, and secretly said, it is still too reluctant to control his mental power so far, he still has to speed up his cultivation schedule.

The speed of the aircraft was very fast, and soon it was in front of the villa. Li Zhou got off the aircraft and walked towards the villa without looking back.

As soon as I entered the door, I walked towards the bedroom on the second floor. The moment I entered the bedroom, I took Xavier out, then hugged Xavier and lay on the bed, rubbed Xavier's neck, and fell asleep. go.

Xevier looked at Li Zhou who fell asleep holding him without saying a word, and keenly noticed that Li Zhou did not go to the manor, but went to the clubhouse for him.

Wipe the sweat on Li Zhou's forehead distressedly, and slowly input his spiritual power into Li Zhou's spirit according to Li Zhou's teaching method, drive Li Zhou's spiritual power to run, and try to make Li Zhou recover quickly .

However, he had only been running for three weeks, and his star brain lit up. He originally wanted to continue to practice with Li Zhou, but after seeing that it was Kathy who called, he thought about it. , or reached out to cover Li Zhou's ears and picked it up.

Casey looked at Xavier, who was carefully caring for his hero in the light curtain, and curled his lips helplessly, saying: "Are you showing your love in front of me? Do you know that you The good hero of the lord ran behind your back to have fun? Do you want to—”

Shewell didn't care about Casey's words to provoke discord at all. He absolutely believed in Li Zhou. Seeing that Casey was still talking nonsense, he interrupted him directly and said, "You are calling to say this nonsense. ?"

Are you so tired?"

"You have nothing else to do. I'm hanging up."

"Hey, no no no!"

Casey was afraid that Xavier would really hang up the communication, and hurriedly stopped: "You little hero really put your mind at ease, for you to destroy the power supply system of the clubhouse, regardless of the danger I climbed from the third floor to the place where the female was imprisoned, I don't know if he entered or not, you can ask him when he wakes up for the specific situation."

Seeing Xavier looking at him with a frown, Casey quickly added: "Don't worry, your hero is extremely virtuous and has not touched any female prostitutes."

"Of course I know, I'm not worried about this." Shevell paused for a while, and saw that Li Zhou could not sleep well because of the sound of the conversation, after subconsciously rubbing into his arms, he hugged him carefully, He whispered: "Li Zhou is so good, I'm afraid he will be molested."

Casey: ".."

He is really speechless, does Xavier really not know that the hero of his family is a black and white? He really couldn't let go at first, but later he completely saw through Lan Yi's weakness and made threats.

Of course, it can't be regarded as a threat, but what Li Zhou has done can't be regarded as the one that will be molested! This Xavier is really looking at his hero with a dozen layers of filters.

Shaking her head helplessly, Casey said: "Xavier, as a senior, I want to teach you a truth, don't believe what the male looks like, otherwise you will have bones left. Not down."

Xevier said coldly: "Don't worry, I won't be like you, and I won't be like you. After losing my first time, I don't even know the true identity of that male."

"Who said I didn't know!" Kathy raised her voice subconsciously.

Xevier frowned, glanced at Li Zhou who was quarreled by Casey, and provocatively said, "Then who do you say he is?"

"He is—oh," Casey reacted, and said alertly: "You're kidding me, who told you that I had a good time with Xiongzi? There is no way that my bugs will leak. this matter!"

Sheville raised his eyebrows and said, "It wasn't your subordinate who told me, do you want to know who told me?"

Casey said anxiously: "Oh, don't be rude, tell me quickly."

Looking at Casey, whose curious face couldn't wait to stretch out, Xavier suddenly smiled, and the smile was extremely bright and beautiful.

Casey was shaken by Xavier's smile, and when he reacted, the light curtain was already dark, and Xavier actually hung up the communication while he was stunned.

He quickly dialed back, only to find that he had been blacklisted by Xavier again.

Casey: ".."

After a while, Casey's roar came from the conference room of the F-star KS star thief base again.

"Sheville, don't let me see you, see you again, I have to fight with you!"

The men outside the door shook their heads in unison, and secretly said: The boss is really confused, forget that he can't beat Admiral Xavier at all.

But then again, which male was the boss sleeping with? The worms turned their curious eyes to Yalong, who was the first to follow Kathy.

Yaron: "..hehe..I, I said I don't know, do you believe it?"

All the worms approached Yalong: "Do you think we believe it?"

Yarong hugged himself tightly, looked at his wolf-like companion, and urged, "Don't come here!"

Different from the happy atmosphere on Casey's side, in Li Zhou's room, Xavier was carefully picking up Li Zhou and walking towards the bathroom.

He didn't know what Li Zhou had done, but judging from the situation between him and Li Zhou, Li Zhou disregarded his weak body and overdrafted himself.

At first he was afraid of waking Li Zhou, so he didn't plan to give Li Zhou a bath, but after he hung up the communication, he found that Li Zhou's clothes had been soaked with sweat, for fear that Li Zhou caught a cold, he had to I took Li Zhou to the bathroom to clean, and before I left, I didn't forget to set the little one to come and change the bedding.

In the bathroom, Li Zhou let Xavier play with it, and there was no sign of waking up. Xavier frowned and picked Li Zhou up from the bathtub, wiped it clean, wrapped it in a bathrobe and took it back to the bedroom After being in bed, sent a separate text message to Iwell and Duke.

He was uneasy and wanted Aivil and Duke to check on Li Zhou.

At this time, Aiweier, who had just received a message from Xavier, was already standing in front of the courtyard of Li Zhou's villa..

The author has this to say:

The author has a stomachache today, and there is no small theater. Tomorrow will give out a small extra, everyone remember to go to the extra episode to refresh, and finally, roll and sell cute and ask for a little advance!

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!