MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 151

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New beginning


Then, the cannonball touched the starship, and there was a loud noise in the quiet night sky!

"What's the matter!" Kaxin frowned and roared in the main starship protected by the heavy starships, who was finally stabilized by the aftershocks.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, the starship in front was attacked by the enemy and has been blown up!"

"What? How is that possible."

Kassin helped the teacher who just stood firm to come to the big screen, looked at the picture of the starship blowing up on the big screen, turned to ask the soldier: "Our starship's protective net is the latest How can technology be blown up so quickly?"

"Kneel, kneel, get up—"

Before Kaxin could say the word "come", a tremor even stronger than just now came, and at the same time there was a beam of incandescent light.

The last picture Kaxin saw before losing consciousness was that the teacher who was always hidden under the cloak revealed a body with only half of his head.

"How is it? Are they all shot down?" The female soldiers discussed excitedly.

"Down, shot down, this improved heavy magnetic gun is also very useful."

"Then you see, such a big guy who burns energy stones, no matter how difficult it is to use, I'm sorry for these advanced energy stones!"

"Hahaha, yes!"

The star beast is not enough to be afraid of.

The females were not allowed to wait for a long time. In the firelight, batches of star beasts rushed over. Because the heavy magnetic guns needed to be cooled, the females also waved their wings to welcome them. go up.

After a while, the two armies scuffled!

As the starship was destroyed, the supplies and important weapons of the star orcs all became part of the fireworks in the sky, and gradually fell behind.

As soon as this figure appeared, the figure of the star beast king Kaxin also appeared in the eyes of the military females.

As soon as he appeared, he rushed forward like a madman with the star beast who wanted to retreat. The star beast who had already wanted to retreat seemed to be infected by Kaxin's madness. Eyes are dyed crazy red.

However, the females do not have the special abilities of star beasts.

"Not good! Something happened!" Casey, who saw all this from a distance, said to Tyler beside him: "Casin is wrong, look at his face!"

Taylor looked at the picture uploaded by Kathy in front of Kathy, with red eyes and bloodshot face, and frowned: "Who is this figure? Xin appeared, and what was wrong with Cassin had something to do with him."

He turned to look at Casey who was also puzzled: "Let the female soldiers retreat first, don't make unnecessary sacrifices!"

Casey nodded and gave the order to retreat, and at the same time gave the order to the female soldier who was still in the defensive net.

"All the female soldiers withdrew from the M star. The gunner aimed the heavy magnetic particle cannon at the M star, and immediately evacuated after a certain time."

The army women got the order and set the time quickly. They knew that the chief was about to give up the M star, and he was going to use the M star as the final grave to bury these star beasts.

After hearing the order, the military females in front no longer entangled with the star beasts, and fought and retreated into the M star defense net.

This defense net was upgraded many times and was very strong. The star beasts were blocked from the defense net and were consumed by the military females remotely until the first layer of defense net was After the attack, the female soldiers ran away in a hurry.

In the past, it was impossible for the star beasts to not notice the difference, but now they don't know why they have become like irrational monsters, they only know how to rampage.

So they headed into the grave that Casey had laid for them.

When all the star beasts broke through the defense net, Casey led the army to withdraw from the range of M star, and they saw the figure from the surveillance that made them very suspicious.

However, before he entered the military range, the pre-set gravity and magnetic particle cannons were fired at the same time, and the entire M star shattered and collapsed in an instant.

The news that the M star shattered, collapsed and disappeared in the star field flew to the various planets like wings. When Carl heard the news, his eyes darkened and he roared: "Xavier, I I'm not at odds with you!"

"Send troops, send troops now!"

With Carl's roar, the main force of the two armies officially went to war.

Dust fluttered along with the thundering sound of artillery fire, and various heavy weapons were launched over the Imperial Capital Star, which illuminated it like daytime.

The Star Beast Legion in the distance disregarded the threat of heavy artillery, passed through the layers of ashes and the sky-high flames, and rushed to the last line of defense of the Imperial City.

They have been waiting for this moment for a long time, and for this they paid the price of exploding their bodies to practice the exercises that made him miserable, and the female soldiers also had the same idea.

Over the years, watching the star beasts burn, kill, loot, and eat away at the bodies of their companions, has brought this hatred to a climax.

With endless hatred and the responsibility of defending the country, they rushed forward without flinching.

And they were led by Commodore Cronin Road. He was carrying a light cannon barrel and flew in the forefront. When he was about to encounter the star beast, a cannonball was fired directly and landed directly on the ground. Star Beast Center.

The moment the cannonball exploded, the air wave directly overturned countless star beasts, and the moment it fell, countless cannonballs hit it.

They scattered, like separate streams of water, trying to wrap up the Zerg army and strangle them one by one.

Cherville is a talented conductor, of course it is impossible for his soldiers to fall into such a situation.

He took advantage of strengths and circumvented weaknesses, and directly ordered the release of aerial artillery fire, condescendingly, and forced the Star Beast Legion, which had just changed its formation, to return to its original formation.

Carl was so angry that he scolded his mother when he saw this, gritted his teeth and said: "Bullying me to fight in different places, the air response is not enough, right? If you have the kind, you should never retreat!"

Sheville, who is far away in the command room of the side star of the imperial capital, sneered: "Carl, how about the big gift I gave you, it is to bully you for insufficient air supplies!"

Duke and Murray on the side couldn't help shivering, thinking: "Sheville is really a black belly."

"Xavier, you have no seeds! You are a **** of war in vain, do you dare to fight me!"

Severe leaned back in the chair and gave Carl a sympathetic look.

"Isn't the Star Beast King too sad because of the news of his brother's death? You forgot, I'm a female."

"Pfft, ha ha ha!"

A laughter came from behind Cheville, which seemed to mock Carl's stupidity. They were females and not males, so what were they doing? You can't get yourself pregnant.

Carl was laughed so much that he became angry, he was indeed irritated by Cassin's death, after taking a deep breath, he said in a gloomy tone, "Xavier, what do you have to be proud of? I lost Cassin, but don't forget that your granary is gone."

"Yeah." Xavier frowned in embarrassment, but in a flash he laughed again: "How long will your food last? If you want to besiege me, it depends on what you have. There's no such thing."

"We'll see!"

Carl cut off the connection after uttering harsh words. He will not do anything recently. He wants to surround the side star tightly.

He can obtain resources from the small planets around the worm, and if it fails, he can transport it here from the base camp. He wants to see if Xavier insists on staying without any follow-up supplies.

A month passed quickly. During this month, the two tribes only fought a few times on a small scale. Carl carried out the decision to besiege Shevel to the end and refused to relax at all.

According to his calculation, in half a month, the supplies in the side star of Xavier will be exhausted, and then it is the best time to break the side star of the imperial capital.

The result was as he expected, Sheville's movements have become more frequent these days, which is clearly a signal that the supplies are running out.

The Imperial Capital Star, the military command room.

Shevell looked at the image that came back from the periphery, smiled and said to Morey: "Carl took the bait, and he sent more troops to besiege me."

Morey sighed exaggeratedly: "Oh, I don't really blame Carl, if this was left in the past, his move would really trap us, now? It's hard."

"Don't be poor, where is Brian?"

Brian was sent by Shevel to perform other tasks long before the Star Beast Legion arrived.

He did this, first, the task was very urgent, and second, he left behind. Now it seems that this move is very clever.

"Oh, Brian, contacted me this morning. According to Jacob's account, he has destroyed the laboratories one by one. Now he is coming here with the experimental subjects. It is conservatively estimated that three The time has come."

"Okay, you go down and set up first, and when Brian arrives, we will work together inside and out and directly press Carl to death here!"

"Yes, Marshal!"

Morey led out of the command room, and Xavier squinted at the movement of the Star Beast Legion on the big screen.

After a long time, he slowly said: "Is Baifeng really dead? If he is not dead, Carl should be found at this time."

After thinking about it, he got up and walked out of the command room, and after explaining it to Lu, he quietly left the Imperial Capital Star Side Star, and he was going to find out if there were any in the star beast cluster. Baifeng's figure.

Baifeng hates Li Zhou deeply, he can't leave this danger in the world.

Taking advantage of the moment when the star beasts handed over to work, he passed through with lightning speed, leaving only the star beasts who looked at each other and thought it was the wind passing by their ears.

Maybe Xavier's thoughts were too strong, or maybe he had a very hard life, but it really made him block a familiar figure on the necessary road to the Imperial Capital Star.

But this figure is not Baifeng who has been wearing a cloak and refuses to see insects, but the dead star beast king Kaxin.

Cassin was also surprised to see him, but instead of rushing up like before, he turned and ran.

He didn't run well, which directly hooked Xavier's suspicions, and he immediately judged that this star beast was not Kashin at all.

If it was Kashin, the enemy would be very jealous when he met him. With the IQ of Kashin's intestines, it was impossible to avoid him.

The more he chased, the more he became sure of his own thoughts, because Kasin was the second best player of the Star Orcs, so he couldn't be a guy who couldn't even master wings.

Looking at "Cassin" who was swaying and flying unsteadily in front of him, Xavier had an answer in his heart.

He shouted: "Baifeng!"

The figure in front of him who was struggling to escape suddenly froze, but the froze sent him directly into Xavier's hands.

Cherville grabbed Baifeng's neck with one hand, and said sternly: "I still want to run, but Kasin won't be able to use wings like you!"

Baifeng looked at Xavier fiercely: "What do you have to be proud of, it's just that I didn't fully control this body."

"Do you think you still have a chance to control this body? I don't know what you want on M, but it looks like you've got it."

Baifeng was surprised and did not understand how Xavier knew.

Xevier tightened his palm little by little, and in Baifeng's frightened eyes, he slowly said: "At first I didn't know what you were looking for, but after Li Zhou recovered his memory, he said you One soul and two souls, I just thought, with your selfish character—"

Severe emphasized the pronunciation of the word "person", and was satisfied to see Baifeng's face turning gray, and continued: "It is impossible to share a body with anyone else, even if You are not the owner of this body."

"M star is very close to the cosmic torrent formed by you and Li Zhou. If you don't leave under normal circumstances, then it is very likely that the landing place is M star. For your abnormal. .It is not impossible for individuals to be born with secrets that can divide each other's souls."

"You're very smart!" Baifeng looked at Xavier viciously: "I didn't expect Li Zhou to tell you everything, even telling you that he is a human being."

"Because Li Zhou is not a sinister, cunning, ungrateful, selfish person like you..."

"Hehe, Li Zhou is much more ruthless than me, you are the one who was—uh—”

"You better stop talking, I'm disgusting." Xavier squeezed Baifeng's neck with a hard hand, and with a click Baifeng's entire head drooped softly.

Thinking of his two reinstatements after his death, after Baifeng lost his breath, Xavier's huge spiritual power poured out, which really made him discover another spiritual power.

He smiled slightly, directly wrapped around that spiritual power, and strangled!

After he could no longer feel the spirit power, he began to gasp for breath. He did it, and he finally protected Li Zhou once.

Actually, Xavier's ability to kill Baifeng so easily this time was entirely a blessing. Baifeng was blown up on the M star, and he and Nelzer grabbed the new body The time was too much wear and tear, and before he could master the new body, he was blocked by Xavier who came to intercept.

I never thought that Li Zhou would say anything to Xavier, which caused Xavier to test the truth of Baifeng at once.

The most important thing is that Li Zhou actually taught Xieweier all the spiritual search Dafa, so Baifeng's hope of survival in the end was dashed.

The generation of Star Orc emperors who were disturbing the situation died completely in the hands of Xavier.

At the same time, Li Zhou, who had fully recovered, said goodbye to Amos and Casey who had just given birth, and set foot on the road to join Brian alone.

He's going to see Xavier, and he's going to witness the triumph of their joint efforts.

Three days passed in a flash. After meeting with Li Zhou, Brian led the army of experimental subjects to the back of the Star Beast Army quietly. After contacting Xavier, the real siege officially began.

From the launch of the Gravity Particle Cannon at the outermost layer of the Imperial Star Side Star Defense Network, Brian took the experimental subjects with super combat ability and broke into the star beast camp that was still standing still. !

This battle lasted for seven days. The Star Beast Legion was constantly squeezed by both sides, and the living environment became smaller and smaller.

On the last day, the star beast king Carl made a desperate attempt, disregarding the obstacles of his subordinates, and turned into a giant bird, and led the death squad to the area where Xavier was located.

This is the Star Beast King's declaration of war on him, and it is impossible for Xavier to hide behind the military female to watch the fun, and his beautiful wings spread out to face Carl.

Carl was in pain, and the huge eagle claws directly grabbed Xavier's cheek. Xavier turned to avoid and withdraw the phoenix tail, the wings vibrated, and appeared above Carl.

Carl's stature is too huge. When he attacked Xavier with too much force, he couldn't stop the momentum. When he reacted, Xavier had used his unusually sharp wings to stab into the in his heart!

The silence, the silence of the audience, did not expect that the star beast emperor, whose appearance had the advantage of suppressing the Zerg, would be so easily stabbed into the heart by Xavier.

After the two parties reacted, they let out a roaring roar at the same time!

It's just that the Zerg is a roar of victory, while the Star Orc is a cry of the emperor's passing.

But Seville, who was in the center, frowned, and now he can't pull out his own wings.

Just when he was puzzled, Carl, who should have died, suddenly lost his animal shape, grabbed Xavier with both hands, and laughed fiercely: "Come with me to die!"

"Not good!" Li yelled, who was watching the showdown and was ready to shoot at any time: "Everything is scattered, he is going to explode the crystal nucleus!"

After he finished speaking, he flew towards Xavier at a high speed. At the critical moment, he kicked Carl's head fiercely, then held Xavier in his arms, and used his mental strength and wings to slap him both. Airtight protection up.

"Boom, boom.."

The dust and fire caused by a series of loud noises completely blocked Xavier and Li Zhou in the center.

"Cheville, Li Zhou!"

"Marshal, Your Highness!"

The military females, Brian, Duke, who were bombed by Carl's self-detonation, were all frightened, and hurriedly got up and rushed towards the center of the explosion.

However, before they could fly over the dust, they saw Li Zhou holding Xieweier's hand, flapping his beautiful wings and stepping out of the fire and dust.

Looking at the two husbands who looked like gods and lovers against the background of the fire, the military females froze for a while, and then let out a roar:

"Long live His Royal Highness Li Zhou, and Marshal Cheville, we are finally free!"

In the first year of the new interstellar calendar, the palace council hall.

In front of the council hall, the ministers cheered and chatted enthusiastically about the shocking battle half a month ago.

In the apse of the conference hall, Li Zhouzai was walking around in Chinese clothes, and when he reached Xavier, he was almost dizzy and didn't stop.

No way, Xavier could only step forward and hug the restless Li Yiyi into his arms.

"Are you nervous?"

Li Zhou put his chin on Xavier's shoulder, and said aggrievedly: "Why me? I don't want to be the king of insects, I just want to be with you."

Cheville touched the back of Li Zhou Yuanyuan's head and said softly: "It's hard for you, I'll discuss it with my female father."

Li Zhou was silent for a moment, then discouraged: "Forget it, in fact, I know why my mother and father recommended me, but I'm used to being selfish. Now the wealth of the citizens of the entire empire is tied to me, I Just a little apprehensive.”

Li Zhou straightened up from Xavier's arms, held Xavier's face in both hands, and said gently: "Anyway, with you by my side, always supervising me, we will make the empire better, yes ?"

Xevier nodded, the corners of his lips slightly raised, and a faint but warm smile appeared on his face.

He looked at Li Zhou seriously, put his foot close to Li Zhou's lips, and said softly: "Li Zhou, no matter what you want to do, I will support you, even if you want to go out and wander the world now. I also accompany you.

I may have put responsibility first, but I changed my mind long after I fell in love with you, and it was only after you hurt me the second time that I realized it. So, as long as you want, I will achieve it for you. "


Li Zhou was a little moved, he stroked Xavier's face, and felt that with Xavier's words, everything he did was worth it.

Besides, it’s still good to be the king of insects, at least Xavier will become the supreme queen of insects, and no insect will dare to speak ill of Xavier in front of him in the future.

However, it's okay to pretend to be pitiful and discuss some sweetness with your queen before taking office.

He gave a sly smile, directly pressed the back of Xavier's head, kissed Xavier's detached lips, and kissed the most important female to him in the cheers of the insects.

And Seville, who was immersed in the passion that Li Zhou brought him, vaguely remembered what his father said to him.

"Although Li Zhou always said that he was cold-hearted, in fact he is the most compassionate existence in this world, so only such a hero can lead the new empire through becoming an emperor. the hardest time."

His little hero is really a duplicitous little cutie!

The author has this to say:

It's over, thank you so much for your support.

Read The Duke's Passion