MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 145

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A female with a big fluffy tail.

Li Zhou seemed to be in a long river, he knew that this river was the river of memory that represented his memory.

There are sparkling waves on the long river, and each light point represents one of his most important memory points.

He walked forward little by little along the long river, from his childhood to a young man, from a young man to a young man, until he was killed at the end of the apocalypse before he stopped.

He knew that the memory he wanted to know was after this long river, but the next journey was not as smooth as the one he had walked before.

The second half of the road is full of strange rocks, and the road is rough, and there is a risk of falling if you are not careful.

Ever said that he must not let himself fall into this majestic river of memory, and he must check his memory as a bystander.

Li Zhou carefully walked up the path, walked through the stone forest, walked through the rapids, and finally saw everything he wanted to see.

In the process of encircling and suppressing the zombie king, the huge energy generated by the fight between the high-level ability user and the zombie king just stirred the newly formed spiritual veins and ancient dragon veins on the blue star.


Cosmic wandering.

And that soul is the person he hates most - Baifeng.

For the first 100 years, both he and Baifeng fell into a deep sleep, to be precise, Baifeng fell into a deep sleep, and because his soul was more condensed than Baifeng, he was half asleep and half awake.

He found that he was not dead, and he understood that the torrent of the universe was protecting him, so he reluctantly began to run his own practice. made him succeed.

His soul became more solid, and as a result fell into a real sleep.

But it has just been five hundred years since he slept, because Baifeng, who had been tempered by the torrent of the universe, woke up.

He did not try to run the exercises like himself, but every day soberly felt the torrent of the universe washing him away, and looked at himself not far from him with pain and resentment.

At that time, because of his small cultivation, he could hear the voices of the outside world, but he couldn't wake up. The fool from Baifeng didn't realize that he could fully hear his curses and complaints against him.

The two of them stayed together "at peace" for decades, until one day a starship broke in and broke the balance between him.

The starship is a very beautiful small starship, accidentally caught in the cosmic torrent due to the pursuit of the cosmic storm.

The moment the starship disintegrated, a human figure fell out and flew straight towards the middle between him and Baifeng.

The humanoid was photographed by the wreckage of the starship in the process of flying, a large amount of blood splashed in his direction, and the deformed person went towards Baifeng.

I don't know what is special about this human figure. When his soul was covered with blood, it burned like a fire.

The pain he never wanted to try again in his life, it was more painful than being swallowed by the zombie king.

He couldn't bear it and fainted suddenly. After a long time, the pain eased, and he heard the conversation between Baifeng and another voice in a daze.

Baifeng: "Now we are grasshoppers on a rope. You can't live even if I die. Don't forget that I am controlling this body."

Another voice: "So what, this body is mine."

Baifeng: "Don't forget your kindness, you would have died without me."

Another voice: "You have no body without me."

The two quarreled endlessly for years, until one day, Baifeng compromised: "It's okay for us to exchange and control our bodies every day, right?"

The voice agreed, and then he fell asleep again.

When he woke up again, Baifeng was gone, and the cosmic torrent seemed to be pulled by a new black hole and no longer wandered.

He was sober in this boundless vastness and boundless loneliness for thousands of years. Just when he thought he was about to be engulfed by this boundless loneliness, he saw the heroic appearance of Xavier in killing the enemy.

Cheville is so handsome, his beautiful big wings are waving in the air, and those things that look like animals but not beasts fall under his feet.

From that day on, he looked forward to the figure of Xavier appearing in his sight, and for this reason, he learned how to extend his spiritual power outward.

This will bring him closer to Xavier.

Maybe the time has come, or he may be full of merit, or he may be too eager to get close to Xavier. In a black hole transition, he was actually spit out by the torrent of the universe and regained his entity.

In the process of falling, he was too injured and fainted, and he forgot all of this, and was finally picked up by Xavier who returned from the exercise.

The memory behind him is the memory of getting along with Xavier after he was picked up by Xavier. These bits and pieces of memory are precious to him.

He also knew why he liked Xavier at first sight. It turned out that he had been watching Xavier for a long, long time.

It's just that he didn't see Baifeng after waking up. He thought he had dissipated, but he didn't expect that not only did he not dissipate, but he also mixed up the smoky atmosphere of the star orcs and the zerg.

He didn't know how Baifeng left the torrent of the universe, but since he didn't kill himself, there should be no way to do it.

After all, at first, he cursed himself so frantically because the enemy was so close, but he couldn't even move.

Otherwise, with Baifeng's stubborn character, he who couldn't move would be long gone.

I can't take revenge, I have to be swept away by the torrent of the universe, but Baifeng is so angry that he can't wait to explode in place.

Don't say, although he has been groggy for thousands of years, he still remembers Baifeng's anger to death very clearly, and is very happy to watch Baifeng play the monkey show.

However, the other voice that appeared in his mind, the one who merged with Baifeng, or the worm, he now knew who it was.

It's actually the bloodline of the royal family who has the exact same gene as his own and is living abroad - Veblenelle.

And he has the same gene as Nergen because his whole soul is soaked by Nerzer's blood.

Everything is right now, no wonder this mysterious figure has to wear a cloak all the time, because his own face has been completely deformed by the wreckage of the starship, and he can't show it at all.

The exercises of the Star Orcs and the Zerg were also specially taught by Baifeng in order to obtain supreme rights.

Baifeng can survive in the same soul state as him, which is probably the reason why he has practiced his own practice.

In other words, Baifeng in the end of the world did not have powers, and his powers were likely to be disguised, so there was no way to level up, so he was bullied and resented. .

But no matter what the reason, since Baifeng left the torrent of the universe, it is estimated that he can leave, so everything Baifeng is doing now is actually to deal with him.

Finally accepted his memory, and sorted out his memory, Li Zhou, after flying a kiss to the young Sheville in his memory, forced his consciousness to rise.

He needs to wake up quickly and tell Xavier everything, tell Xavier that he has loved him for years.

This is the third day of Li Zhou's deep sleep, and Xie Weier used a hot towel to take care of his little male master's personal hygiene as usual. His little male master loves cleanliness very much. Now, you have to get angry with him.

Just as he put the towel on Li Zhou's face, Li Zhou's beautiful eyes slowly opened.

He hurriedly put down the towel in his hand, and said with joy, "Are you awake? How are you feeling? I'll go and call Aivil."

He was about to send a message to Aivil, but was stopped by Li Zhou.

"Stay still, I'm fine, let me see you."

Xevier didn't know why, but he obediently let Li Zhou's hand caress his face.

When Li Zhou stroked his eyes, nose, and corners of his mouth little by little, he couldn't help but ask softly, "What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?"

Li Zhou shook his head and said softly, "Just to see how you have changed when you were a child compared to now. Well, nothing has changed, it's just as handsome, and it makes my heart feel the same."

Hearing what Li Zhou said, a wave of joy appeared in Xavier's eyes, and he asked excitedly, "You, do you remember?"

Li Zhou nodded: "I remember it all, it turns out that I fell in love with you when you first entered the battlefield, and the first time I had an entity to escape the torrent of the universe was you picking it up. I'm here. You say, are we destined to be a couple?"

"Yes." Xavier leaned down and touched Li Zhou's forehead, affirming, "We are a natural couple."

The husband and the wife looked at each other affectionately, and they could both see themselves in each other's eyes.

After a long time, they both smiled sweetly, you kissed me, I kissed you, and after a moment of tenderness, I called Evel to come in to examine Li Zhou's body.

Li Zhou is a little dissatisfied with this, he has already fully accepted his memory, why is there still a period of weakness? This unscientific.

Xevier was a little happy, he hadn't enjoyed Li Zhou's dependence on him for a long time.

Of course, Li Zhou was not counted when he was injured. At that time, he was so distressed that he wanted to hurt himself.

It's different now, Li Zhou is only weak and won't hurt his body, so he can carry Li Zhou everywhere as before.

Li Zhou saw that Xieweier's eyes were full of stars, so he didn't bother about his weakness, and he should do what he should do to satisfy his partner's petty hobbies.

Thinking of this, he patted the seat beside him and motioned for Xavier to sit down.

After Xavier sat down, he snuggled into Xavier's arms, and in Xavier's happy eyes, he slowly said what was important in his memory.

Xavier and Evil listened carefully to Li Zhou's narration, and when they heard that Nerze was still alive, Evil suddenly spoke.

"That means the mysterious figure is actually two worms?"

"Yes," Li Zhou nodded: "As for the control of the body, the two of them are one bug for a day, and I am also of the same origin because of his blood."

Speaking of this, he suddenly smiled, raised his head and said to Xavier: "I kind of know why my outer space side effects are so great."

"Why?" Shever wondered.

"Because ah, that cosmic torrent is like a large front-loading washing machine, my soul rolls and rolls in it, of course I will faint, this is called a stress response."

Xevier was amused by Li Zhou, and after thinking about it, he felt that what he said was very reasonable, so he looked at Evil next to him.

"What should he do in this situation?"

Ever sighed and said, "This is a psychological problem, not a physical one. You should let Duke help him, I can do nothing."

Li Zhou also sighed: "Okay, it seems that I can only ask Duke for psychological counseling. Forget it, let's not talk about it, about Baifeng and Nerzhe, That's all I have in my memory, but it can be considered that I know some details, and it is not a black eye."

"Well, I'll go back and discuss with Brian." Sheville said: "Your information is enough, since he hates you so much, it's hard to lose his temper. He found himself After the plan fails, it is very likely that we will send troops when we are in civil unrest."

"We can calculate with our heart and give him a slap in the face first." Evil continued.

"That's right." Xavier pondered: "However, this is just our idea, the Star Beast King of the Star Orcs is not a fool, but he may not necessarily listen to Baifeng. "

"What then?" asked Elwell.

Sheville sneered: "This opportunity is so rare, we will try it without losing, just to test the results of Bowen's recent training of prisoners of war, and the power of our heavy magnetic particle cannon on star beasts , you can also force Jacob to move."

On the third day of Sheville's plan, and a week after Eli followed Jacob.

Jacob finally caught the worm who dared to drug him. Everyone knew this worm, and he was actually one of Jacob's guards.

He looked at the female kneeling on the ground in disbelief, and asked sharply, "Why you? I trust you so much?"

The guard sneered, did not answer Jacob, but looked at Eli: "Why did you stop him?"

Eli was stunned for a moment, then calmly said after a while: "Because it's abnormal, His Highness is not such a bug, I can't let him be in danger."

The guard looked at Eli unwillingly and said, "If you don't stop him, he is dead now."

Jacob asked with an ugly face: "Why do you want to hurt me?"

"Why? Ha- funny, your laboratory has caused so many insects, and you ask me why it hurt you?"


"What am I?" The guard interrupted Jacob and said with a grim look: "It's you that turned my brother into a monster. He was so gentle before, because of you, he will always be Live in killing and pain."

"I did it for the whole Zerg!"

"Fart!" The guard was angry, he roared like a trapped beast, "Why don't you make yourself into a monster? You spliced ​​their bodies with the limbs of the star beasts to make them become The Zerg are not the Zerg, and the Star Orcs are not the Star Orcs, you—”

The guard did not say the following words, but was interrupted by Jacob's roar.

"Gag his mouth for me and kill him!"

Jacob was a little panicked. He didn't know how this guard knew so much. Although such a weapon experiment will be available sooner or later, it is not a good opportunity now.

In order to let the aliens see the end of betraying him, he specially docked on the deserted star and publicly interrogated the guard.

But he didn't expect this guard to shake this matter out in front of all the female soldiers.

Looking at the guard's successful eyes, he instantly understood the guard's thoughts.

He always knew that drugs could not kill him, and he did it for this opportunity!

He pulled out the particle wooden warehouse from the guard's waist to hold the guard's mouth shut, and pulled the trigger in the guard's arrogant eyes.

However, the wooden warehouse rang, but the guard did not die.

Jacob frowned and looked at Eli, who had rescued the **** for a moment, and said coldly, "Ye Bo, explain!"

Eli's hand behind his back clenched nervously, but his voice was very calm, he deliberately said loudly: "His Royal Highness, this guard must be sent by Xavier to destroy your reputation, even a worm knows , the laboratory is the handwriting of the late emperor Clyde, if you kill him at this time, it will not be good for you."

Jacob was soothed by Eli, and his eyes flashed: "What do you want to do?"

There must be something wrong with this, or the secrets have been leaked."

He paused for a while, then added: "If you kill him now, the clues will be cut off, and it would be bad if the gangsters jumped over the wall to directly spread the secrets, it's not just the battle of the experimental subjects. data-"

"You mean?" Jacob finally reacted, grabbing Eli's hand and saying, "I'll leave this to you, be sure to ask the mastermind behind the scenes, and never let the outside world know about the experiment weakness of the body."

Eli nodded and walked down with the guard alone.

He concluded that Jacob would not send worms after him, because he did not want to make a mess.

Sure enough, there were no worms behind him, and the female soldiers saw him dragging the guards forward, and they wisely stepped aside so that he could move towards the temporary station without any obstructions.

After he brought the guard to his room, he sat down on the chair in frustration and took two quick breaths.

This place was found temporarily, and it was simply sorted out, so there was no monitoring or monitoring.

His back was completely soaked, if Jacob had any doubts about him just now, he might have to die here today, but he won the bet.

After a short rest, he poured a glass of cold water on the guard's face. When the guard woke up, he squatted on the ground and smiled like a villain.

"Tell me, who sent you here?"

The guard didn't speak, just stared at Eli's face, until Eli couldn't help but look away, and then slowly spoke.

"You're not Pol."

His voice was so small that Eli couldn't hear what he was saying if he wasn't paying attention.

After he understood what the guard said, his pupils shrank for a moment, then quickly recovered.

"How come I don't understand what you say, I am not and who is Bol?"

The guard laughed lowly, and continued to whisper: "You know what I'm talking about, your eyes are too young. Jacob didn't realize that because you were so focused in front of him, covering up Great, now—"

"What now? Not like it?"

The guard nodded and said relaxed: "Tell me, why did you save me?"

Eli did not answer the guard, but asked directly: "How did you know about the subject?"

The guard looked at Eli coldly and said, "Why should I tell you?"

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to save your brother." Eli said coldly.

"Why should I trust you?"

"Because I'm not the real Boer, don't you just want my help when you talk to me so much? You're bound to die anyway, so you might as well believe me once."

The guard was silent, and after discovering that it was Ye Boer who saved him, he thought he would face a confession of words and deeds, but when he found that Ye Boer was not Ye Boer, he ignited again hope.

Anyway, his younger brother has been settled by him, so it's okay to believe this bug once, in case, in case.

"I know this because my brother ran out and he told me."

"Your brother ran out, you didn't hide with your brother, why did you come to trouble Jacob?" Eli looked at the guard in front of him as if he was mentally ill.

The guard smiled bitterly: "I think so too, but, but, I still have a younger brother..."

"What?" Eli was shocked, "You mean, you still have a younger brother in the laboratory?"

"They are twins, they are both lovely females, their mental power level is S grade, much better than my A grade brother, if not—"

The guard took a deep breath and gritted his teeth: "If it weren't for my good uncle, my younger brothers would not have been sold to the laboratory, my male father would not have died with hatred, and my female father would not have died. I won't go crazy because of the death of my father and the disappearance of my younger brothers."

"But the culprit in all of this is Jacob, so you want to get revenge on Jacob, don't you?"

Eli was very sympathetic to the guard's experience, but he still felt that he was impulsive.

The guard saw the disapproval in Eli's eyes, and he seemed to cry and laugh: "My female father died, the day after seeing my brother."

Eli's eyes flickered: "Sorry, condolences."

"Heh-what condolences, I did this today to leave a seed of suspicion in the hearts of the military females. Once this seed is planted, when the experimental body is born, Jacob will be considered No matter how eloquent and well-prepared, you will be suspected."


"Then have you ever thought about what to do with your brother who fails?"

"What can I do? He doesn't want to live anymore."

"You mean the brother who escaped?" Eli asked.

The guard was silent for a moment, then nodded: "He was transplanted with the tail of the fox beast, you know, the tail of the fox beast is their most advantageous weapon. He has to endure the pain of rejection every day, and also To endure those tortured memories."

"I smuggled him to check on his body, and the doctor said he won't live more than twenty years."

Eli was also silent, he didn't know how to comfort the guard, he patted the guard on the shoulder and asked the most important question: "Do you know what the weakness of the experimental subject is?"

"Yes, I know, he told me when he wanted me to help him out."

"Can you tell me?" Eli asked softly.

The guard didn't speak, he tapped his finger for Eli to reach out.

Eli untied the particle handcuffs on his hands, the guard sat up, and wrote a few words in Eli's hands.

Eli sighed with relief, looking at the guard gratefully, his voice very low.

"Thanks, I will try my best to save your life, it is not exhausted. If you trust me, give me a token, I will send your brother to a safe place, think way to address his rejection."

Eli is also silent, who is his allegiance to?

He didn't know if he was loyal or not. He was an experimental subject who couldn't see the bugs. If it weren't for Xavier and Duke, he might not feel the taste of being valued by bugs in his life.

He and Xavier are in a cooperative relationship. Xavier actually doesn't trust him, but he just gave him a chance to choose, but he still wanted to answer the guard, and he did.

"Sheavier, my allegiance is to Shevell."

The author has this to say:

There is no small theater today, but tomorrow I will be resurrected with full blood, so there will be a small show tomorrow, and friends can go to the show after 3 pm.

Bugs, catch them together tomorrow.

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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