MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 130

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Although Xavier nodded, Li Zhou still saw that he had no plans to lead the troops back to the Imperial Capital at all, just because he asked, to make him feel at ease.

Pointing at Xieweier's heart, Li Zhou said slowly, "You lied to me."

"I didn't lie to you." Xavier was a little guilty. He really didn't plan to lead troops to the Imperial City to pacify the chaos, but he didn't say "he" would not go.

He couldn't let go of Li Zhou, who was seriously injured, and his father, who was about to give birth in more than a month.

If he really led his troops to the Imperial Capital Star to pacify the chaos immediately, he might not be able to come back for several months. When he thought that his two most important insects were not by his side at the most dangerous time, he felt in his heart. Just panic.

But he didn't plan to let this opportunity go, he would let Brian and Lu take their "dead" elite army females to the Imperial City and join Morey.

Anyway, they are ready to destroy the laboratory, and they generally know what is going on in the laboratory. There is no need to keep that fake road, just to solve it together.

He didn't believe that the Star Orcs would pass up the opportunity of the empire's chaos and not invade, so he had to ensure that nothing would happen to their rear, especially the M star.

M star is their granary and the most important logistics supply place, and must be guarded by trusted insects.

Besides, the Star Orcs have a strange obsession with Star M. If they go out to the Imperial City, the Star Orcs will definitely attack Star M again.

Originally he was going to let Brian sit in the rear, but the situation of Li Zhou and his female father changed his mind.

Because the army in front is assembled, and Morey is the inner responder, and Archie will not let all princes enter the imperial star, he will definitely cooperate with their army to calm the chaos.

Therefore, although there may be a huge battle ahead, it should not be difficult to fight with the talents of Brian, Morey and Lu, at most it may take some time.

On the contrary, when the troops in the rear are empty, it is easy to be stolen by the star orcs. Therefore, in order to prevent the soldiers in the front from being stabbed by the star beasts, it is the safest plan for Xavier to sit in the rear.

However, he didn't completely deceive Li Zhou. Although he was not going to lead the army himself, he still had to have a Shevil sitting in front.

This will not only reassure the soldiers in the front, but also confuse the star orcs. If they really dare to make trouble while "Shevel" is in chaos, they will all stay.

He has already contacted the female child he rescued before, Yas, who is similar to him, is he willing to go to the Imperial City instead of him?

Also told Yass all the dangers he might encounter, and let Yass choose.

Yas agreed without thinking, he smiled and said to Xavier: "Deputy commander, I have been training with Instructor Lu these days, and now it is very good. You and Li Zhou Your Highness is so kind to me, I don't do anything to repay you, my conscience is uneasy."

Sheville nodded and said, "Thank you, pay attention to safety." After that, he went to discuss with Casey how to stabilize the rear.

He is going to borrow Casey's power this time, just for the "Self-Defense Force" that Casey formed and taught by Lu.

After all, only through actual combat and seeing the real cruelty of the battlefield can she grow into a qualified military female.

Taylor also moved, and lent his business route to Xavier to transport combat preparation materials. Now a large number of combat preparation materials have been delivered to the side star of the imperial capital, just waiting for Xavier to give an order , go straight to Huanglong.

Of course he didn't tell Li Zhou what he did. It wasn't because he didn't want to, but because Li Zhou had been tossed around for the past few days. Forget these.

If Li Zhou hadn't mentioned it today, he might have to wait until Brian and the others went to the front to start a fight.

Touching his nose, Seville revealed his plan in full.

After he finished speaking, he kissed Li Zhou's cheek, softened his tone, and said flatteringly, "I didn't mean to tell you, I really forgot."

Speaking of forgetting, he blinked awkwardly, feeling that he didn't believe it himself, but he did forget.

Li Monday saw Xavier's expression and knew that he didn't lie. Xevier was exhausted these days.

Although it was him who was hurt and the one who was hurting, it was Xavier who was really suffering.

At first, Xavier complained that he did not protect him well, and then he was bothered about Quincy's affairs. He caught several waves of bugs to assassinate Quincy, but failed to ask the mastermind behind it. It was to make Xavier irritable.

During this period, Clyde died, Archie took over, various princes rebelled, and he had to take care of him who couldn't use the medical warehouse and the painkillers were still ineffective, which made Xavier really tired. to deal with.

These are not counting the care of the female father and preventing the sneak attack of the star beasts.

Some distressed caressed Xavier's dark eyes with a hint of flattery, Li Zhou said softly: "I believe in you, the battlefield is your domain, I believe your arrangements are the best."

Cheville held Li Zhou, put his face on it, rubbed his face like a coquettish cat, sighed softly, "You are so nice, Li Zhou, I love you so much ."

"I love you too." Li Zhou's eyes were gentle, and his fingers rubbed the delicate skin on Xavier's face, "I love you very much."

Cheville smiled very contentedly, and held Li Zhou in his arms, seeing that he was in good spirits today, and told Li Zhou about the school in detail, and asked What else does he think about the school.

Cherville said very carefully, in addition to the military, politics, professional technology, science and culture, physical fitness and other courses that the military academy needs to learn now, it also offers courses such as combat readiness and logistics, law, military management, etc. .

Of course, the most important subject—mental control is also opened.


Of course, most of the military females do not need to be rebuilt, they only need to concentrate on mental control.

But Xavier didn't block the doors, they allowed the female soldiers who wanted to go back to school to learn what they wanted to learn.

After listening, Li Zhou thought for a while, and said, "You have already thought about it very comprehensively, let's do it first, you can't chew too much. We can use this school as a pilot, etc. This one is mature, and more perfected."

Cheville nodded, as if thinking of something, with a smile on his face, said: "My father also thinks the same, since the school was established three days ago, he goes to the school for you to teach the exercises every day, I feel a lot better. You see, it's almost dinner time, and I haven't come back yet."

Li Zhou also smiled: "My father finally has something to do, it's normal to be happy. Look at it, my father is almost eleven months old."

"Well, I sent 4 military females to follow him every step of the way. It also upset the female father. After marrying Archie, the female father was forced to leave the army. It’s okay to have something to do now.”

"Yeah." Li Zhou was also very emotional, Amos was a genius, but he was trapped in the back house by tricks, and now he has come to the end of his hardships.

But when it comes to Archie, Li Zhou thinks of the fact that Amos is still Archie's real female monarch in name.

Now that Archie has ascended to the position of the male emperor, it stands to reason that Amos is the female queen, plus Amos is indeed pregnant with Archie's flesh and blood, it is difficult to guarantee that Archie will not In order to control Xavier, Amos will be brought back in the name of the canonized queen.

After all, now is not the time for Clyde to be the king. At that time, Archie persuaded Clyde to let go of Xavier and Amos for his own sake. Getting it back is also for himself.

Li Zhou told Xavier his worries, Xavier pondered for a moment, and said coldly: "It is indeed possible, but now he doesn't dare, if he wants to rely on me to calm the chaos, he won't It will move the insects around me, after the peace and chaos, hehe-"

Xevier didn't say anything later, but Li Zhou understood that Xavier didn't plan to let Archie live anymore.

He is ready to take advantage of the chaos and seize power directly, resolutely not giving the royal family any chance to recuperate.

"You have a plan in your mind. I will do my best to support you, and I will recover as soon as possible. We will uproot the royal family together."

"Well, after Carla convinces Prino, we will even know where the shady drugs that Clyde secretly researched are, just to prevent Archie from using these drugs against us. "

"Well, I hope it goes well. Oh, by the way—" Li Zhou suddenly thought of something and looked at Xavier with a smile.

"Yesterday you went to the military, my father and I talked about the scrapped heavy magnetic particle cannon, saying that Norman had modified it and it was completely ready for use, but it lacked something."

"There is such a thing." Xavier sighed, "That cannon is a very good weapon. If it is manufactured on a large scale, it can greatly improve its combat capability and can also be used for planet defense. However, after the improved particle cannon, it takes too much energy to activate, and the energy stone we got from Lennon and the savings we saved are simply not enough."

Li Zhou raised his eyebrows, squeezed Xavier's hand, and said with a wicked smile: "You beg me, you beg me, I'll tell you some good news."

Xevier had a faint conjecture in his heart, but he felt that it was unlikely. Li Zhou had been in the interstellar for less than a year, and it was impossible to know where there were energy mines.

However, he looked at Li Zhou brightly, expecting his coquettish eyes, so he kept his voice soft, pulled the cuff of Li Zhou's pajamas, shook it gently, and whispered: "Please You, tell me if it's okay."

He held the hand of Seville that was pulling his sleeve, pretending to be serious: "Quick, pick me up quickly, let your hero, I will take you to solve the problem, look at you In the future, don't you dare to tell me nothing because of my injury."

"Okay, obey, my hero." Xie Weile cooperated with his own little hero, and hoped that Li Zhou would really have a solution to the problem of energy consumption by the heavy magnetic particle cannon, so he happily embraced Start the week.

Just as he picked up Li Zhou, he saw Li Zhou smile slightly, and in an instant they disappeared into the bedroom and came to Li Zhou's turned upside down space.

The author has this to say:

Li Zhou: That's why I can make the majestic Generalissimo act like a spoiled brat.

Sheville looked at Li Zhou dotingly: Yes, only you can.

Duke, Brian: What to show!

Li Zhou: Just show off, Xavier never acts like a spoiled child to you, but only beats you.

Duke, Brian: Go!

Read The Duke's Passion