MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 128

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The death of Clyde

Who killed Clyde?

Clyde is dead!

The death is extremely tragic.

His hands were claw-like, and he was clasping the precious and gorgeous carpet, facing the door. It didn't look like he was going to crawl out to ask for help, but instead, it looked like he was going to kill the first insect who found his body.

It was impossible for Archie to discover Clyde's body.

When Archie came to look for Clyde, Clyde might have ordered Prino, who just happened to be away.

So, although Archie entered the palace temporarily, the remaining bug waiters did not dare to stop him due to the prince's always domineering style. Find Clyde's dead bug.

It may be that Clyde's death is too tragic, or it may be that Archie has just contacted his teacher and was in the shadow of childhood, so when he saw Clyde's body Suddenly, he was so frightened that he pulled away the insects he brought, and ran out shouting.

"Aah! Help! Help!"

After a while, the entire bedroom was in chaos. There were cries and shouts everywhere, and a worm seemed to caress Clyde's face in the chaos.

When Pulinuo came back, what he saw was the palace of the emperor, which had been jointly controlled by the military department, the star police department and the royal guard department.

Plino was the most suspicious because he was Clyde's personal bugger. As soon as he approached, he was controlled.

For unknown reasons, he took out the warrant that Clyde gave him.

Because the doctor has completed the autopsy, Clyde died of a potent poison, and it took less than a minute to take the poison and die.

But who would that be? The bug waiter in the bedroom has been unable to serve Clyde closely these days, and the ones who can serve are not there, and the tea and desserts that can be directly prescribed are not poisonous.

Tortured all the insect servants in the palace, but the result was that they really didn't know anything.

The case is deadlocked.

The assassination of the emperor is the top priority of the empire, and due to Archie's sassy operation, the news of Clyde's death is flying everywhere.

There was an uproar on the Interstellar Internet. Some speculated that he was assassinated by the Star Orcs, some speculated that he was assassinated by Prince Jacob, and some speculated that Clyde could not hide it because of the laboratory. So I committed suicide out of fear of sin.

But no matter what the reason is, the country cannot be without a king for a day, and when Clyde dies, the royal family is reshuffled.

Archie ascended the throne because he was on the Imperial Star and was Clyde's younger brother. It can be said that his image was too sloppy, and the princes who had been suppressed by Clyde before raised their troops one after another. Among them, Jacob was the one who had the most trouble.

Archie also had a headache, Clyde died before the laboratory took over, and before he could show his edge.

This completely disrupted all his previous plans;

Go deep into the heart of the worm, so as to avoid the superior.

Because he knew that taking the top position at this time was tantamount to courting death, Jacob would not accept it, and neither would other princes. It's not just a courtier's fiddling, but a real embattlement.

The real opportunity to rise to the top is when there is no leader. When various forces are in chaos, he "suddenly grows up" to turn the tide and end the chaos before he can truly convince the public.

But he failed, and before he could act, Admiral Longman Weber, whom Clyde personally supported, pushed him to that position.

The result was exactly as he had guessed. He was in a hurry to ascend to the throne, and hundreds of families refused to accept it. Even the Guy family, who had absolutely surrendered to the royal family before, became an outsider.

Not to mention the already neutral Clemens, Horatio and other families.

They want to use themselves as a springboard for the cub who has been identified as a male.

However, Archie doesn't care, little brat, it's not certain whether he can grow up or not. At this time, there is a noble family standing behind him, which has many benefits.

At this time, you can use it, let Byron go to the stubborn courtiers and give him more time to ease.

In fact, without Byron, Archie can't be difficult. With his ability, as long as time allows, he can still clean up the mess.

But at this critical juncture, a bug actually came up with evidence related to Clyde in the laboratory.

The integrity of the evidence chain and the exactness of the evidence directly detonated the network and various forces, and the Star Orcs also took this opportunity to make a move.

They are also paying attention to this matter in Xavier as far away as Isol.

After they accepted this fact and analyzed it carefully, they realized that this was not Clyde's trick, nor was it Archie's ghost, but that they didn't know which force took advantage of Xavier's absence in the Imperial City, And Wei Boer has not yet fully controlled the military, the reason for the weak defense of the Imperial Capital Star took advantage of the emptiness.

However, Clyde, who was smart, was suffocated enough to die, and it is estimated that he would have to suffocate to death again.

Duke said heartlessly: "It's so heartwarming, I have imagined many ways of Clyde's death, but I think this way of death is the most suitable for him, playing conspiracy all day long, I was finally killed by the conspiracy."

Li Zhou, who was lying on the bed, frowned. Clyde was dead, Archie hurriedly took the position and was beleaguered. Evidence that Clyde is behind the scenes.

Neither of these brothers benefited, but it was an opportunity for them.

Although he also had to face the threat of the star orcs, he also missed the best chance to control the imperial capital.

But they already have an absolute reason to return to the Imperial City, and cooperate with Morey and Taylor to clear the empire that has been devastated by the royal family.

It's just that he had some doubts in his heart. He didn't know who this force belonged to, but he always had a feeling that this force was a friend, not Jacob or some other mysterious force.

He looked up at Xavier, who was also in deep thought, and said softly, "Do you know whether there are any other forces in the Imperial Capital star that will turn against us besides the female father, Casey, and Big Brother Taylor?"

Sevier shook his head, and just as he was about to speak, the interface for Elver to request a call popped up.

Click to connect, and Elvir's hologram appears in the room.

Aivil didn't talk nonsense, and immediately opened his mouth when he saw Xavier.

"Shevel, Clyde's death is probably related to Jane."

"Jane! What's going on? How did you know?" Sheville frowned.

Ever said: "Do you remember the time Jane sent you a message through me, when Clyde found a female son who looked like you?"


"In addition to passing the news that time, Jane and I asked for a medicine that can slowly weaken the worm. The medicine is not fatal, a small amount can aphrodisiac, but a large amount will make the user hyperactive , slowly became grumpy, angered, and finally was hollowed out by medicine, which I didn't want to give at first—"

"But you gave it." Shevell affirmed.

Aivil nodded: "I gave it, I wanted to tell you, but there were too many things during that time. When I did a routine check on Clyde, I didn't find any problems. I thought Jane It didn't work, so I forgot to say it later.

As soon as Clyde died, I suddenly remembered that although this medicine will not be fatal in the later stage, if you are unlucky and eat a very large amount of sugar in a short period of time, it will instantly become See the blood-stuffed throat poison. "

Cherville's eyes narrowed, as if thinking of something, a cold voice came out of his mouth: "It won't be Jane."


Iville was puzzled, only he and Jane knew about it, neither he nor Jane, then who poisoned Clyde?

Severe did not answer, but asked instead, "Where was Prino when Clyde died?"

Ever didn't understand why they were talking about Jane just now, why it was on Prino, but he answered truthfully.

"Preno was outside the palace when Clyde had an accident. But what does this have to do with Preno?"

Severe nodded, still didn't answer Evil, but fell into deep thought.

Sheville thought about it, and Iville was anxious. This Shevell really only cares about the fire, whether it is extinguished, first Jane and then Prino, he will not answer any one.

Following Li Zhou's inability to see it, he explained to him: "Sheville said it wasn't Jane, because if it was really Jane who did it, you should see Jane in the palace now, and We'll also know in advance when Clyde will die."

Aiweier knew it right away, and immediately understood what Li Zhou meant. Jane kept sending them news. If Jane really wanted to do something, she couldn't help but tell them.

Jin will let them prepare in advance, instead of waiting for success, let them know the news from the Internet and obituaries, so as to miss the best chance to control the imperial star.

That wasn't Jane, and Xavier asked Prinault again. Did Xavier doubt Prinault?


Prino is Clyde's most trusted bug and the most loyal female son of Clyde.

In the palace, even the concubine will give him three points of face. With his eyeliner and status in the palace, it is indeed possible to know about Clyde's poisoning.

But he didn't help Clyde detoxify, he even used this poison to kill Clyde and kill him, he didn't believe it.

However, Xavier's next sentence after he pondered, let him know that Xavier's idea did not come out of thin air.

"Duke, did Brother Taylor say, where did those videos come from? And the accidental exposure of the male star brain, did you find the cleaner you found? I have a hunch , find that cleaner, and we'll know the truth."

Sheville smiled confidently, and continued: "After all, I can understand Clyde's movements so well, and I can't think of a bug who can install a camera in the palace of the Emperor, and I can't think of it. Who is it, and that cleaner is probably his bug."

The author has this to say:

Preno: I can't believe it! I'm the big boss behind the scenes.

Cherville: Disrespect!

Duke: Don't bother the two masters, you solved Archie too!

Prenor: ..

I wonder if any of you have paid attention to Preno? In fact, I have been laying the groundwork since his first appearance.

There are many things in it that show that his mind is not pure, but why he betrayed Clyde, everyone can guess if you are interested.

I also paved the way for Clyde’s death. I thought about letting him die in the hands of Xavier, but later I thought it was too cheap for him, and I would also let Xavier carry the reputation of killing the emperor, Good to say not to sound.

Gotta suffocate him.

Let's see, catch the bug tomorrow.

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!