MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 125

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It's not that Clyde couldn't stand the blow, but that he was really wronged this time.

He didn't understand that he was just trying to find a way to put Archie on the Isol star, and he also placed eyeliner on the Isol star, how could he be connected with Quincy's assassination of Xavier Together.

The worst thing is that this time Quincy brought the new weapon of the equipment department to Shevell and he personally approved it, and the new weapon took Quincy to assassinate Shevell The whole process was filmed Down, of course, also exposed Quincy's true strength.

To be honest, he was also very shocked that the empire had a second SS+ female son. Knowing that Quincy was so powerful, he would have thought of a way to make Quincy fall in love with him, so as to take Xieweier's How could he let him out so easily.

So the people think that he who can remember this soldier must be the insect behind Quincy.

Then it is natural to think that this attack is related to him.

Everything was linked together, which made him even more convinced that Clyde wanted to cheat on Xavier.

While it is true.

More wise netizens directly analyzed: Clyde is the worm behind the mysterious laboratory, otherwise how did Quincy hide his strength? You must know that the mental strength detector is very accurate now.

The detector is known to be very accurate, so there are only two explanations for Quincy's ability to hide.

Quincy was an S rank before, because he participated in the experiment and suddenly increased his strength to SS+ rank for a short period of time, and then it will fall back to the original rank, or Quincy can control his mind at will after participating in the experiment force.

This also explains why Quincy is a transparent bug. Because Clyde is weakening Quincy's sense of existence, but fortunately, he won by surprise at the critical moment.

As soon as this analysis came out, netizens responded one after another and felt that this analysis was the most reliable. Some netizens combined the two analyses and came to the conclusion that more than 90% of netizens I don't think there is any way to refute it.

So first, he found a female prostitute similar to Xavier to solve the secret desire in his heart”.

In the end, the video was recorded by the heartworm and sent to the interstellar network. She was seen by Xavier and learned that the emperor, who had always been loyal to him, had such thoughts about him and was deeply shocked.

From the point of view of the fact that during the Great Court Meeting, Xavier did not attend the court meeting, and only representatives from Duke and Morey attended this conjecture.

In order to appease Xavier's emotions, Clyde promoted Xavier to the deputy commander and agreed to let Xavier take his teacher out of the Imperial City to relax. Of course, it may also be that Xavier threatened Clyde before was able to leave the Imperial City.

But no matter what the reason is, Clyde's guilty conscience cannot be concealed.

The conjecture of distraction was seen from the fact that Xavier took the pregnant teacher on a trip.

After all, the task of investigating the cause of the mutation of the star beast is so dangerous, no matter how stupid Xavier is, it is impossible to take the teacher who is pregnant and the hero is not around, right?

The reason for investigating the mutation of the star beast must be Clyde's fig leaf.

And Clyde was also afraid that Xavier would be out of his control because of this matter, or that he would have hatred for not being able to ask for it, or he was simply afraid that Xavier would be alienated from him because of this matter. Will send out this trump card that has been hidden for many years - Quincy does not do it, and assassinates Xavier endlessly.

But there are still a small number of netizens who think this analysis seems reasonable, but the premise is that Clyde really misses Xavier. De did not have such a mind?

This remark instantly brought all netizens back to the royal scandal three months ago.

Technical netizens directly made a comprehensive, frame-by-frame comparative analysis of the removed video and the protagonist in the clarification video, and came to the conclusion that it is not the same bug at all .

He also compared Clyde in the peach color video with the previous Clyde speech video, Clyde in the royal documentary, frame by frame, and came to the conclusion— The protagonist in the peach color video is Clyde Benedict.

That is to say—to clarify that the video was made by Clyde in order to whitewash himself, and I don’t know where to find similar bugs. Maybe these similar bugs are experiments in the mysterious laboratory, otherwise How could it be so similar?

The Propaganda Department banned netizens from leaving comments, but there was nothing to do.

But the more he banned, the more heated the discussion, because netizens felt that they had found the truth of the matter.

That's why the royal family covered netizens in such a simple and rude way, instead of explaining and clarifying like the previous few times.

However, these are not what worries Clyde the most, what worries him most is that at such an important juncture, the Hunter and Mandel, who he regarded as a laboratory, actually disappeared .

Disappeared for no reason when the experiment was about to succeed.

His first reaction was that Jacob was playing a trick, but Prino reminded him that Hunter was not missing, but a "prison break", and Mandel was most likely the Guy's. , after all, after Mandel was cocooned, he transformed into a male with a spiritual power level of S+.

Although he is still in a coma, he is an S+ rank male!

In the past, there were only 3 in the entire empire, and then Li Zhou came, but there were only 4.

Actually, based on Mandel’s S+ level, the Guy family will not be reluctant to give up, mainly because Mandel can evolve once, not necessarily the second time.

Also, they hid Mandel, most likely the Guy family saw the changes in Mandel and wanted some benefits, so they did this.

The feeling of being bitten on the back of the "star beast" raised by him is not pleasant, and Clyde hates it so much.

But there is no other way but to make his eyeliner look for Hunter and Mandel on the one hand, and mediate with the head of the Guy family on the other hand, and he doesn't want to give half the benefits.

Of course, what he was looking for was Hunter. After all, if other forces got Hunter, he would be really dangerous.

The more you are afraid, the more you will come. On the third day of Xavier's assassination, just wanting to persuade Xavier to have a match between the ruler and his ministers and clarify the "rumours", Clyde took the A mysterious call arrives.

Hunt was caught, and all kinds of experimental data of Hunter fell into the hands of the mysterious bug.

The caller said that he would publish the news and detailed experimental data of his transformation of Hunter into an experimental body within a month.

If you don't want this news leaked, hand over all the secret labs in your hands to him.

Of course Clyde refused, it was all his hard work, how could he be willing.

Plino wanted to say something when he saw it, but he opened his mouth and still didn't say anything, just at this moment Archie asked for an audience.

Clyde didn't want to see Archie, but the bug waiter said that Archie wanted to see him, so he did.

As soon as Archie came in, he closed the door of the study, turned around and walked to Clyde, looking at Clyde seriously.

"Brother, tell me the truth, did you really participate in that mysterious laboratory?"

Clyde just wanted to refute, but before he could say anything, Archie's next sentence forced him to admit this fact.

Archie: "Brother, I received a mysterious call, he asked you to hand over all the mysterious laboratory to him, as well as the experimental report of Hunter and where he took Hunter from Show me the video, isn't that place the real estate that our female father bought outside the palace during his lifetime?"

Clyde stared at Archie for a long time, and when Archie thought he would not answer, he said lightly: "It's me, but I am all for the empire."

"Of course I believe in you." Archie looked at Clyde with an expression of "you are my brother, I believe in you unconditionally".

"But, brother, we must now hand over the laboratory to that mysterious bug, otherwise we will have no future."

"But—" Clyde frowned, he was reluctant, and always felt that there was still room for manoeuvre.

But Archie said: "Brother, don't be reluctant, after handing over the laboratory, we will send troops to encircle and suppress the laboratory, which will not only clear your suspicion, but also prevent the experiment from being carried out. The room falls into the hands of the worm behind the curtain."

"After we encircle the laboratory, those experimental items and experimental data are all evidence, which can be turned from darkness to light, and openly researched in the name of the empire!"

Clyde squinted his eyes, stared at Archie for a moment, looked away after a while, and said casually: "Archie, you have grown up, you can think so much. , as expected of my brother."

"Of course, I've already caused you so much trouble, it's time to think about you more, after all—" Archie pursed the corners of his mouth, seeming a little embarrassed.

"After all what? What's wrong with my brother?" Clyde asked with a smile.

"After all, you are the emperor, so I can be free, we are brothers, if another emperor ascends the throne, I will die too!"

Archie knew that Clyde was suspicious of him. After all, he only knew how to play, how could he think so much. He used his life as an excuse to not believe that Clyde would doubt him, because it was a fact.

Sure enough, after hearing Archie's answer, Clyde looked at him with a lot of sincerity, and rewarded him with a lot of antique calligraphy and paintings.

Thank you with a happy face, Archie walked out of Clyde's study with brisk steps, he knew that Clyde had accepted his opinion.

He's finally getting the lab he's always wanted...

At the same time, in the Isol Star Senior Ward, Li Zhou, who had been sleeping for three days, finally woke up.

As soon as he woke up, Xavier found out, and excitedly called Duke and the others in. After a series of checks, Duke spoke.

"It's alright, the most dangerous time has passed, and you must cultivate well and not be tired. With Li Zhou's physique, the wound on the heart can be completely healed in a month, but if you want to recover to the The physique before the injury will take at least three months."

After listening to Duke's words, the heart that Xavier had been hanging on was finally released.

He murmured: "It's okay to recover slowly, it's good to recover, it's good to recover."

Li Zhou couldn't see Xavier like this, he knew that Xavier would definitely blame himself for his injury this time.

Looking at the blackness of Xavier's eyes, he stretched out his hand and tugged at Xavier's sleeve, and said softly: "Accompany, sleep with me for a while."

Duke nodded and said, "Sleep more will help the injury to recover, Xevier, you sleep with Li Zhou for a while, I'll go out first."

Wait for Duke to go out, Xavier took off his coat and lightly went to bed and lay beside Li Zhou.

Because he was afraid of touching Li Zhou's wound, he did not dare to approach Li Zhou, but turned to look at Li Zhou's delicate eyebrows and coaxed softly: "Go to sleep, I'll be by your side ."

Li Zhou nodded, the hand under the quilt held Xavier's hand, and whispered coquettishly: "Xavier, you are closer to me."

Li Zhou was very satisfied with his current position, rubbed Xavier's chest, and asked in a low voice, "Is Quincy still alive?"

Shevell took a deep breath, suppressed his hatred for Quincy, and whispered: "I'm alive, I woke up yesterday, and I won't say anything. Li Zhou, I want to kill him ."

Your problem, he's weird."

"Are you saying that he can control the mind like us?"

Li Zhou's eyes were slightly squinted, because his voice was more lazy and pleasant because of the lack of energy in the injury.

However, with this lazy and pleasant voice, he threw a blockbuster flatly.

"Quincy has the ability, and the ability is a rare teleport!"

The author has this to say:

Quincy: Didn’t I explain why in this chapter?

Li Zhou, Xieweier: We don't know, you ask the author, we don't know!

Quincy Gao Leng: A bunch of each, tell me, what's going on? Don't know if I'm going to kill it? You also cut my role.

A bunch of every (author): Uh...Clyde brought money into the group, you **** him! I will not stop!

Quincy: Bullshit!

I have time to catch bugs tomorrow;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion