MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 112

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Black eat black

First battle

Two days passed in a blink of an eye, and Xavier handed over the manor to Taylor to take care of it, and then led Li Zhou, and Amos with some of his close subordinates, and set off for the mining star.

This time they came out of the imperial capital in the name of investigating the mutation of the star beasts, so there were not many people who went into battle lightly, salutes, supplies and follows the army females.

On the way to the mine star, Xavier always had a shallow smile on his face, but his spirit was always tense.

Although they left the Imperial City safely, with his knowledge of Clyde, it is impossible to pass up such an excellent opportunity to get rid of him and Amos.

Expected to be ambushed on the route they must pass.

So, he did not hurry, but traveled slowly like a sightseeing tour.

Li Zhou walked to the Lord with a few cups of freshly squeezed orange juice and freshly baked biscuits, followed by several military females carrying the same thing.

Put the things on the battle table, waved to Xavier, and said softly: "Call them over to eat something."

Sheville nodded and beckoned to let the military female who could not wait to smell the fragrance come over to eat.

Because Bowen was familiar with Li Zhou, and saw his boss agree, he rushed over directly.

Other unfamiliar military females also started to move after seeing Bowen like this.

When they took the first bite of the biscuits, they paused at the same time, and then frantically grabbed them in front of Li Zhou.

Li Zhou hurriedly stopped: "Don't rob, I've done a lot, not enough—"

Li Zhou did not say the following words, because he was already picked up by Xavier and walked towards the door.

They were on the largest starship this time. Besides them, there were many female soldiers who went to the mining star together.

At this time, he was held in his arms by Xavier, and was coaxed by the passing military females, which made Li Zhou, who was already a little taller than Xavier, a little embarrassed.

He quickly patted Xavier on the shoulder and motioned Xavier to put him down, but Xavier did not listen to him, and walked more calmly towards their room.

It wasn't until Li Zhou was put on the bed that Xavier said with a stern face: "Didn't I let you rest? Why did you go to the kitchen to make biscuits for these stinky boys? Did your fever subside? Forget it? What did you vomit up last night?"

"I'm just a little tired from lying down, so I got up to move around. I baked your favorite apple pie and made milk tea. Would you like some?" Li Zhou replied shyly.

After his evolution this time, his physical fitness is much better than before.

But I don't know if it was born to collide with outer space, or what happened thousands of years ago.

As long as he leaves the defense net of the planet, he will gradually become weak, especially after the transition, he will definitely be affected by the dual side effects of outer space and transition, and will have a fever and sickness.

However, this time, because his physical fitness has improved a little, he is not as dizzy and uncomfortable as before.

Li Zhou felt that as long as he experienced a few more trips like this, he should be able to fully adapt.

But Xavier, who always pays attention to Li Zhou, is still very nervous, so after he has a fever, he is forbidden to work at will, and he specially slows down the speed of progress again, euphemistically: this time is just to relax Yes, there is no need to be in such a hurry.

Li Zhou couldn't lie down, so he decided to get up for a walk, and after this walk, he entered the kitchen.

He wanted to bake an apple pie that both father and son liked for Xavier and Armos, and went back to rest.

The accompanying cook did not know where he heard that he would make these new ingredients, so he endured the fear and asked him carefully.

Li Zhou also wanted them to accept and use new ingredients more quickly, so he took some time to bake cookies and squeezed orange juice with the cooks.

The cooks finally believed the rumors that Li Zhou was very easy-going and very fond of Deputy Commander Xieweier, and gradually became less afraid of Li Zhou's identities as Xiongzi and Viscount, and soon became one with Li Zhou.

After all, in order to be able to go out to the deputy commander to eat smoothly, he personally came to the kitchen to cook the food, and taught them the male son carefully and tenderly. There is only His Royal Highness Li Zhou in this interstellar space.

While tasting the biscuits, a daring cook asked a lot about Li Zhou and Xavier, hoping that Li Zhou could explain their confusion.

At first, Li Zhou thought that the cooks just wanted to gossip about what Xavier was like at home, but after the cook asked, he was so choked on the biscuits in his mouth.

Because the cook said: "His Royal Highness, I heard that you had a lot of trouble with the deputy commander a few days ago, and the bed at home collapsed?"

Li Zhou: "...kekekeke!"

I'm embarrassed to death, and I don't know how this rumor has become like this, but he can't explain it, he can't tell the truth, his wings are still a secret!

When the cooks saw Li Zhou's embarrassed expression, they thought that the rumor was true, and they all cheered.

Li Zhou had no choice but to take the rowdy army girls with a blushing face and send desserts to the generals such as Sheville who didn't come to the cafeteria for lunch, in order to escape this embarrassment situation.

Unexpectedly, he escaped, but Xavier was angry.

Li Zhou smiled ingratiatingly at Xavier, and opened her blue eyes coquettishly: "Don't worry, I'm much better. I'm just too boring, you are in the master Staying in the control room, ignoring me, and not eating."

Xevier felt a little distressed, Li Zhou was ill, he should have accompanied Li Zhou, but because he suspected that Clyde would ambush him on this journey, he would sit in the main control room.

Seeing Li Zhou looking at himself aggrieved, his expression softened directly, and he no longer pursues Li Zhou's illness and running around.

He hugged Li Zhou and rebuked himself: "I'm sorry, I'll have a lot of time to accompany you when I get to the mine star."

Li Zhou buried his face in Xavier's neck, revealing a scheming smile.

Xevier is the most soft-hearted, as long as he pretends to be good, Xavier will forgive him immediately.

Holding Xavier's neck, Li Zhou yawned and whispered in Xavier's ear with a low but still pleasant voice, "Sleep with me for a while, really If something happens, Colonel Bowen will call you back. By the way, don't forget to eat."

"Okay." Xavier kissed Li Zhou's forehead, took off his coat and put his arms around Li Zhou and lay down.

Li Zhou wanted to talk to Xavier before going to bed, but Xavier's gentle tap and familiar breath made him sleepy and closed his eyes.

Actually, because of evolution, Li Zhou is already much stronger than before, but he is still not as strong as Chevir, who has evolved again.

At this moment, lying on Xavier's broad and strong chest, Li Zhou was surrounded by an unprecedented sense of security, so Li Zhou couldn't help sinking into it, rubbing against Xavier's chest and falling asleep.

Xevier didn't feel sleepy at all, looking at the man with his brows stretched in his arms, his eyes were soft and almost dripping with water.

He stretched out his hand and touched the bridge of Li Zhou's tall nose. Just as he was about to kiss him secretly, he heard Bowen's voice from outside the door.

"Boss, found the target."

Xevier didn't answer right away. After gently putting Li Zhou down, he got up and put on his coat, and went straight out of the room.

On the way back to the main control room, Bowen had already informed Xavier of the general situation.

"Boss, the forces in ambush in front are the notorious Black Lion Star Thieves Organization. This time, the blood has been invested, and they are very expensive."

Cheville sneered: "The account of the sudden attack on our way back has not yet been settled, and since I can't find them, I will bring them to the door myself. Since you are here, just stay. , just black eats black."

Bowen laughed when he heard his boss describe himself with black and black words.

On the one hand, I feel that my boss is actually starting to let himself go.

On the other hand, he really thinks Clyde is a bit funny.

Follow Xavier into the main control room, Bowen just watched Xavier methodically command the army female to counterattack, and he felt full of security.

He obeyed Shewell's instructions, and followed the three ships that were about to be scrapped, simply altered, and provided to them with enough friendship by Casey. The starship of the energy bomb was moved to the front row.

Then the main starship took the secondary starship directly off the route, hiding in the area of ​​rocky rocks called the rocky dangerous forest.

This area is full of meteorites, rocks, and space junk. It is the best hiding place, but it is also the most dangerous area.

These stones are not statically floating in space, but there is a turbulent flow inside, so as a last resort, no insects will enter this area looking for death.

Because the track of the rocks is messy, there is no rule to follow, and it is extremely difficult to avoid. If the worm driving the starship does not have enough strength and experience, it will be hit by various things driven by the turbulent flow.

But these are not difficult for Chevir to evolve again.

While using his mental power to the extreme, he calmly avoided the flying meteorites until he drove the starship to the only area of ​​the Luanshi Forest where meteorites did not fly around.

After hearing the sound of explosions and fires, Xavier moved again. He asked the females to abandon the starship and follow his trajectory to the ambush.

This battle was very successful. I thought they could ambush their star thieves, but they were blown up by the explosion of their three starships one after another, and the starship disintegrated directly.

The splashed debris seriously injured the star thief, and the jetted airflow also pushed the star thief who was not strong enough to find a bunker to the depths of the universe.

So Xavier and the others solved this notorious gang of star thieves without any effort, and captured the star thief leader Lennon and some of his men alive.

They deserved it too. The last time they were able to escape from Xavier was because Xavier and the others had just finished training, the weapons were insufficient, and the military females were in poor condition and unprepared.

This time, Xavier not only took precautions, but also carefully planned it. If they can still win, it will be hell.

When Xavier brought Lennon back to the starship, Li Zhou just woke up and saw the embarrassed stranger, and only knew that Xavier and the others had gone through a fierce battle.

He had some regrets. He thought he could fight with Xavier this time.

However, he didn't miss it completely. Looking at the miserable Lennon, a malicious smile appeared on the corner of Li Zhou's mouth.

He raised his eyebrows at Xavier, Xavier immediately understood what Li Zhou wanted to do, dragged Lennon and followed Li Zhou into an empty room and closed the door tightly.

Bowen and other insects, very curious, all squatted at the door to hear what happened inside.

In fact, they all know that Li Zhou, as a male, has an innate advantage in interrogating females, especially Li Zhou's mental power level is still very high. If he wants to control an injured female, That is very easy.

But they couldn't hold back their curiosity about how the males really control the females. Since they can't see them, they can only listen.

I don't know if their resentment was too heavy, but Xavier actually opened the door and let them watch it up close.

However, they just took a few glances and wanted to move a stool and sit down.

Because, from the controlled Lennon's mouth, they not only heard about the hiding place of the star thief treasure, but also heard a shocking gossip about the royal family.

If this gossip is true, it can directly set off a stormy wave inside the royal family!

The author has this to say:

Lunnon was controlled by Li Zhou and even said how old he was when he wetted the bed. When he woke up, he was speechless when he saw how the insects wanted to stay eight feet away from him.

Although he is a star thief and has done a lot of bad things, did you not wet the bed when you were two years old?

Army women: No urine!

Lennon: TAT;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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