MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 1

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crossed, not human

"Why do you want to hurt me? We have no grievances, and I have saved you!"

Li Zhou struggled to maintain his own power shield, and his ears were full of roars of zombies.

He was artificially induced to be trapped in the zombie tide, and the one who stood in front of him and wanted to tear the protective shield was the target he wanted to get rid of on this trip - the seventh-order zombie king.

The man who made him so bad, Baifeng, was sitting peacefully on the periphery of the zombie horde, mocking him with the help of communication equipment.

Baifeng sneered and said bitterly: "You saved me, but why didn't you tell me how you upgraded! You don't ask me after you save me, you know I don't know how much I've been bullied!"

The man seemed to think of the humiliation in the past, and his beautiful face became distorted: "Why are you so high, just because you are a high-level ability user? If I don't need to practice with crystal cores, I can also Mighty, why didn't you tell me!"

Suddenly Baifeng changed the subject and persuaded: "Brother Li, as long as you tell me the upgrade method, I will let Brother Zhou come to save you."

Hearing Baifeng say this, Li Zhou sneered on his face, but he was helpless in his heart. He didn't know that it was wrong to save people. The fault was that he couldn't keep the secret.

It's not that he didn't tell Baifeng, but that he practiced the spiritual power method passed down by his family.

Li Zhou did not. He had supernatural powers because he had practiced the exercises, and the cultivation of the supernatural cores would lead to the self-destruction of the cores. And the power users alive in today's world are all provided with power by the power crystal core.

Now that he has been plotted to die, he just pulls his back. He doesn't believe that after he tells Baifeng the practice, Baifeng will save him. Although Baifeng was on the periphery of the zombie tide, he was drugged again, and his abilities were weakened. He couldn't kill Baifeng through his self-exploding ability, but he could still kill with a knife.

Thinking of this, Li Zhou suddenly became anxious: "Baifeng, I put the upgraded exercises in the safe at home, as long as you save me, I will tell you the password!"

Baifeng smiled disdainfully: "Li Zhou, you are still so naive, I already know the password, but I didn't expect that you didn't bring such an important thing with you! No! I don't want to save you, but you are too unsatisfactory, hahaha!"

After Baifeng finished speaking, he cut off the communication between the two, and did not hear Li Zhou whispering "idiot" to him at the end.

become a soul-like existence.

It's just that as time goes by, he is getting weaker and weaker, and maybe he will die completely at some point.

He couldn't wait to return to the base, he wanted to see what happened to Baifeng, and as expected, Baifeng was able to harm him so smoothly this time because of the alliance with other high-level aliens The capable person and high-level managers, otherwise, how could his cronies be transferred to other places without his knowledge.

The advantage of uniting them is of course their own ancestral practice.

Baifeng's suspicious and selfish character did not live up to his expectations, and he really took the high-level ability user to "test the poison". In the end, Baifeng was pushed into the zombie tide by the unanimous decision of the base's top management.

In fact, it's not that the high-level power user was fooled, but Li Zhou's last words before his death convinced the high-level power user who cooperated with Baifeng.

In the early stage of cultivation, there will indeed be a surge of power, but it is precisely because of the surge of power that the crystal core will self-explode if it cannot be digested, which is commonly known as dying.

Li Zhou watched with satisfaction as Baifeng was torn to shreds in the siege by zombies, leaving no bones. Turning around and drifting back to the base, he wanted to see how the base that had lost so many high-level abilities escaped the annexation of the adjacent base.

Did not let Li Zhou wait too long, the base that lost its combat power in three days was annexed by the neighboring base, and quickly formulated a plan to encircle the zombie king again.

After all, he died in the mouth of the zombie king, if possible, he would like to see the death of the zombie king with his own eyes.

However, the zombie king that devoured Li Zhou's body evolved again. The sky turned dark in an instant, with lightning and thunder, and flying sand and rocks.

In the loud explosion, Li Zhou lost consciousness.

When Li Zhou regained consciousness again, the first thing he felt was pain all over his body. The pain was so painful that he could not speak or hear a sound. He could only vaguely see a bunch of people after he woke up They poured in one after another, and then they operated at the place where he was, and Li Zhou fainted again.

"Doctor Evel, this His Royal Highness's physical indicators have begun to recover, and I believe it will be completely better in a few days."

Duke did not know the name of the noble man brought back by Admiral Xavier from Desolate Star, so he could only simply replace it with His Royal Highness, he pursed his lips and said, "Should we inform Xie Wei or not? Admiral Will?"

Doctor Iwell cast a glance at Duke, he knew that Duke was actually worried about Xavier, he worried that Xavier would not marry again and find a male son to appease the spirit of the riot.

Maybe he will explode and die one day. Xavier has never looked at the male son, and Li Zhou is the male son he brought back over the years.

After receiving the notice, Xavier put down the terminal, and after thinking about it, he still drove the aircraft to the Imperial Capital Hospital. He thought it was to repay the kindness of the male to soothe his spiritual power. If the male needs him in the future He will help you out, so thank you.

Actually, Xavier discovered that Li Zhou was just an accident. He led his subordinates to conduct star beast resistance training on the Y star. On the way back, he was attacked by a star thief. Although he repelled the star thief, the starship was damaged. Temporarily stopped on a nearby barren star for repairs.

When searching for resources, I accidentally found Li Zhou, a beautiful and fragile male who fell on the deserted star and was seriously injured.

According to the law of interstellar union, all females and sub-females must unconditionally rescue males, and males are the only ones.

So Xavier had to carry the unconscious Li Zhou back to the starship for treatment, but when he held Li Zhou, he suddenly felt that his mental power was being combed.

Looking at the unconscious male in his arms, Xavier: ..It seems that I owe a favor unintentionally, but I still touch porcelain.

Later Xavier brought Li Zhou back to the Imperial City, and soon the medical team took away this male who could appease his mental strength, and he also took care of Li Zhou for a short time these two days, The mental strength has been improved, and it is not so painful to survive the mental riot period.

When Seville recovered, the Imperial City Hospital had already arrived.

Stop the aircraft, and Xavier walked towards Li Zhou's ward.

At this time, Li Zhou woke up again, the pain in his body was already within the range he could bear, and only the pain could tell him that he didn't dissipate, and he came back to life, but he didn't know what he was doing. Is it a looting.

Putting down his hand, Li Zhou began to observe the situation around him. As soon as he raised his eyes, he was startled by the people around him who kept recording.

If the people surrounding him were no different from him, he would think he had taken a rare animal, otherwise why would there be so many people watching.

Actually, Li Zhou was right, isn't male son the most precious resource in this world, but unfortunately Li Zhou, who just woke up, doesn't know anything.

It was rescued by a man named Admiral Sheville.

Listening to the words of barren stars, starships, and star thieves in the conversations of the people outside the medical cabin, Li Zhouhou realized that he did not take away his body, but passed through without wearing any clothes. Going back to ancient times, it traveled to the interstellar space tens of thousands of years later.

How to do this?

Li Zhou hurriedly closed his eyes to feel his own spiritual power, it was okay, okay, although it was weak, he could still feel it.

But after a week of operation, he found that this body and the body of his world seemed a little different.

Thinking it was because of his injury and sensing a problem, Li Zhou continued to run the exercises, but it was still different.

Just when Li Zhou was a little overwhelmed, the people outside the medical cabin suddenly separated like water, and a tall and stern man walked in outside the door.

This man has short brown hair, delicate eyebrows but no softness at all, like a sharp blade out of the body, wearing a fitted uniform, a palm-width belt tied around a strong waist, straight and slender His calf was wrapped in leather shoe shafts, and the abstinence temperament came to his face.

Everyone present was captured by the man's aura, showing admiration.

Li Zhou was also stunned, not because of the man's aura, but because he found that this man was his favorite from head to toe.

He likes men, he knew it from the time he was in college, but before he found the one he liked, the end of the world came.

In the early days of the apocalypse, he was so exhausted that he finally obtained the thunder-type power by cultivating the exercises left to him by his parents. Looking for someone to taste the taste of love, Baifeng framed him to death without a whole corpse.

Li Zhou, who is 28 years old and single with her mother and child, could not help but cry bitterly for herself.

The man walked towards him with steady steps, and he knew from the mouths of the people around him that this man was the Admiral Xavier who saved him.

This shocked Li Zhou inwardly. In his mind, generals should be old men. It was impossible for Xavier to become an general at such a young age.

Cheville carefully observed the male in the medical cabin through the medical cabin. I have to say that this male has an amazing beauty. Let those who saw him never forget.

When these eyes look at you, you will instantly feel like a spring breeze, but Xavier is not touched.

Because he knows that this interstellar male is a scumbag with empty beauty, arrogant and lustful, like to abuse females, three wives and four concubines.

However, Xavier did not show his contempt. After all, the law of the interstellar does not allow females to be disrespectful to males, and he has not yet challenged the strength of the law of the interstellar union.

Seeing that Li Zhou was very awake, Xavier turned to look at Dr. Evil.

"How's Your Highness Xiongzi's body, and what should I call Your Highness Xiongzi."

Ever didn't answer, Li Zhouxian wondered: Xiongzi, what Xiongzi, and His Highness, is it the identity of his body?

Without expressing her doubts, Li Zhou continued to collect useful information from the conversation quietly.

A little embarrassed, he patronized His Highness Xiongzi's body and forgot to ask his name.

"My name is Li Zhou, thank you for your help."

The ethereal and pleasant voice sounded softly in the ward, and everyone's eyes instantly shot towards the medical cabin.

Li Zhou was stared at by so many eyes and moved his body uncomfortably, but was immediately stopped by Aiweier.

"His Royal Highness Li Zhou, you can't move now, lie down in peace."

"Okay, thanks for the reminder."

"You don't need to thank me, this is what our sons should do, and it is our honor to serve His Royal Highness." Seeing the indifferent Xavier, Aivil suddenly knelt down on one knee in piety say.

Female, male, hearing these two words again, Li Zhou couldn't help but ask: "I'm sorry, my planet encountered star thieves, everyone died, but on our planet There's no such title, so—"

Speaking of this, he smiled embarrassedly.

Ever immediately understood that this male had no concept of his own identity, and he explained Li Zhou's doubts in the shortest language.

Li Zhou: . . . Well, not only has it crossed, but even the species has changed.

Li Zhou, who finally understood his situation, didn't take a breath and fainted again..

The author has this to say:

After Li Zhou fainted

The doctors: "Hurry up, check up quickly, make sure to ensure the safety of His Royal Highness Li Zhou.."

Cheville: "The males are really beautiful, weak and useless insects, this one is especially trash."

Li Zhou: "..I was just too surprised, I didn't get up in one breath, the exercise was just wrong, not weak..."

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