MTL - God of Life and Death-Chapter 3968 Forging Immortal Body

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Chapter 3968 Forging Immortal Body

The half-step Tianzun of the Black Demon Race made a move, and he acted resolutely, killing a powerhouse of the highest level in the dimensional world in two or three strokes.

The supreme body of the dimensional world was brought back and dedicated to Fang Yue.

But at this moment, King You's heart was bleeding silently.

The army of the dimensional world fights in all directions, and sometimes destroying a small universe will not lose a powerhouse of the highest level, but this time, he just mentioned the war between the two worlds, and Fang Yue killed five dimensional The supreme power of the world.

If this rhythm continues, Fang Yue's blood will flow into rivers in the dimensional world!

Why do you owe me so much?

To use such a stupid method to blackmail Fang Yue.

As a result, Fang Yue is now intact, and a kind of loss in their dimensional world is heavy.

"Good job!"

Fang Yue refined the corpse of the supreme powerhouse in the dimensional world, and then Fang Yue looked at Feng Xiaotian.

"All the intruders in the dimensional world at the supreme level have been...killed! The rest of these guys are useless, so you should have no problem dealing with it yourself!"

Fang Yue said lightly.

"no problem!"

Feng Xiaotian responded readily.

Afterwards, Fang Yue looked at King Dayou.

"Dayou King, let's continue to talk about the war between the two worlds?"

Fang Yue's voice was faint and murderous.

King Dayou suddenly felt his heart tighten, and an ominous premonition swept up in an instant.

"Fang Yue, do you really think that killing a few Supremes can make my dimensional world fear and retreat? You are too naive, too naive. The dimensional world has fought in all directions. Over the years, countless resources have been accumulated and countless strong people have been trained. In the dimensional world, there are countless groups, even the powerhouses of the heavenly realm! You can hardly imagine the background and strength of the dimensional world. If the war between the two worlds really starts, it will definitely plunge the universe of the underworld into an irreparable situation. situation!"

King Dayou said with a low growl.

"Don't talk! Take action! Who dares to step out of the territory of Yunyi City today, the strong in the dimensional world, come one and I will kill one, come two and I will kill one pair! There is not only me in this underworld universe, but also What about those who worship the Moon God Sect and the Ten Thousand Races League! Right!"

Fang Yue looked at the leader of the Moon God Sect and Mr. Liushui with a gloomy gaze.

"That's right, we are on the side of the underworld universe!"

Mr. Flowing Water said.

Master Liu Shui cursed in his heart.

This damned Fang Yue thought of him coming at a critical moment and actually wanted to drag the Ten Thousand Races League and the Moon Worship Sect into trouble! But in the current environment, he had to agree.

Fang Yue can be shameless, but he can't.

The League of Ten Thousand Races is an alliance that exists in name to safeguard the interests of all races.

If he just sits idly by, the Ten Thousand Races Alliance will collapse from its internal beliefs!

"Hahaha! League of Ten Thousand Races, Luna Worship Sect? It's just a bunch of chickens and dogs!"

"The soldiers of the Great You Kingdom go out to fight! I want Fang Yue to see with your own eyes that the underworld universe has been completely turned into scorched earth of war because of your selfishness and decision-making, and has fallen into a situation where there will be no redemption!"

King Dayou gritted his teeth and said.

His voice fell.

The two Celestials were sent down from the Dimensional World, and they also have thousands of soldiers from the Supreme Realm, the Immortal Monarch Realm, and the Da Luojin Fairy Realm under their command.

Although there are not many people in Dayou Country this time.

But everyone is an elite generation, especially the Supreme Realm powerhouses, there are as many as eighteen, which exceeds the sum of all the Supreme Realm powerhouses in some small clans in the underworld.

Fang Yue couldn't help showing a cold smile when he saw this mighty army.

The expeditionary army of Dayou Kingdom walked out of Yunyi City in an instant.

"Master Liushui, these three Supremes are entrusted to you!"


Fang Yue did not ask Mr. Liushui to deal with a celestial master in the dimensional world, but handed over three powerful men of the highest level in the dimensional world to Mr. Liushui to deal with.

"Patriarch of the Moon Worship, I will leave these four Supremes to you to deal with! There should be no objection!"

Fang Yue arranged four more Supremes for the Moon Worshiper.

"Senior Jiu Sword Immortal, please pester a Heavenly Venerable!"

"Master Nangong Shouyue, you are here to deal with a Celestial Venerable!"

"The Black Demons should have no problem dealing with the three Supremes!"

"The inner court of the underworld will deal with the three supreme beings again!"

"The rest of the people are all handed over to Yongfeng Kingdom to kill! Don't bother the people of the underworld to take action!"

Fang Yue quickly made arrangements for the thousands of elites of the Great You Kingdom, and arranged them clearly.


Jiu Jianxian and Nangong Shouyue agreed quickly, and they participated in the battle in person.

Mr. Liushui and the leader of worshiping the moon looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, after living for so many years, they were tricked by Fang Yue in the end.

Fang Yue's thoughts are quite clear.

If they are asked to deal with Tianzun, they are likely to release water.

But if you deal with the supreme in the dimensional world, if you don't kill them quickly, you will be sorry for their name.

And once they kill everyone in the dimensional world, it is tantamount to the complete enmity of the dimensional world.

What Fang Yue wants is to cast a certificate of honor and drag everyone into the bandit boat!

Without saying a word, Zhang Sanfeng, Xiang Yu, City Lord Yunyi and others went out of the city to fight.

For them, it is easy to kill everyone in the dimensional world.

Yongfeng Kingdom has always grown up under the protection of Fang Yue, and today is also the time to act for Fang Yue, so that all races in the underworld will know the heritage and majesty of Yongfeng Kingdom!

"Fang Yue, all the masters around you are gone, let me behead you next!"

King Dayou said quietly.

"I don't need you! I'll go into the city myself, and take a look at what kind of dragon's pool and tiger's lair is in Yunyi City!"

"Please let the will of heaven in the underworld disperse the suppression of Yunyi City! Completely hand it over to the will of heaven in the dimensional world!"

Fang Yue said to the will of heaven in the underworld.

As soon as he said this.

The will of heaven in the underworld seems to understand something.

"Fang Yue, are you really going to take that step?"

"As a last resort, I have to do it!"

Fang Yue said, with a sonorous and powerful voice!

Afterwards, Fang Yue took a step forward and stepped into Yunyi City.

He took the initiative to enter the urn, causing everyone in the dimensional world to be astonished.

This time, Fang Yue came from his true self, and his flesh and blood clone quickly returned to Yongfeng Kingdom.

If Fang Yue's main body falls in Yunyi City, even if the other clones can survive, they will basically lose the space to continue to grow and stop there.

"Fang Yue, you really dare to fight as your true self!"

King Dayou said gloomyly.

He had been forcing Fang Yue to enter the city before, but when Fang Yue really entered the city, the anxiety in his heart became extremely intense.

"My true self is here! If you want to kill me, do it!"

Fang Yue was dressed in white, floating like a fairy, peerless, with an indifferent look on his face, looking at the people in the dimensional world, there was a trace of pity flowing in his eyes!

"Fang Yue, you asked for this!"

King Dayou made a move, and with a bang, endless power of qi and blood surged out, like a river venting, mighty and mighty, impacting the void, wanting to completely wipe Fang Yue out of this world!

The smile on Fang Yue's mouth did not diminish.

"True Immortal Tribulation, come!"

Fang Yue whispered.

His long-suppressed cultivation finally broke through.

The will of heaven in the underworld receded like a tide.

At this moment, Yunyi City has completely become a part of the dimensional world.

But at this moment, the will of heaven in the dimensional world feels extremely hot.

A large number of powers of catastrophe converge, continuously extracting the original power in the dimensional world, and evolving into a catastrophe.

The power of the calamity extracted this time is actually more than the original power of the breakthrough and refining of the ten celestial beings.

"This damned King You actually knows to find trouble for me!"

The will of heaven in the dimensional world has a very strong feeling of disgust towards King You.

But King Dayou didn't know that he was already on the blacklist of the Will of Heaven in the dimensional world!

But his face was dignified and serious.

The power of his qi and blood hit Fang Yue's body, but Fang Yue caught it with one hand, and then smoothed it out!

How strong is this Fang Yue?

His physical body is far superior to that of an ordinary Celestial, and the strength of his pure physical body has far surpassed that of an ordinary Celestial.

"Casting Immortal Body!"

"The body of all worlds!"

Fang Yue didn't pay attention to King You at all, he let out a low growl.

Countless crystals of the origin of the world appeared from his storage bag!

These crystallizations of the origin of the world are like mountains, in which the power of the origin of the world is absorbed by Fang Yue crazily, and integrated into every cell, so that a seed of the world is born in each cell!

This is the acme of the body of the myriad worlds, the body of the myriad worlds.

But this is just a legend, even the person who created this technique can't imagine that someone would actually dare to refine every single cell of his body into a world seed.

"Where did this Fang Yue get so many world origin crystals? I am afraid that these world origin crystals can create hundreds of worlds!"

Nangong Shouyue, who was fighting against Tianzun of the Dimensional World, was shocked when he noticed the movement in Yunyi City!

This Fang Yue is crazy, at any cost, he absorbs a large amount of the world's original crystallization to strengthen the cells, and derive the seeds of the universe.

These world origin crystals add up to at least a thousand tons!

The top ten ethnic groups in the underworld can't make up such a number even after searching all the world's original crystals in the warehouse!

"This Fang Yue is an out-and-out lunatic! He integrated so much of the original power of the universe into his own cells to build it into a world seed! The immortal body forged in this way can indeed be compared to a small chaotic realm However, these world seeds need to germinate, expand, and gradually evolve into the real world! If these seeds cannot evolve into a small world, he will definitely not be able to break through to the level of the fairyland! To transform from the world seeds into the real world requires The energy is extremely huge, and there are hundreds of millions of cells in his body, which means that he will eventually condense hundreds of millions of world seeds! How much energy does he have to swallow to break all of them out of their cocoons and transform them into real worlds?"

Nangong Shouyue said.

It wasn't that Nangong kept the promise and didn't want Fang Yue to be good, nor that he looked down on Fang Yue, but that he couldn't imagine how much energy Fang Yue would need to transform all these seeds into the real world, and these energies or corresponding resources, Where is Fang Yue going to get this?

"Could it be that Fang Yue plans to stay at the level of the real fairyland for the rest of his life?"

Nangong Shouyue said to himself.

"Fang Yue, of course he has his own ideas! Moreover, breaking through the spirit fairy is not a problem he needs to consider at all. As long as his fairy body is successfully forged, it is almost impossible for ordinary gods to kill his real body! Raise your hand and cast Between feet, hundreds of millions of world projections, this kind of power, which Tianzun can resist?"

Said the will of heaven in the underworld universe.

She looked at Fang Yue, and there were colorful ripples in her eyes.

This Fang Yue will really surprise her.

Ordinary people who break through to the level of the real fairyland will choose to forge a slightly weaker fairy body, which has low potential but low difficulty.

Fang Yue's choice to forge the fairy body with hundreds of millions of world seeds has far exceeded her expectations, but once this fairy body is formed, it will shock the world, because this is an unprecedented feat, and it will surely be in the hundreds of millions of realms. Leave a name in history!

Read The Duke's Passion