MTL - God of Life and Death-Chapter 3942 world promotion

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Chapter 3942 World Promotion

Chu Mengying was pleasantly surprised when she heard this.

She is equivalent to having a body and soul comparable to the level of the Spiritual Wonderland, which is more than just increasing potential.

With the blessing of these flesh and blood power and soul power, even if she doesn't use the power of the God of War, she can be on an equal footing with the powerhouses at the real fairyland level.

The two heavenly soldiers were a little numb after being beaten in the face.

Fuck, this Fang Yue is really shameless!

They also said that Chu Mengying was weak.

Fang Yue directly equipped Chu Mengying with four servants at the peak level of the Spiritual Wonderland, and then strengthened her body and soul, directly reaching the level of the Spiritual Wonderland, and her combat power increased by at least ten times.

"Now Chu Mengying should be regarded as a pillar of talent in this mysterious world!"

Fang Yue smiled and looked at the two heavenly soldiers.

"You are a boss, you have the final say!"

Tianbing, who had been messing around with Fang Yue just now, said helplessly.

What is reason?

Fang Yue is right!

Fang Yue said with a smile.

"Don't be so reluctant, I let Chu Mengying continue to break through, isn't it also to prepare for Gu Tianting's return!"

"You don't need to meddle in the affairs of the Demon Sect. If I kill the Demon Sect alone, I will compensate two strong men of the same realm to guard the Xuanhuang World!"

Fang Yue said.

"But the young master of the Heavenly Demon Sect has already reached the level of the Immortal King. He is a reincarnated body and has combat experience in his previous life. You may not be his opponent!"

Tianbing said.

"Isn't it Xianjun! Here, these two compensations are for you!"

Fang Yue took out two immortals of the sealed dimensional world from the space of the stone pendant. Before the two could be surprised, Fang Yue obliterated their will and turned them into fighting puppets.

They only retain the fighting instinct of life without any self-awareness.

"Mengying, these two guys are also under your control."

Fang Yue said expressionlessly.

The heavenly soldiers were discouraged.

The way he looked at Fang Yue again changed, full of fear.

What kind of method is this to instantly obliterate the will of the two immortals?

Even in the heyday of the ancient Heavenly Court, such existences were top warriors, and would have their own place in the Heavenly Court, at least a member of the Heavenly Court above rank three.

When will this kind of genius be cultivated in the Xuanhuang world?

Tian Bing's face changed slightly, and he muttered inwardly.

He thinks a lot.

This mysterious and yellow world is the key to unlocking the seal of the ancient heavenly court. If Fang Yue interferes with it, will it affect the eternal plan of the ancient heavenly court?

However, Gu Tianbing just glanced at Fang Yue hesitantly and stopped talking.

Because he knew that Fang Yue didn't seem to like him very much.

Just sitting on the sidelines destroyed Gu Tianbing's impression in Fang Yue's mind.

Although he has his helplessness.

But Fang Yue wouldn't pay attention to these messy reasons!

"Fang Yue, aren't the people you gave me too strong?"

Chu Mengying said weakly.

Two immortals, four spirits.

oh my god!

Now I am the number one overlord in this Xuanhuang world!

"Not strong!"

Fang Yue said.

"Some old monsters in Xuanhuang World are much stronger than you!"

"You don't need to bear any responsibility. If anyone wants to harm you in the future, just kill him! Don't think too much. As for the recovery of the ancient heaven, you don't have to participate. It's not your turn to take action on these things for the time being. !"

Fang Yue cast a sideways glance at Gu Tianbing.

The corner of Gu Tianbing's mouth was bitter.

Fang Yue saw through his thoughts.

Just now he was still thinking about how to get Chu Mengying to help in the name of righteousness, but he didn't expect Fang Yue to block his way before he could speak.

You are unkind, I am unrighteous.

This time, Fang Yue was really angry.

If people in Gu Tianting have this attitude, Fang Yue needs to think carefully about whether to help Gu Tianting break the seal.

After a few breaths.

Before Fang Yue took the initiative to find the door.

The two Da Luojin fairyland-level powerhouses in the Tianmozong descended.

Two Heavenly Demon bodyguards at the Spiritual Fairyland level died in battle.

Their soul jade tablets exploded in the ancestral hall.

This caused quite serious shocks within the Demon Sect.

The Young Sovereign immediately asked the two of them to conduct a thorough investigation and arrest the culprit.

"Who just killed the Heavenly Demon bodyguard of my Heavenly Demon Sect, come out quickly, bow your head!"

A strong man of the Heavenly Demon Clan at the level of Daluojin Fairyland said proudly.

In this era, it is rare for a true immortal to appear in the Universe of Ten Thousand Realms.

Da Luo Jinxian should already be a ceiling-level existence!

Fang Yue took a step forward.

"I killed people, what do you want?"

Fang Yue looked at the Da Luo Jinxian with a half-smile.

"You, a virtual immortal, killed two spirit immortals in my Heavenly Demon Sect? What a joke!"

The Da Luo Jinxian in the Tianmozong laughed, thinking that Fang Yue was trying to be brave, pretending to be an X!

Fang Yue sighed lightly.

"In these days, everyone believes in lies, but no one believes in the truth! You say I can't kill those two spirit immortals in the Demon Sect, so I'll show you how I killed them." kill them!"

Fang Yue's fist waved.

There was a bang.

The body of the Da Luo Jinxian from the Heavenly Demon Sect exploded into blood mist, and his soul was separated from his body, with a terrified expression on his face.

What's happening here?

Someone actually shattered his own body!

"Now, do you believe what I just said?"

Fang Yue asked.

Another Da Luo Jinxian from Tianmozong screamed.

"You dare to hunt and kill Da Luo Jinxian of my Heavenly Demon Sect, you are trying to rebel!"

However, what was more intense than his reaction was the will of heaven in the Xuanhuang world.

"I can't take it anymore! I'm going to be promoted!"

Originally, the will of Heaven in the Xuanhuang World was on the verge of being promoted, and its energy was almost full.

Just now Fang Yue shattered the body of the Da Luo Jinxian of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and the original power in it leaked out and was completely absorbed by him.

The heavenly will of this mysterious and yellow world could not withstand the collision of vitality in the body at all, and advanced instantly.

Not only is he changing, but the entire Xuanhuang world has undergone tremendous changes.

When the vitality rains down, the whole world celebrates together.

The energy exchange between Xuanhuang World and the outside world has accelerated ten times, and the concentration of aura and heaven and earth vitality in it has also increased by three times.

In the heaven and earth vitality, there is also a trace of extremely faint immortal energy.

This also means that the aborigines of Xuanhuang World can remember these immortal qi and cultivate slowly, and have the possibility of being promoted to a true immortal!

The will of heaven in the Xuanhuang world has changed from an old man to a **** of war in armor. He has a long sword in his left hand and a shield in his right hand. He is invincible and invincible!

A pair of bright eyes filled with indifferent murderous intent.

His strength has skyrocketed, and even if he doesn't use the power of rules in the Xuanhuang world, ordinary immortals are no match for him.

And the ancient clan who invaded the Xuanhuang world from the underworld all felt an inexplicable pressure, and their combat power dropped by 10%.

This is the opening of the suppressing power of Xuanhuang World.

directly affect their cultivation.

The current Xuanhuang World is comparable to the first-class power of the universe. If he can continue to advance, this suppressing force will be even stronger.

"Kill Daluo Jinxian, and use this as a sacrifice to promote Xuanhuang World?!"

Gu Tianbing was stunned.

Could it be that this is the correct way for the Ancient Heavenly Court to leave behind the Heavenly Demon Sect?

They are not guardians, but sacrifices?


It's off, it's off, Fang Yue has deceived them all!

How could the majestic Heavenly Demon Sect, a first-class force in the ancient Heavenly Court, be used as a sacrifice?

"Has the will of heaven in the Xuanhuang world been promoted? It just so happens that my blood-drinking knife still lacks a ray of sword soul! If Xuanhuang's will of heaven is used as the soul, it will bring my blood-drinking knife to a higher level!"

At this time, a Lingxian who led the ancient clan said conceitedly.

His blood-drinking knife is a weapon at the level of the Immortal Monarch Realm.

"Gu Huan, don't underestimate this mysterious world, Fang Yue came out of this world!"

On the side, another Tianjiao of the ancient clan reminded Gu Huan.

"Hahaha! Gu Shi, I see that you are so frightened by Fang Yue that you have lost your courage! In this mere black and yellow world, there can be one or two Da Luo Jin fairyland-level combat powers, and you and I have been trained by the ancient clan for many years The genius who abandoned his cultivation base fell from the level of the Immortal King Realm to the Spirit Fairy Realm, but as long as you and I take the elixir, we can immediately restore our cultivation base and have the combat power of the Immortal King Realm again!"

"Who in the Xuanhuang world can resist our methods?"

That immortal monarch of the ancient clan was extremely arrogant, he didn't pay attention to the people in the whole Xuanhuang world at all.

"Since this is Fang Yue's hometown, it's just right. I can arrest all the people in Xuanhuang World who are related to Fang Yue, torture them one by one, and then record their miserable scenes of begging for mercy for Fang Yue to see. , know the fate of offending my ancient clan!"

The fairy monarch of the ancient clan said.

"Who wants to capture someone related to me and torture them?"

Fang Yue's spiritual thoughts are covered, and all the disturbances in the whole Xuanhuang world are under the cover of his thoughts.

Originally, two immortals of the ancient clan led the elites of the ancient clan at the fairyland level of three hundred spirits, so he was too lazy to do so.

But these people didn't know what to do, mentioned their own names, and wanted to arrest people related to him.

Fang Yue couldn't bear it anymore.

As soon as Fang Yue said this.

The two immortals of the ancient clan were shocked.

It's a good time to say hello.

Beat crematorium.

Fang Yue was actually in the Xuanhuang world and heard their conversation?


The two immortals of the ancient clan ran away without saying a word. They crushed the teleportation scroll in their hands and were about to return to the underworld.

Have a date with Fang Yue?

Give me a break.

Fang Yue even killed the Supreme Realm as if he was playing.

Two immortals whose cultivation base has fallen to the level of the fairyland are nothing!

However, the gate of time and space has just opened.

Fang Yue patted it down with one hand.

Portal shattered.

"In front of me, do you still want to use the power of time and space to escape?"

Fang Yue showed a cold smile.

The two immortals of the ancient clan all looked disheveled. They knelt down on the ground and begged Fang Yue for mercy.

"We were wrong, Lord Fang Yue, please forgive us! We are willing to be cows and horses, and apologize with death!"

"I know I'm wrong now? Isn't it a little too late! Don't you want to arrest all the people related to me and torture them? I don't want to torture you, now you go to die!"

Fang Yue raised his hand to shoot the two ancient immortals to death.

At this time, a black glow suddenly appeared behind Fang Yue, piercing through his body with a bang!

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