MTL - God of Life and Death-Chapter 3940 Tian Mozong makes a move

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Chapter 3940: The Demonic Sect Makes a Move

"Ominous creatures? Let me think about it, I have killed them in the Xiantian realm, and more than one!"

"Ominous creatures? Let me think about it, I have killed them in the Xiantian realm, and more than one!"

Fang Yue sneered, he was not worried.

He knows something about ominous creatures, and there are related descriptions in some extremely ancient books in the underworld.

An ominous creature, born of resentment, absorbs extreme yin and curse gas to condense into a spirit, and then attaches to the body of the living being, turning into ominous.

Unknown creatures have intelligence, eat the essence and blood of thousands of races to strengthen themselves!

This is part of Fang Yue's memory about ominous creatures.

The world is afraid of ominous creatures, mainly because ominous creatures are good at devouring all beings!

They are immortal, and ordinary means cannot completely kill them.

But Fang Yue is different.

He can use the power of reincarnation to eliminate the ominous. The power of reincarnation and the power of faith can all purify the ominous. This is also the reason for the collapse of the old reincarnation era and the decline of the divine mansion civilization.

Behind it, there is an invisible big hand of an ominous creature pushing.

They are eliminating all existences that are not good for them.

Fang Yue had guessed the reasons for the collapse of the Shendi civilization and the old reincarnation era a long time ago, and now it seems to be gradually verified.

"Ignorant human race, how do you know the horror of ominousness? The ominous things you encountered before were just the evolution of the weakest wraiths, and have not yet touched the threshold of ominous power!"

The black-robed man Fang Yue roared.

He was still threatening Fang Yue.

Fang Yue was too lazy to continue to challenge him.

"If you keep messing with me like this, I don't need you to go back to deliver the letter. Now I will kill you here, do you believe it?"

An invisible force oppressed and fell from the void.

The man in black finally showed a look of panic.

Although he is a puppet, he also has his own body and will. He doesn't want to die, and he doesn't want his will to be annihilated here.

But under this force in the void, he was threatened with being completely wiped out.

This is the power of providence.

The power of heaven can also obliterate the ominous.

"I'm going, I'm going!"

The man in black finally gave up, and he went back to report and convey Fang Yue's words back.

"You let this puppet go so easily?"

The will of heaven in the Xuanhuang world was a little unwilling, he wanted to take advantage of Fang Yue.

If Fang Yue kills the puppet's will, the various materials that make up the puppet's body will be decomposed and refined by it, which can also be used to strengthen his original power.

Fang Yue glanced at the Will of Heaven in the Xuanhuang World.

"You are the will of heaven in a majestic world, and you are about to be promoted to an existence comparable to the will of the universe. Can you make some progress? Don't make yourself look like a trash picker every day!"

Fang Yue said to the will of heaven in the Xuanhuang world.

The Will of Heaven in the Xuanhuang World said with a shy face.

"If I can quickly accumulate background and be promoted to a higher level, even if I'm picking up trash!"

Fang Yue was completely speechless when the voice of Heaven's Will in the Xuanhuang World fell.

I don't know how many lifetimes of sins have been committed in this mysterious and yellow world, but such a will of heaven has been spread, it is shameless.

Fang Yue returned with the will of heaven in the Xuanhuang world.

"Remember, the task I entrusted to you. But you must protect everyone related to me, and the human race must also receive corresponding protection! There must be no mistakes!"

The Xuanhuang world has the protection of the existence of the Tongtian leader.

As long as the people of the ancient clan didn't break through the space barriers of the myriad worlds, they shouldn't be able to occupy the Xuanhuang world.

As for things like breaking space barriers, it's actually quite dangerous.

Only that idiot from the Fire Dragon Clan, whose brain is not very good, would do such a thing.

Attacking the space barrier is tantamount to the immortal will of heaven.

The will of heaven in Wanjie universe is still in a semi-sleeping state. Once the space barrier is really broken, the will of heaven in Wanjie universe will truly recover and dispatch all strength and resources to destroy the opponent.

The background and strength of the will of heaven in one universe are extremely terrifying!

If the power responsible for maintaining the operation of the Tao and the reproduction of all living beings is taken out and condensed on the will of heaven, even if the universe of ten thousand realms is really just an ordinary third-class universe, it can instantly kill a fairy king The existence of the pinnacle swallowed it.

The will of heaven is not strong, because the will of heaven spends most of its original power on weekdays to maintain the operation of the rules and the reproduction of all living beings.

Really desperate to shoot.

Even the will of heaven in an ordinary third-class universe can explode with terrifying power.

What's more, is the Universe of Ten Thousand Realms really just an ordinary third-class universe?

Fang Yue had already had calculations in his mind.

"Wanzu, shouldn't be so crazy!"

Hand over the Xuanhuang World to the Master Tongtian and the will of the Heavenly Dao of the Xuanhuang Universe.

Fang Yue is preparing to return to Earth.

The longer he stayed in the underworld, the more Fang Yue felt that the earth was actually the most mysterious place in the entire Universe of Ten Thousand Realms.

Many myths are related to heaven.

In addition, the projections of some strong men in the ancient heaven were reborn on the earth.

Monkey King, Zhu Bajie, and maybe other powerful people.

And have some ancients in Chinese civilization really fallen?

Why did he meet Xu Fu, Zhang Sanfeng, Xiang Yu and others in the underworld?

The more Fang Yue studied, the more he felt that the universe of ten thousand realms was mysterious and unparalleled.

It seems that there are still great secrets hidden in the earth waiting for him to discover.

"Don't worry! Leave the matter of Xuanhuang World to me!"

The Heavenly Dao Will of Xuanhuang World said in a big way.

"As long as I'm here, none of your friends and family will dare to touch a hair! The human race will be safe and sound!"

The will of heaven in the Xuanhuang world patted his chest.

Suddenly, Xuanhuang Shijie's expression changed.

"What the hell, why is there really a guy who doesn't have eyesight to attack your woman! I'm going to kill him!"

The Will of Heaven in the Xuanhuang World suddenly said.

Fang Yue was stunned.

"My woman? Where is my woman in this mysterious world?!"

"You mean Chu Mengying?!"

Fang Yue finally reacted.

Fang Yue's divine sense eyes instantly arrived at Chu Mengying's mansion.

At this moment, Chu Mengying's expression was extremely ugly.

Her maid was injured by a punch and was lying on the ground unable to move.

The guards in the mansion were all killed to pieces, each one was extremely miserable.

Two Lingxians in black battle armor looked at Chu Mengying proudly.

"Miss Chu Mengying, come with us! Our young master is waiting for you at the Demon Sect!"

One of the guards at the spirit fairyland level said.

"Heavenly Demon Sect! Now that the enemy of the Xuanhuang world is facing, there are constantly coming from other universes and unknown powerhouses. You are still fighting among yourself at this time. Are you worthy of the human blood in your body?"

Chu Mengying said angrily.

Her face was pale.

She had just used the power of the Martial God once when dealing with the invaders of Tianyun Universe, and now she is in a weak state and it is impossible to use it a second time.

Under normal conditions, her strength is extraordinary, but she is still no match for these two fairies in black armor.

Their combat experience is quite rich, and their secret techniques are extraordinary, far surpassing the general powerhouses at the spirit fairyland level that Chu Mengying recognized.

One of the guards at the Spiritual Wonderland level said with a sneer.

"What does the survival and extinction of the Xuanhuang world have to do with my Heavenly Demon Clan? We are only carrying out the young master's order to bring you back to the garden. As for the survival and extinction of life in the Xuanhuang world, things like ants are not worthy of our attention! "

A guard at the spirit fairyland level said contemptuously.

"Heavenly Demon Sect? Which faction is this?"

On the way here, Fang Yue communicated with Xuanhuang's world will.

"The Heavenly Demon Sect is a lineage left by the Ancient Heavenly Court. They advocate force and worship the Heavenly Demon Race. Although they are human races, they have part of the blood of the Heavenly Demon Race in their bodies, so they call themselves the Heavenly Demon Sect. In the era when the Ancient Heavenly Court existed, The Heavenly Demon Sect also seems to be a first-class force, and there are strong men at the level of the Heavenly Venerable Realm sitting in the sect, overlooking all living beings."

The Will of Heaven in the Xuanhuang World more or less has some understanding of the affairs of the Ancient Heavenly Court.

Hearing this, Fang Yue couldn't help snorting coldly: "As a force left behind by the ancient heavenly court, they actually did such evil things in disregard of the overall situation. Let me teach this Heavenly Demon Sect a good lesson!"

At this moment, two spirit immortals in black armor had already attacked Chu Mengying. Their palms turned into claws, and they attacked and killed Chu Mengying.

"Fang Yue, you and I have no destiny in this life! If there is an afterlife, I hope it will not end like this with you!"

A crystal tear fell from the corner of Chu Mengying's eye.

At first she thought she had let go, but when she saw Fang Yue again, she found that there was still Fang Yue's shadow in her heart.

She still never let go of Fang Yue.

Originally, she wanted to express her heart to Fang Yue again, but it seemed that she couldn't do it according to her situation!

She would rather die than be humiliated at the hands of the so-called young master of the Sky Demon Clan.

Just when Chu Mengying was preparing the jade pieces.

In the void, a gust of palm wind passed by, and the two spirit fairies in black armor slapped twice, and Fang Yue slapped them away.

"Mengying, don't!"

Fang Yue's breath descended, controlling Chu Mengying's delicate body, as if she had done something stupid.

Seeing Fang Yue descending from the sky, Chu Mengying couldn't help but tremble slightly, and she looked at Zhuang Zhou with an excited expression, her expression was extremely excited.

"Fang Yue is you! Be careful, these two guys are very powerful, I'm afraid you are no match for them!"

Chu Mengying was both excited and nervous.

She didn't expect that Fang Yue could fall from the sky at the moment of life and death and save her at the moment of life and death.

"The person who needs to be careful is not Fang Yue but these two guys, girl, I'm afraid you have misunderstood Fang Yue's strength!"

The will of heaven in the Xuanhuang world said to Chu Mengying.

A faint smile appeared on his face.

"Damn you!"

Fang Yue's heart was burning with anger. If he came one step later, Chu Mengying might be forced to death by these two guys!

"We are members of the Demon Sect, how dare you attack us? You are finished, not only you will die, but your whole family will be buried with you!"

A fairy in black armor roared.


In the sky, a purple thunderbolt suddenly fell.

Right in the middle was the outspoken spirit fairy in black armor.

"Those who dare to threaten our Fang family, kill!"

In the astonishment and disbelief on the face of the spirit fairy, every inch of his body was turned into ashes, and he completely collapsed!

The Fang family seems to have left behind rules in the billions of universes, no one can speak ill of the Fang family and threaten the Fang family.

"The Fang family?!"

Another spirit fairy in black armor was stunned.

"Which Fang family dares to kill someone from my Heavenly Demon Sect!"

The fairy roared.

He didn't expect that among these creatures that he regarded as ants, there would be people who would dare to attack them.

Fang Yue saw the dark clouds gathering in the sky and the thunder rolling, he said coldly: "Please help the ancestors, I will take care of this guy!"

Fang Yue's voice fell, and the dark clouds in the sky instantly dissipated, revealing a clear sky without any clouds.

"Were you making noise just now?"

Fang Yue took a step and walked in front of the spirit fairy.

"Where are the demons, point in one direction!"

Fang Yue said indifferently.

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