MTL - God of Life and Death-Chapter 3929 gobble up the world

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Chapter 3929 Whale Swallows the World

Feng Sanqian's expression changed again.

This time, their attack on Fang Yue seemed to have really poked a hornet's nest.

Not only was Fengyun Tianzun deprived of half of his origin, which attracted the dissatisfaction of Chaos Will and the Fang family, even the will of Heaven in the underworld began to counterattack.

The revival of the Heavenly Venerable of Ten Thousand Races, is this sharpening Fang Yue?

It's clearly sharpening their inner court, okay?

The geniuses who recover the will of the underworld and the heavenly way are very skillful, and they are all peerless geniuses among some large ethnic groups in the underworld.

Those in the inner court are still lying on the coffin boards, without moving a finger!

The purpose of the will of heaven in the underworld is very clear, I am here to make trouble for you!

Isn't your inner court a threat to my will in the underworld?

I can't shoot directly.

But I can make trouble for you!

The inner court wants to conquer the outer domain of the underworld, using them as cannon fodder and buffer.

no problem!

Resuscitate some strong men and arrogances for you, and I will see how you conquer them.

"Your Majesty, Lord Will of the Underworld, Feng Sanqian is still young, he is ignorant, please bear with me if he offends!"

At this time, the emperor of the inner court of the underworld spoke.

He is pleading and apologizing for Feng Sanqian.

Feng Sanqian's arrogance offended the will of the underworld.

Moreover, the will of heaven in this generation of underworld is exceptionally strong, unlike the will of heaven in other generations of underworld that abides by the rules.

Such an existence is the most terrifying!

It is not surprising that what kind of moths come out of the toss.

The will of the underworld and heaven smiled and said: "The inner court is very good and very strong. I am also afraid of it. There is nothing ignorant. It is because I underestimate your inner court!"

Apologies for this insincerity.

The will of heaven in the underworld does not accept it at all.

He refused angrily.

The emperor in the inner court couldn't help but sigh.

"In order to show the sincerity of my inner court, in addition to the requirements of the Fang family, my inner court is willing to send thirty-six powerhouses of the highest level to fight, and not to kill ten strong men of the dimensional world of the highest level, I promise not to return it!"

The emperor in the inner court compromised.

He expressed his sincerity.

The will of heaven in the underworld chuckled and said: "You don't need to go to the frontier battlefield. In Yunyi City, the battle for the original altar, the dimensional world is constantly sending troops to support it. You can kill the five supreme beings in the dimensional world here, without having to travel long distances. Go to the frontier battlefield!"

The will of heaven in the underworld said.


The emperor of the inner court agreed.

"Where is the thirty-six celestial gang? Hurry up to Yunyi City, kill ten dimensional world supreme, and relieve the worries of the underworld!"

The emperor of the inner court opened his mouth, and thirty-six Supremes appeared, and they all flew in the direction of Yunyi City.

The will of heaven in the underworld gradually suppressed its breath and no longer interfered with the normal operation of the underworld.

She knew that the inner court of the underworld could compromise to such an extent that it was already the ultimate.

As the saying goes, extremes lead to opposites, if she is more aggressive, it may have the opposite effect.

Seeing the will of heaven in the underworld receding, Fang Yue sighed in his heart.

This underworld is all about balance, and now that the balance has been reached, the will of heaven in the underworld is also restraining itself.

"Aspects of the ancient race..."

The Lord of Time and Space looked at Fang Yue and asked.

"Kill the two half-step Heavenly Venerates of the Gu Clan and the Ten Thousand Clans League! They have done so much unrighteousness that they have all arrived at the gate of my Yongfeng Kingdom. If I hold back, any cat or dog will come to my Yongfeng Kingdom in the future. The country is arrogant! The living sacrifice of the ancient army is used to revive the strong men of the middle and ancient times of our human race! The human race is in decline and lacks a mainstay. To sacrifice these ancient races, we must first revive ten immortal kings from the middle ancient era of the human race!"

Fang Yue said domineering.

In the end, the ten immortals from the middle ages of the human race were resurrected.

Many people are secretly rolling their eyes.

Hundreds of millions of ancient soldiers, among them there are many Supremes and Immortals, whose origin is like the sea, even if there is damage in the process of recovery, it will be no problem to revive ten ordinary Supremes.

If only ten immortals are revived, most of the resources will probably be corrupted by Fang Yue.

After all, Fang Yue still had some thoughts of his own.

He was worried that the immortal king of the human race would not listen to his call, so he followed the Renmeng.

Fang Yue's relationship with the People's League was already tense, and it was quite normal to have such concerns.

In the end, under the suppression of the Lord of Time and Space and others, all the soldiers of the ancient clan fell and never came back.

This battle is destined to be recorded in history.

Fengyun Tianzun was born but came back as a feather, deprived of half of his original power, and exiled to the frontier battlefield.

The two half-step celestial beings in the Gu Clan and the Ten Thousand Clans League fell.

The hundreds of millions of ancient troops became the dust of history.

Such an ending was too cruel for the ancient race.

But if you think about it carefully, everything is their own fault.

The direction of Yunyi City.

The war continued.

With all parties taking action, the strong in the dimensional world are constantly being consumed.

By the time the original altar appeared, five supreme beings had already fallen from one side of the dimensional world.

The thirty-six Tiangang in the inner court are still on the way, and they have never made a move!

As for the immortals, there are countless fallen.

King Nirvana is frantically asking for help in the dimension world.

The danger of the underworld is far beyond their imagination.

The loss of this expedition is even better than the consumption of half a year's battle in the frontier battlefield!

Fang Yue no longer paid attention to the battle in Yunyi City.

According to his calculations, it is estimated that the Altar of Origin will take three days to completely unlock the seal and truly appear.

He might as well trouble the ancients with this idle time.

This time, the Gu Clan joined forces with the Wanzu League and the Inner Court to attack him.

If he didn't give the Gu clan some flair, the Gu clan really thought Fang Yue was easy to mess with!

"Give the Gu Clan an ultimatum! Hand over five hundred hours of original power, and this matter is over. If you don't hand it over, I, Yongfeng Kingdom, and the Gu Clan will live forever!"

Fang Yue became ruthless.

An ultimatum was directly issued to the Gu Clan.

"Five hundred hours of original power? Does Fang Yue want to kill the ancients?"

When Fang Yue's conditions were announced to the world.

The reactions from all parties were quite intense!

"Is this Fang Yue crazy? He doesn't know how much he owns! The ancient clan has a profound background, and there is definitely more than one strong person at the level of the heavenly realm. If the ancient clan attacks him, there will indeed be someone who will help him secretly. For example, the will of heaven in the underworld or the will of chaos, because the existence of the level of Tianzun level took the initiative to attack Yue Yue, it was indeed a violation of the rules. Yue also has nothing to say! It is impossible for those big shots to fight for Fang Yue again."

Some people were sneering, thinking that Fang Yue was overreaching, he was inflated, and he didn't know his surname anymore!

"This guy will never be impulsive. He is very stubborn. He won't do things like charge. What kind of idea is this guy secretly planning!"

After Nangong Shouyue got in touch with Fang Yue, he gained a certain understanding of Fang Yue's character.

Fang Yue does not do things he is not sure about.

There are many ways for him to take revenge on the ancient clan, and attacking the ancient clan directly is undoubtedly the most stupid one.

"Fang Yue is planning to drag some people into the water! Carve up the ancient clan!"

The will of heaven in the underworld has been in contact with Fang Yue the longest, and she knows Fang Yue's character best.

"Putting others into the water?"

Nangong Shouyue was slightly taken aback.

"This is Fang Yue's invitation to him. It's the first time I have encountered the will of the underworld and the will of the underworld to fool the will of the underworld and heaven!"

The will of the underworld and heaven threw a red invitation directly to Nangong Shouyi.

Nangong kept the promise and opened the invitation.

The content of it made his face change suddenly.

"In the process of attacking the Tiandu City of the ancient clan, undo the seal of a shard of reincarnation. After the matter is completed, thank you for the original power of fifty hours?!"

Nangong Shouyi was speechless.

The way of heaven in the underworld is high above, and it should be the role of a judge in the underworld. As the saying goes, the way of heaven is ruthless, and it refers to the position of the will of the way of heaven in the underworld.

This Fang Yue is actually blatantly dragging the underworld and heaven into the water.

This is enough!

"Tiandu City, an important city of the ancient clan, there are two superpowers sitting in it, dozens of immortals, and there are a billion residents of the ancient clan in the city. If Tiandu City is destroyed and sacrificed , can really gather hundreds of hours of original power, but without the transformation of the original altar, Fang Yue can't transform the people of the ancient clan into the original power! Unless..."

Nangong Shouyue suddenly looked in the direction of Yunyi City.

"Do you think Fang Yue can recruit me to join the gang, why is it impossible to recruit people from the Dimension World to join the gang? In fact, there is no suspense in the competition for the original altar. The Dimensional World will take the original altar at any cost. Now, they are consuming It’s nothing more than the vitality of the dimensional world. In the final decisive battle, no one dares to fight the people of the dimensional world! The absolute strength lies there, and the result is determined at the beginning of the game!”

The will of heaven in the underworld said.

Nangong kept the promise silently.

"This time Fengyun Tianzun took action, although he was punished by the underworld, once the rules are broken, they cannot be closed like Pandora's magic box. No one knows what will fly out of it!"

The will of heaven in the underworld closes its eyes.

"Fang Yue probably won't continue to talk about the rules. He only has eternal interests. He has no eternal friends. He will play games with people in the dimensional world. The chances are very high!"

Nangong Shouyue's heart suddenly stopped beating.

An invitation appeared in his hand.

"Please ask the Celestials to help Yongfeng Kingdom break through the Tianfeng Canyon, the territory will belong to the Celestials, and all the powerful ancient clans in the Tianfeng Canyon will belong to Yongfeng Kingdom!"

Nangong Shouyue's eyebrows twitched.

"This Fangyue also wooed me! Tianfeng Canyon was once radiated by the power of the **** world, and was later occupied by the ancient tribe. This valley is not big, but it is rich in resources. Among the ancient tribe, there are three strong people at the level of the fairy king. If Fengguo and the Celestial Clan really teamed up to take down the Tianfeng Canyon, the Gu Clan would probably dare not speak up!"

Nangong Shouyan was really analyzing the pros and cons.

"Could it be that Fang Yue intends to let the underworld enter an era where heroes compete for the throne and kings compete for hegemony?!"

Nangong Shouyue was stunned by his guess.

If that's true.

Fang Yue will change the pattern of the entire underworld and outland with his own efforts.

"In the Outer Realm of the Underworld, there are now thousands of races coexisting. Although the territory is vast, all kinds of resources are not concentrated. There are hundreds of millions of forces, large and small. As the so-called general trend of the world, the long-term unity must be divided, and the long-term division must be united. In the face of external forces Under the pressure of the pressure, whether it is to survive or is forced, they must unite and merge into one huge interest group after another!"

"If you do it first, you will have the upper hand and eat a big piece of cake!"

Nangong keeps the promise and keeps analyzing.

He felt more and more that this was Fang Yue's real goal.

"He wants to swallow part of the forces of the ancient clan and limit its development, but the ancient clan is too big to support his family's words, so we must unite with all major forces!"

Nangong kept his promise and looked at the will of heaven in the underworld.

"And this change is already a historic issue, involving the entire underworld. Fang Yue's invitation to you may not be just to ask for help, but to test the attitude of the will of the underworld!"

Nangong Shou's voice fell.

The will of heaven in the underworld couldn't help frowning.

Nangong's idea of ​​keeping the promise really makes sense.

Does Fang Yue really want to show his ambition and start a new chapter in the underworld by himself?

In the heart of the will of the underworld, although Fang Yue is not weak and has a small mind, he is not a hero.

He has a lazy temperament and has always been passive. He is not the kind of person who wants to swallow the world!

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