MTL - God of Life and Death-Chapter 3923 The ancients are coming

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Chapter 3923: The Ancient Clan Strikes

This is a conspiracy, and the army of the dimensional world is clearly calculated. It is clear that the army of the dimensional world has no way out.

Now if you choose to give up the altar of origin and leave Yunyi City, those bigwigs in the dimensional world will not agree.

The internal rules of the dimensional world are strict, and fleeing without a fight is a felony among felonies.

"Damn it, this altar of origin seems to have grown in Yunyi City, and it cannot be moved at all. According to the most ancient records, after the altar of origin appears, it takes twelve hours before it can truly appear, so carry it with you!"

Nirvana King was anxious in his heart.

If he had known that this task was so troublesome, he would not have come.

Now he is in a dilemma.

Not to advance, not even to retreat!

While Fang Yue was watching a play.

His body froze suddenly.

News came from Yongfeng Junior High School.

Chen Bing, the army of the ancient tribe, came under pressure.

"Are the ancients crazy? They actually choose to attack my Yongfeng Kingdom at this time?!"

Fang Yue originally wanted to stay out of it and watch the people in the dimensional world suffer, but he didn't expect that the fire would burn on his head inexplicably!

"The people of the ancient tribe have attacked my Yongfeng country, I need to check the situation!"

Fang Yue said to the will of heaven in the underworld.

He is resigning.

The Gu Clan's move at this time was certainly not on a whim.

You can think of it with your feet, which is to divert trouble and share the pressure for the dimensional world.

"Ancient Clan, **** it!"

Nangong Shouyue also stood up and expressed his attitude at this time.

Now, the ancient clan's attack on Yongfeng country is to share the pressure on the side of the dimensional world.

This is tantamount to betraying the underworld and the realm of chaos, which is a heinous crime!

"Gu Clan, since they have made up their minds to betray, they are not afraid of being poked at the back and scolded!"

Fang Yue sneered.

The will of heaven and **** looked at Fang Yue.

"Fang Yue, remember, I will always stand behind you!"

The will of heaven in the underworld said to Fang Yueyu earnestly.

Fang Yue nodded, turned and disappeared.

The next moment, Fang Yue appeared on the border of Yongfeng Kingdom.

The army of hundreds of millions of ancient tribes is endless, and there are so many black heads that you can't see the end at a glance.

A strong man from the ancient tribe who was at the half-step Tianzun level led the soldiers. He was born with three eyes, three heads and six arms, and was dressed in dark golden armor. He stood outside the gate of Yongfeng Kingdom.

"This place used to be the territory of our ancient tribe, but now it is despicably occupied by the human race. I will lead the army of the ancient tribe to return to this place!"

The half-step Tianzun of the ancient clan had a deep and deep voice, and he was holding a map in his hand.

According to the map, 2,500 years ago, the territory of Yongfeng Kingdom was indeed owned by the ancient clan.

However, Zhang Sanfeng was standing on the border of Yongfeng Kingdom. He said with a sneer: "The ancients, if you want to fight, you can fight. Don't you think your face is not red when you use such a ridiculous method as an excuse? The map from 2,500 years ago If you dare to speak out, why don't you say that ten civilization epochs ago, the ancient clan was at its peak, and this huge underworld is respected by the ancient clan!"

Fang Yue retreated.

These powerhouses of the Supreme Realm and half-step Heavenly Exalted Realm are the pillars of this Yongfeng Kingdom!

Next to Zhang Sanfeng is Xiang Yu, holding the Overlord Spear in his hand, his aura alone is worth thousands of troops!

"We're not here to fight this time, but to return to our homeland! If the human race insists on not retreating, then my ancient race will have no choice but to take it back with violence and blood!"

The half-step Tianzun of the ancient clan was serious, and he didn't pay attention to Zhang Sanfeng's words at all.

He wants to determine his righteous position, even if this so-called justice is absurd.

"Zhang Sanfeng, you are also a half-step Heavenly Exalted Realm powerhouse, you must pay attention to reason in everything, Yongfeng Kingdom occupied the territory of the ancient clan, this is wrong, you should return it back! "

At this time, an old man appeared, who was also a strong man at the half-step Heavenly Exalted Realm level. He had white hair and a childlike face, kind eyebrows and kind eyes. If you just look at his appearance, this old man is definitely a kind person.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, he stood on the side of the ancient clan.

He was wearing a navy blue robe with the logo of the Ten Thousand Races League embroidered on the left chest of the robe.

"It turned out to be a member of the Wanzu League, but they actually came out to fight!"

At this moment, Fang Yue arrived, and he said with a half-smile.

"I remember that the Ten Thousand Clans League was established back then, and its original intention was to unite the ten thousand races against foreign enemies! Now, this time, the army of the Yuan World has already reached the door of the underworld! In Yunyi City, entrenched and arrogant, the gods and demons Everyone has already made a move, why do you people from the Ten Thousand Races League have the leisure to fight here!"

"Could it be that the League of Ten Thousand Races is no longer the League of Ten Thousand Races in the underworld, but has become a dog leg of the dimensional world?"

Fang Yue's tone was full of sarcasm.

"Fang Yue, don't talk nonsense! How can you tarnish the reputation of my Ten Thousand Races?"

When the old man heard this, he couldn't help scolding angrily.

He didn't expect Fang Yue to appear, and he kept knocking and hitting!

"This time, asking you Yongfeng Kingdom to give up the land is also for the sake of the entire underworld! This land used to belong to the ancients, and they buried a peerless magic weapon here! The powerhouse at the level is in charge, and can kill the masters of the gods! If the gods are born, suppressing the invaders of the dimensional world will be like turning the palm of your hand!"

The old man spoke plausibly.

"The subordinates of Yongfeng Kingdom are suppressing the divine soldiers, why don't I know?"

Fang Yue couldn't help sneering when he heard this.

Seeing from the bottom of the picture, this is probably the ultimate move of the ancient clan.

Seductive with treasures, attract the attention of all races in the underworld, and share the pressure of the dimensional world.

If he doesn't get out of the way, I'm afraid the Wanzumeng will seize this righteous hat!

"Hmph, there are so many things you don't know!"

The half-step Tianzun of the ancient clan sneered.

"I can testify that this Yongfeng kingdom indeed suppressed an ancient divine weapon! That weapon was left by the third generation of the ancient gods—Guyan! Before he fell, he injected all of his cultivation into that In the weapon, it has its own spirit. Once the weapon is born and controlled by the strong of the ancient clan, it can immediately possess the power of the gods, and then it can become a powerful force in the underworld universe, suppressing powerful enemies, and invincible. Humans are invincible!"

The old man of the Ten Thousand Races League said swearingly.

"Alright then! Please tell me the exact location, which city it is in! Let me see how much you ancient people have to pay for this city!"

Fang Yue said methodically.

He didn't immediately go into a rage and sternly refuse like Wanzumeng and Guzu imagined, but he didn't give in weakly and opened the door to the country.

"The years have changed, the sea has changed, and it has been more than two thousand years, and it is difficult for us to distinguish the specific city!"

Half-step Tianzun of the ancient clan sneered.

Seeing Fang Yue backing down, he couldn't help being aggressive.

"Why don't you let go of the gate of Yongfeng Kingdom and let us search inch by inch!"

"Can't find a specific location? Let me help you! I like helping others the most!"

Fang Yue suddenly laughed.

"I am proficient in the art of searching for souls. Who of you ancient people has been here before, tell me, I will search for his soul, and then I will look for the place where this ancient divine soldier is buried!"

Fang Yue is strong.

His eyes narrowed.

"You, you, you! The three of you seem to be quite young, and you seem to know something! Then search your souls and find out where the ancient soldiers buried in Yongfeng Kingdom are!"

Fang Yue nodded.

In the army of the ancient clan, three generals at the level of the Immortal Monarch Realm were picked up by him in the air.

Three wisps of finger wind smashed their heads instantly.

The soul is captured and refined instantly.

"What a pity, these three people have been here before, but it seems that they don't know any information about this ancient divine weapon!"

Talking and laughing.

Fang Yue killed three ancient immortals.

The half-step Tianzun of the ancient clan couldn't help being frightened and angry.

"Fang Yue, you are so brave, you dare to fight in front of the adults of the Wanzu League!"

"Which eye of yours saw me make a move! I'm helping you find the location of the ancient magic weapon! You said that you can't find the location after all the vicissitudes of life. Isn't it my pleasure to find someone to solve your troubles?" !"

Fang Yue said with a look of grievance and innocence.

The current Fang Yue is no longer that fledgling little guy who is bullied by others.

If you dare to come to find fault, you must be prepared to fall!

The three immortals of the ancient clan are just a small warning.

"Fang Yue, you have passed. Now that the enemy is in front of you, you killed the ancient immortals without authorization and damaged the fighting power of all races. What crime should you deserve!"

The old man of the Wanzu League finally caught Fang Yue's handle and accused him.

"Oh? Is it inappropriate for me to kill people? I'm so sorry, sorry!"

"I am here to make an apology to you! At this time next year, I will burn some more incense sticks and paper money for these three dear friends! Actually, I didn't know that their bodies were so fragile, and they would be blown to death by just a gust of wind." Already!"

Fang Yue looked helpless.

The half-step Tianzun of the ancient clan was half-dead.

"Fang Yue, do you think you can get away with it? You..."

Before the voice of the old man from the Wanzu League fell.

A messenger at the level of the Great Luo Jin Fairyland flew over panting.

"My lord, it's not good, it's not good! The Beiyou City you are stationed in has just been breached by an army led by the King of Fire, and it is currently massacring the city! You have two wives, eighteen concubines, and one hundred and twenty-two children. All of them were killed, no one was spared! If you don't go back and have a look, this Beiyou City will be razed to the ground!"

The old man of Wanzumeng became dizzy when he heard this.

After waiting for a long time, he realized that Fang Yue must be behind this incident.

Fang Yue's close relationship with the Skyfire King is well known in the Underworld.

He forced the palace in Yongfeng Kingdom, and the King of Skyfire copied his lair, and he could guess with his toes that Fang Yue was instigating behind the scenes.

"Fang Yue, you..."

The old man just wanted to speak.

A surge of anger hit his heart, he spit out a mouthful of old blood with a puff, his face was as white as paper.

"Oh! You really are so indifferent! You haven't taken care of your own family, but you came out to advocate justice for others! The spirit is precious, and it is so beautiful!"

Fang Yue's words became worse and worse, and once again broke the defense of the old man of the Wanzu League.

Originally, he planned to use power to overwhelm others.

As a result, he was not suppressed, and the forces behind him were wiped out by Fang Yue.

"Oh, and you ancient clan, didn't you want to come to Yongfeng Country to search for the ancient **** soldiers left by your ancestors! Such a search, how aimless! How about I send you to go underground to ask your ancestors? "

Fang Yue said with a smile.

The menace in his words is already self-evident.

The half-step Tianzun of the ancient clan felt a little confused when he heard this.

This plan really can't keep up with the changes.

Although they knew that Fang Yue was difficult to deal with from the beginning, who knew that this guy would actually do it directly, and even collude with the doomed creature.

"Fang Yue, you will suffer retribution for doing this!"

The half-step Tianzun of the ancient clan said sharply to Fang Yue.

"There are so many strong people in my ancient clan, since you don't eat fine wine for toasting! Don't blame me for being cruel!"

The voice of the half-step Tianzun of the ancient clan fell.

Behind the ancient army's army, a mass of destroying demons flew towards them.

"Oh! How come you are so unlucky? You came to my Yongfeng country to hunt for treasures, but just happened to be invaded by the destroying demons!"

Fang Yue pretended to be panicked and said.

The half-step Tianzun of the ancient clan felt a chill in his heart.

Is this Fang Yue going to keep them all?

Who the **** doesn't know that the destroying demons in the entire underworld are subordinates of your Fang Yue, attacking back and forth, the ancients are in danger!

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