MTL - God of Life and Death-Chapter 3919 The strong emerge in large numbers

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The third thousand nine hundred and nineteenth chapter strong emerge in large numbers

"Why not?"

The will of heaven in the underworld looked at Nangong Shouyi with a smile on his face.

Nangong Shouyue glanced at the will of heaven in the underworld.

Don't laugh, the more you laugh, the more scared I get!

"I also have a hundred hours of original power?!"

Nangong Shouyue said tentatively.

He has a slight pain in his flesh.

He is different from Fang Yue.

Fang Yue only has a small Yongfeng country, and the various resources produced every day are enough to feed the entire Yongfeng country.

And behind him is a huge Celestial Race. This hundred hours of the original power of the universe can create many strong men, and how many strong men from the middle and ancient times can be completely revived and restored to their full glory!

"It depends on your mind!"

The will of heaven in the underworld said.

Nangong keeps the promise and rolls his eyes, looking at my thoughts?

If I follow my mind, I won’t give you a little bit of the original power of the universe!

But he knew that if he did this, their holy sacrifice might be wiped out!

Just when Nangong Shouyan was about to reluctantly use the original power of the universe, Fang Yue said suddenly.

"It's not as good as this. I will come out with the original power of the universe for this hundred hours. If there is any trouble in Yongfeng Kingdom in the future, the Celestial Race will help me once!"

"your turn?"

Nangong Shouyue was surprised.

"En! The world will be chaotic in the future, and I can't save Yongfeng Kingdom by myself. If there are Celestials to take care of me, I can feel more at ease!"

Fang Yue said to Nangong Shouyi.

"One hundred hours of the original power, in exchange for a chance for the Celestial Race to make a full shot!"

Nangong Shouyue muttered in his mouth, his eyes were cloudy and uncertain.

This Fang Yue is definitely a powerful ally, but he also has quite a few enemies. The inner court has a deep prejudice against Fang Yue. If it were not for the will of the underworld, the inner court of the underworld would have killed Fang Yue long ago!

However, the original power of the universe at one hundred hours!

At the very least, it can quickly restore the four powerhouses at the supreme level who were sleeping in the middle ages from weakness to full strength.

Is this deal worth it?

Measure again and again.

Nangong Shouyue nodded and said: "Okay, I promise you! But I have something to say first, I can't sell you the entire Celestial Clan because of the original power of the universe at a hundred hours! If the enemy you meet is invincible, my Celestial Clan Responsible for helping you kill the two unsurpassed powerhouses!"

"no problem!"

Fang Yue nodded.

Afterwards, he took out a hundred hours of original power and handed it over to the will of heaven in the underworld.

"Big dog!"

Nangong Shouyue couldn't help cursing secretly when he saw Fang Yue draw out the original power of 100 hours without blinking his eyes.

"I just turned a blind eye to the matter of the Holy Sacrifice, assuming I don't know about it. If you have any actions, do it quietly and privately!"

The will of heaven in the underworld said.

She giggled, she made a lot of money this time!

Two hundred hours of the original power of the universe is enough for her to squander for a long time!

He looked at Yunyi City again.

The war continued, and people from all walks of life competed for the original power, and the strong fell one after another.

At this time, the existences at the level of Da Luo Jin's fairyland who were once aloof in the past are all cannon fodder.

Xianjun, the supreme is constantly falling.

The original power on the original altar not only did not decrease because of the snatching by the crowd, but increased more and more.

There was a bang.

A strong man in the third level of the Heavenly Demon Clan was killed by a surprise attack from the Shadow Demon Clan, and his chest exploded.

His corpse was sacrificed and turned into a billowing source of power, filling the entire Yunyi City.

It's a feast.

Death and blood accompany the endless carnival.

Fang Yue watched the scene in front of him, but did not make a move.

He knew this was just the beginning, not the end.

To fall is to rise.

A Taotie at the level of the Immortal Monarch Realm suddenly opened its mouth, devouring the original power of the universe at twenty o'clock.

The cultivation base that was originally at the peak of the Immortal Monarch Realm immediately broke through and stepped into the level of the Supreme Realm!

This source of power saved at least half of its accumulation of civilization era.


A master of the third level of the Supreme Realm in the dimensional world had red eyes. He didn't expect that they didn't pay attention for a while, and the original power in the original altar was actually eaten by this beast.

That Taotie chuckled, and opened his mouth to swallow that supreme being from the dimensional world.

Taotie is an ancient evil, with extremely strong bloodline, and this gluttony even surpassed his ancestors, reaching the level of the barren level.

The eighth level of bloodline, the universe is prehistoric, and the heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow.

The bloodline of Huang level is already a very powerful existence in the underworld.

The stronger the bloodline, the more powerful the innate supernatural powers will be!

Although Taotie has just broken into the Supreme Realm, with the power of his blood, he actually suppressed the Supreme General of the Dimensional World and instantly devoured it.

Some strong men in the dimensional world were shocked when they saw this. They thought that the inheritance of the dimensional world would be enough to easily suppress the practitioners in the underworld.

However, the appearance of this glutton shattered their arrogance.

There are also strong men in the underworld, who are invincible at the same level.

"Hahaha! Bastards of the Dimensional World, don't you want to invade the underworld universe and become the overlord? Come on! Make a move!"

Taotie roared furiously, the sound shook the sky.

In Fang Yue's eyes, a faint divine light flickered.

He can see it.

This Taotie's strength is astonishing, what is displayed right now seems to be not all about him.


King Tianye made a move, trying to suppress Taotie.

A little ferocious beast also wants to act fiercely in front of the army of the dimensional world?

Covering the sky with a big hand, he hit Taotie.

King Tianye, whose strength is comparable to that of a newcomer to Tianzun, no matter how powerful Taotie's bloodline supernatural power is, it is impossible for him to be his opponent.

Use the strong to beat the weak.

Fang Yue could see that the Dimensional World was ready to go all out!

However, at this moment, an old glutton came out of the void, and a beast claw the size of a millstone collided with it.

The palm of Tianye King shattered and turned into a cloud of blood mist.

"Although my gluttonous clan has a small population, it's not yet my turn to be bullied!"

The old glutton said.

There was a hint of arrogance in his tone.

An old Taotie at the half-step Tianzun Realm level, the legendary Yu-level bloodline.

As soon as he appeared, he formed an independent field.

The strength of all existences entering this field will be reduced by 50%.

"There is such an existence in the underworld?!"

Nangong Shouyue frowned.

He is one of the ancestors of the Celestial God Clan, and he thinks he knows the powerhouses in the underworld like the back of his hand.

Not to mention those below the Immortal Monarch Realm, they are like ants and don't deserve his attention.

But if this old Taotie's bloodline cooperates with his cultivation, he is definitely comparable to Tianzun! He didn't even know.

"The strong man in the last civilization era was seriously injured when he entered the Supreme. In this civilization era, I took it into the no-man's land to practice."

The will of the underworld and heaven said playfully.

This is a strong man cultivated by the will of the underworld and heaven.

Nangong Shouyue's complexion was cloudy and uncertain.

damn it.

Why is the will of this generation of underworld and heaven so sticky.

Not only snatching their resources, but also secretly cultivating the strong.

"So strong!"

Don't say that ordinary people are shocked.

At this time, even King Tianye and King Nirvana were stunned.

Didn’t the underworld say that it has already fallen?

Doesn't it mean that there is no strong person in the underworld of this generation?


What happened to this old glutton who was stronger than the Heavenly Night King?

What happened to Fang Yue.

"My gluttonous clan has nothing to do with the world, and I don't want people in the dimensional world to take action against my gluttonous clan's children! The original power of fifty hours should be the spiritual comfort for my children!"

The old Taotie raised his hand and took away the origin of the universe at fifty o'clock and handed it to the little Taotie to eat.

No hands.

No one refuted.

Because they know that Lao Glutton has this qualification.

"Eat and eat, and the realm has improved, let's go home! Digest well!"

The old Taotie said to the little Taotie.

His eyes are full of doting.

Little Taotie nodded obediently, and the two jumped into the void side by side and left.

The blocking formation in the dimensional world is nothing.

Contempt, this is an absolute contempt.

"The strength of these two gluttons must be passed back to the dimensional world, and they will be used as imaginary enemies, and the focus will be analyzed!"

King Tianye recovered his palm and said to the adjutant beside him at the same time.


The adjutant nodded.

"Old Taotie took away the original power of the universe at 50 hours, it shouldn't be too much for me, the Heavenly Demons, to have the original power of the universe at 100 hours!"

A Tianzun of the Tianmo clan came from a distance.

He is a hundred feet tall and is a super giant.

One foot fell.

The soldiers in the billion-dimensional world were turned into blood and flesh.

A large amount of original power was born from the original altar.

King Tianye roared, "Bold!"


The Tianzun of the Tianmo clan roared.

It was just the impact of sound waves, directly nailing the Sky Night King to the wall.

"Dark Wind! I didn't expect this old thing to come out!"

Nangong Shouyue whispered.

His eyes were cloudy and uncertain.

Anfeng, the contemporary Tianzun among the Tianmo clan!

Proving the Tao in this era of civilization, it is said that the one who just proved the Tao was undefeated against the four extraterritorial celestial beings alone.

This is the real Tianzun, not comparable to Tianzun.

Nangong Shouyue even suspected that the dark wind was not the first floor of Tianzun, but the second floor or even higher of Tianzun.

Heavenly Venerable Realm, every step to a small realm is a huge leap.

The so-called shoulder-to-shoulder Tianzun is just to be able to challenge those who have just entered the Tianzun.

On the second floor of Tianzun, there are at least ten strong fighters on the first floor of Tianzun.

"You give it or not!"

Anfeng stood in front of Yunyi City, his eyes showed a touch of fear.

This city is ominous!

Even though he is a Celestial Venerable, An Feng is unwilling to enter!


King Nirvana said without hesitation.

He knew that if he shot with all his strength, he might be able to tie An Feng.

so what?

I don't know how many Heavenly Venerates are dormant in the underworld.

This dark wind only needs two hundred hours of original power, and it doesn't have much appetite, so if you give it, you will give it, no problem!

King Nirvana took out 200 hours of original power from the original altar, and no one stopped him.

Because they knew that this was for An Feng.

Anfeng's acquisition of the original power means that the Heavenly Demons will no longer participate in the affairs of Yunyi City.

The power of origin is at hand.

Anfeng stared at King Nirvana.

"This city is ominous, and the altar is also ominous."

Then Anfeng turned around and left, disappearing from everyone's sight.

The dark wind is gone.

The sealing formation of the Celestials was also broken because of the killing of the dark wind!