MTL - God of Life and Death-Chapter 3914

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Chapter 3914

King Nirvana knew in his heart that this was Fang Yue's intentional demonstration.

Otherwise, Fang Yue would never have revealed such a big flaw.

"Fang Yue, are you determined to intervene in this matter?"

King Nirvana took a deep breath, looked at Fang Yue and said.

"I am determined to intervene? What have I intervened?"

Fang Yue pretended to be crazy and stupid, and said to King Nirvana with a blank face.

"Didn't I just steal some virtual immortals, real immortals and even spirit immortals from you here? I don't want to participate in the war between your dimensional world and Yunyi City!"

Fang Yue laughed.

"If you really think so, leave quickly and take this guy with you!"

King Nirvana's face was cloudy, and he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Fang Yue's gourd!

"Then I'm leaving!"

"Let's go!"

King Nirvana said with a look of disgust.

"Then tell this guy not to chase me! I promise I won't participate in the war between you and Yunyi City anymore!"

Fang Yue said grumblingly.

"Xingchenzi?! I can't control him! He was sent by the will of heaven in the dimensional world! However, as long as you intervene in the war between the dimensional world and Yunyi City, I guarantee that Xingchenzi will never attack you! "

King Nirvana said.

"OK then!"

Fang Yue struggled for a moment, then dragged Lab No. 8 and disappeared.

"Wait for me!"

Xing Chenzi also went with him!

"Let's go now?!"

City Lord Yunyi looked at the place where Fang Yue disappeared, and couldn't help being stunned.

Isn't this guy anticlimactic?

When he made the shot just now, he thought this guy really wanted to make another shot!

"Master Yunyi, do you still want to be stubborn and stubborn? If you are willing to open the gate of Yunyi City, I can guarantee that the Dimensional World will never harm any resident, half a hair of a soldier in Yunyi City, or even You can leave at any time, and I will not pursue it!"

King Nirvana once again persuaded him to surrender, and the conditions he offered were quite generous!

"Promise him!"

Fang Yue's voice suddenly sounded in the ears of City Lord Yunyi.

Fang Yue?

Isn't he already a calf?

City Lord Yunyi turned his head, and he suddenly noticed that Xu Qing's expression was a little strange.

"Lord Fang Yue's ray of divine sense is attached to my body. It has just been activated and is in charge of talking to you!"

Xu Qing said via voice transmission.

"Impossible, Yunyi City has been the foundation of the human race for countless years, and it is absolutely impossible to give it up to the enemies of the dimensional world because of your words! The residents of my Yunyi City will stick to the city even if they fight to the death!"

City Lord Yunyi said extremely stubbornly.

"This is not what I mean, but the will of the underworld and heaven!"

Fang Yue said.

At the same time, a will of the underworld and heaven came quietly.

City Lord Yunyi's eyes changed, and he was in a trance!

The will of heaven in the underworld has come?

He actually meant to give up Yunyi City?

The city that the human race has held on to for hundreds of millions of years just surrendered to others like this?

City Lord Yunyi's heart was full of doubts and unwillingness.

"Three altars are about to be born! The current power of Yunyi City can't protect you! If you don't let out of Yunyi City, all the residents in the city will be buried for you! Is it worth it! Troubled times have come, and you have more important things to do!" There are things to do, such as protecting the last fire of the human race!"

The voice of the will of the underworld and heaven is far more convincing than Fang Yue's words!

Because it was the order of the will of the underworld to let them keep this Yunyi city at all costs.

Now the will of heaven in the underworld makes them retreat, which also means that their mission is finally completed!

City Lord Yunyi felt a sense of relief in his heart.

But what is more in my heart is a kind of strong doubt.

Why did the will of heaven in the underworld choose to let them retreat at this time.

"Master Yunyi, do you choose to continue fighting or open the door!"

King Nirvana knew that the possibility of City Lord Yunyi choosing to surrender was almost minimal.

He is ready to attack.

Yunyi City must be captured!

The three altars must be obtained!

Just at this time.

City Lord Yunyi suddenly let out a long sigh.

"For the safety of hundreds of millions of people in Yunyi City, I declare that I will abandon Yunyi City! I will surrender!"

The voice of City Lord Yunyi fell.

Almost everyone thinks they heard it wrong!


How can you surrender!

This is their homeland and their hard work!

"City Lord, think twice!"

"City Lord, this is our home!"

Everyone in Yunyi City was shouting.

Yunyi City, their homeland, the homeland that had been guarded for so many years, just surrendered like this?

Their unwillingness!

They don't want to!

They would rather die in battle than become this homeless dog!

When City Lord Yunyi heard this, he felt a slight hesitation in his heart.

Cloud Yicheng is gone, where are they going?

Their foundation, their resources, and their livelihood are all in this city!

"Don't worry, after this incident, Yunyi City is still yours! Moreover, I have opened a city in Yongfeng Kingdom that is ten times larger than Yunyi City, which is enough for you to practice and settle down! In order to give you a smooth transition If you have the opportunity, below the True Fairyland, all residents in Yunyi City can ask me for reimbursement for their expenses and even their resource needs! This decision will definitely be valid within a month!"

Fang Yue knew the hesitation in City Lord Yunyi's heart.

But he had to vacate Yunyi City.

This is the will of the high-level underworld, and also the will of the underworld and the heavenly way!

At the beginning, they wanted to sacrifice all the powerful people in the entire Yunyi City and all the people as bait, but some bigwigs of the human race disagreed, so today's compromise was made!

"it is good!"

City Lord Yunyi no longer hesitated.

He knows that there is really only one dead end if he sticks to it.

The conditions offered by Fang Yue are already favorable enough.

City Lord Yunyi looked at King Nirvana and said, "Give me an hour, we pack up and evacuate! This is my last condition!"

The words of City Lord Yunyi really surprised King Nirvana.

You really want to retreat!

Are you really willing to leave?

This time, you, City Lord Yunyi, are the sinners of the human race, the sinners of the entire underworld!

Although King Nirvana was puzzled and slandered, there were some things he couldn't say!

The residents of Yunyi City are willing to retreat, which is the most suitable decision for the current dimensional world!

Fighting can also be won, but the cost is too high to be worth it.

Although there are many strong people in the dimensional world, the cost of teleportation is too high.

Few people can shuttle between two different worlds like Fang Yue.

"The city lord..."

There are still people in Yunyi City who want to dissuade them.

However, the Lord Yunyi said sharply: "I am still the Lord of Yunyi City, and I will be the home of this Yunyi City! If you stay here, you can only die in battle! Only by retreating can there be hope and fire!"

"Although you retreat, if you are charged, let me bear it!"

City Lord Yunyi's expression was determined.

At this time, Hal, the God of War, panicked a little!

Where did the human race come from?

Are you planning to lay it down?

Everyone in Yunyi City has left, who will consume the vitality of the dimensional world!

The human race can't go!

You need to come out and block the gun!

God of War Hal groaned silently in his heart!

They are bound to win the three altars in Yunyi City.

Especially the source altar!

After the holy sacrifice, the heroic spirit is summoned, and the heroic spirit is revived, and a large amount of origin is needed to recover.

Counting on Fang Yue's Origin Pill and Great Origin Pill?


The original altar is the only way out!

Originally, the Celestials hoped that Yunyi City and the army of the Dimensional World would lose both, and then come out to pick up the leaks!

Now, the human race actually plans to retreat?

Without the consumption of the human race, the army of the dimensional world in the heyday of the solitary sleep, the gods have no idea!

"You can't leave! Yunyi City can't be lost!"

God of War Hal roared.

"We won't let you watch the show?"

City Lord Yunyi looked coldly at the God of War Hal, the so-called reinforcement from the Celestial Clan.

Inspiring teachers to mobilize the crowd.

Temporary truce because some Da Luojin Fairyland-level creatures were sacrificed?

The Celestials have always been wealthy, occupying at least one-third of the resources of the entire underworld.

Do they really care about this being who is still at the level of Da Luo Jin's fairyland as a sacrifice?


All this is just an excuse for them to let Yunyi City rush to the front and confront the creatures in the dimensional world!

You paddle, but don't allow us to retreat?

Such a double standard can only be achieved by you gods who are known as bright and stalwart!

"This Yunyi City is not only the city of the human race, but also the wealth of the entire underworld. If it is lost in your hands, at least you will be responsible for it?"

Hal asked sinfully.

"You are right. This Yunyi City is not only the city of my human race, but also the wealth of the entire underworld. Therefore, since it is a common property of the underworld, everyone needs to work together to protect it!"

"We humans can't handle it anymore! We need your Celestials to take action next! Yunyi City, the wealth of the underworld, please entrust the Celestials to protect it!"

City Lord Yunyi said.

There was hope in his tone.

Hal's face froze.

Fuck, this is using my words to block me!

City Lord Yunyi couldn't help but feel happy seeing Hal deflated.

Fighting, the human race can't do it.

But bickering, all race chickens!

Soon, the people in Yunyi City finished transferring their supplies, and some even put their own houses into storage bags.

The residents in Yunyi City basically have the cultivation level above the saint level, so it is more than enough to carry this little thing!

"Let's go!"

Xu Qing said.

"Lord Fang Yue has already tore open a space rift for everyone to go to Yongfeng Kingdom. You only need to enter the space rift to enter the territory of Yongfeng Kingdom! The city, residence and even the necessary cultivation resources are all prepared for you. !"

The voice fell.

A space crack with a length of tens of kilometers and a height of more than ten meters suddenly appeared.

When King Nirvana saw this, his complexion couldn't help but change.

This Fang Yue is really extraordinary.

The space in the underworld universe is tough, and it is definitely not something ordinary people can do to tear out this kind of stable, directional space crack.

According to legend, Fang Yue's comprehension of space and heaven is close to good fortune. Now it seems that this legend should be true!

Fang Yue left, saying not to interfere.

In fact, they are preparing to receive these people in Yunyi City!

King Nirvana's expression was uncertain.

This Fang Yue is really amazing!

If he doesn't get rid of it, after he grows up for a while, who else in the dimensional world can cure him!

Everyone left along the space crack.

Although there is nostalgia.

But they also knew in their hearts that they left this time to save their lives!

In less than a cup of tea, the huge Yunyi City became an empty city.

City Lord Yunyi was the last to leave.

Before he left, he still looked at Yunyi City reluctantly.

"Farewell, Yunyi City!"

City Lord Yunyi broke through the void and left.

Yunyi City is finally completely empty!

"The first echelon, enter Yunyi City and investigate the situation! The others stand by and stand by!"

City Lord Yunyi and the others retreated too simply and neatly.

This made King Nirvana feel an unreal feeling in his heart!

He couldn't believe it, it was all true!

So he let some people tentatively enter the city, if there is no ambush, then the army will enter the lord.

In the first echelon, a strong man at the level of the Immortal King led an army of thousands of people into Yunyi City.

The city was dead silent and lifeless.

Look around, no problem!

"Report my lord, there should be no ambush in Yunyi City!"

Read The Duke's Passion