MTL - God-level Sign-in Game Design Master-Chapter 468 really free

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  The onlookers were hooked after watching Ye Qin's introduction, as if they could become possessed by gods and demons after practicing a few times, killing all directions.

   "Thank you, Mr. Ye, for letting us see what the happiness of a handsome man is."

   "Boss, can the live video be transferred to other forums?"

  【Send it, just indicate the copyright. Although I don't want money, I don't want to be impersonated by others. ] Ye Qin said with a smile.

  Because of his words, Yasuo, the happy man, quickly became the hero with the highest appearance rate in one day, directly overwhelming Child Zed.

  Most of the players who watched Ye Qin's video tutorial didn't learn the essence, they only use stepping forward to cut E back and forth, as for killing people?

  Hehe, don't look at the joke, it's good if the happy male player doesn't get killed, don't think about killing people.

   And then...the whole League of Legends comment section exploded...

   "You Yasuo players are happy, but have you ever thought about the feelings of our normal players? Ten Yasuo players have nine pitfalls, and one is disconnected. This is the truest portrayal of Yasuo players."

   "The two cancerous heroes of "League of Heroes", one is Child Jie, and the other is Toer Suo. The official release of these two heroes is to deceive people, right?"

   "Is the qualifying match okay? I banned Yasuo first, and then banned Zed. As long as you don't get tricked, you will basically win."

   "Yasuo is really not something that ordinary players can play. Stepping forward and cutting E seems to be easy to use, but in fact, he pays special attention to the timing of his shots. If he doesn't make a move, he will be fine. Once he makes a move, he will kill him."

   "Forget it, I'd better have fun with the crocodile. Yasuo is really not a handicapped hero like me. It's better to be a more fleshy hero."

   There are endless debates about who is more difficult to play, Toer Suo or Child Jie, and our protagonist Ye Qin is troubled by another matter.


  Ye Qin Game Company.

   "Old Lin, you mean that Vidiwang wants to acquire 35% of Andalil's shares?" Ye Qin asked.

  Lin Fenghe responded, "Yes, and it is a high premium to buy Andalil's shares. Johnson came to ask for our opinions just now. I told him to wait and ask Mr. Ye what you think."

  What exactly does Vidiwang Game Company want to do?

  Resist Ye Qin's game from entering overseas markets? But this method is too gentle, right?

   Or do they have another purpose?

   "Where's Cheng Wan? No news." Ye Qin asked.

   "President Cheng just arrived this morning, so he should still be preparing."

   I don't know if there is some misunderstanding, Lin Fenghe always feels that Cheng Wan's being too right to him seems to be more indifferent than others.

  Ye Qin pondered over and over again, and the Andalier game company was originally planned by Ye Qin to expand the overseas game market, and sold the shares to Vidiwang?

   Isn't this equivalent to breaking your own arm? No way.

   "Let Johnson know that in the future, the staff of Vidiwang must treat them well when they come over, and they can be perfunctory about their company's proposal to acquire shares." Ye Qin said.

  Lin Fenghe nodded thoughtfully, and then Ye Qin's world was clean again.

  As soon as Lin Fenghe left, Sun Mu opened the door and came in. Since Huang Mao has been staying with Zhou Qian at home, most of the Lethal Weapon studios have been watched by Sun Mu recently.

   "Brother Ye, hurry up and take a look, the gang from Goose Factory and the Huangmao Studio are arguing."


   Arguing? Are you all free? "

  Ye Qin followed Sun Mu from the office all the way to the battle field of Goose Factory Studio and Lethal Weapon Studio.

   The two parties were arguing vigorously, and no one noticed Ye Qin's arrival.

   "Your Goose Factory studios are all rubbish. What games have you released? Hehe, I see. It's useless to ask. You don't have anything."

   "That's right, if Brother Ye didn't take pity on you and give you a bite to eat, you still don't know how to fight for food with wild dogs in that garbage dump."

  The members of the Lethal Weapon Studio are full of gunfire, but Goose Factory is not a vegetarian.

   "You guys are amazing, but I haven't seen your studio dominate the entire Yeqin Game Company!"

   "I heard that Lethal Weapon used to be the top card, but after Xiaohao came, the evil studio is the trump card. You are already old Internet celebrities, so you can bully us newcomers."

   "But don't forget, maybe one day we can step on your heads too."

  Ye Qin listened carefully, you guys are really full and have nothing to do.

   "Ahem... are you all busy? You don't have anything to do?" Ye Qin pointed to several people in the Lethal Weapon Studio and asked.

   "Eh...Brother Ye...Yes, I suddenly remembered that there is still code to write."

   "I have it too... I have it too."

   Several people said that they all disappeared from Ye Qin's eyes.

  Ye Qin turned around and asked the people in the Goose Factory studio, "Are you all okay?"

  Niu Lei stood up, "Boss Ye, we really have nothing to do."

  Uh... just forgot about the newly incorporated Goose Factory studio.

   "Let's leave. Manager Niu Lei will come to my office in a while. If this kind of thing happens again in the future, I will never forgive you." Ye Qin said and left with his hands behind his back.

  After returning to the office, the first thing Ye Qin did was to redeem the core data of the game "Frostpunk" from the system mall.

  In the game "Frostpunk", the player will act as the administrator of the last city in the world to manage the people and the infrastructure inside. As the environment and resources continue to deteriorate, take different decisions and strategies to ensure the city's survival.

  The background setting of the game intersects with the real world of Blue Star, but changed after 1872. In 1872, Husky country astronomers proposed to the French Academy of Sciences that they had discovered a new meteor group.

  After 1872, the temperature of Blue Star gradually became colder. On the one hand, scientists began to study heating energy towers to combat the cold winter; on the other hand, meteorologists began to look for the reason for the cold weather.

  In 1886, the temperature began to drop to minus 30 degrees. Under the leadership of various countries, people began to move to the north where coal resources are abundant, and use steam power to combat the extreme cold.

  Many people came to the Frozen Northland, went to the location of the energy tower, trying to build the last city of mankind, and the game officially began.

  Ye Qin especially likes this type of simulation survival game, but the designer of this game has designed an outrageous achievement system and bad jokes for the game.

In the apocalypse, where the highest temperature can reach minus 100 degrees Celsius, you take various extreme measures to protect the urban residents from freezing to death and ensure the survival of the society, but the people in the city are dissatisfied with you, but in the end you still lead all the people survived.

   But the endgame tells you that you crossed the line and let most/everyone survive, but is it really worth it?

  Accompanied by the review of the game progress, the developer's question was like a heavy punch in Ye Qin's face, and he still remembered it.