MTL - God-level Perspective-v3 Chapter 3175 Insights in the river of the universe!

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   Chapter 3175 Insights in the river of the universe!

   The third thousand four hundred and fifty-seventh chapter is the perception in the river of the universe!

The terrifying laughter seemed to spread all over the world, the sky shook, and the whole world seemed to be controlled by the owner of the laughter. Facing such a terrifying existence, the people in this world did not even have the courage to look at him. No.

   The four gods are all bowing their heads at this moment. Although they all hope that Ye Han and Lanling will die together, but now that Lanling has appeared, they know that the future world of Jiuli will no longer be theirs!

   From now on, they are all destined to crawl under the Lanling God and look up at the Lanling God standing above their heads.

  Although they are very dissatisfied, they have to accept this reality!

   "From today onwards, the world of Jiuli will be ruled by the Lord, whoever dares to disobey the words of the Lord will be killed without mercy!"

  In the twilight, this voice, centered on the God-killing Clan, was transmitted towards the entire Jiuli world.

   At this moment, the entire Jiuli world heard such an extremely overbearing voice.

  In an instant, the entire Jiuli world was boiling with excitement!

   In the heaven and earth in front of the royal court of the God Race, the four gods bowed their heads sadly, the era that belongs to them has completely passed from this moment!

   "See King Jiuli!"

   Between heaven and earth, everyone spontaneously shouted this voice.

  The world of Jiuli in the future will be dominated by the Lord of Lanling, that is the King of Jiuli!

   "King Jiuli..." Lanling God looked up to the sky and laughed loudly; "Okay, from now on, the master will be the King of Jiuli, the King of Jiuli!"

   "King Jiuli, I don't know that the gods and demons can be destroyed?" Lord Shengyu bowed his head and asked.

   Hearing the words, Lord Lanling's eyes looked like sharp swords towards Lord Shengyu; "Whether it is destroyed or not, should you question the Lord?"

   "Don't dare!" Lord Shengyu lowered his head tremblingly.

"So, that man escaped, you didn't kill him, or you can't kill him for the time being!" You Ruo Shang Shen looked at Lanling God with sharp eyes, he would die anyway, You Ruo Shang Shen is now But he doesn't care about offending Lanling.

   Hearing the words, Lanling God squinted his eyes and looked at You Ruo Shangshen; "This master can't slaughter that bereaved dog?"

   "If you really killed him, why wouldn't you admit it?" You Ruo Shang Shen said coldly.

Lord Lanling smiled; "Sure enough, she is not an ordinary woman, you are right, this master hasn't killed him yet, but he escaped into the depths of the prehistoric universe and still can't escape death. Of course, he may die. Big, you can leave the cosmos alive, but this master can guarantee that he will be killed next time, but since you have high expectations for him, then in the future, this master will kill him in front of you!"

   Yun Lan snorted coldly; "I'm afraid that the next time he appears again, your Lanling God will no longer have the ability to kill him!"

"Hahaha, it's just a bereaved dog, and you have such high expectations for him." Lord Lanling laughed and shook his head; "Okay, this master will give you a chance to see him die in front of you in the future. , but before that, this huge God-killing clan is afraid that it will submit to the master, and you will all become the prisoners of the master!"

   Hearing the words, the King Zhu Shen said tremblingly; "The God Zhu Clan is willing to surrender to King Jiuli!"

"Hmph, very good, lock up these two women. In the future, this master will let them see for themselves whether this master can kill the bereaved dog!" Lanling's eyes were terrifying, and then he looked at Silent and said nothing. The Four Gods; "Do you have any opinion on this?"

   "Don't dare!" The four gods hurriedly shook their heads!

"Very good." Lanling God said indifferently; "From today, the Jiuli world is fully prepared for war, and soon, this master will lead the people of my Jiuli world into the gods and demons. Tens of thousands of years ago, my Jiuli world was The unfulfilled dream, this master will realize it!"

   Just become the Jiuli King of the Jiuli world. Of course, the Lord Lanling is not satisfied. What he wants to do is to be the absolute controller of the two worlds, and he will also step on the gods and demons under his feet.

   However, in the battle against the Taikoo Dragon Corpse in the Prehistoric Universe, Lord Lanling was not lightly injured. It is precisely because of this that he did not continue chasing and killing Ye Han in the Prehistoric Universe, but withdrew from the Prehistoric Universe and returned to the Jiuli World.

   Once he recovers, it is time to invade the gods and demons.

   What if Ye Han really left the Great Wilderness Universe alive? Will it be his enemy?


  The depths of the prehistoric universe, the river of the universe!

After Ye Han fell into the river of the universe, he was like an ordinary person who fell into the vast and boundless sea, without any resistance, he could only drift along in the river of the universe and be swept away by the terrifying tide. into the deepest part of the river.

  This river of the universe breeds a powerful breath of life, as if it can nourish the entire universe, and all the heavens and the world are under it.

   Ye Han was horrified and was caught in the bottom of this boundless cosmic river. Ye Han's power could not be used here at all, as if he could only drift in this cosmic river for eternity.

  Somewhere in the universe, Ye Han seemed to see the birth of all things, the emergence of the universe, and some chaotic pictures came into Ye Han's mind from somewhere.

  Ye Han saw a place that was chaotic and full of endless darkness, and a Tianhe was born. The birth of this Tianhe traversed the entire chaotic and dark world, causing this place to undergo wonderful changes in an instant.

   A huge universe has emerged, and worlds have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. All creatures and different species are born in different worlds...

   "Could it be that the formation of the universe and the emergence of all worlds are really inseparable from this river of the universe?"

   Ye Han's heart trembled, although he didn't know where these chaotic images came from, but just now he was like a bystander, witnessing the emergence of the entire universe and the rise of worlds one by one.

   And this river of the universe that nurtures the universe and nurtures all worlds, just like the entire universe, the mother of all worlds, the first ancestor!

  The universe and all worlds appear because of it. Once it is destroyed, will the universe and all worlds continue to exist?

  In an instant, while Ye Han was watching the chaotic images in his mind, a mysterious and profound enlightenment suddenly flashed through Ye Han's mind.

   But this kind of comprehension disappeared in an instant, making Ye Han unable to grasp it at all.

   This kind of feeling is as if I clearly remember what I am going to do, but I forget it in an instant.

"The universe and all worlds exist because of the river of the universe, and even all living beings, their birth seems to be born from the mother's nurturing, but this kind of rule is not like the universe and the universe because of the river of the universe, For living beings, their birth is because of the mother body, and the birth of the universe and all worlds, the river of the universe is the mother body!"

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion