MTL - God-level Perspective-v3 Chapter 3153 Before returning!

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   Chapter 3153 Before returning!

   Chapter 3435 Before returning!

   Several great gods will come forward to completely close the door of the world three days later, and the people of Jiuli world do not care about this.

   Whether Ye Han can come back alive or not has nothing to do with them. Now, they just want to listen to God's sermons and realize higher-level power from God's sermons.

   However, the main days of the preaching conference are now postponed, which makes everyone extremely disappointed, they have waited so long, just for today.

  Although several great gods have already said, once Ye Han has not returned after three days, the preaching conference will continue to start.

   However, they were still extremely disappointed.

"Holy Feather God, although God Qianya hasn't returned for the time being, this shouldn't prevent all the gods from preaching, right? Besides, if there are all the gods preaching together, what does it matter if the **** Qianya doesn't come out? There are all the gods preaching. It's enough to benefit my Jiuli world!"

   "Yes, Gods, with you great beings preaching, what's the harm without the God of Qianya?"

   "Qianya God is very domineering and ambitious. I'm afraid he is not willing to pass on what he has learned to the world. What we want to listen to is the sermons of the four Gods. It doesn't matter if the Qianya God comes or not."

   There were voices resounding throughout the city.

Hearing that, the Four Great Gods were unmoved and used Ye Han as an excuse to postpone the sermon conference. This was their purpose, and they never thought of preaching to the world. The reason why this sermon conference was held was to destroy the world. Ye Han.

God of Darkness said lightly; "This matter, we have made up our minds, and God Qianya has not come, how can we preach first? Once God of Qianya comes back and gets angry, with the domineering personality of God Qianya, I can't bear it. rise."

"This matter is settled as it is, and everything will be discussed when the Lord Qianya returns, but if the Lord Qianya has not returned after three days, then the sermon conference will continue. With the domineering personality of the Lord Qianya, once he gets angry, it will happen to us. Conflict is not a good thing for the entire Jiuli world!"

   After saying this, the Four Great Gods instantly disappeared from the dojo.

   Seeing this scene, the people who came to listen to the sermon in this city today were extremely disappointed.

   "God Qianya is all because of him. If it wasn't because he didn't show up at the preaching conference, would the four gods postpone the preaching conference?"

   "Yes, it's because of God Qianya. If it wasn't for him being absent from the sermon conference and being strong and domineering, the four gods were afraid that he would stir up trouble after his return.

   "This Thousand Cliffs God is so hateful. Since he returned from the gods and demons, the war in the world of Jiuli has continued, and it has never stopped."

"I heard that God Qianya has entered the world channel. I really hope that this time he has no chance to return. Once he has not returned after three days, the four gods will close the door of the world. I am afraid that this guy should fall into the power of the gods and demons again. If this is the case, he will surely die!"

   As the Four Great Gods postponed the preaching conference because of Ye Han, this news gradually spread throughout the Jiuli world.

   Those who knew about this matter were extremely disappointed, and the people in Jiuli World hated Ye Han even more for the "culprit" who caused the sermon conference to be postponed.

   "Hmph, a group of vulgar people, do they think that even if the four gods appear in their husbands, they will preach to them for free?"

God Punisher, You Ruo Shang Shen's eyes are cold, and now almost the entire Jiuli world hates Ye Han, and they all blame the four gods for delaying the sermon meeting on the top of Ye Han's head, which makes You Ruo Shang God was very angry.

   "I don't know when the big brother will come back? These guys are really hateful. Originally, the four gods wanted to postpone the preaching conference. What does it have to do with the big brother?" Yun Lan also looked angry.

The King of God Execution said in a deep voice, "Mother, God has not yet returned, but the Four Great Gods have already stated that they will close the door of the world in three days, which is a great disadvantage for God. Once the Four Great Gods close the door of the world, then God will It can only be lost to the gods and demons!"

Hearing the words, You Ruo Shang Shendai frowned; "Now I have tens of millions of troops guarding the gate of the world, but if the Four Gods personally take action, even if I have tens of millions of troops guarding the gate of the world to them It seems like a fake. It seems that I have to go to the gate of the world in person. God King, then you protect the God-killer. Leave the gate of the world to me. I must delay the four gods to close the gate of the world. time."

   "I'll go too!" Yun Lan said firmly.

   Youruo God did not refuse.

The King of God Execution said; "Please rest assured, Mistress, at this time, the Four Great Gods should not attack me, their goal is God, but Mistress, want to delay the Four Great Gods from closing the door of the world, this is not An easy thing to do!"

   "Even if it's not easy, the gods have to give it a try. I can't just watch them close the door to the world."

   Then, You Ruo Shangshen and Yun Lan set off for the gate of the world.

   Now there are tens of thousands of God-killing troops guarding the gate of the world, and the power arranged by the four gods at the gate of the world is much weaker than that.

   That mighty force is guarding the front of the gate of the world, so that the power of the four gods dare not approach.

   "Mother!" When God You Ruo and Yun Lan came here, a strong man from the God-Execution Clan immediately greeted them.

   "How is it, is there any movement at the gate of the world?" God You Ruo looked at the terrifying crack above the gate of the world, frowning tightly.

   The powerful man of the God Clan shook his head.

   "Guard, no matter who comes here, you must guard me, even if it's God...the same!" You Ruo Shang Shen said with a cold face.

   At the same time, in the Ye Divine Hall of Yaoguang Domain, Ye Han at this moment is obsessed with the Divine Core obtained in Jiutian Jedi.

   This divine core is the perception of the way of the true God in front of Jiutian Abandonment. Once Ye Han can comprehend the way of the true God from it, then he can achieve the true God in one fell swoop.

  Although Ye Han now has a trace of faith, he has already taken a path different from the true god.

   But the way of the true god, Ye Han also wants to dabble, stepping into the way of the true god, Ye Han can explore the legendary realm of the ancestors!

  Although the way of faith is elevated to the extreme, it is also equivalent to the realm of ten thousand ancestors, but Ye Han wants to try two ways to go hand in hand, will it be a brand new way?

   After two days in a row, Ye Han was comprehending the way of the true God contained in the review. Although he did not succeed, but with Ye Han's insights today, he already had some new insights into the way of the true God.

   "After procrastinating for so long, it's time to return to Jiuli World to have a look. I wonder if those guys are still calm?"

   On this day, Ye Han stopped cultivating and was about to leave for Jiuli World.

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion