MTL - God-level Perspective-Chapter 5 Zhou Yuner

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   Chapter 5 Zhou Yuner

   Chapter 5 Zhou Yuner

Ye Han didn't go to those luxuriously decorated stores. Although there are genuine products in these stores, you can find them with good eyesight, but Ye Han doesn't have that much money on him. For him, street stalls are currently his first choice. People who come here to set up stalls have their own ways. Sometimes there will be one or two genuine products on these stalls, as long as you have good eyesight and good luck, you can find them.

"Grandpa, why don't we go to Mingyuexuan? Although there are times when genuine products are found at these stalls, the chances of this happening are pitifully small. If you go to Mingyuexuan, are you afraid that you won't be able to find good items with your old eyesight? "In front of Ye Han, a woman was walking with an old man walking. Every time the old man walked to a booth, he would stop for a while, with a little disappointment in his eyes.

Hearing the woman's words, the old man touched his goatee with a smile and said, "Yun'er, although Mingyuexuan is known to everyone in the antique street, everyone knows that they have a high chance of producing genuine products, and there is no challenge. Your grandfather, I really want to challenge myself, if I can find a good item on the street stall with a pile of defective products, wouldn't it be more interesting than going to Mingyuexuan."

  The woman smiled and said, "You're really old and don't make people feel at ease. Although it's exciting to play like this, your old body is not good. The doctor said that you should keep a normal state of mind."

"It's okay, I'm just playing occasionally. Anyway, I'm afraid I don't have much life for my old bones." The old man waved his hands indifferently, and was very open about life and death. .

Ye Han was walking behind the old man, and his eyes were also looking at these stalls, but Ye Han didn't see things with the usual naked eyes. After opening the yin-yang method, the internal structure of the things on these stalls was exposed in front of him. There is no doubt that some jade jade pendants are simply made of glass objects and some pebbles. As for those antique calligraphy and paintings, porcelain bowls, bronze bells and other things are even more cheap things, but it is difficult for ordinary people to see this clearly, only There is Ye Han who can see through it at a glance.


Suddenly, Ye Han's eyes were fixed on a vase in the hands of the old man in front of him. The vase was simple in shape, with some patterns painted on it, which was a bit like a farming scene. There were some irregular cracks around the vase, and a thick earthy smell. It was also passed from that vase. Just now, when Ye Han's eyes came into contact with this vase, he seemed to see some ancient figures vaguely, which surprised him greatly. Could it be that his yin-yang magic eye can still see the past through something?

The left eye is yin and the right is yang. It is rumored that the left eye can see some yin and evil things, such as ghosts. Of course, Ye Han is still skeptical about this. The right eye is yang and can see everything in the world. The message to him made no mention of being able to see the past.

In front of Ye Han, the old man held the vase in both hands and looked at it for five minutes, then slowly shook his head and put down the vase, the woman said beside him; "Grandpa, although the pattern and age of this blue and white porcelain seems to be from the Ming Dynasty. Even if it is, the cracks on the blue-and-white porcelain have destroyed it, not to mention that the current counterfeiting technology is extremely high, and it may not be impossible to imitate it."

The old man nodded silently and walked forward with the help of the woman, but as soon as the two of them moved their front feet, Ye Han couldn't wait to walk to the stall and said to the old man who set up the stall; "Old man, this blue and white porcelain How much is it, can you show me?"

"Hehe, young man, this blue-and-white porcelain is an old item from the Ming Dynasty. If you want it, the old man will charge you 3,000 yuan, what do you think?" The old man who set up the stall said with a smile when he saw the new customer coming, although he also knew This blue and white porcelain may be fake, but it must be fooled.

"Okay, it's only 3,000 yuan. I want this blue and white porcelain." Ye Han didn't bargain with the old man, but happily agreed. This blue and white porcelain Ye Han has already confirmed that it is genuine, and if he resells it, he will be able to sell it dozens of times. After earning it back, the old man was happy and immediately put the blue and white porcelain that Ye Han liked.

The woman named Yun'er and the old man didn't leave when they heard that Ye Han was going to buy this piece of blue and white porcelain, but seeing that Ye Han had already bought it, the woman pouted and whispered softly, "Fool, these three thousand yuan He is destined to lose money, and he doesn't even have the energy to play antiques."

The old man smiled and didn't say anything. If someone else is willing to buy it, even if it loses, it is someone else's business. Ye Han's ear is very good. He heard a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth. Don't care, the woman immediately quit when she saw Ye Han's smile; "Hey, silly boy, are you laughing at me?"

   "You can think so." Ye Han responded lightly.

"You..." Zhou Yun'er frowned angrily at Ye Han's words, and then she sneered; "Since that's the case, why are you talking about this blue-and-white porcelain? And even if it's genuine, this broken blue-and-white porcelain has a little collection. It has no value, what is the use of it?"

"Hehe, little girl, who told you that the blue and white porcelain is broken?" Ye Han also sneered, and then he scratched the cracks with his fingernails under the gaze of the woman and the old man, and the layers of dirt were covered with dirt. He picked it out with his fingernails. All the dirt was dirt. The dirt stuck to the lines on the blue-and-white porcelain. Perhaps it was too old. As everyone knows, these crack-like things themselves are a pattern on the blue and white porcelain, but they are covered by that layer of soil. The two are combined, and it is difficult for people to distinguish clearly.

  When the woman and the old man saw this scene, their eyes shrank immediately. The soil was sticking to the texture of the blue-and-white porcelain. They didn't realize it at all.

   "Hehe, little brother has good eyesight!" After the old man was slightly shocked, he approached Ye Han and said with a smile; "I admire, you young people have good eyesight, little brother, can this blue-and-white porcelain let me keep my eyes on it?"

Ye Han had a good impression of the old man, so he did not refuse and handed him the blue-and-white porcelain. After the old man took over, he looked at it repeatedly, and took out a magnifying glass from his pocket to watch carefully. There was a little change. Although the young man in front of him didn't know how good he was in appreciating antiques, his eyesight had surpassed hers. Of course, this didn't mean that she had convinced Ye Han. Whether the blue and white porcelain in Ye Han's hands was genuine or not? Not necessarily.

"Hey, what's your name? Why haven't I seen you before in Antique Street?" While the old man was watching the blue and white porcelain, Zhou Yun'er looked at Ye Han and asked. Although her tone was still a bit arrogant, it was much better than before. Han glanced at her; "My name is Ye Han, this is the first time I've come to Antique Street, of course you haven't seen me."

   Hearing Ye Han's words, Zhou Yun'er pouted, obviously a little disbelieving, this is the first time you come to Antique Street to have such strong eyesight? You must know that she also gradually learned something after panning for gold in the antique market many times.

   (end of this chapter)