MTL - God Level Demon-Chapter 2894 Evil creatures have no way to go

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At this time, a group of human elders walked up, all of them were muscles, very strong, and the body seemed to contain a terrible furnace flame.

They were dragging a powerful evil creature in their hands and approached the altar directly.

"Look, the elders are here."

A group of people are exclaimed, they recognize that these are the elders of Liucheng, and the most powerful melting pot wizard in this city, mastering the supreme power.

"What is this creature dragged by the elders?"

Someone curiously asked.

"This is the sacred genus, the famous Seklowor star blame, the lord-level evil creatures in the vicinity of a million kilometers, I did not expect to be caught by the elders."

Many people screamed in surprise. If a lord-level evil creature is killed nearby, the danger around it will be greatly reduced, and people will be safer in the wild.

"Haha, you guys are lucky this luck."

A gray robe old man laughed and looked at the babies, and looked kindly: "The sacrificial star of Sacreot will be able to get the joy of the Lord of the Furnace, and will surely reward a large number of powerful furnaces." Kind."

When I heard this, many people were excited and very happy.

The kind of furnace also has three, six, nine, etc., which are weak and powerful.

Although this may not determine the future of mankind, there is no doubt that this is a very high starting point and has an innate advantage.

Just like the 10,000-meter race, everyone else is standing on the starting line, but some people have already ran for hundreds of meters, and there is a huge gap at the beginning.

If such a leading person works hard, then no matter how others catch up, it is impossible to catch up.

So getting a powerful kind of furnace is also something they are extremely eager for, and this thing has a great relationship with the items of sacrifice.

"Stupid human beings immediately let me go. I am the genus of the great evil god. Do you know what kind of consequences will come after killing me? The great evil spirits will not let you go, all of you. I have to die, I have to die, do you understand?"

Sekrotor star screamed with anger and was extremely angry.

It is extremely annoyed, and it has not been so sorrowful in this life.

It is clear that these human beings were only fragile foods 10,000 years ago. They are not the opponents of these evil gods. Countless human villages are like rice fields, and they are arbitrarily hunted.

But after 10,000 years, the situation has all changed.

These humans have mastered extremely powerful forces and occupied one city after another. In turn, these humans actually began to hunt them evil creatures and arrest them all for sacrifice.

The whole world has changed and it has become a bit strange.

Now it is their turn that these evil creatures are hiding in Tibet and avoiding these human powers. If this is a dream, it can't wait to wake up immediately.

"Don't let us go? It's like you would let us go 10,000 years ago. Do you think we let you go, will you not kill us humans?"

The old man in the gray robe sneered and dismissed.

Hearing this, Seklotol’s star blame couldn’t help but have nothing to say.

The so-called threat is to take the most important thing of the other party, the most important chip to threaten the other party, so that the other party will make a compromise in order to avoid the most serious consequences.

But now, no matter how humans do it, it is the worst consequences. In this way, it is better to kill these evil gods directly, so that they can pull some backs.

The matter is actually very obvious. Regardless of whether human beings can kill this evil god, if they are known to the evil spirits, the evil spirits will not let go of human beings. Since this is not as good as directly killing these evil gods.

After so many years, the so-called evil spirits have not regained consciousness. Even if they wake up, they seem to have been burned to death by the Lord of the Furnace, so they are not afraid of the threat of the other party.


When the voice just fell, Sekrotor star was suddenly thrown into the altar by the old man in the gray robe. Immediately, the fire of Jinwu, the fire, immediately burned and swallowed the flesh and blood of the Seklotol star.


Suddenly, Seklotol’s star screamed with screams, and the whole body burned up, and was swallowed up by the fire of the hell, and burned to ashes.


In the next second, the whole altar was lit up, and it seemed that there were countless dark gold spots, and that was the kind of furnace.

“The Lord of the Furnace responded to our request and gave us the kind of furnace.”

Many human elders are excited to scream.

Hey! ! !

In the next second, these dark golden light spots have fallen into the babies on the altar, and suddenly the body of these babies swallowed up all the furnaces, and a powerful breath of the body exudes.

A group of human elders couldn't help but lick the white beard, very satisfied, and humans can still continue.


At this time, another place, that is the gathering place of the evil gods, their faces are gloomy.

Originally they were all genus of different evil spirits. They used to be inconsistent, but now under the oppression of human power, they are forced to unite.

"Damn, humans have become more and more arrogant recently. Their hands are getting longer and longer, and they almost occupy the whole world. They force us to go nowhere, there is not much room for survival. This problem must be solved. Otherwise, we can all I have to die, do you know?" A sacred **** screamed.

"Before the human face rat, the horror hunter, the Xia Gai worm was caught and burned by the furnace sorcerers, and now the Seklotol star blame was also caught and burned by them, and sacrificed to the owner of the furnace, if not If we kill those furnace wizards, we have no way to live." Another evil **** is a gnashing tooth.

To tell the truth, they didn't expect such a thing to happen until 10,000 years ago. It is a human being that is not worth mentioning. It is the food that is swallowed by them.

However, in the blink of an eye, the district has only grown for a long time, and it has grown to the point where all evil creatures are on the sidelines, and they are forced to go all the way.

To be honest, if anyone told them something like this a million years ago, they would definitely be jokes.

But such jokes have become a reality, and they can't laugh at all now.

It is not that they regard humans as food, but that humans use their evil creatures as food, as fuel, to arrest and hunt evil creatures everywhere.

I don't know how many evil creatures died in the hands of human beings. After being caught, they were tied to the pillars, and they were burned to death and sacrificed to the Lord of the furnace.