MTL - God Level Demon-Chapter 10 In order to make money

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At this time, Xia Ping knees on the bed, running pure Yang does not destroy, refining the fire bear meat that has just been eaten, a hot energy, rising from the stomach, flowing in the meridians, strengthening the infuriating body.

“Great, it’s a top-notch!”

After running for a week, Xia Ping opened his eyes and revealed a glimmer of light. He felt that the infuriating body in his body had strengthened a little. It was just a few breaths. The energy contained in this flaming bear and beast was thoroughly refined by him. Be your own energy.

It is necessary to know the ordinary cultivation method. Without a day's time, it is impossible to completely refine. Even if refining, there will be more than half of the energy loss and it will be excreted.

However, when Xia Ping runs this pure yang, he feels that his stomach seems to be turned into a stove. In the blink of an eye, the monster meat is swallowed and refined, and the impurities are removed, leaving the essence.

This is the advantage of the top-practice method. The efficiency of absorbing energy alone is not comparable to that of ordinary exercises.

"Unfortunately, this fire bear is too little, if it is a little more, it does not take half a month, I can break through to the Wutian Five Heavens." Xia Ping pinched his fist.

If you can eat fire bear meat every day, you can eat it in an unlimited amount. I believe that his progress is extremely fast. It is nothing to break through the five-day martial arts. According to this cultivation, even if you are a top university, there is no problem.

However, the price of the flaming bear meat is too expensive, 600 cents a pound, his family can not afford it.

"No wonder those rich second generations, even if they have ordinary talents, have made progress so fast. They can pile up by relying on resources, far more than ordinary students." Xia Ping could not help but sigh.

In the school, some rich second generation also overlook ordinary students, they eat monster meat every day, eat all kinds of supplements, how can martial arts repair not be strong? !

Ordinary students can only practice hard and absorb the faint aura between the heavens and the earth. Of course, they can't compare with each other. The gap will become bigger and bigger as time goes by.

"But with this system, if you get the value of hatred, you may be able to redeem some of the best medicines." Xia Ping's eyes flickered. Before he was at the school dragon station, he got two hundred and twenty hatred.

Because there were so many students on the scene, it was natural to get more hatred than when I was in class.

"But these hatred values ​​are still too small. Good steel can only be used on the blade. After all, it is impossible to pull hatred every moment, otherwise it will become the public enemy of the whole people. Then there is no place for me. This is a double-edged sword. Sword must be used with caution."

Thinking of this, Xia Ping is also a bit helpless: "It seems that it still needs money. If there is no money, there is no way to buy all kinds of medicinal herbs, all kinds of monster meat, and it is impossible to quickly enhance martial arts."

If he is still the unpredictable student before, it may be no big deal to promise his father to become a city manager. It is also a happy thing to have a faint life.

But now he has a memory of another world. With this wonderful system, he has a hint of wildness in his heart. He also wants to see what kind of scenery is the peak of Wudao.

"But how do you make money?"

Xia Ping is very distressed. He is just an ordinary student. Even if he has received the top-level exercises, it is the realm of the four-day martial arts. It is impossible to go out to work in the society.

Doing business, no capital, no experience; want to go hunting and killing monsters, but it is only a martial arts four-day, it is estimated that it is only a part of the food; even if you can do part-time, it is an ordinary part-time job, as a waiter, send flyers What, can not make any big money, can not meet the needs of cultivation.

"Right, it is better to write a novel."

Xia Ping’s eyes suddenly lit up: “Even in Yanhuangxing, this technology is far beyond the world of the earth, the charm of the text is still not faded. The true top novelists can earn more than one billion federal dollars per year, which is no less than The home of the top martial arts, this can prove that the industry of the novel has an extremely bright future.

Moreover, the world is basically free of piracy, copyright awareness is extremely high, and paying users are numerous, which has also caused the novel industry to be extremely prosperous. ”

He remembered his own memories on the earth, the novels that have seen countless fires, and because of the relationship of memory fusion, let him remember clearly what he had seen before, even if these novels are reversed, there is no problem.

The idea of ​​writing a novel is fixed, but the question is which novel to write. After all, the novel also has many classifications, such as urban, fantasy, martial arts, science fiction, history, romance, suspense, etc., all-encompassing.

"The two novels of fantasy and martial arts are definitely not good."

Xia Ping immediately ruled out these two novels. After all, this is the world where the martial arts flourished to the extreme. Writing fantasy and martial arts novels is not fantasy, but reality.

And a fantasy novel that can be a fire on the earth, but it may not be a big fire in Yanhuangxing.

Needless to say, urban novels, Yan Huangxing and the Earth are not the same world at all, and there is no reference at all.

History and romance are not within his consideration.

The suspense novels are good, but they may not be able to fire in this world.

"So, the road to writing novels won't work? No, no, there is a novel that will surely fire." Xia Ping immediately cheered up, "Functional novels, yes, I can write functional novels."

Functional novels, in the more vulgar words, that is Xiao Huangwen.

In the earth China, such novels are strictly forbidden, and they cannot be spread on the Internet at all. The shameless departments concerned have blocked a batch when they see a batch.

Net net!

Severely hit!

Some authors who wrote the novel's fire will be arrested and jailed. There are even some who have written a point-and-shoot ball, and they have been squandered.

Even so, in such a gloomy era, there are also some literary novels that shine, so that countless men relish and be read as holy scriptures.

"Yes, write a functional novel."

Xia Ping clenched his fist: "Although the background is different, the world is different, and the development of science and technology is different, but everyone is human, they are all men, and they all use the lower body to think about animals. Then this novel can be fired on the earth, and it can also be in Yanhuang. The fire on the star."

What's more, the novel on Yanhuangxing has not been banned. The atmosphere here is extremely open. As long as you are over 12 years old, you can watch it without worrying about being blocked.

"In order to make money, you must write a small yellow text."

Xia Ping’s eyes showed a sacred light, clenched his fists, and he finally found a way to get rich.

But what is the first functional novel to write, although there are many classics on earth, but it must be a kind of red and eye-catching, and it will become a **** at once.

Right, write the teacher Bai Rong, Xia Ping thinks of this classic faculty novel, but that is his enlightenment book, I don’t know how many days and nights lonely nights, how many paper towels are wasted, that is definitely A **** book.

If this book can't be a hit, then there is no other book.