MTL - God Level Cultivation System-Chapter 3305 A Yi's plan

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Heavenly powerhouse.

Up to now, at the moment of becoming a prisoner, he has not realized that he has been defeated.

The defeat was very fast.

There is no room to fight back!

It turns out that this human being is already so strong.

Twenty realms can also be killed directly!

How can it be!

He is a heavenly race!

The Celestial Clan has acquired power, and in the same realm, it will hardly lose to any foreign race.

And this guy, the Fourteenth Pinnacle, crossed many realms and defeated him.


"Kill me and kill me if you have the ability!" the heavenly clan powerhouse roared.

"What's your name? Is it your turn to call? Under the adults, do you think you can die if you die?"

"Tell you, adults can only die if you die, you understand!" Ah Yi jumped out, with a look of arrogance, so proud, it is estimated that he is also a prisoner.

"Asshole, what are you, dare to talk to me like this!" The heavenly clan yelled.

He is a Celestial Clan, even if he is already a prisoner at the moment, not everyone can insult.

Dignified Celestial Clan, great Celestial Clan!

"Did I go to you?" When Ah went up, he slapped the heavenly powerhouse to the ground. "There is a soul body left, and I still dragged it with Lao Tzu. What do you think you are now? It's an adult's hand. Do you understand the ants?"

"I thought I was a great figure in the Celestial Clan, please wake up!"

A Yiyin smiled coldly. He was so excited at the moment. The matter of beating the Celestial Clan was hard to think about, but now, he can do it.


No, no, at best!

A Yi suddenly felt that if he followed the adults, he might have a bright future!

"You're looking for death, I'm going to kill you!" The heavenly clan powerhouse roared.

It's a shame.

He is a heavenly race.


It was just waiting for him, but it was Ah Yi's method.


The Heavenly Clan powerhouse finally stopped calling, and deeply realized his current situation.

"Well, I will call you A San for the time being. Remember, it is for the time being. After all, I don't know if an adult will kill you. After all, you are a celestial clan. It is not easy to live with us." Hehe smiled.

Celestial race is not easy to live.

When did the great Celestial Clan become this kind of treatment!


But no matter how angry Ah San was in his heart, it was no use. He knew that as long as he resisted, what awaited him was torture.

"My lord, what do you think?" Ah Yi went to Qin Qi to ask for credit.

Qin Qi was noncommittal, but he had to admit that Ah Yi would still have trouble.

Ah Yi is a killer, very keen, knowing that Qin Qi is still quite satisfied with this, and he is hitting the railroad while it is hot: "Boss, you see Ah Er is now developed. The entire division of the gods of worship, so much karma, is all hers. After absorbing it, you can't make it to the 18th or even the 19th rank!

"As your subordinate, I am still so weak. It would be ashamed to say it. It's better to help me and let me grow, so I can help you to discipline the future Asi, Awu and the like!"

"So you made this calculation," Qin Qi snorted softly.

Ah Yi smiled flatteringly, and did not deny it, after all, it was obvious.

Ah Er is now in the collection industry, and his strength will definitely grow substantially. How can he not be jealous when he sees it?

They are all a system, and all have a series of names.

You can't be so favoritism.

"Then what do you want, go to the Thousand Kill Pavilion and let you kill them all?" Qin Qi asked with a smile.

"It's not, it's not," Ah Yi waved his hand again and again, "Our Thousand Killing Pavilion, the main force is concentrated in one place, and the other places are just intelligence collection points, and it is useless to destroy it, but really go to the Thousand Killing Pavilion... …Still a little difficult."

Even with Qin Qi's current combat power, going to the Thousand Killing Pavilion, it is estimated that there will be no return.

"Furthermore, I am different from Ah Er. If you kill them all, I can't absorb their power."

"Then what do you mean?"

A Yi gradually reduced his smile and said, "Boss, I want you to help me and let me enter the Heaven and Earth Lore Pagoda. I need the nine-day stunt inside!"

Heaven and Earth Lore Tower is a secret area of ​​the Thousand Killing Pavilion, and it is also a forbidden area. Ordinary killer members are not qualified to enter it.

And Ah Yi is just a killer from ASRock.

There is still some status in the local area, but there are still many comparable existences in ASRock State, stronger than them, and everywhere.

It is almost impossible to make an exception to enter the tower of heaven and earth lore.

At least within a thousand years, there is no chance.

To this end, Ah Yi has been working hard, but on his own, it really takes too long.

He couldn't wait.

Especially seeing that Ah Er can become stronger so quickly, it is even more unbearable.

Everyone is a sequence.

You can't get developed.

He Ayi stepping in place.

"Boss, you have to help me, otherwise it's favoring one another. You can't help her just because Er is a woman, and she looks pretty. Is it really okay for this big sister to know?" Yi continued.

The corner of Qin Qi's eyes trembled.

This person really doesn't have the slightest conscious of being imprisoned.

But it didn't matter, Qin Qi hadn't planned to kill him during this period of time, so he would release his life in the future.

As for helping, it doesn't matter if you can.

"Is it difficult to enter the heaven and earth lore tower?" Qin Qi asked.

"It's hard to enter normally. I struggled for a thousand dollars, so I probably went in. After all, there are more monks and less porridge," Ah Yi said with a smile.

"What about abnormal entry?"

"Go straight in, soon, if you can't get out later, don't care about me. If I get out, I will kill the Quartet for you in the future," Ah Yi said.

"Remember it first, I will think about it when things are over," Qin Qi said.

Immediately, Qin Qi looked at the heavenly powerhouse.

"Ah San, right?" Qin Qi chuckled, "Tell me what you know, so you don't have to waste time. You know, I still have a lot to do."

"Do you think I am afraid of death?" the heavenly clan powerhouse said coldly.

He is a noble Celestial Clan, how can he easily succumb to the hands of a mere human race?

"Of course I'm afraid," Qin Qi took it for granted.

What he cultivated was the killing kendo, which brought countless deaths.

Not afraid of death?

It's easy to say.

How many people do it really are people with great perseverance and great pursuits.

The person in front of you is definitely not.

Ah San stared at Qin Qi fiercely, almost eager to choose someone to eat.

But he was also flustered.

In front of Qin Qi, his methods were useless.

Continue to resist, only death.

No, it's not right. It's simple to be killed directly. I'm afraid that life is better than death.

"Well, you can ask, what do you want to know?" A Sandao.

"A smart choice, in this case, let's start from the beginning, from the origin of the heavenly clan?" Qin Qi smiled.

"Don't you think my rank is high enough to understand the original history of the Celestial Clan?" Asan sneered.

"Then, let's start with Pangu," Qin Qi's voice became colder.

Asan hesitated for a moment, then spoke slowly.