MTL - God Level Cultivation System-Chapter 3296 altar

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Before Kui's death, he asked Qin Qi to go to the forbidden area of ​​Kui's house and look for a woman named "Ye".

This woman obviously has an unusual relationship with Kui Po.

For her, Kui Po handed the ban to Qin Qi.

This outsider.

And all he asked for was the peace of Ye. If Ye had passed away, he would beg Qin Qi and destroy the Kui family!

This is to let the entire Kui family be buried with Ye.

The hatred is evident.

Of course, Qin Qi didn't care about the past between them, Kui Po was already dead, there was no need to explore anything.

Qin Qi looked at the woman.

The woman is beautiful, with a refined temperament, but she always sits there, seemingly unable to get close.

Qin Qi couldn't determine if she was Ye at the moment.

"Girl", Qin Qi called out.


Qin Qi frowned, and looked around, the whole island was still sunny and fragrant.

But I don't know why, Qin Qi has the illusion of facing a gray haze, as if all this is not true.


Qin Qi called again.

This time, he used his blood to attack the woman layer by layer.

However, she didn't move, nor did she react at all.

Qin Qi noticed the abnormality.

There must be something wrong with the picture in front of me. Although I have seen it with my own eyes, it feels very unreal.

Qin Qi was full of blood and energy, covering the surrounding area with the killing world, while at the same time the innate power was faint, ready to respond to changes at any time.

Immediately, Qin Qi stretched out his hand to the woman.

Feel the touch!

Not false?

There is still temperature on the woman, and she is a living person.

Strange, is it just an illusion?


Qin Qi's pupils shrank suddenly, his eyes exploded, and the light of blood continued to condense, and everything around him became slow under the blood pupils.

The frozen pictures have become silhouettes, and many lines have emerged.

Immediately, a phantom invisible to the naked eye appeared, forming an overlapping shadow with the picture underneath.

That is reality.

And what Qin Qi saw from just now was all nightmare!

Qin Qi's heart was suddenly shocked, but the blood pupil and pupil power were instantly pushed to the extreme.

Finally, the picture before him shattered.

No, it should be said that the picture in Qin Qi's mind was broken.

Because from just now, he was in a nightmare, everything he saw was nothing but a dream.

Because of this, the woman has temperature.

At this moment, the dream was broken.

What Qin Qi saw was only one withered bone.

Already dead.

And all the fragrance of birds and flowers is nothing but falsehood, and the place is dilapidated, full of the smell of treacherous death.

Qin Qi let out a sigh, and did not dare to relax.

He walked to the dry bone and found that there was a piece of mandarin duck jade in the dry bone's hand.

"Broken, Ye."

Qin Qi sighed.

It seems that it is indeed the woman named Ye.

Kui Po's loved one.

And she is dead.

"There are too many dead bones in this forbidden land. I don't know how many creatures died, but why is she the only one special?" Empress Yong Ye whispered.

All the dead bones were buried in the bottom of the lake, in patches, densely packed.

But Ye, sitting cross-legged here, although he has passed away, it is obviously different from other dead bones.

Her experience will obviously be different.

Qin Qi squinted his eyes.

Under the blood pupil, tracing the source of power, Qin Qi could see that there were many lines on the dead bones of the leaf extending outward, connecting the thatched house.

What's in it?

Qin Qi shook his body and walked inside.

In the next moment, Qin Qi's pupils shrank violently, only feeling a chill coming from the bottom of his heart.

what is this!

An extremely ugly and fat bug, thick and sticky, the dark slime shed continuously and spread everywhere.

And see this bug.

The soul feels torn!

Qin Qi immediately determined that all the changes in this forbidden area, strange and mysterious, came from this disgusting bug!

The bug didn't seem to notice Qin Qi's arrival.

Above its head, a few tentacles were dancing, with dense stripes on it, which made people dizzy when looking at it, and at the tip, there were two scarlet rays.

Is it its eyes?

Corpses were piled under the fat body like an enlarged maggot.

The sound of chewing that made the scalp numb came from the mouth full of thin and long teeth!

It cannibalize!

To be honest, Qin Qi has killed countless people along the way, and saw many other races killing humans.

But the cultivation base continues to improve.

He has rarely seen such direct cannibalism.

Most of them use power to refine the human flesh and blood, and then swallow them.

Such cruel chewing and devouring, it is too long to see.

Moreover, efficiency is greatly reduced.

There can be no strong people who are willing to waste time on this kind of things and disdain to do so.

In other words.

The worm in front of me is not eating flesh and blood to gain power at all, it just likes to eat people.

This is its game!

It's chilling.

"What the **** is this!" Qin Qi narrowed his eyes.

Under the blood pupil, everything around him became different. Qin Qi quickly discovered that the surrounding environment was connected with this disgusting bug.

Countless silk threads are connected to it.


If you look closely, these threads have a pattern, forming a certain formation-like state.

The worm was still eating people for the time being and ignored Qin Qi.

I don't know if it didn't notice Qin Qi's appearance.

Still don't care at all.

Perhaps, in its view, Qin Qi is just food, and when he finishes eating those, he will eat him.

No need to bother.

And so, Qin Qi did not take the lead.

He followed those silk threads and looked around. Then, he was shocked, and all the bones accumulated around were shattered and turned into powder.

Revealed the original appearance of this room.

But at this moment, Qin Qi could see clearly that this place turned out to be a huge altar, and it was extended.

This is exactly the center of the altar!



Get power from the ancient altar!

This is undoubtedly the work of the Kui family. They have been in the forbidden area, secretly completing the sacrifice, wanting to gain the favor of mysterious power from the unknown.

Now, in this forbidden land, the mysterious power that pervades it must be their sacrifice.

This bug right now, too!

Perhaps this worm, the manifestation of that mysterious power, came out of the altar through sacrifice and came to this world!

Qin Qi didn't know where it came from.

But now it seems that the Kui family has messed up.

Their strength can't match their ambition, and they can't control this power and this bug.

The bones of the lake.

I'm afraid it was the Kui family who transported it and dedicated it to the bug, probably because it wanted to stabilize the bug.

At the same time, they also hope that they will still have the opportunity to benefit from bugs.

But it seems that they have entered a vicious circle, and they can't do anything but continue to satisfy the bug.

At this moment they did not dare to enter this forbidden area, that is proof!

"This banned ball should be the key. With the position of the Kui family, you should not be exposed to such amazing power. It seems that you got this banned ball first, and finally you have the plan to build an altar and beg for power" Qin Qi whispered.

He has gone through too much along the way. Although the strength of each world varies greatly, the hearts of the people are similar.

The situation in front of him does not need much corroboration, and Qin Qi can also guess seven or eight.

The original owner of the ban should be the woman named Ye. She had a deep relationship with Kui Po. Later, out of some consideration, the Kui family sent Ye into the forbidden ground.

Ye, on the other hand, gave Kuipa the ban.

Perhaps Ye did not want the Kui family to complete this sacrifice.

Now that the Kui family has failed and it is difficult to ride a tiger, it should also be related to Ye sent away the ball.

But until now, the Kui family has not notified Mutian Wangcheng to solve such a time bomb that is completely uncertain.

It can be seen that when the Kui family did this, they were afraid that they violated certain taboos.

If Mutian Wangcheng knew it, it would not be to solve the problem, but to solve the Kui family.

Of course, everything is Qin Qi's guess.

And Qin Qi didn't care whether his guess was correct.

He needs to leave here.

At the same time, it needs to be strong!

Qin Qi's gaze fell on the altar.

Read The Duke's Passion