MTL - God! I Turned Into a Turtle-Chapter 2177 Summon Qi Wangshu

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Ye Que opened the envelope, glanced at it roughly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Written in the letter:

Ye, I have reached the Western God Realm, and I will find someone soon, and I will be back to see you soon.

Simple content.

But it depends on who is writing the letter.

If someone else wrote like this, it might be nothing.

But You Zhibai is a person who is not good at expressing feelings, Ye Que knows her very well.

In You Zhibai's eyes, just "soon" and "see you" are extremely affectionate expressions.

Well, and her pet name "Ye".

A simple sentence seems to be telling Ye Que that he has reached the Western God Realm.

In fact, the emotions and emotions contained in the words are very shy and strong, and Ye Que can see it at a glance.

You Zhibai must have written it with a blushing face.

"No, I have to write her a copy too."

Of course, Ye Que couldn't be so subtle, he had to come up with some serious information, let her see what a real love letter is.

He pondered for a long time and decided to shake people.

Immediately communicate with the list of gods and summon Qi Wangshu.

Not long after, Qi Wangshu came.

This guy was still the same as before, always looking at the sky at forty-five degrees, with a profile showing melancholy and vicissitudes.

"I have crossed mountains, rivers, and mountains, and I have seen beauty and humbleness, but these are the filth that the outside world uses to confuse me, washing, scouring my heart, and they want me to become the same One of the hundreds of millions of ordinary people in troubled times."

Qi Wangshu shook his head in vicissitudes, sighed, and the melancholy in his eyes became more intense: "No, I never want to become an ordinary person. In my heart, Ye Gushen is the only brother in my life. I stick to my heart and never Don’t forget, just be an ordinary person that the world thinks I’m just a clown.”

At this moment, the setting sun was like blood, and the light fell on his profile, half of his face was in darkness, and the other half was in bright light.

He can always stand out in the right environment.

Qiwang turned around slowly, looked at Ye Gushen moved and excitedly, and said with a trembling voice: "Long time no see, Ye Gushen."

If Ye Que hadn't known this guy's virtue, he would have been moved almost.

"speak English."

Ye Que said with a dark face.

Qi Wangshu chuckled: "Ye Gushen, why are you looking for me? Hurry up, if my wife finds out that I'm not there and thinks I'm going to pick up girls, she will definitely kill me with a knife."

deserve it!

The corner of Ye Que's mouth twitched, being your wife is really tiring.

"Come on, write me a letter."

Ye Que said.

As soon as the letter was mentioned, Qi Wangshu's expression suddenly became solemn, and his temperament was lifted instantly, as if breaking through to Yuanshen, even Ye Que was secretly surprised.

"Pen here!"

Qi Wangshu puts one hand behind his back, and stretches out the other hand, as if overlooking all living beings.

With a thought in Ye Que's mind, a pen, ink, paper and inkstone appeared.

"Her name, personality, your purpose, three conditions are enough for me."

Qi Wangshu said proudly, with that temperament and posture, even Ye Que almost thought that this person was eternal, but he could shake the world with a single glance.

"Young Zhibai, withdrawn, my purpose, love letter."

Ye Que said.

Qi Wangshu nodded, thought for a while, and said, "Aren't you afraid that sister Di will stab you with a knife?"

In the current True God Realm, Sister Di is already a well-known eldest sister, even Bing Yining has to bow her head and call Sister Di when she sees her.

"She dares!"

Ye Que frowned, his eyes became fierce, full of domineering.

"All bragging."

Qi Wangshu complained in his heart, it really makes you face her, if you dare to speak to her in this tone, I will call you grandpa.

"Just write, and leave the rest to me."

Ye Que put his hands behind his back, snorted coldly, and finally said quietly: "Don't tell Di Xiwei about this."

Qi Wangshu: "..."

Next, Qi Wangshu began to write.

After a while, the content was written.

Ye Que glanced at it and was satisfied, so he drove away Qi Wangshu.

"It's still a little bit worse, I'll add a little more."

Ye Que changed it a little, added some earthy love words, and sealed the envelope so that only You Zhibai could open it.

Then, he called the werewolf.

"This matter is important, you must hand it over to her personally! Don't reveal the secret!"

Ye Que said seriously.

The werewolf took the envelope, his body shook, and his eyes flickered with shock.

Brother Ye really paid attention to him.

He had helped Bingdi look for those gangsters before, and he really caught Brother Ye's attention.


The werewolf decided to go to the Western God Realm himself.

In the air, he murmured: "The overall situation is starting to turn, Brother Ye has already paid attention to me, he already knows my role! This is a good thing! A good thing!"

As he spoke, he laughed out loud.

"History will not bury me, I will definitely have a place in the future! Hahahaha!"

The werewolf smiled and went to the Western Gods.

After a few days.

In order to deliver this letter to the Ice Emperor as soon as possible, the werewolf was exhausted.

In order to take a shortcut, he forcibly broke into the restricted area, and was surrounded by many terrifying murderous intentions. Whenever he was in despair, he would always remember Ye Que's words: "Be sure to hand it to her personally, and don't reveal the secret!"

"The importance of this envelope must determine the direction of the overall situation. The life and death of this seat have a great impact, no! I can't die!"

At this time, he would put himself to death and come back to life, washing himself in the tribulations, getting stronger and stronger after setbacks, and finally escaped from the crisis.

He didn't care about the crisis after crisis and the confusion of the world again and again. With a desperate attitude, he broke through obstacles again and again, and finally handed over the letter intact to Bingdi.

At that moment, he almost collapsed to the ground, almost fainted, but seeing the envelope in Bingdi's hand, he felt that everything was worth it.

As long as it doesn't affect the overall situation, everything is worth it.

You Zhibai was surprised, she didn't expect this wolf to work so hard to deliver a letter.

She immediately threw a pill, but was swept away by the werewolf's tail.

"It's just a superficial injury, everything is for the overall situation, Ice Empress walk slowly!"

The werewolf got up and limped away.

Bingdi was dumbfounded, thinking that the people who could follow Ye were not ordinary people.

She quickly calmed down and felt the seal on the envelope, which could be cracked by violence.

But she doesn't want to.

"It must be a secret that only I know can be solved."

You Zhibai recalled it immediately, and described the key words in various secrets with her own divine power.

However, it is still useless.

"Could it be that I'm thinking too much?"

You Zhibai thought about it, and suddenly her face turned red.

She remembered what Ye once said to her.

"This sentence is also a secret."

Ye Que said.

"Which sentence?"

Young Zhibai asked.

"Am I old?"

Ye Que smiled shamelessly.

At that time, You Zhibai blushed, but she didn't answer the other party.

Now alone, You Zhibai thought about it and decided to try it once.

With her divine power, she carved a word on the envelope: "big".

Suddenly, the seal of the envelope was released.


You Zhibai murmured in her heart, but her cheeks were slightly red, and she opened the envelope with a smile on her lips.

After delivering the letter for several days, Ye Que received another message while waiting.

"I'm in the Beiyuan Rift, save me."

Doctor Zixian used a teleportation secret method given to her by Tiangong, and passed these words to Ye Quekou.

Ye Que was about to set off without saying a word.

"No, the Purple Immortal Doctor who can injure ten skylines, is extremely powerful, and is also a great purple fairy doctor before the dark age, is by no means an ordinary elixir, and even a top tier, can't force her to come to me Help!"

Ye Que immediately recalled Ben Ming and the giant tortoise, and found Gu Yuexi in one step.

Xian'er was chattering about Gu Yuexi who was reading a book, when she saw Ye Que coming, she immediately changed the subject and made a mockery of it.

"Save someone, I need you."

Ye Que said seriously.

Gu Yuexi was taken aback, she had never seen Ye Que so serious, she immediately realized that the matter was not simple, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go."

The two jumped up, turned into two intertwined beams of light, rushed straight into the sky, and finally turned into Chao Zhan, heading straight for the Beiyuan Rift Valley.

About Eternal Law and Eternity.

Normal practice, first cultivate to the extreme, create the eternal law, then find the eternal door, and then open the eternal door

Special practice, due to certain opportunities, can directly let the gate of eternity descend, achieve eternity, and then create eternal law

[Author's digression]: Good night, see you tomorrow.