MTL - God and Devil World-v9 Chapter 1228 The beast is fierce!

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On that head, there is always a cyan horn, the body has blue hair, the face is like a ghost, the whole body is cyan, and the four-meter-high cannibal true god-level powerhouse has a glimmer of sorrow in the eyes of the savage, and the body suddenly rises and becomes Into a ten-meter-high green tooth ghost. .

After the transformation, a horrible breath spread out from the ghostly body. It flashed and appeared in front of the king of Tandogula, and seized a king of Tandogula. The tentacle, with a slap in the face, smashed the head of the king of Tandoora to the earth.

The long fascinating skull, covered in golden dragon scales, three meters tall and majestic, the sharp-clawed orc-like god-like powerhouse, a flashing, appeared in front of the body of the king of Tandooro, the claws Grab, cut off the tentacles of a Tandogula beast.

Harlem is holding the huge gold sword like a god, as if tearing the space and turning it into a golden light directly toward the king of the Tandogula.

The king of the Tango Gula's knives turned over and squatted directly on Harlem's huge golden sword. He hardly blocked Harlem's earth-shattering knife, and his body touched his hands and flew to the ghosts. Hey, Harlem three strong men directly blasted.

This Tandogula king beast has a powerful power, and its tentacles are equally powerful. Even if the true god-level power is bombarded, it will be hit hard or even killed.

The ghost and the scorpion spurred powerful power, and the mad bang on the tentacles of the king of Tandogura, destroying its tentacles one by one.

In Harlem, Ghost, and the three strong men madly attacked the king of the Tandogula, and the king of the Tandogula was trembled with constant blood, and the blood was splashed and unable to fight back.

The many powerful human beings saw this scene, and everyone’s face changed greatly, and the heart was full of jealousy against the king of Tandoora. I really know how terrible the king of Tandogura is.

To know that Harlem and other three people are true god-level powerhouses, the finger can kill the horrible existence of the ninth-order powerhouse. No one in the room can stop the three of them from attacking. The three true god-level powers joined forces to attack and the weakened Tango Gula king beasts still could not kill the Tandogula king beast in an instant. The horror of the fighting power of the Tandogula beast during the heyday can be imagined. .

The four true god-level powerhouses jointly dragged two kings of Tandogula, and the rest of the human powerhouses faced the tens of thousands of Tandugou animals in the nest.

After Harlem smashed the head of the Tandogula, he sang aloud: "Hey, you can help them to open the way for those rookies. As soon as possible, destroy the seriously injured Tango Gula beast."

At this time, the three strong men joined forces to raid, and they have already hurt the head of the Tandogula, and they have been able to leave and leave for those who are the nine-power strong.

Those who are the ninth-order powerhouses are not the opponents of the 10,000-Tanzao Gula beasts. Even those nine-order powers are equipped with gold-grade equipment, and they are not opponents of the 10,000-Tanzao Gula beast. The difference in the number of the two sides is really too big.

"it is good!"

There was no nonsense, a flashing, rushing directly toward the Tandoorula beasts. It urged the momentum, and the claws in the hands suddenly rose out of the golden color claws of up to 20 meters, turning into a golden light. Cutting.

In the space, a large number of Tandogula beasts were cut under the cutting of the golden light, and the blood was splashed.

A large number of strong people followed the shackles and rushed toward the Tandoorula animals.

Some of the strong ones are hand-held, long-range gold weapons, and they continue to bombard the Tandoorula, and smash a head of Tandogula.

The Tandoorula beast is a kind of heterogeneous universe that can engulf the power of the field, the power of the law, the flow of energy, the strength of the heavens and the earth, and the power of space. Therefore, the laws of many powerful people, the space ability has little effect on it, and the means of long-range strikes are scarce. However, among the magical systems, there are also the golden treasures of the long-range attack system. Those gold-level treasures have the destructive power to destroy the defense of the Tandoorula.

It is only because the defense and resilience of the Tandoorula beasts are very amazing. The attacks of the long-range gold-level treasures basically require more than a dozen, and even dozens of shots can kill a tangoula beast into slag.

Most of the ninth-order powerhouses are assigned to the gold-class weapons of the melee class. They can only rush to the position where the Tandogula beasts are mad, and each has its own strongest ability to face those Tandogula. The beast slammed.

A gold train with a length of up to 100 meters emerged out of thin air and rushed into the tide of the Tandoorula. The gold train with steam smashed into the body of a tangoula beast. The Dougula beast was directly hit.

After smashing a tangoula beast, the gold train continued to charge and was continuously crushed, and more than 20 Tandogula beasts were directly crushed into meat sauce.

Only when the gold train was crushed to the twenty-ninth Tandocula beast, hundreds of tentacles were wrapped around the golden train that was unbreakable and unbreakable, and the golden train was stopped.

Dozens of Tandugou beasts slammed into the golden train like a tank and slammed the golden train. At the same time, by the force of the collision, the mad arms of the Tandoorula beasts squatted on the golden train.

Under the sniper of countless sharp knives, the gold train that almost no one could destroy in the eight hundred worlds was pulled out of a terrible crack.

The owner of the gold train yelled, madly urging the golden train, the golden train was shining, and countless steam spewed out, trying to break free from the tentacles of the Tandoora. But the tentacles of the Tandoorula beasts are so powerful that no matter how the gold train struggles, they still can't break free.

This golden train requires a certain amount of acceleration time to maximize speed and destructive power. Once caught by those tentacles, its power will be weakened. Moreover, the strength of the Tandogula beast in this nest is more than twice as strong as those of the outside Tandocula, and their power is extremely terrifying. Even if the true god-level powers are entangled by them, it is difficult to break free.

Just as the golden train was about to be smashed, Yue Zhong appeared like a ghost in the Tandoorula herd. He punched a tangoula and directly put the Tandoorula. Blast into a meat sauce and sprinkle it all over.

Before the dozens of Tandoorula beasts had not reacted, Yue Zhong punched the dozens of Tandogula beasts into pieces and then jumped over the golden train.

Yue’s loud voice shouted: “To the seriously injured Tango Gula king beast!! Fast, I will protect your safety!”

In the middle of the tower, Yue Zhong and the owner of this golden train are the enemy of life and death, but in such a desperate situation, they can only join forces against the enemy.

A crisp voice came from the golden train: "Good!"

Almost at the same time, the owner of the gold train took out the golden seed that was taken from the tower and threw it into the scarred gold train.

The golden seed instantly burst into infinite power and was injected into the gold train, and the scar on the gold train recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, on the golden train, the enlightenment roared, and the speed suddenly climbed to the extreme and rushed toward the king of the Tango Gula.

Along the way, hundreds of tentacles tangled directly toward the gold train.

Yue Zhong stood on the golden train, holding a gold-level flame knife and smashing on the tentacles, and directly breaking the tentacles.

Dozens of Tandu Gula beasts also slammed into the side of the golden train.

Yue Zhong galloped on the golden train, holding the sword of the sword up to 30 meters, constantly swaying, and easily killing dozens of Tandu Gula beasts.

The distant Tandoorula beasts sensed the danger of their king They opened their mouths and sprayed a blue light beam toward the golden train.

The gold train body flashed, and a powerful gold shield was opened in an instant, blocking those blue beams one by one. This gold train is a gold-grade treasure with an amazingly powerful defense. Its open gold shield can offset most of the beam bombardment. Only the savage arm of the Tandogula beast can easily tear its gold shield and smash its body.

The golden train galloped all the way, slamming forward and slamming forward, and the Tandoorula beast that was blocking the road was directly hit and smashed, as if it were in no one. Yue Zhong is above the train, waving the Tandogula beast that the flame knife will rush to kill.

Between a few breaths, the golden train immediately followed the empty track, and slammed into the body of the king of the Tandogula, which had only half of the body left.

A loud bang, the heavily wounded king of the Tango Gula was hit and flew directly to the side, and the nutrient solution linked on the body directly exploded, but the body of the Tandogula was only Only the wound sputtered a blue blood, but there was no injury.

Just as the king of the Tandogura was hit, it finally recovered a bit of power and gave a weak shackle. A tentacle flashed like a blue light on the golden train.

A loud bang, the golden train was directly collapsed and crushed, and the half of the carriage was broken by the horrible tentacles. Then, like a cannonball, it was so accurate that it flew away from the Tandoora herd.

(To be continued)