MTL - God and Devil World-Chapter 8 Ji Qing Dance

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When Yue Zhong’s discourse suddenly fell, Sun Yu eagerly asked: “Have you killed so many zombies and extra skills books? Give us a copy, we can also help you kill zombies.”

"No!" Yue Zhong took a look at Sun Yu, faint.

Without continuing this problem, Yue Zhong continued to the Sun Yu trio: "With a novice stick to kill a zombie to a certain amount, you can gain physical strength."

Yue Zhong asked the three men with empty hands and asked: "What about the novice sticks in your hands?"

"I lost it when I escaped." Chen Gang said with some shame.

Both Sun Yu and Wang Shuang are somewhat ashamed. The novice stick is one meter long and has a few pounds. When he escapes, he is a burden, and no one will take it.

At this time, I heard that the use of novice sticks to kill zombies can be strengthened. Chen Gang, Sun Yu, and Wang Shuang all regretted that they had discarded the novice stick.

“Someone will drive?” Yue Zhong continued to ask.

There are more than 30 zombies on the passage leading to the school gate. Yue Zhong can slowly eliminate those zombies together with the bones, but the physical consumption is absolutely not small. It is only by taking the school bus that you can surely rush out of the encirclement of the zombies.

"I will drive!" Chen Gang and Sun Yu shook their heads, but Wang Shuang suddenly said.

Yue Zhong stared at Wang Shuang and continued to ask: "Do you drive the school bus?"

Wang said in two directions: "I only drove a small car. The school bus has not been opened, but I think their principle should be similar."

Yue Zhong thought for a moment: "It seems that it can only be like this! Let's take a school bus and come over."

Sun Yu said against it: "That's too dangerous! It's all zombies outside. It's better to hide here. You see, there are water and food here, and the zombies around are cleaned up. As long as we have been hiding here. There is absolutely no need to worry about water and food. The zombies are only dying of immortality. If they are facing a modern army, they are definitely not rivals. Can we just wait for government rescue here?"

Although Yue Zhong has been upgraded three times, he is not strong enough to fear any zombies. If he faces dozens of zombies, he needs to avoid it. The zombies on campus are only afraid of thousands of calculations, and they will die if they are careless. Sun Yu does not want to take such a big risk.

Chen Gang and Wang Shuang are also silent. People have inertia. If there is a choice, no one will want to take risks, but will choose a safe place to hide. There are water and food in the small supermarket, and the zombies around are now cleaned up by Yue Zhong and Bai Gu, which is an ideal refuge.

"Okay! Then you will stay here, I will go alone." Yue Zhong took a look at the three people, picked up his backpack, and strode out to the outside.

Although Yue Zhong saved Chen Gang three people, he did not command their power. Since the other party did not want to act with him, he would not force them.

When Yue Zhong and Bai Gu walked out of this small supermarket, a sense of fear immediately rushed into the hearts of Chen Gang. Without the guardian of the strong, in the world of such zombies, they felt very confused about the fate of the future.

"I knew that it would be like this, I went to learn to drive!" Out of the small supermarket, Yue Zhong looked at the distant school bus and smiled slightly. His family is not good, and naturally there is no spare force to learn to drive.

"It seems that I can only try to open it myself! I hope the car key is still there!"

Yue Zhong took a deep breath and immediately rushed over a ramp. The school bus stopped at the top of the ramp.

The quality of the school bus at Yunhua University is still good, and it is easy to knock away things like zombies. Ordinary cars can't do this.

On the ramp, squatting at the eight zombies and hearing the footsteps of Yue Zhong and the bones, the eight zombies immediately turned and swayed in the direction of Yue Zhong.

The bones took the lead, and one step forward, waving a big axe and splitting a zombie into two pieces.

Yue Zhong was also in no way inferior. He quickly stepped forward and waved the novice stick to the head of a zombie, smashing the head of the zombie. His strength has increased by 4 points, which has increased by more than 40% compared to the past. Killing zombies is more handy.

One person and one glimpse, such as entering the uninhabited territory, will soon kill these eight zombies, Yue Zhong also consumed 1 point of physical strength.

"You have upgraded to level 5, please assign 2 points to strengthen points."

After killing the eight zombies, a soft whistle came and a pleasant reminder came.

"Immediately strengthen 2 physical strength!" Yue Zhong quickly made a choice.

Without sufficient physical strength, Yue Zhong could not fight for a long time. Strong physical strength is very beneficial to killing and escaping. If you are physically weak, just fighting for a while, there is no strength.

A thin warm current surged in Yue Zhong's body, his physical strength was restored, and he also improved slightly.

The parking place of the school bus is near the basketball On the basketball court, dozens of boys have become zombies, just when Yue Zhong and Bai Gu and the eight heads of the school bus are fighting. The zombies around were also attracted by the sound of the sound here, staggering and coming over.

Yue Zhong took a look at the dozens of male zombies. After looking at the school bus, he found that there was no one on the school bus and immediately rushed to the school bus.

"Damn! There is no car key!" After Yue Chong rushed to the school bus, he found that there was no car key on the school bus.

Looking over the car, Yue Zhong quickly jumped off the school bus.

At this time, dozens of zombies are swaying toward Yue Zhong.

In addition to the basketball court, there are more than a dozen zombies near the family area that are attracted by the sound from this side, swaying toward this side, to surround Yue Zhong.

"Break out!" Yue Zhong took a look at the dozens of zombies, and also gave birth to a retreating heart. So many zombies, he used the kite tactics to exhaust their physical strength, and it was impossible to kill them all.

Just then, a girl with long black hair and jeans was rushing from the side with a novice stick.

I saw that the jeans girl seemed to be a whirlwind. The swordsmanship was superb. The stick in his hand was like a snake on the head of the zombie, and the head of the zombie was smashed to one side.

A head zombie fell to the ground like a weed under the bombardment of the jeans girl. No zombies could touch the girl.

"Come with me!" The girl rushed to Yue Zhong's side and said to him.

"Qi Qing Dance! How could it be her?" Yue Zhong looked at the girl, a thought passed from her mind, and then rushed to the outside with Ji Qing dance.