MTL - Global Job Change: Starting With The Hidden Job, Lord Of The Death-Chapter 336 Charles is at it again!

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Gilbert's golden-yellow fist directly passed through the body of the emerging Ninja Academy assassin, making a muffled sound.

Gilbert raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect the opponent to escape his blow.

Body illusion?

The golden light on Gilbert's fist solidified instantly, and just as the Ninja Academy assassin in front of him was about to attack, his expression changed suddenly, and his body withdrew instantly.

'boom! '

A bright ray of light bloomed, and it directly bloomed towards the surroundings.

The place where the phantom assassin was just now was instantly surrounded by this bright light, and then the whole area collapsed directly.

Cracks emerged one after another, as if the space there had been shattered by Gilbert's attack.

The assassin who dodged the attack was sweating on his forehead, and his body sneaked down again, disappearing quickly.

If he hadn't sensed danger and evacuated just now, he would have been eliminated by now.

This Gilbert's fighting power is a bit too exaggerated.

At this time, other ninja academy assassins around him also took advantage of the opportunity that the ninja academy assassin had attracted, and quickly attacked Gilbert.

Four ninja academy assassins immediately emerged, and quickly attacked Gilbert from four directions.

Between the four Assassins of the Ninja Academy, dark gray silk threads connected them together, as if weaving a large net in the middle.

Looking at the four ninja academy assassins attacking him, Gilbert smiled disdainfully.

Afterwards, Gilbert punched out directly, and the powerful fist wind fell directly on one of the Ninja Academy assassins.

'boom! '

Accompanied by a muffled sound, the assassin's body was directly sent flying, spun around in mid-air, and then fell heavily on the ground.

A white ray of light came in an instant, directly enveloping the body of the ninja academy assassin, and then took him away from the arena.


The remaining three ninja academy assassins took the opportunity to grit their teeth and came to Gilbert's side, and quickly attacked Gilbert with weapons in their hands.

For these attacks, Gilbert ignored all of them and let them fall on him.

There was a muffled sound like metal, and sparks shot out from Gilbert's body, but none of the attacks of these assassins caused much damage to Gilbert.

"Impossible! Even if Gilbert's defense is strong, it's not that strong, right?"

"Our attacks are the strongest of each. Even if Gilbert's defense is stronger, it won't be impossible to leave any injuries, right?"

The two Ninja Academy members looked horrified, they never thought that the situation would turn out like this.

The team leader of the Ninja Academy was also shocked. Among other things, the assassins of their Ninja Academy were able to do it in terms of attack power.

However, the attacks of the three of them failed to shake Gilbert in the slightest, which was too unacceptable for them.

Afterwards, his gaze fell on Gilbert beside him, and he found that Gilbert clenched his fists tightly and his whole body tensed up, and he did not attack them the first time they appeared.

"It's a defensive secret! This Gilbert definitely used a defensive secret. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him not to be injured at all. Now that he uses a defensive secret, his body is unable to move."

The captain of the ninja academy team's eyes flickered quickly, and then his body wanted to sneak down again.

The super defensive stance allowed Gilbert to perfectly block their offense, but it also gave them time to breathe.

still have a chance!

However, at the moment when the three ninja academy assassins wanted to sneak again, a dazzling light burst out from Gilbert's body.

'Om! '

The surrounding space trembled, and the dazzling light shot straight into the sky, completely illuminating Gilbert's surroundings at the same time.

The three ninja academy assassins who were about to enter the stealth state were instantly enveloped by this dazzling golden light.

The hot feeling rose instantly, causing all three assassins of Ninja Academy to let out a scream, the voice was very shrill.

They never expected that Gilbert, who was in a defensive state, would burst into such a powerful attack method in an instant.

This dazzling golden light was accompanied by a strong burning sensation and coercion, which made them feel the extreme heat and pain, and at the same time interrupted their entry into the stealth state.

'boom! '

Gilbert shook his hand, came out of the defensive state, and instantly punched the three assassins from the Ninja Academy in front of him.

The hearts of the three ninja academy assassins instantly became cold.

There is no chance!

Feeling the sharp fist wind in front of them, the three ninja academy assassins all closed their eyes, waiting for the final moment.

Three white rays of light came in an instant, and the moment the fist wind fell on the three Ninja Academy assassins, it enveloped the three Ninja Academy assassins and sent them out.

The entire arena was instantly emptied, leaving only Gilbert, who was shining with golden light all over his body.

The audience was silent, and then a burst of warm cheers broke out.

"Gilbert! Gilbert!"

Most of these cheers came from the Tiger Country team, but their expressions were very excited.

The previous battle at Fengxing Academy had caused their Hu Nation team to lose a lot of face, but now Gilbert's action was a sigh of relief for them and raised a lot of face.

Of course, many people in the auditorium also had their gazes on Gilbert, their eyes narrowed slightly as they saw the golden light on Gilbert's body.

"This Gilbert seems to be stronger than before, have you noticed? He seems to have more abilities."

"It is true that he has much more fighting ability than when he fought with Lu Yan before, but it is not clear whether it is because of the increased strength during this period of time or because of the clumsiness before."

"It shouldn't be hiding clumsiness. Before he competed with Lu Yan for the singles championship, no one would hide clumsiness at this time. It should be that he has gained new strength in the past two days."

"But it's true. Gilbert is a top player after all. It's normal for his school to pour some resources into him."

Many spectators started talking about it, and it could be seen that Gilbert had increased his combat power a lot compared to the previous single match.

But this is also very normal. Generally speaking, after the end of the singles competition, schools from various countries will give more or less resources to the top three seeds of their own schools according to the situation of the singles competition, so as to improve some fighting more. Good face team game.

But after all, the distance between the team competition and the individual competition is very close, and it is generally necessary to prepare the resources needed for the top three seeds in advance.

And this kind of thing is not so easy to find, so there are still very few who can improve after the single player competition.

And the Gilbert in front of him was obviously prepared for him in advance.

It is very likely that the school gave it to Gilbert as a reward for this global university exchange competition, but because of Lu Yan's performance, it was given to Gilbert in advance so that he can perform better in the team competition.

Lu Yan's eyes also fell on the arena, looking at Gilbert's expression on the arena, his eyes narrowed slightly.

For Gilbert's improvement in combat effectiveness, Lu Yan was not too surprised.

Gilbert is obviously here to compete for the first place. After losing the individual competition, his school will naturally help him improve his strength to win the first place in the team competition.

After all, from the combat performance of the previous champion in the singles competition, the difference in combat power between him and Lu Yan is not very big.

If Lu Yan loses, and the gap with Gilbert is not too big, Lei Shuo will definitely give Lu Yan something to improve his strength.

However, what Gilbert and his school didn't know was that Lu Yan's performance in the singles competition had not yet exerted his full strength.

On the arena, listening to the cheers from the surrounding audience, Gilbert's mouth curled into a smile.

This is the effect he wants.

Afterwards, Gilbert set his eyes on the Dragon Kingdom team not far away, and looked at Lu Yan among them, the smile on the corner of his mouth restrained.

"Lu Yan! Just wait, the first place in this team competition must belong to me!"

Looking at Lu Yan, Gilbert walked off the arena directly after saying a word.

Many people's eyes fell on Lu Yan one after another, and they were not surprised at Gilbert's harsh words.

After all, if it wasn't for Lu Yan and Gilbert who won the singles championship before, there must be anger between the two.

The audience around also hope to see the battle between the two, it will definitely be very exciting.

Then the host came on stage and began to introduce the next battle.

A team from Bear Country and a team from Eagle Country.

Both sides are not well-known teams, and the audience's response is also mediocre, and they don't pay much attention.

However, the battle lasted quite a long time. The fighting levels of the two teams were not far apart. They had been entangled with each other for a long time, and the team members were basically eliminated one by one.

The whole process was a bit boring, and there were no players who burst out with great strength, which seemed very dull.

In the end, with the victory of the Xiong Guo team, the game is considered to be over.

Everyone in the entire auditorium was a little listless at this time, after all, the game just now was indeed a bit boring.

At this time, the host came on stage and began to introduce the next game.

And when they heard about the team in this game, the audience who were a little listless just now cheered up instantly.

Because the next two teams in the game are the school team of Prince Charles of Eagle Country and the team of John De.

The performance of these two people in the singles competition is also very impressive.

Especially Prince Charles, the battle with Lu Yan was very exciting. In the eyes of many viewers, if the king of the Eagle Kingdom hadn't called a stop in the end and made Charles withdraw from the game, the final result is still unknown.

Because of the previous blockade by the King of the Eagle Kingdom, many people thought that Charles would not appear in this global university exchange competition again, but they did not expect that Charles would be included in the list this time.

Everyone's eyes fell on the arena ahead, looking forward to the next match between Charles and John De.

"In this game, I guess Charles and the others should easily win, after all, the battle between John De and Lu Yan was too serious."

"Yeah, after losing so many mechanical beasts, John Dee's combat effectiveness is estimated to have dropped a lot, but John Dee's side didn't suffer much damage. It should be Charles who won."

"Charles' combat effectiveness is very strong. After all, it is the Royal Academy of the Eagle Country. The selected academies are all very powerful. To be honest, in terms of team competition, the Royal Academy's combat effectiveness can even be said to be the strongest."

Seeing the Royal Academy and John De's school team enter the arena, the surrounding audience also started talking about it, and they already had a general conclusion in their minds about the result of the game.

After all, the previous battle between John De and Lu Yan consumed too many mechanical beasts, and a large part of John De's combat power came from the mechanical beasts.

Moreover, the quality of Eagle Country Royal Academy is very high. The champion of the Global University Exchange Competition last year was Eagle Country Royal Academy.

Under such circumstances, most of the audience would still think that Eagle Country Royal Academy would win this game.

On the arena at this time, Charles was well-dressed, but his face did not have the previous unruly smile.

His face looked a little gloomy.

After all, in the singles match before, the battle between him and Lu Yan was stopped by his father before it ended.

This made Charles very unconvinced and felt that he had lost a lot of face.

Afterwards, Charles talked to the King of the Eagle Kingdom for a long time before he was allowed to continue participating in the team competition.

But the King of the Eagle Kingdom also set a requirement for Charles, that is, the team must win the championship.

After Charles heard it at the time, he agreed without hesitation. His goal was to be the champion.

If it wasn't for his father's obstruction, UU read www. He will win the singles championship.

Looking at John De's team in front of him, Charles had a disdainful smile on his face.

The previous John De was a bit of a threat to him, but the current John De, it can be said that there is no threat at all.

In this game, he will crush the John De team in front of him and tell everyone present that the Royal Eagle Academy is the strongest, and he, Charles, is also the strongest.

"After the game starts in a while, everyone cheers up and resolves the battle cleanly. We must let everyone understand the gold content of our Eagle Kingdom Royal Academy!"

Charles looked at his teammates around him and ordered directly!

(end of this chapter)

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