MTL - Global Job Change: Starting With The Hidden Job, Lord Of The Death-Chapter 318 S-class fetish!

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Speechless all night.

Waking up early the next morning, Lu Yan first completed the daily tasks, and then simply washed up.

After changing his clothes, Lu Yan left the room and went downstairs.

When they came to the lobby on the first floor, everyone had already assembled.

In the past, the auction started after the Global University Exchange Competition ended, so basically no contestants participated.

But now that the auction has been brought forward, contestants like Lu Yan and the others can also participate.

This can be regarded as an eye-opening opportunity, and basically everyone will participate.

Moreover, it is also a good choice if you can see something that can improve your strength at the auction and take it down.

After everyone had gathered, Lei Shuo led the crowd towards the venue where the auction was located, preparing to participate in the auction.

Soon, everyone came to the place to participate in the auction, which was a special auction place in the Royal Manor.

After entering, Lu Yan found that the space inside was very large and could accommodate many people.

This is very novel to Lu Yan, after all, it is the first time for him to enter such a thing as an auction house.

The entire auction site is very large, surrounded by rotating seats, allowing everyone to clearly see the auction platform in the center.

At this time on the auction platform, the host is already debugging the equipment.

Many people around also came in one after another, going to the seats inside.

Many people have come more than once, and they are familiar with the road.

Just as Lei Shuo was about to take Lu Yan and the others inside, a waiter walked over.

"Mr. Lei Shuo, Mr. Lu Yan, and Ms. Zhao Yuheng, here is a VIP room for you, do you need it?"

There are VIP rooms in this auction house, but there are not many.

But Lu Yan is the champion of the singles competition, so he can naturally have a VIP room.

The VIP room usually accommodates four or five people, Lei Shuo can definitely go, Zhao Yuheng is in the top ten and can also enter, the others have no qualifications.

Of course, there are also those who choose to sit together instead of the VIP room, so the waiter came over and asked.

Lu Yan's eyes flickered slightly, and fell on Lei Shuo in front of him.

Before Lei Shuo could speak, the other team members smiled and said, "Principal, you can take Lu Yan and Zhao Yuheng over there, don't ignore the VIP room, you have to experience it, so you can experience it for us."

Lei Shuo shook his head when he heard the words, knowing that it was because they didn't want to embarrass him.

But the VIP room is of course the place to go.

Lei Shuo nodded towards the waiter in front of him: "Yes, you can find someone to find a seat for them."

The waiter looked at the other team members, nodded lightly, quickly called his companions, and then led Lei Shuo, Lu Yan, and Zhao Yuheng towards the VIP room.

Soon, Lu Yan and the others were brought in front of a VIP room.

Lu Yan looked up and saw that the sign of the room was No. 3.

It's not bad for the champion of the singles competition to be given a VIP room No. 3.

The VIP rooms No. 1 and No. 2 should be members of the Royal Family of the Eagle Kingdom.

"I just brought it here. If you need anything, just press the call button inside." The waiter looked at Lei Shuo and the three in front of him and said softly.

Listening to the waiter's words, Lei Shuo nodded lightly, and then the waiter left directly.

"Let's go, let's see how the VIP room is. I haven't been in a VIP room before." Lei Shuo looked at Lu Yan and Zhao Yuheng and smiled.

Lei Shuo also led a team to participate once before, but the performance of Jinling Academy was not satisfactory that time. It was really the first time for him to enter this VIP room.

Opening the door of the VIP room, Lu Yan saw the splendor inside, with all kinds of facilities very complete.

In the middle is a big sofa, and the tea table in front of it is filled with exquisite fruit plates and desserts.

However, after Lu Yan and the others went in, they suddenly found a person sitting on the sofa.

Seeing Lu Yan and the others come in, the people on the sofa got up and greeted Lu Yan and the others with smiling faces.

Lu Yan took a closer look and found that the person standing up on the sofa was actually Elis.

Princess of the Eagle Kingdom and Holy See Holy Maiden!

Elis came in front of Lei Shuo and said with a smile, "Uncle Lei Shuo, you don't mind if I come here to watch the auction?"

Lei Shuo froze for a moment, then glanced at Lu Yan who was at the side, and said with a smile on his face, "Of course I don't mind, I'm very happy that you can come here."

The smile on Elis's face became wider, and then he looked at Lu Yan and said: "Lu Yan, congratulations, you have become the champion of the singles competition, and the freshman won the championship of the singles competition, you have created the history of the global college exchange competition. "

Lu Yan also smiled when he heard the words: "Thank you."

"Sit down, you young people, talk more, let me see what good things are in this auction first." Lei Shuo looked at Ellis and the others with a smile, and then came to the sofa.

Lu Yan and the others also sat down, and Ellis pointed to a small screen in front of each sofa table and said, "Here, you can check today's auction items and learn about them in advance."

"Of course, there is no news about the three most valuable items. We have to wait for the host to announce them, which will give people a sense of mystery. UU Reading"

Listening to Elis's words, Lu Yan asked with a smile, "Don't you even know Princess Elis?"

This auction was organized by the Royal Family of the Eagle Kingdom. As the princess of the Royal Family of the Eagle Kingdom, Ellis must have known the three final items.

Ellis blinked when she heard the words, looked at Lu Yan and said playfully, "Of course I know, but I won't tell you."

Lu Yan shook his head with a smile, and then his eyes fell on the small screen in front of him.

After turning on the screen, Lu Yan saw a list of items from this auction.

Of course, the first three are gray question marks, which cannot be checked, and can arouse people's curiosity, which can be regarded as a small means of the auction.

Lu Yan looked carefully, if there is anything good, he must buy it.

Zhao Yuheng on the side looked at Lu Yan and Elis chatting and laughing in front of him, with a sad expression on his face.

Facing Elis, Zhao Yuheng still felt a little inferior.

However, looking at Lu Yan's figure, Zhao Yuheng showed a firm look on his face.

She herself had no idea about love, but because of Lu Yan, she was moved.

In this life, it is estimated that Lu Yan is the only person who can make her heart move. If this is the case, she must fight for it.

Besides, Lu Yan and Elis are fine.

At this time, Lu Yan's eyes fell on the screen in front of him, and his eyes lit up.

He saw an item that he was very much looking forward to.

[S-level fetish, double-shadow magic pupil]

PS: My family has been sick recently. During this special period, it is more troublesome. I have less time to code words. I will recover soon, sorry.

(end of this chapter)

Read the latest chapter of National Job Change: Undead Monarch, a Hidden Profession at the beginning, please pay attention to()