MTL - Global Gaowu-v2 Chapter 1387 The more chaotic the better!

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Casting God and Kun King directly testify at this moment!

The two laughed loudly, crossed the road and went straight to the source.

On weekdays, it must be dangerous at the moment.

But at the moment... the source is also chaotic.

The sermon is the way to death!

When you gather the fruit, it is the most dangerous!

However, this time is different!

Fang Ping is in trouble at the source!

The king of the town was in the Emperor of War, the Southern Emperor fell, and the power of the Emperor was instantly weakened countless times!

At this time, Fang Ping’s voice came out again and violently said: “The Terran, attacking Jiuzhongtian, destroying Xianyuan! Chuwu, want to get rid of everything, and shoot together!”

When this words come out, the void oscillates!

The next moment, Wang Jinyang walked into the air and said with a smile: "The Terran is absolutely the same as the warrior, and it will be broken with me!"

"Get into the Nine Heavens!"

A low drink, resounding in all directions!

The next moment, hundreds of strong people vacated, broken the void, went straight to the nine heavens!

The power of one person is difficult to break the nine heavens, the power of everyone?

At the same time, the caves, the demon emperor several people look at each other, the next moment, the demon emperor screamed, "the demon family, the real king above, with the emperor into the nine heavens!"


The screaming sound of the earthquake!

In the Chuwu continent, the eyes of the gods changed for a while, and the screams began!

"Over the king of heaven, kill!"


The world is broken, a strong person rises up, today, into the nine heavens, destroying Xianyuan!

The Emperor left, and the Emperor and the Emperor were separated, and the two broke.

However, just a avatar!

How can it be?

There are more people in the Three Realms, and a bunch of broken eight, not everyone can break nine.

But now, how about breaking the nine?

In the void, chaos and stone breaks are also laughter, arrogant and arrogant: "The priests, the opportunity is coming! Devil King Tu, we have to kill the nine heavens, destroy the fairy source, follow me!"


The void is broken, and a strong man breaks out and smashes toward the Nine Heavens!

Nine emperors?

How about the Nine Emperors!

Today, they also want to see what level Fang Ping can do, and what can force the Nine Emperors to reach!

The three realms of Zhuqiang, at this moment, the testimony of the Tao, into the nine heavens into the nine heavens.

The opportunity is at this moment!

Take the initiative!

Not waiting for the broken wall, not equal to the three realms, at this time, breaking the plan of the emperor, out of control of the emperor!


Nine heavens.

The Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of the Emperor looked at each other and looked at each other with a slight smile.


There are too many people in the Eight Realms to break the quarter-finals. At this moment, all of them are killed. The two are not enough. Even if the Emperor and the Emperor are both strong, they can only be separated.

Crisis... not only that!

At this moment, on the seventh day, Shuxiang laughed. "Since all of them have proved, then I have to make a lot of fun, and after all, the emperor is better than the top nine!"

The words fall, the fragrance of the book disappears!

In the next moment, three books appeared outside the three doors.

The short book boy, at the moment, is overbearing, the air is wild, haha ​​smiled: "Master, you are not willing to become emperor, the book will be the emperor for you!"

The words fall, the three doors are broken!

Three avenues, straight through the three doors, take a place to join in an unmanned space!

The next moment, this unmanned space condenses a book.

The source of the avenue!


"Who will take my way?"

The book scented and screamed!

Who is coming?

At this moment, the beastmaster was cut off by Fang Ping, and the sixth day was broken. He was madly suppressing, and he had time to pay attention to him.

The Emperor simply stopped retreating, and even if the battle started, there was no movement.

The Southern Emperor fell, and the Western Emperor quickly succumbed to the eighth heaven, guarding his own territory, fearing to be affected.

The Northern Emperor, the Emperor, the East Emperor, and the fight are still spare.

The seventh heaven riots, the Emperor is fighting the town king.

Dou Tiandi is suppressing the seventh heaven, his own territory, and even the site of the Emperor.

The powerful Fighting Emperor, at the moment, there are three cracks in one person town.

The rest of the three people, the eyes of the emperor are different, motionless.

The Emperor simply closed his eyes.

Only the North Emperor, some heart, but at this time, the North Emperor really has powerless!

Hong Kun, casting the gods, the book, the three began to join!


The three strongest people are all concentrating on the road and are witnessing!

Do you kill or not kill?

Do you have time to kill?

Have you killed it?

Jiuzhongtian crisis, source crisis!

At this moment, the gods in the eyes of the gods broke out, powerful monks, violently shouted: "Do you fight, kill them, the source of my town!"

The Emperor screamed and sighed!

At this moment, there are many gods in the top of the Emperor!

One person town seventh heaven, one person town thirty-sixth heaven, his own territory.

One person town twenty-seven days, fighting the site.

Three virtual shadows, the town of three heavens.

The Emperor is alone in the town of Santian, and has the energy to deal with the town of Heaven, the power is terrible.

The king of the town is also arrogant and mad, killing him!

On the eighth day, Fang Ping was also madly destroyed, and the persecuted beastmaster had to fight with all his strength.

The next moment, Fang Ping broke through and entered the ninth heaven.

No one here!

No one, Fang Ping will no matter, forcibly continue to break through, crazy to the North Royal side to kill!

On the fifteenth day, the North Emperor's face changed, completely dispelling the mind to seize other human fruits, clearing the voice, the whole world blocked, he did not want Fang Ping to kill, and broke his good deeds.

He is not afraid of Fang Ping, but once the source is disturbed, he may be completely pinned down in the source.

"Hey, are you looking at it?"

The Emperor violently screamed, and the Emperor Tiandi had already gone to block Fangping.

Can the East Emperor not move!

The East Emperor looked at a few people and said faintly: "I went to suppress Xianyuan!"

When the words fall, the East Emperor breaks into the void and disappears in the blink of an eye.

He went to suppress the fairy source!

"Ji, what about you?"

The Emperor raised his eyebrows and glanced at the three books of the three children. He smiled and said: "Three people... I really can't kill, but I will stop them from blocking things, so as not to hinder your business!"

When the words fall, the Emperor breaks away and blocks the top three!

"Chen, Xuan, beast!"

The Emperor is cold again!

What are you guys doing?

Fighting has gone to suppress Fangping, what are you worried about?

Still looking at what?

Eight emperors and one emperor, died a South Emperor, there are eight people, can not even these people can not suppress?

The beastmaster roared, and the dragon tail broke, he was very angry at the moment!

Hear this statement, roar and quickly kill the sixth heaven!

And at this moment, suddenly, there is a knife between heaven and earth!

Someone laughed and said: "I also prove to play!"


The three doors were broken, and the three avenues went straight to the source and went straight to the ninth heaven.

In the blink of an eye, a blood knife condenses!

One person came to the air and smiled and said: "The beastmaster, play with you!"


Knife broken the sky!

A big knife, broken the world, and smashed to the beastmaster!

The beastmaster once again roared, and the anger was unstoppable. The new emperor actually wanted to marry him!


Today, another new emperor was born!

The last time I took out the knife of the Nine Heavens!

Qin Fengqing!

At this moment, a person in the void is condensed and formed, and laughs and laughs: "Little dragon, come and come, Grandpa will accompany you to play!"


Long knife again!

Killing the sky!

The beastmaster was furious, and the two men quickly smothered at the junction of the world, and blood gas ran through the heavens and the earth.

Over there, Fang Ping laughed. "Well, Qin Fengqing, if you don't come again, Laozi will misread you!"

"Ha ha ha, don't be passionate!"

In the void, the figure laughs. "Do you think that I am for you? You are wrong, I am not for you! I am a family of guardians, sheltering the heavens, guarding the way of the world, but not your area." Instructed!"

"Go to your uncle!"

Fang Ping screamed and turned to a knife to kill the Emperor.

Fighting Emperor Tian took a punch and banged, and Fang Ping’s long knife swayed, and the blood rushed up, and a blood spit out. Without saying anything, he quickly fled to other places.

At this moment, the source of the chaos became a piece.

The book is a three-person warrior, the king of the king of war, the battle of Emperor Fangping, Qin Fengqing, the beastmaster.

The East Emperor went to the land of Xianyuan, and the North Emperor and the Emperor and the Western Emperor had not moved.

"The source is chaotic, no one is good!"

At this moment, the Emperor once again sighed, "Ling, what is your choice?"


The Emperor snorted and emptied.

At this time, a cat came out of the air.


A fat cat, sitting on the ground, looking at the emperor who is going to break through the distance, sadly said: "Big fat, you want to kill the cat?"

The Emperor frowned and said: "Retreat! The source cannot be chaotic!"


The cat does not retreat!

At this moment, in the mouth of the cat, one person appeared.

Lao Zhang walked out and smiled: "Linghuang, you have to be an enemy with the Terran?"

Linghuang looked at him coldly!

Lao Zhang smiled and said: "That probably won't work!"

The words fall, the source is shaking!

At this moment, the old Zhang gas machine is booming, in the blink of an eye, a bang, the source of the three doors, some people are close, Lao Zhang!

The source body is coming!

"I use the power of humanity and use it for a short time. Don't panic!"

In the world, countless warriors fell to the ground.

The old air-tension machine is booming, with a bang, broken three doors, the next moment, a heavenly fruit has a quick fruit!

When the battle reached this point, he did not care.

I want to hide it before, but I still care so much at the moment!


In front of the cat, the old Zhang is full of blood and powerful, and the powerful man of the air machine looks at the emperor and smiles: "It is still possible to stop you!"

Linghuang snorted!

Some disdain!

At this time, the cat suddenly turned into a gray, and a handle artifact appeared in the paw, and suddenly jumped to the old Zhang head, and screamed: "Two hits, hit you!"

The emperor's face changed slightly. "Do you want to be against me?"

Cang cat language stuff, some grievances.

Lao Zhang smiled and said: "Cang cat, this is not against her, is saving her! You know the character of Fang Ping, once the enemy, will kill her! Is she Fang Ping opponent? Block her, is to save her!"

When the words came out, the cat seemed to have found its support. Immediately said: "It’s a drop! Big fat man, go back, or you will be killed, don’t go back, this cat won’t leave you!”


The cat snorted fiercely, but could not hear the fierceness.

Lao Zhang laughed and didn't care.

His purpose is not to warn the emperor, just stop her.

At this time, a palm of the hand broke through and they killed them!

Northern Emperor!

Without the threat of Fang Ping, the North Emperor still moved.

At the same time, the caves, a figure is fierce, fierce, and suddenly swallowed!

This mouth swallowed, the ground of a large provincial cave disappeared!

Including people, including the city, including all life!


A screaming scream, roaring, bloody!

A dog's head is presented in the sky above the Three Realms!

I am very incomparable!

"court death!"


Numerous blood gas condenses, the next moment, the void, a **** road condenses, a overbearing golden big dog, walks in the air, crosses the broken road in the blink of an eye!



It has broken nine, but there is no energy to go over the avenue, directly devour hundreds of millions of caves!

Forcibly condensed a avenue!


One burst, three broken, Tiangou directly into the source, a bite to the North Emperor!

The North Emperor’s heart was shocked, and he no longer wanted to kill, and quickly returned to his own territory, because the Tengu is crazy at the moment to swallow his roots, this dog is crazy!


Emperor drink again!

At this moment, the Western Emperor left to look at the right, some innocent, some helpless.

"Don't be like this?"

Xihuang sighs, how can you fight like this?

too terrifying!

What if they want to break their own world?

At this moment, the Western Emperor looked at the eighth heaven, and some reluctantly said: "No one will kill it? It is too dangerous. If it is destroyed, I am not trapped?"

"Oh, I don't want to!"

When the words fell, in the shock of the people, the West Emperor suddenly appeared a lot of energy, powerful and terrible, and there is boundless and powerful source.

The eighth heaven suddenly calmed down!

Then, there is a crack in the void.

These cracks are healing quickly.

"It's you!"

Some people violently drink!

West Emperor!

Xihuang smiled and said: "Not me, I am coming, don't misunderstand, you continue, I am a soy sauce..."

The words fell, and the crack of the eighth heaven slammed and healed completely.

Xihuang haha ​​laughed, suddenly the blood broke through the heavens and the earth, and banged, breaking through the source.

In the next moment, among the three realms, a big hand came from the sky, not to anyone, but to a void.

"Stupid son, still watching what is lively, running!"

"The wind is tight!"

"Ha ha ha!"

A big laugh, piercing the Three Realms, the Western Emperor took out the Western Palace, and the West Palace disappeared between the heavens and the earth in the blink of an eye, and the voice circulated in the heavens and the earth.

"I will go first. At the end of the final battle, I will call me, hahaha! I have been stuck in the source for thousands of years, today... I am free!"

"I want to run freely!"

"This day, this place, this sea, really beautiful!"

"Ha ha ha!"

The West Emperor laughed, and Laozi got rid of it!

I won!

Let's fight, die one count, the other has nothing to do with me!


At this moment, many emperors are angry!

They did not expect that the first imperial person in the Three Realms was actually the Western Emperor!

At this moment, the Western Emperor actually ran away!

In the hands of the Western Emperor, in the Western Palace, one person emerged from his head, and Tian Tian shocked to see his old man, and he couldn’t speak for a while.

The weak old man... actually the first one to get out of trouble!

"Ha ha ha, silly son, are you yak not cow?"

"You are not very powerful?"

"Are you smart and not smart?"

"Break the road, don't look at it, go to the ends of the earth, to see the world, the world is so big, let's go see it, and accompany you to the end of the world!"

"Ha ha ha!"

The West Emperor laughed and the opportunity was too good!

At this moment, the strong are attracted.

Otherwise, he is not good at running.

Change to a normal day, even if he has the power of the South Emperor, but once it breaks out, it will attract the attention of others, and may be chased by the emperor.

Now... come on!

I am not afraid of Laozi!

The Three Realms have become like this, and it is beyond his expectation. It is too fast, too chaotic, and he is running now, no one has enough strength to chase him!

"Running with the wind is the direction!"

"Chasing the power of lightning and lightning!"

The song starts!

The West Emperor is in a good mood, a song sings in the Three Realms, Lao Tzu chasing freedom, chasing thunder and lightning, you can play yourself!

Anyway, he does not participate!

At this moment, the Three Realms are shocked!

The celestial celestial... like the celestial pole!

No, the celestial pole is like him!

This old guy is too sinister and too unexpected!

Many strong people in the Three Realms have fallen into the source at the moment, and he... is out of the source!

The first one to leave the source of the emperor!

And he seems to have calculated, if the Western Emperor has been practicing, has been absorbing those stars, perhaps stronger than the South Emperor, but he did not, he would rather give them to Fang Ping.


Not because he can't absorb it, but to maintain a balance of power with the South Emperor!

Otherwise, the South Emperor is too weak, he is too strong, he can not use the power of the South Emperor to repair the cracks in the boulevard.

Only balance!

Almost the strength!

Therefore, the Western Emperor has been juxtaposed with the South Emperor, not really juxtaposed, but juxtaposed for juxtaposition, today, everyone sees through!


Sea area.

Some people are also very surprised.

The wind and the clouds looked at the West Emperor who was far away, suddenly laughing!


Unable to admire!

what is this?

The three realms of Zhuqiang are now trapped, including several who have just witnessed, and at this moment, a royal ran!

West Emperor!

The unremarkable Western Emperor, this is really amazing!

The death of the South Emperor, and this guy can not get rid of the relationship.

Today's chaos can be said to be caused by the Western Emperor.

He won and succeeded!

The chaos broke out, he ran, and for so many years, the only one who ran away.

The wind and the clouds are laughing, and on the side, Xing Xing blinks and stunned: "Is this also possible?"

"why not?"

Feng Yundao smiled and said: "He ran, the cracks were made up, similar to Yangshen, running with strength, unless the source is completely broken, it will have no effect on him, he does not run?"

"Where can he go?"

"The Three Realms are so big, find a space crack, just hide, not the end of the world, he will not come out, who can specifically find him to kill him?"


Xing Xing is speechless.

I can't refute it!

I am also a royal, or I can go all out... No, the emperor who runs around the Three Realms, are you going to chase him?

Is it good to kill him?

If you have the same strength, you may not be able to kill him.

Powerful, killing him alone may not be able to make up for the defects, and killing and killing.

In this case, other people are harmless, why are you killing him?

Xing Xing was speechless and suddenly said: "Adult, are you out of the source?"


The wind and the road people smiled and said: "Which is so simple, let alone... If I am out of trouble, it is not as simple as him. It is enough to kill a South Emperor."

The wind and the clouds smiled, and once again looked at the Western Emperor who had escaped without a trace.

Laughing again!

There is some envy in the laugh.

smart people!

It is also a curse!

When they reach this point, who is not afraid of death?

Who is not afraid of being killed?

Who is not trying to improve their strength!

He didn't!

The Western Emperor did not, he has been staring at the South Emperor, how strong is the South Emperor, even if he can absorb the Star Stone again, even if he can improve, he does not.

He refused the temptation of strength!

I will stare at you!

How strong are you, how strong I am!

You are dead, just enough to make up the hole I left behind.

And what about other people?

Can the Emperor kill the Nanhuang, can you make up the hole?


The stronger, the harder it is to get out of trouble!

And the Western Emperor... succeeded!

Can not bear the human can not bear, improve the strength, everyone's dream, the Western Emperor did not care, Fang Ping did not understand the preciousness of 15 stars stone, and now, in addition to several billions of emperors, no one in the hands of Out of so many stars!

The South Emperor really has two pieces, and the Beastmaster does not even have a South Emperor.

West Emperor, 15 pieces!

Since Fangping and Tianwang of the town can all be upgraded, will the West Emperor be unable to improve?

he does not want!

He is going to be like the South Emperor. If you are so strong, I am so strong, and how can other people improve.

He succeeded!


The battle of the source, because the West Emperor sprinkled away, quiet moment!

This, actually ran!

Swinging and running.

When I left, I sang a song to show my desire for freedom. Even Fang Ping was admired at the moment.

You rock!

It’s all about him. After Fang Ping’s body, Dou Tiandi also looked back and looked a little different.

Chen, Yuxiong!

Yes, Xiongxiong, staring at the Nanhuang for countless years, he will not give up without killing him. For tens of thousands of years, Nanhuang is a brother and a military teacher. It is the guiding light of life. Is this not what Xiongxiong is?

The South Emperor probably did not suspect the Western Emperor!

Nine Emperor and One Emperor, one died, ran one, the emperor was not there, only seven were left!

At the moment, among the source, there are many strong people in the three realms.

Fang Ping, Zhen Tian Wang, Cang Mao, Shu Xiang, Hong Kun, Tengu, Lao Zhang, Casting God, a full eight top strong!

If there is a gap in strength, the number of people alone will exceed the number of the emperors.

The royal family needs the town source!

At this moment, the book that is fighting with the Emperor, suddenly smiled: "You, shake the source, we are injured and fallen, there is nothing! Let the source shake, I want to see, the master can be one person town!"

The words, the world of his suppression, the source of shock!


The crack in the void broke out, and the book was full of blood and laughed.

"Is this hurting each other?"

"Ha ha ha!"


Earth and earth vibrations, huge cracks, running through a heavy world, began to shake the source of the source.

The **** of casting is also a bright eye, laughing and laughing, "Let's come together!"


It is a heavy vibration!

Casting the gods is also bloody, but it is still laughing, you continue!

How many days can you suppress?

Can you suppress the defects left by a few emperors?

God, are you not strong?

Try it today!

At this time, Zhentian Wang suddenly laughed and said: "I am awkward, you have a set of books, you really have a set of bad people, I did not expect it!"


This time, the huge roar, the whole source trembled violently!

Town Tianwang also gave up the suppression!


Hurt each other!

I don't fight!

Is to abandon the suppression of the source, a hole in the emperor, your gods suppression is not suppressed?

Do not suppress, then play together!

A newly-elected emperor gave up the repression and allowed himself to suffer a rebellion. The town king said: "Go to destroy the source of the beastmaster and the emperor, let the source move, and everyone will die together!"

They will not only suppress the sway of the source, but also continue to mess up!

Die, then die together!

Let the source break up!

See who is more afraid of death!

Newly-elected, of course, the strength is not as good as those of the old-fashioned emperor, but at this moment, regardless of disregard, it depends on who is more embarrassed, more reluctant, more concerned!

The Emperor’s eyes are gloomy!

He can suppress the triple heavens and even more, but these people are now breaking a heavy world, and even breaking other heavens and earths. If this continues, the whole source will be blown up!

To be honest, this is beyond his expectations!

When he wants to come, even if there are several emperors in the Three Realms, it is definitely not the opponent of the Emperor of the Nine Emperors.

In fact, it is true.

But now...

It’s a mess now!

"Hey, shake and build, Kun, their way!"

The Emperor lowered his voice and the next moment, the voice of the East Emperor came from far away, sighing: "The road created is fake, the road of Kun... is also fake!"


Xianyuan, can't control their avenue!

"That shakes the town!"

At this time, there was a roaring sound on the side of Xianyuan. Some people laughed and said: "You can save your life for the teacher. You are really careless. The road is not taken out of sleep, it is really abolished, lost Master. Face, I am leaving, you play slowly!"

Leave this words, the gods disappear!

However, when he left, it was broken the town where the king was trapped in Xianyuan.

And this is the killer of the emperor against the three kings.

Today, the roads of casting gods, Hongkun and Zhentianwang are all out of trouble!

The Emperor's face was completely gloomy!

Lost it!

No need to guess, it must be caused by the last chaos, let these people find the opportunity, get out of trouble!

No wonder these people are fearless!

At this moment, the East Emperor secluded: "The dog is still there, and the only one is still there!"

Yes, the only one!


A roar, resounding through the three realms, the dog is anxious!

Damn, how can you be the only one?

When did other people run?

Damn it!

It’s too pit!

The source, the eight newcomers, actually seven are not in the control of Xianyuan, no reason!