MTL - Global Gaowu-v2 Chapter 1382 War broke out

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The Eighth Heaven of the Western Emperor was also very dim, and he could break through the eighth heaven and reach the seventh heaven, and it became darker.

Ridiculous, dead.

This is the source.

On the seventh heaven of the Nanhuang, there was no sound at all.

It is no wonder that the emperor is almost nowhere to go, and would rather stay in the outside world.

“What time is it to take root?”

Fang Ping asked a sentence.

On the side, Zhen Tianwang said: "The third heaven!"

From the source, there are some spaces, so you can take root.

Before the king of the town entered, he took root in the triple sky and almost condensed the fruit of the avenue. In the end, although it failed, it was also a failure, and it was not necessary to suppress it.

Otherwise, he is alone here, and the Nine Emperor may start with him.

Fang Ping did not say anything, he looked out from the dark void and looked around.

Very big, vast and boundless!

The walls of the square can be seen in the vagueness, but it is not very clear.

The emperor is here, indeed, like a prisoner.

Therefore, for tens of thousands of years, the emperor is thinking all the time, how to detach, how to get out of trouble.

Does Fang Ping sympathize with them?

not at all!

Suffering is caused by yourself, and it does not make sense to involve other people.

How much pain, you have to bear it yourself, because you have gained a great power and won the life of almost immortal, then you need to bear these.

Did not see the South Emperor, the South Emperor is definitely on this heavy day, specifically where, these emperors are hidden deep.

They are also worried that other emperors will start with them, so they are all very strict.

Sitting in prison, but also to prevent those who are dead to their hands, have to say that the days of the emperor, it is not as good as death, Fang Ping just want to say a deserved!

"Big cat, did you find out?"

The cat is looking for someone, still has a hand, more spirit than the dog's nose.

The cat looked around and looked at one of the directions. The nose shook a little. "It seems to be there!"

Fang Ping’s movements were gentle, and he gestured to the town’s king. He walked in the void and slowly approached there.

Cracks are everywhere.

It is very dangerous here!

Strong as Fangping, accidentally cut by a crack, a blood mark appeared on the meat, and the square quickly recovered to prevent blood from dripping and the breath was overflowing.

Dangerous, dangerous benefits.

There are too many cracks in the void, and even if it does not cover up the atmosphere, it can make the air machine not pass too far.

Otherwise, it is difficult for the strong to hold the strong close.

"It is indeed very dangerous... In the past, the emperor just proved that the strength is average, and it is difficult to survive in this place..."

Fang Ping said that this place is now the emperor.

The emperor who had just broken the nine in the past was afraid that it would be difficult to move.

It is extremely difficult for the Avenue to take root here.

The king of the town did not speak, and a blood mark appeared on his arm. The bone was visible and he recovered quickly.

Fang Ping said: "Would you also enter the world of origin?"

The king of the town shook his head slightly. "There is a limit in the source world. How many people do you think you want? One is enough. I will go in again. This stupid cat may be blasted."

The cat yawned and didn't take it seriously. The cat didn't believe it.

However, this old man is quite strong and not impossible.

The source world naturally has limits, too many strong, and can not support normal.

The king of the town of Tianyuan is not weak. The last time Fang Ping entered several wars, he has supported it. It is obvious that his origin is not weak.

"If the meeting is really successful, if you have the chance, you will take the Nanhuang Avenue and let yourself get out."

"decide as things go."

Tian Tianwang reminded: "Don't take risks, don't stare at the avenue. The Western Emperor paid a big price for the Nanhuang Avenue. Do you think that so many sources of Stars are really easy to find?

He gave up those, just for the avenue, don't look good now.

Really failed... he will certainly betray us!

Anyway, there is nothing left, do you think he will care about other people knowing his secret?

At that time, he will do his best to chase us.

He got the avenue. Even if he is detached, he is not as good as the Emperor. It is not as good as my master, or even as good as the East Emperor. Then he still needs to keep a secret. ”

The town of Tianwang is old and fine, but also mentions Fang Ping.

Don't stare at the avenue!

The Western Emperor succeeded, but it was also very good. There was an unstable factor among the emperors.

The failure, the Western Emperor who paid such a big price, will never let Fang Ping be better.

Fang Ping nodded slightly, and he understood that it was not reconciled.

Moreover, the roots of the town of Tianwang are actually a big unrest factor.

There may be problems at any time!

It would be safer if you could get the avenue free of charge.

"Be careful!"

The town king did not say this again, the tone of the voice was serious.

There is a royal man here!

The emperor is very sensitive to the crisis!


Deep in the void.

In a whirlpool, the South Emperor sat in the void, suddenly, his eyes open, his eyes bursting out, and he glanced at the Quartet.

"Crisis signs!"

The South Emperor murmured, slightly frowning, not quite flat today.

The door to spirituality, shaking several times!

Is someone coming in, or is it caused by something else?

Or... Have other emperors stared at themselves?

The South Emperor is alert, nowadays, the chaos is coming, the broken wall is also a crucial moment for self-detachment. At this time, they are also extremely vigilant.

Anything that makes waves will make them as enemies.

A giant hammer appeared in the hands of the South Emperor.

The power of qi and blood, micro-microwave.

Spirituality scans the Quartet.

A faint force, flowing in his body, is ready to start.

"The brothers come to me as a guest, and they have a long way to meet!"

The South Emperor suddenly chuckled and the voice was spreading around.


The South Emperor did not care, simply tempted, can swindle the best, can not swindle, may not be, may be self-confident, or it may be the enemy is not disturbed.


in the dark.

Fang Ping and Zhen Tian Wang are like hunting hunters, lurking in the dark, motionless, they found the South Emperor.

Less than a hundred miles apart!

Very close!

This distance, for them, is in the blink of an eye.

The Nanhuang spoke and they heard it.

Too alert!

Fang Ping and Tian Wang of the town did not make any noise. Fang Ping and Zhen Tian Wang even lurked in the vicinity of the void crack, crack cutting, turbulent void, even if they caused a small movement, the South Emperor should not find.

Can Nanhuang still be alert!

Assault, it seems that there is no hope.

This is the strong!

Fang Ping and Tian Wang did not even dare to look over there, so as not to be found abnormal by the Southern Emperor.

Killing an emperor is not so simple. Fang Ping and Tian Wang do not know what special things the emperor has. What special ability is there? Who can guarantee that the emperor and others will be as simple as killing and killing.

In the center of the darkness, the South Emperor did not relax his vigilance.

At this time, he stood up.

The void trembles fiercely!

Under his feet, there was a huge crack, which stretched around and penetrated the earth.

This is the defect of the source!

This is why the emperor is trapped in the source!

The cracks were vertical and horizontal, spreading around, and the Nanhuang body trembled slightly, but it was not in charge.

The cracks were enlarged and there was no small harm to him. However, the South Emperor did not care about this at this time. In the eyes, the light broke out and smiled: "Is it a friend of Fangping? If it is coming, how about a meeting?"

"Small friends and old-fashioned mounts have cooperated many times, and my veins have a bit of friendship with the Terran..."

Nan Huang continued to test, he did not know, it was the emperor who came, or Fang Ping came.

Fang Ping’s words, there is no real body, just the source body, he does not care.

Can also have to prevent!

"If a little friend is coming, then sit down and talk, a cup of tea, still can supply..."

Nan Huang smiled and said: "Little friends don't want to know. In the past, who took away the power of the Three Emperors? The old age has also participated in this war. These, the old people know no less than anyone."

Still silent.

The Southern Emperor continued to scan the Quartet and smiled: "If it is a secret Taoist friend who does not want to show up, then I will invite and fight a few, and enter the Seven Heavens!"

The sense of crisis is getting heavier and heavier.

There are some fears in the heart of the South Emperor.

Are you really being stared at?

He did not dare to rush to invite them to come, fearing problems, and fearing that they were hidden in the dark. The reason why they said this was just to stun the enemy.

Who is it?

Even if he didn't find any clues, he would rather believe it than to believe it.


Fang Ping was in a void crack, closed his eyes and did not look at the South Emperor, let the crack cut the body, a trace of blood appeared, and quickly recovered.

No blood dripping.


There are some, used to it.

At this moment, the South Emperor is the most vigilant, Fang Ping will not appear at this time, and will not attack the South Emperor at this time.

As for inviting the Emperor to come here, Fang Ping believes that the possibility is not great.

The heavens where the emperors are rooted are their own secrets.

Whoever comes, it means that the other party is malicious.

Their avenue fruit is hidden in this heaven, and the South Emperor is not afraid to lead the wolf into the room?

Sure enough, the South Emperor did not say anything.

Now, he is still not sure if there are any enemies. At this moment, if you are tempting other emperors to come here, it is easy to welcome customers. At that time, you may not be able to send away the other party!

The Nanhuang no longer spoke loudly, sat down again, and said to himself: "Don't the old man feel wrong?"

With some doubts on the surface, the South Emperor once again looked around and gently exhaled. It seemed that he felt that the induction was wrong, his body was no longer stiff, and his eyes closed to continue to suppress cracks.

On the shoulder of Fang Ping, the cat looked at Fang Ping with his head in his head, and Fang Ping did not move.

Over there, the town king did not move.

Acting, everyone will.

The emperors are old antiques, all of them are fine, and have lived for tens of thousands of years. Now that they have detected the crisis, how can it be so easy to say?

One minute, ten minutes...

Patience, Fang Ping still has some.

Full three hours!

Fang Ping's body was cut again and again, and that painful meaning reminded Fang Ping that I was still alive.

Can't rush to shoot!

Otherwise, the dead will not be painful.

At this moment, a loud bang, a giant hammer, hammering the void, bang!

The void blasts!

A crack in the road appeared again. The South Emperor looked at the light and screamed: "I really thought that the old man didn't find you? It was patience, staring at the old man, I think the old man can bully!"

Nanhuang's face was cold and cold, and the air machine broke out.

At this moment, like a demon, he burst into a **** atmosphere, and his anger is boiling!

The giant hammer is still hammering the void again and again!


The void is broken, the huge hammer, hammering again and again.

In the void, the black clouds were hammered.

Some gravel-like pieces were hammered into powder.

A crack in the road, hammered and burst!

Nanhuang has never relaxed, it is a matter of life and death, dare to care!

Over there, the hidden void of the town king, Fang Ping Yu Guang looked, his face changed slightly.


Nanhuang hammered the void, and the cracks were cleaned. Then, the king of the town will soon be beaten.

Fang Ping's brows were slightly wrinkled, his face changed a little, and he shook his shoulders gently.

The cat looked at him doubtfully, and Fang Ping’s lips moved slightly.

The next moment, the cat whispered.



A huge hammer, a hammer blasted the void, and killed the square of the cracks hidden by Fang Ping.

Fang Ping regressed and whispered: "Stupid cat!"


The cat is wronged, what do you call me?

"Fang Ping!"

Over there, the South Emperor broke through the air, grasping the giant hammer, looking at Fang Ping, looking cold.

"It's really you!"

After all, his face changed slightly, "True body!"

Fang Ping came not to be the source. It is no wonder that it can be hidden for so long. Before that, he suspected that other emperors were secretly hidden.

"True stone..."

Nanhuang's face changed slightly, and suddenly looked at the Quartet, cold and cold: "Who gave you the star stone?"

At this moment, his heart shook.

Who gave Fang Ping's star stone?

Fang Ping stared at the cat's neck, as if he was annoyed. He read the words to the South Emperor and smiled: "I am a man, do you believe?"

Nanhuang's face is slightly changed, believe it?

Don't believe it or believe it!

Fang Ping is coming, is the other person coming?

should not!

This is his territory. Other people's avenues are rooted in other heavy days. If they come, he is somewhat sensitive.

As for the king of the town, the fruit of the avenue has not yet been gathered, and it is not obvious.

This means that this heaven, now condensed the fruit of the emperor, only oneself.

Of course, it is not excluded that there are top-ranking powers, covering up the movement.

The Emperor, they may not be able to do it.

Otherwise, he would not doubt that the royals would shoot him before.

The spirit of the Southern Emperor swayed the Quartet, looked at Fang Ping, and was alert in his heart. On the face, he quickly smiled. "It’s really a human king. The king is lurking here, but he has lost his identity."

"I am a butcher, what is the identity?"

Fang Ping's tone is dull, looking at the South Emperor, grinning and laughing: "The vigilance is really strong, I still want to secretly find opportunities, can you kill a royal person... You are good, I just arrived, you actually defended The strong, the strong is not the strong!"

"The king of the king went alone to the source, not afraid of being buried here?"

The Southern Emperor looked at him and played with the taste: "The Emperor does not have to kill you, but you can't make you a hindrance."

"After a hill, why should the South Emperor be pure!"

Fang Ping smiled and said: "I can't kill you, but... you want to stay with me is not that simple!"

Fang Ping looked at the Quartet and smiled: "You are in this place, I am afraid I don't want others to come. In this battle, the Emperor saw the opportunity and came to me. I didn't end well, how about you?"

The Southern Emperor calmly said: "They dare not do it. If the Nine Emperors are still guilty, it may not be able to survive the broken wall, and they will kill each other.

The Emperor is still there, and they will not be like me.

Fang Ping, you still look down on everyone! ”

"Yes? Do you dare to gamble?"

Fang Ping smiled and said: "With me, you still have some advantages. Do you have advantages in the face of other strong players?"

The South Emperor looked at him and did not say anything.

Fang Ping smiled and said: "Want to cooperate?"

Nanhuang laughed and said nothing.


what can you give me?

Moreover, who is willing to cooperate with Fang Ping.

Fang Ping knew what he meant and said slowly: "Do you want to get out of trouble? I know that the existence of a **** seed is the source of the trumpet, Wang Ruobing, do you know?

Long's daughter, her origin has been transformed, is a blood seed!

You got this thing, do you want to be free? ”

Nan Huang’s face changed slightly, and soon said: “The last time you came here, was it through this blood seed?”

"you know too?"

Fang Ping smiled and said: "It seems that I came last time, it is not a secret! Yes, I have been here last time, so I know where the thing is. Of course, let me find it now, I may not be able to find it, but as long as some time, Or let me talk about the situation around you, you may find it yourself."

Nan Huang’s face changed slightly and suddenly said: “How come you came this time? This time, the vibration is the door to spirituality.”

"I found the second seed, but the spiritual seed, I think it is not very useful to you, this can be sold to others, you want to be free, I think the blood seeds are better, isn't it?"

"Where is the spiritual seed?"

"You are my idiot, you ask me to say?"

Nan Huang looked at Fang Ping and said slowly: "How do you want to cooperate?"

"I don't want to cooperate, I can't believe you, you can trust me..."

Fang Ping blinked and smiled: "I like to mess, if the blood seed is not laid by you, it is laid by others, I want you to seize, there may be a big battle!"

"I sold the place to you. You can give me the source of the stars and you will buy it."

"Of course, if you are, then when I didn't say it!"

Nan Huang’s face is uncertain and cooperative, he really can’t be assured.

It can be bought and sold by a hammer...not necessarily impossible.

Where the qi and blood seeds are located, Fang Ping sells to himself, what is needed is some star stones, which is also considered to be both.

After all, Fang Ping does not need that thing.

Fang Ping saw that he was somewhat moved and smiled: "How is it considered? 20 pieces, I tell you the place..."


Nanhuang's face is gloomy. "Do you think that thing is so good? I have been searching for it in seven days. I have found some tens of thousands of years ago, but they have all been used by myself!"

In the past 10,000 years, only two pieces of star stone have been discovered. Do you really think that it is everywhere? ”


Fang Ping frowned. "The Emperor's shot is six! I used three pieces with the cat. You found two pieces in a thousand years?"

When the words came out, the South Emperor was also slightly shocked.

6 pieces!

This is not a small amount, and the Emperor can take it out. He is not unusual.

However, both Cang Mao and Fang Ping used three pieces, which is also a symbol of strength.

These two have already gone a long way on the broken road.

Without roots, it is simply breaking the nine... The Southern Emperor has envy, there are flaws, and some are unwilling.

If he knew that there were so many disadvantages in the source, he would not take root.

Unfortunately, it is too late to regret now.

"Do you really know where the blood seeds are?"

Fang Ping sneered, "I used to lie to you? The last time the master of the child, shot on me, after that, the Emperor broke the finger to save, and the broken finger and the other party were shattered together.

Wang Jinyang opened up the channel and picked me up. I also got a drop of real blood at that time!

Before I was prepared to trade with the Emperor, the Emperor said that the pure blood seeds may not be enough to make him detached. There are hopes for several weaker emperors.

If not, do you think I need to trade with you? ”

The South Emperor slightly condensed his eyebrows, which is in line with the character of the Emperor.

That seed, even if it was taken by the Emperor, would not necessarily help him to liberate himself, but he himself... there is still hope.

Although I don't want to admit it, among the nine emperors, his strength should be the top three.

However, the next moment, the South Emperor’s heart suddenly shocked.


Blood seeds... He can probably guess what it is, that is, stealing some avenues and stealing some control of Xianyuan.

Once the seeds are used, the avenues that are controlled will collapse, and the owners of those avenues may die.

The martial arts and the warriors are almost all human races!

Fang Ping... Will you use the life of the strong people to change this?

There is fraud!

The South Emperor’s heart was shaking, and his hands were slightly clenched with some giant hammers. The face did not change color and continued: “How much do you want?”

"10 is the least!"

"Too much, I don't have that much!"

Nanhuang calmly said: "You want to trade, you want to know the location, so, a total of 5, I will give you two pieces first, you will show the location, then I will give you three more.

Trustworthy, then trade, letter, but that's it!

I am also worried that you will use fake places to deceive me. ”

Fang Ping raised his eyebrows, "First 3!"


The South Emperor calmly said: "After all, I am still not sure about true and false, the Star Stone is extremely rare. If you deceive me, then I will lose these things in vain. On the contrary, I will not deceive you. Otherwise, you will make this happen afterwards. The people who pass the biography know it well, then I can't get it.

As a result, I still lost in vain, so the two are the sincerity of the old man. ”

Fang Ping smiled. "It makes sense. Then you should send two pieces first, don't play tricks!"

"You don't have blood seeds important!"

Nan Huangxi laughed. The next moment, two stones shot from him and went straight to Fangping.

Star stone!

Nanhuang really gave it.

Fang Ping was a little excited, and it was really flickering. The detective was going to catch it. At this moment, the cat screamed sharply!

Fang Ping's face changed slightly and quickly left empty!

As a result, the space solidifies!


A piece of star stone blasts directly, and the surrounding space, such as a solidified liquid, quickly begins to freeze.

Nanhuang holds a giant hammer and hammers it to Fangping!

Spiritual recovery, the original force broke out, this hammer, the earth is moving!

Start with a strong hand!

Fang Ping wanted to reveal the map and let the South Emperor divert attention. The South Emperor first sent the Star Stone to let Fang Ping divert attention.

Blood seeds... Who are you fooling!

The good end of the flickering yourself, the inevitable bad heart, the Southern Emperor will believe him.

Fang Ping is also responsive, and the flat knife in his hand is presented, and he quickly cuts out!


Fang Ping fell, the tiger's mouth burst, the Nanhuang's giant hammer continued to fall, and the cat screamed again, and the mental power fluctuated.

The South Emperor Force broke out and banged, dizzy the cat's shaking, and the cat's ear bleeds.


Fang Ping was also screaming, the original force broke out, and again.


The South Emperor took an enemy two, the original force condensed into a hand, directly grab the cat, wave the giant hammer, hammering Fangping again!


One hammer and another hammer, in the blink of an eye, the South Emperor waved a giant hammer, hammering the square for thousands of times, rumbling, Fangping arms and blood blasted, and even some cracks appeared in the bones!

The South Emperor is also shocking!

Very strong!

Powerful makes him a little incredible, Fang Ping only broke the nine, how can you do this?

Give him the feeling that it is not weaker than himself.

The strength is quite!


Nanhuang low drink, enchanting, real enchanting!

Even if someone is behind the scenes to help, Fang Ping can be close to the time, the strength is close to his strong tens of thousands of years, it is not conceivable.


The two violently screamed at the same time and quickly smothered.

At this moment, the seven heavens shake!

Countless voids exploded.

Gradually, the impact is getting bigger and bigger, and the whole seven days are shaking.

At this time, the voice of the Western Emperor suddenly came, "There is nothing wrong?"

"Abandonment, what happened?"

The voice of the Western Emperor has just arrived, and the voice of the Beastmaster also circulates the seventh heaven.

Nanhuang's face changed again!

This place, he does not want other people to come, come, and may not go.

However, Fang Ping’s strength was somewhat unexpected.

At this moment, although he suppressed Fang Ping, he wanted to kill Fang Ping, I am afraid it is not a general difficulty.

At this moment, the South Emperor’s heart is a glimpse. Since it can’t hold it, it’s not awkward.

Come one or two, it is better to come, come, kill Fang Ping, other people will not care if they want to leave, they will scruple each other.

The Emperor of Heaven has not died yet, and these people are somewhat jealous.

Thinking of this, the South Emperor's blood broke out, shaking the world, violently said: "Fang Ping is in the seventh heaven, all the brothers, kill him together! Fang Ping's combat power is close to this seat!"

When this is the case, the source is shaking!

Fang Ping really came, and on the other side of the South Emperor, and the South Emperor broke out, the key is ... the strength is close to the South Emperor!

I can't believe it!

The next moment, the voice of the Emperor came and violently said: "Entangled him! Chen, you are going to the seventh heaven!"

The Western Emperor and the Beastmaster are far away, and they are far from the distance, and they have to cross a lot of heaven and earth. Some places have to be avoided. Some places are the sites of other emperors, and they cannot rush.

Have to turn around!

Speed, not so fast.

The Western Emperor and the Emperor, can arrive soon.

When the words came out, the Western Emperor quickly said: "Good!"


The heavens and the earth tremble, and the Western Emperor wants to cross the void and come to the Seven Heavens.

Over there, the beastmaster is also true.

Fang Ping actually came, and the power is terrible. At this moment, who dares to care!

An uncontrolled king!

Yes, the emperor.

At this moment, everyone has already agreed with Fang Ping’s strength. This is the emperor, no longer a broken nine.

Fang Ping, at this time, the Force broke out to the extreme, angry and said: "Big cat, the original force broke out, help me!"

"Get rid of him, evacuate!"


The cat yelled, no longer mentally shocked, and there were countless little tigers in the claws, and the black tigers rushed to the South Emperor!

The war broke out in the blink of an eye.