MTL - Global Gaowu-v2 Chapter 1372 Emperor

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Others are still celebrating that Fang Ping and Zhang Tao have no time to celebrate.

Race against time to become stronger!

Zhang Tao wants the emperor's avatar to be a sacred soldier. He wants to be strong.

Fang Ping must also be strong!

This time, he was not a small gain, but Lao Zhang took a lot of them. Fang Ping finally only dropped a Fighting Emperor, and the first sudden attack on the beastmaster.

The other emperors were separated and saw that Fang Ping was so powerful that he would not leave anything good for Fang Ping when he was dying.

This time, in addition to these, Fang Ping also got an artifact.

The flying carpet that blocked the void was a huge gain.

Lao Zhang took away other benefits, did not leave, but Shen Sheng said: "What is the ban on the knife in the sea is Qin Fengqing?"


Fang Ping is not too sure. He replied: "It is also possible that other people have shot and deliberately confused. After all, it is not me who wants to weaken the Emperor. The Emperor also wants the Emperor to be weaker."

After all, Fang Ping said again: "But it is not a small possibility."

"How is he so strong? The reason for the seed?"

"If he is, it must be because of the seed!"


Zhang Tao’s face changed. “Since he can find the seeds, now the three kings are for the seeds. Let him tell the position of the seeds to the three kings. We can move the people away in advance, and the emperors want the seeds, then they Go and take..."

Zhang Tao thinks that maybe this is also a way to solve the crisis!

If the person is Qin Fengqing, then the power is somewhat abnormal.

May be really caused by seeds!

A seed phantom, so that the three realms are stronger, the tree and the book boy are broken nine, and even the emperor's avatar is broken nine, then Qin Fengqing found the real seed, can break nine, it is acceptable .

Fang Ping shook his head and said: "The possibility is not great! If you can say it, he is afraid to say it. But since he is hiding from us, I will not appear. If he does not know where he is, after all, the seed may have other means.

Or if he knows where the seeds are, he can't say.

There is also a possibility that he himself may have a lot to do with the seed. If the seed is gone, he may die. This is also possible.

If so, this guy may not necessarily tell you where the seed is. ”

Zhang Tao is silent.

In fact, he knows that hope is not big, otherwise if it is Qin Fengqing's shot, he should show up after today's shot, but no.

Obviously, Qin Fengqing does not want to contact them now.

Taking a deep breath, soon, Zhang Tao smiled and said: "Since he is willing to help, the representative is still helping the Terran. In this case, it is good to have one person to help."

Don't force it!

It’s better than before. Now at least it’s a good idea to prove that this guy is willing to help, even if he might be to weaken the Emperor, to save himself, or to save the seed, that’s a good thing.

Fang Ping nodded, he did not actually ask for anything.

He did not count Qin Fengqing in the big battle he had prepared before.

This guy's help is an unexpected joy, don't help, as long as it doesn't mess, Fang Ping can be when he doesn't exist.

Soon, Fang Ping said: "Where is the wind and the people here, is the material coming?"

Zhang Tao rolled his eyes and thought about it.

Really think that people are your son?

Do you let it be sent?

Fang Ping is sure to be incomparable: "Reassure, if this guy is the emperor, then he will not be able to go with other people, whether it is to destroy other people's plans, or to revenge, he will tell us.

You are staring at the ground, and you may receive a message soon. ”

"And, this time you..."

Before Fang Ping did not know that they had other plans, and later they listened to the town of Tianwang saying that they had gone to the Nine Heavens and secretly undermined Xianyuan’s control over his own avenue. Fang Ping did not know whether he had success.

Lao Zhang smiled and nodded slightly.

However, he quickly said: "The **** of casting did leave a secret door to Xianyuan. However, the situation was tense. The Emperor and the Emperor of the Emperor quickly arrived. If no one secretly restrained the Emperor. We have no chance to succeed."

"But there are not many people. The gods have replaced his, my, and Li Zhen's Tao. Now we, in fact, the avenue is not controlled by Xianyuan. After all, it is easy to attract the attention of the emperor.

When we need it, we can quickly fake it! ”

Fang Ping suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, so that would be fine.

Xianyuan is a huge hidden danger!

Now it controls almost all the roads in the Three Realms. It is too easy to have problems. Once you have not solved the problem of being controlled, even if you break the nine, you will not be able to get rid of control.

At that time, the avenue will become a weapon to counteract you.

The two said for a while, Zhang Tao said: "If you go to the source, you must inform me! Also, Yao Chengjun has not appeared until now. I don't know if there is a problem. I look back and let people look around and let it be as soon as possible. He returned."

Yao Chengjun also went out for a long time. There was some news before, but recently there was no news.

I don't know if it is a change. Otherwise, before the three world wars, Fang Ping and the emperor talked, and the movement was huge. He should be rushed back.

Fang Ping nodded. "You make people look for it. Also, I have to go through the earth again these days! It may be good to take advantage of this victory. See if you can merge some cities..."

"In addition, you let the gods make preparations. After two days I went to find him and let him help me."

"Right... Be careful!"

Fang Ping exhaled: "The more this time, the more calm, the more terrible! This time if someone comes, it must be the real body of the emperor, and the big fanfare is just fine, I am afraid that these guys will come secretly.

If you go to the sea area, you may not move too much. If you lurk into the earth, it will be a big problem.

You are staring at the taboo of the sea. Once there is movement, report it immediately!

When we come to individual emperors, we may not be afraid of them. We can be targeted one by one and broken one by one. That is a huge trouble. ”

"Reassured, I have this arrangement!"


After the two finished speaking, Zhang Tao got up and left.

When I left, I thought about it and suddenly turned around and said, "I still want to thank you, or else... Zhang Wu can’t come back. There is nothing to say about Zhenxingcheng, there is a reason for you, or I’m afraid it’s not so easy. give up."

Fang Ping smiled and said: "The predecessors of Zhenxing City are still sensible. As for the young people, they may not know much. They know nothing. What these people know."

"Well said!"

Zhang Tao did not deny this at this moment, smiled and said: "So everyone is a reasonable person, knowing who you kill for countless people! Don't care about some rumors, knowing that you will not think that you are killing for killing.

I don't know... that means I don't know, or I don't know what to do.

This kind of person, just say a few words, and then dare to have other thoughts... The knife of the Terran is not to point to these people!

You can rest assured, I will arrange it.

Don't say that you are not sure if you can win now, that is, you are sure, and you haven't gotten to the birds and beasts. ”

"That must be able to cook me!"

Fang Ping laughed. "I don't care too much about this. I can't help myself. The people are dead and ruined my reputation. What else? The key is... What do I want to be famous?

Really want to be the Lord? ”

"You kid..."

Zhang Tao laughed, waved his hand and said nothing, and quickly left.


Zhang Tao left, no one came to find Fang Ping.

I know that Fang Ping is very busy now, knowing that he has a lot of things, no one will interfere with him at this time.

Fang Ping is no longer thinking about it, quickly disappearing into the magic weapon, and starting to strengthen himself in the next stage.

Absorb the spirit of the beast, strengthen itself, continue to integrate the city, and expand the source.

This is Fang Ping's current plan.

First, strengthen yourself, and then go through the source of Wang Ruobing and see if you can improve yourself again.


In the next few days, very few people know what Fang Ping is doing.

A few people in the town know that in the past few days, some cities in the world have had some vibrations.

Many people thought that it was caused by the earth's recovery. Before the seed projection was full of vitality, there have been vibrations in many places recently.

Not many people care about this.

Some people become stronger from the air, but they think it is because of the seed, but some people have guessed it. This is similar to the Fangping fusion magic and Yangcheng.

Fang Ping, and continues to start the road of integration.

Defeated the cave, killing countless caves, revenge and hate, and now the people of the other side of the flat recognition is higher.

Under such circumstances, with some propaganda arranged by Zhang Tao, Fang Ping is more simple to integrate.


on the earth.

Fang Ping is merging the four cities and strengthening himself.

at the same time.

The caves are chaotic.

In the temple of the gods.

A few have broken eight and have been silent for a long time.

As the foreign domain was completely defeated, the Ji family led the Tiandeng army to all die, and the recognition of the caves to these powerful people suddenly decreased countless times.

Although I dare not resist these strong people, I can no longer establish the original heaven court. The people of the Quartet feel that they have a sense of dependence.

Nowadays, some people in the caves do not say anything, and they dare not reveal any strangeness. However, many people, at home, quietly gave Jijia a monument.

What they are now praying for is that Ji Jiaying can shelter them.

I would rather believe in the dead and no longer believe in the powerful people in the heavens, and can bring them shelter and bring a sense of security.

The Ji family, before Ji Hong died, but rebelled against the heavens.

In the hall, everyone is like a stone sculpture.

I don't know how long it took, Hong Kun slowly said: "Fang Ping broke the nine, the cat broke the nine, the town king broke the nine, the human race is getting stronger and stronger, it is a good thing, but also a bad thing."

"This king is no matter how strong the human race is. The king is more concerned about... Is the man of the wind and the river a father?"


He looked at Hongyu, Hongyu looked helpless and whispered: "The wind and the people have been in your **** for thousands of years, don't you know?"

He felt that Hong Kun asked this and it was a face.

What can we know?

You know, you know it!

How long has the Fengyun Taoist stayed in the gods, he is the gods and protects the law.

The demon emperor is also frowning. "Hong Kun, don't you notice it?"


Kun Wang calmly said: "The king did not find any abnormalities. The wind and the clouds, before the destruction of the heavens, there was this person. The king did not think that he was replaced. Is it that some people started to lay out?"

The wind and the clouds are not suddenly popping up, but always exist.

So he really didn't think much!

After thinking about it, he said: "But in the past, he was also a member of the Imperial Palace. Do you think that he will be the father of the father?"

Hongyu is not sure.

Hongkun coldly said: "In the past, the emperor let you build the gods, isn't it just to entice the father? Isn't you clear?"

When Hongyu established the dynasty, wasn't it just to lure the emperor?

Those emperors do not believe that the emperor is completely gone.

Suspicion that he used the silence to secretly act.

But that failed, did not lead to the emperor.

Hongyu looked at Hongkun, and he said: "Of course I know something, for example... In fact, there was a judgment of the emperor in the past, big brother, you are the embodiment of the father!"


The shrine is shattered and has a great relationship with Hong Kun.

It was not that the Emperor had guessed that Hong Kun was replaced by the Emperor.

Later, some people monitored it and it was not Hong Kun.

That means, Hongkun is still Hongkun, but the plan that the gods destroyed the Three Kingdoms of the Divine Religion is also a fact. So far, the Emperor thinks that Hongkun and the Emperor should have a connection.

The two brothers talked, and on the other side, Feng Xiaoxiao said: "Hong Kun, since the people of Fengyun are in the gods, and the gods have broken the plan of the gods in the past, when the people of the wind made you do this, or do you take the initiative to do this? of?

How do you know that the emperor is a fake? ”

When Kun recalled for a while, he said: "I suspected it was a fake at first. When my father left, I told me that he might not come back for a long time, even if he came back... it may not be bright. come back.

I didn't understand that year...

Later, I understood, I am afraid that the father would know that he was in danger at the time, and other people in the Nine Emperors might target him.

The Emperor of the War was killed and had a great relationship with his father.

At that time, the father was already the target of the public. If the Emperor was not killed, the father could be one step ahead and become the first murdered emperor.

Therefore, the father should be expected, and even prepared to be killed, perhaps arranged the road, secretly lurking.

Therefore, when Hongyu pretended to be the father of the emperor, I knew that there was fraud.

Others don't understand the father, don't understand Hongyu, the king is clear! ”

Hongkun knew about Hongyu, so he felt that there was a problem at that time.

At this moment, Li Wei suddenly laughed: "I have heard that there are two masters in the beginning of the religion. Kun and Yu brothers are one of them. Later, I don't know why, the two separated. Today, can the two talk about it? ?"

Is the secret of the Three Realms still a secret today?

Fang Ping has blew his own secrets, but the secret is actually nothing.

Hongyu looked at Hongkun and looked at other people. He smiled and said slowly: "It was true at the beginning... but then I met one person, so I changed my original plan and stopped staying in God. Teach, chose to leave."

Hongkun coldly said: "When you suddenly disappeared, I thought you were secretly murdered. Later, Tian Zhitian ordered them to appear and follow you. I knew there was a problem, you have not died yet!

If it weren't for you to leave, you and I would join forces, and the gods would be great. Maybe they had already unified the Three Realms.

Unifying the Three Realms, you and I may have broken nine now. ”

Hongyu sighed: "Impossible, you and me in the past, can you really match the inspection?"

"There are many kings there."

"And you and me, I was still a saint in the past, and you are just entering the seven..."

"So when I learned about the existence of the inspections and knew that these people were still dead, I gave up on this idea and chose to join the inspection..."

Hong Kun cold and cold: "Who is you tempted?"

"The Emperor."

Hong Kun is not too unexpected, but he is somewhat puzzled. He frowned: "It is him! What do the emperors want to do? To say that he cares about the inspection, I am afraid that they will not be allowed to be killed.

But he made a patrol, and last time I was beaten back by us.

This time, the real body is coming, but I am not willing to go out.

What the Emperor is thinking! ”

The emperor, the feeling for them, is more and more complicated and more and more mysterious.

Hongyu thought for a while, whispered: "The layout of the emperor is very large. In fact, I have explored some of these years! Even the silence of the father and the emperor... may be related to him."

Hongyu frowned: "There are a lot of deities in the War Emperor, and he has a great relationship with him. Now you know that in the same day, in the heavens, the Emperor betrayed the father and betrayed the Emperor of Heaven..."

"The Emperor of War was degraded, and after that, the father was also destroyed. The Emperor and the Emperor of Heaven destroyed the same."

"The emperor is in this, seemingly inconspicuous, and has not obtained any benefits, but he still enjoys it and has been active in it..."


When it comes to people, a few people are a bit strange.

As the number of known things has increased, the secrets of the ancient times have been exposed. They feel that the emperor must play a special role in this.

"People... seeds... Qin Fengqing... War Emperor..."

The names of the ones hovered in the minds of several people. Soon, Li Wei’s eyes were slightly moving: “Is there any mention of the War Emperor in the past, let the seeds fill the pits of the source?”

When this came out, Hongyu recalled a moment and said slowly: "He had a good relationship with his father and he had been in the palace for some time. At that time, the problem of origin was aggravated.

Later, Xianyuan forged, once the father and the emperor talked about this, the father seems to mention this matter..."

Hongkun also fell into a memory, and soon said: "The meaning of the Emperor of Heaven is that the origin of the Emperor of Heaven, the Nine Emperors are all contributing, breaking the road, breaking the power of the work.

He should have mentioned the seeds, and it was not a secret among them.

The Emperor of War also felt that if he wanted to completely solve the problem of the source, he should let the seeds appear and fill the hole of the source..."

Li Wei said again: "What about the emperor?"

"The father is naturally agree!"

"These emperors, needless to say, actually have this meaning."

Li Wei’s eyes burned: "In this case, the Emperor did not gain any benefit in these great changes. Instead, he was not a person inside and outside. The Emperor was wary of him. His best disciple died. He was taken by the world. The warriors reviled and fell to a reputation..."

Li Wei continued: "You can't forget that at the beginning of the establishment of Xianyuan, the Nine Emperors were not prepared to start on the world, nor were they ready for the 10,000-year-old layout.

All of this started after that.

That way, on behalf of the Xianyuan plan, there is a big problem, not at the beginning, it may be able to lure the seeds out and solve them directly by filling the pits.

How did the Xianyuan plan fail? ”

Li Wei murmurs: "The Emperor and the Nine Emperors feel that this problem can be solved. Otherwise, there is no need to forge Xianyuan! Xianyuan did not control the Sanjie Avenue at the beginning..."

"The emperor seems to have done nothing, but he can kill a few people in the War Emperor. Later, the emperor died, the Emperor fell into the source, and other emperors had to be trapped..."

These words of Li Wei say that everyone is turning their minds.

Soon, Xiaoxiao said: "The emperor is not getting the benefits, the benefits of all this, to say the only winner... is actually the seed! The seeds did not appear, did not fill the pit, and even delayed until now, everyone is still looking for seeds ......"

Everyone looked at each other and the demon emperor said coldly: "What do you mean, the emperor does all this, in fact, to protect the seeds?"

"Not bad!"

Li Wei nodded, "is to protect the seed! The plan to lure the seed in the past may have been implemented. Since the Emperor of the War said that it can solve the problem, I suspect that the Emperor of War has even had a way to find the seed!

The Emperor is his teacher. Before the Emperor of Heaven, he must have persuaded the Emperor, and the Emperor must have promised the Emperor.

As a result, the Emperor of War will continue to persuade other emperors, and the result will be frustrated on the landlord.

The Emperor knew the danger of the seed, so deliberately on the side of the emperor, secretly disturbed, even provoked distraction, and then, alarmist, with the emperor and the Emperor of the War, they joined forces, may kill other emperors, smashed the Emperor ! ”

His words are exported, and everyone has a slight change in his eyes.

"The emperor may be the protector of the seed. If this is the case, a lot of things can be said!"

Li Wei murmurs: "The Emperor of the Nine Emperors, the Emperor of Heaven, the gods, some of these 15 people are the protectors of the seed, some are to seize the seeds, some are to repair the defects of the source...

In the end, there were problems inside these people, and there was a crack, which led to the outbreak of the Battle of Heaven.

The Xianyuan plan has changed, and it should be caused by more than one person. It may be a number of emperors!

That means..."

"The current imperial person may be two factions or even three factions!"

Li Wei spoke out: "So, if the previous shot was Qin Fengqing, and related to the Emperor, then Qin Fengqing may be the guardian of this generation, the seed protector!

Their purpose should be to guard the seed!

In this way, the emperors will not kill Fang Ping, but let Fang Ping continue to confront other emperors!

Delay time, even destroy others, and keep the seeds safe.

Anyone who plays the seed idea is their enemy!

Including the Emperor, including their disciples, including their relatives and friends...

Seeds... It’s not always that these years have been sleeping, maybe there is a layout! ”

The eyes are shining, is that true?

People and Qin Fengqing may even have others, are the seed avenists?

That being said, in the past few years, the Three Realms actually have one party and have been neglected!

The power of the seed?

A few people are somewhat unbelievable, but they feel that Li Wei’s thoughts are reasonable!

Otherwise, it can't be explained. It was obviously planned in the past, why did there be such a big change in the later period!