MTL - Global Game: Comes with Portable Store-v3 Chapter 209 underground

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Chapter 209 Underground

A silver-white revolver appeared in Jin's hand, which was exactly the same as Zhang Zijie's revolver from the outside.

This is her ability to break through the boundary between reality and fantasy, to materialize the weapons in her mind, and to exert power beyond common sense.

This is an extremely terrifying ability.

It is not something that humans should master. It involves the most essential rules of operation. Perhaps only the existence of gods can have similar abilities.

Jin stood on the burning steel frame, holding a mini-Gatling, and shot at the dilapidated Tianwei Building. Dozens of clothes were mostly burned, and the soldiers who tried to escape from the flames were blasted by several bullets Completely disappeared in the flames.

in the past time.

Shen Xuan is like a self-expanding planet, its strength keeps getting stronger over time, until it is unbearable, so that the three originally existed relatively independently, and had to strengthen their connection to make their existence more stable, so as to share such power .

But at the same time, it also caused them to be interfered with each other, and the external manifestation was madness.

In such an explosion, none of the three congressmen died. They all possessed high-level mysterious items for self-defense and escape, which was also to prevent sudden sudden death in such an emergency.

After all, in such an environment, once they die suddenly, the entire State Council system may also collapse.

The life of every MP is critical.

Before the apocalypse, the State Council will control more than half of the world, and it is openly and secretly connected with eight huge families, and half of the members of the State Council are from these eight families, or more or less have a relationship with each other. associated.

This seemingly huge monster will be more fragile than imagined.

After the apocalypse, the National Council still exists, but it is already weak, and with the threat of a new force like Seventeen, it is also imminent.

"It was the hand of Chen Xi."

"I knew for a long time that those paparazzi were plotting against us. I didn't expect to attack us suddenly at this time, a group of mad dogs!"

Wang Yuan leaned against the wall, lit a cigar, and cursed. Although most of his clothes were burned, he didn't suffer any serious injuries.


They have been transferred to a place hundreds of meters underground in the Tianwei Building, where they have not been affected by the explosion at all.

It is not easy for those people from Chenxi to find this place, even if they can find it, they still have a way to leave in an emergency.

Mu Yulin glanced at the phone, looked up and said, "According to my information, it seems that the person who attacked us was the one from the Shen family, but you all know that she has already escaped from the control of the Shen family."

"Chen Xi doesn't need to do anything to us at this time. I suspect that this is her private action. Is this considered revenge?"

"It really is a lunatic!"

To be able to sit in this position, they have all experienced strong winds and waves, and they will not panic too much even in the face of such an attack.

Chen Qiqiang was leaning on the chair with his hands crossed, without much expression, he seemed to be thinking about something, in terms of actual strength, he was the strongest of the three, he was an eighth-order Extraordinary, and he even had a breakthrough The key to the seventh order.

Compared to the other two who were in a state of embarrassment, there wasn't a single bit of damage on his body, and even his clothes were clean and intact.

"You said the three of us won't really die here." Chen Qiqiang said half-jokingly, but there was no worry in his eyes.

"If it's a big deal, we'll leave here. What are you afraid of?" Mu Yulin said with a smile. There is a mysterious item teleported here, and it was also thought that such an attack might happen before.

They are also able to discuss things in Tianwei Building so openly.

Chen Qiqiang nodded, took off the watch on his left hand and put it aside, suddenly smiled and said, "That makes sense, I'm really not worried, what about you guys?"

Hearing this, Mu Yulin suddenly felt something was wrong, and looked back abruptly, just in time to see Chen Qiqiang beheading Wang Yuan from the side with a single and half-height machete, with blood spurting from the aorta out and spray onto the ceiling.

"Come on, Mr. Chen has rebelled!"

Mu Yulin's voice spread throughout the room, but there was no sound outside, as if it was empty and no one else existed.

He took a small stone tablet in his hand, and ran back quickly.

at the same time.

A large number of rocks grew out of the ground, closing the space behind him and separating the two.

He just wanted to escape now, and Chen Qiqiang must have been fully prepared to do so.

Chen Qiqiang saw Mu Yulin running away, but he didn't chase after him. Instead, he picked up a tablecloth and wiped the machete on his hand, "Since I'm ready to kill you two old guys, do you think you can still escape?"

When Mu Yulin heard Chen Qiqiang's voice, his face changed drastically, but the movement of his feet did not stop, and he ran towards the escape passage without stopping.

"seal up."

The shadow slid in the space, and a man wearing a cloak suddenly appeared in front of him, stretched out a hand, and opened a blood-red naked eye in the palm of his hand, staring straight at him. UU reading

Mu Yulin was about to fight back, but found that his ability as an Extraordinary completely disappeared at this moment, and at this moment he was like an ordinary person with a slightly stronger body.

Such a sudden change made him fall into extreme panic, he turned his head and shouted behind him: "Chen Qiqiang, you can't kill me! What do you want to do? I can help you."

Mu Yulin quietly fell to the ground, his eyes burst open, foaming at the mouth, his body trembling constantly, and he lost consciousness.

Chen Qiqiang looked at the clean machete in his hand, smiled with satisfaction, picked up the watch that was on the table before, put it on again, and shouted to the door:

"Is it over?"

Dozens of people wearing black masks and cloaks walked in from outside, followed by the smell of blood rippling in the air.

"They're all dead, and none of them are alive." Walking in front, the tall man with a blue mechanical device on his left face replied.

Chen Qiqiang glanced at Wang Yuan's body on the ground, took out a similar black mask from his arms and put it on himself, turned around and walked back:

"Clean up this place and don't leave any clues... All this is done by that monster in Chenxi."


"Damn it, these old guys have been keeping it from me. I didn't know there was a teleportation channel here. Everyone is a member of parliament. Can't you be more frank? There is no difference in treatment."

"it's good now."

Chen Qiqiang said cursingly, and kicked Wang Yuan's body before leaving.

The fighting outside was still going on, but the soldiers in the Tianwei Building didn't know that the MP they needed to protect had already died tragically underground. Previous chapter table of contents bookmark back page