MTL - Global Game: Comes with Portable Store-v3 Chapter 201 cut off

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Seeing that the effects of the three lethal landmines were not satisfactory, Zhu Xinxue wanted to stop Xu Kai and leave here, realizing that these people who came here were not easy.

If it is Chen He's ordinary army, covered by the explosion of a6, generally speaking, most of the people within the covered area will die or be injured.

She can often judge the opponent's strength through this method.

"Can't fight, let's go!"

As if he didn't hear it, Xu Kai walked out of the jungle holding the black long sword.

His eyes are blood red, but they give people a clear feeling, and people can tell that he is awake at a glance.

Being sober in such a chaotic world is a rare quality.

Xu Kai's strength is considered strong in the eighth rank, but he has not reached the top level. Normally speaking, he certainly cannot deal with so many people.

However, this black long sword left by Zhu Wenwu can allow him to gain great strength in a short period of time.

Seeing Xu Kai rushing towards them alone, "Nightingale" couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then looked around to make sure that no one else appeared again, and wondered if this person was crazy.

She got up from the ground, her left arm was bleeding, but her injuries were not serious. With a wave of one hand, a large number of invisible silk threads floated in the air, like light spider silk, forming one after another large webs.

She is also an eighth-rank Extraordinary, and she is very powerful, and she is considered a little famous on this battlefield.

This kind of invisible web like spider silk is extremely tough, it is difficult to break through physical means, once it sticks, it is difficult to get rid of, and it will continue to absorb the vitality of the target.

Immediately afterwards, the expression on Nightingale's face froze, and she noticed that black flames ignited in the air and completely burned the surrounding large nets.

As Xu Kai continued to walk forward, those black flames also continued to spread.

"This is soul fire, formed with blood energy, it will not destroy the body, but it will wipe out the soul."

Xu Kai walked among the corpses all over the ground, not fast, looked at "Nightingale" with a smile on his face, and said.

The two parties seemed to know each other, and they were very familiar with each other before, so there was such eye contact.

"Nightingale" frowned tightly, and said with an ugly face, "You know I'm here?"

Xu Kai licked his dry lower lip with his tongue, shook his head and said, "I didn't know at first, but after you got close, I probably knew."

"This is probably fate."

The person in front of him was Chen Qian, a familiar enemy and best friend, and one of the reasons why he came here this time was to kill this woman.

After Chen Qian saw who the person in front of her was, she also showed a look of fear. Of course she was not afraid of ordinary people, but this person's identity was different.

That was Su Changxing's apprentice.

Whether you can fight or not is another matter, and whether you dare to kill is another matter.

Su Changxing left such a deep impression on her heart that she couldn't help but tremble when she thought of this name.

She knew very well that if Xu Kai was killed, even if Su Changxing didn't come to trouble her, someone would come to settle the matter afterwards, no matter what the outcome of the war was.

"You don't have to come to me to die. I said I didn't want to kill you. I didn't want to kill you then, and I don't want to kill you now." Chen Qian said coldly.

Because of the black flame, no one dared to get close to Xu Kai, so they had to attack from a distance, but they were dodged one by one.

Xu Kai showed anger: "But you killed Ge Yunhua, today is just right, let's make a break."

Not long after the war started, Ge Yunhua and Chen Qian met on the battlefield, and Chen Qian personally beheaded her. The body was hung on a dead tree by the Black River, and the vultures ate the flesh and bones little by little. fell into the river.

Chen Qian's eyes glowed, and she sneered, "You still don't know anything, you're always self-righteous, it's not fair... I've put in thousands of times more effort than you, but now you can still easily catch up."

"Xu Kai, I'm really unconvinced, whether it's before the end or after the end, and you never realize that what you have is hard for others to get no matter how hard they work."

The more she spoke, the more excited Chen Qian became, and even the hair behind her was suspended in mid-air and fluttering.

People like them who are not players at the beginning are very few who can become eighth-level Extraordinary.

Everyone is not simple.

Before that, Xu Kai had never really realized what kind of person Chen Qian was. She seemed to be able to perfectly disguise herself, hide her true emotions, and suppress them.

But the more suppressed and distorted this kind of hiding is, until it becomes a monster when it cannot be suppressed.

"Be careful, you will lose control even if I don't kill you like this." Xu Kai said lightly, and could clearly feel the twisted spirit belonging to Chen Qian.

He raised the black long sword in his hand, his body turned into an afterimage, and rushed forward, cutting off three invisible big nets that were burning with one sword.

At the same time, three streams of blood burst out from his chest for no reason.

With the deepening of his injuries, his speed became faster and his figure became more dexterous. In a very short period of time, he killed all of the dozen or so people nearby.

Xu Kai kept moving forward, while Chen Qian kept going back.

Seeing Xu Kai's fierce look, Chen Qian felt a burst of fear.

When Xu Kai walked in front of Chen Qian, his body was already covered in blood, and his body surface was covered with large and small wounds:

"I have been looking for you but can't find it. It seems that you are avoiding me."

Chen Qian's face became extremely ugly, she raised the corners of her mouth, and said coldly: "Xu Kai, don't force me, you are very strong now, I am not an opponent, and your little senior sister is also nearby."

"Let me go, otherwise no one will have a good time today."

The long red hair on Xu Kai's forehead drooped, burning like a flame, and he could feel the warmth from a distance. The blood red in his eyes had receded, but they were also bloodshot:

"I said I had to make a break today, maybe this is fate."

He grew very fast, but stopped abruptly at this position, unable to break through to the seventh level for a long time.

He could feel that if Chen Qian was killed here, there would be some chances.

The next moment, Xu Kai's figure disappeared in place, and in the blink of an eye, he came in front of Chen Qian. With black flames, he stabbed his chest with a sword.

His injuries are serious, but the more serious his injuries, the stronger his strength.

This is due to the ability of the self-injurer.

This ability allows him to explode with terrifying power when he is on the verge of death.


The crisp sound of metal colliding echoed in my ears.

The black long sword was was bitten by a mouth that appeared on Chen Qian's chest.

"I told you not to force me!"

The hoarse voice sounded hollow and harsh.

"Ge Yunhua is also like this. He keeps forcing me and keeps forcing me. I actually don't want to kill him!"

Chen Qian's mouth was wide open, from the corner of the mouth to the back of the ears, exuding a terrifying aura, her eyes were pitch black without childish holes.

"Run!" Zhu Xinxue's voice came from behind, and a large starlight appeared between the two, forming a barrier visible to the naked eye.

Xu Kai realized that he still hadn't seen Chen Qian through, and this was Chen Qian's true face now.

Crazy pursuit of power will always fall into the abyss, into the boundless darkness.

He still didn't retreat, pulled out his long black sword, and swung it to slash. At the same time, blood exploded from his abdomen, splashing on the barrier.