MTL - Global Awakening: Join The Chat Group At The Beginning-Chapter 688 0 The difference between Tezhuma and Uchiha Madara, cannot be copied...

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Ordinary group leader: "Well, isn't it?"

Ordinary group leader: "Although you opened the eyes of reincarnation behind you, I still think Qianshou Zhujian is stronger."

Ordinary group leader: "Your illusion has no effect on Qianshou Zhujian, and Xu Zuo Nenghu plus reincarnation eye feels that it is not as destructive as the real Qianshoujujian in the state of Qianshouzhujian's fairy art."

Ordinary group leader: "But you should be stronger later, that is, after absorbing the fairy chakra from Qianshouzhujian."

At that time, Uchiha Madara was almost the fusion of the former Senju Hashirama and himself. It would be too underestimating Uchiha Madara to say that he was not Senju Hashirama's opponent.

The richest man in the lighthouse: "Although this is the case, the more I look at it, the more I feel that Uchiha Madara seems to be restricted."

The richest man in the lighthouse: "Look at the thousand-armed column where Asura was reincarnated, he was born with huge chakra and vitality, which is completely incomparable to other thousand-handed clans, and perfectly inherited the characteristic of Asura's reincarnation. "

The richest man in the lighthouse: "This is even more so in the back, rapidly becoming stronger at an unimaginable speed, and has been pressing on Uchiha Madara's head."

The richest man in the lighthouse: "On the other hand, Uchiha Madara, who is the reincarnation of Indra."

The richest man in the lighthouse: "Except for opening the eyes of reincarnation, I don't think there is anything related to Indra's reincarnation status in him."

The richest man in the lighthouse: "Zuo Zuo Neng can't open the Sangouyu, so I still need the kaleidoscope Sharingan; the kaleidoscope Sharingan will still be blind, and I need my brother's kaleidoscope to facilitate the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan."

The richest man in the lighthouse: "Although the power he possessed at the end is powerful, it feels like it is possible for any Uchiha clan to achieve it."

The richest man in the lighthouse: "It's not like Senju Bashirama, which cannot be copied."

This is Tony Stark's idea.

The strength of Qianshou Zhujian is extremely powerful. He seems to have perfectly activated his identity as the reincarnation of Asura since he was born. The chakra and vitality he possesses are completely unmatched by other Qianshou clan.

As for Mu Dun, Tony can only say that it is Senjujujian who made Mutun, not Mutun who made Senjujujian.

With the huge chakra and vitality of Senshouzhujian, even if he uses fire escape, he will be stronger than anyone other than Uchiha Madara.

His strength seems to be a kind of necessity of the times.

No matter how Uchiha Madara breaks through the limit of Sharingan, Senju Hashimama still firmly presses on his head.

On the other hand, Uchiha Madara.

You can't see the slightest connection with the identity of Indra's reincarnation from his power.

Sharingan, Sharingan Kaleidoscope, Xu Zuo Nenghu, eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan... He can become Shura of the ninja world, and become a ninja in the ninja world second only to the **** of ninja Senju Hashirama. Just because he has developed Sharingan to the corresponding level.

The power he possesses is something that any Uchiha family can copy and reproduce.

If Uchiha Madara, like Senjujuma, perfectly inherited the power of Indra, and Sangouyu can unlock the full body and left energy, then his kaleidoscope sharingan and eternal kaleidoscope sharingan will definitely be able to play exert more powerful force.

At least it will never be inferior to Senshouzhujian.

The richest man in the lighthouse: "Of course, there is one more point."

The richest man in the lighthouse: "The original Sage of the Six Paths only passed on the power to Asura, so Asura who inherited the power of the Sage of the Six Paths is naturally stronger than Indra."

The richest man in the lighthouse: "This is how I understand it, Tanshou.jpg"

Doesn't it make sense that Asura who inherited the power of the Sage of the Six Paths would be weaker than Indra?

Even reincarnation is the same.

Which reincarnation of the weak have you ever seen is stronger than the reincarnation of the strong?

the same way.

If it was Indra who inherited the power of the Sage of the Six Paths, he did not believe that Uchiha Madara, who was the reincarnation of Indra, would be weaker than Senjuzhujian.

After all, Asura's talent is weaker than Indra's.

At least that's how it appears in memory copies.

Ordinary group leader: "It seems to be true."

Seeing Tony's words, Su Yunqing nodded thoughtfully, thinking about it carefully, it seems to be true.

The strength of Qianshou Zhujian is too extraordinary, completely different from the ordinary Qianshou clan.

But although Uchiha Madara is also a genius, compared with Senjujuma, this talent is not outstanding. Even whether it is Uchiha Madara or Uchiha Shisui in the later period, in terms of talent, it is really no better than Uchiha Madara. be weak.

Uchiha Madara's ability to go from weak to strong step by step can also be seen from the changes in his Sharingan, and it is possible for all Uchiha clans to reproduce.

There are not so many things about the strength of Qianshou Zhujian. It is purely relying on its own huge chakra and vitality, as well as the Mutun that no one of the Qianshou clan can develop except him.

In the history of the Qianshou Clan, are there other people who used wooden escape besides him?

It doesn't seem to be.

At least after watching the entire Hokage, Su Yunqing couldn't find it.

There are only some specious people who saw the expression of Qianshou Zhujian using Mudun in Qianshou Feijian, UU reading www. Guess made by

But these mean nothing.

The most important thing is that Mu Dun's introduction to the official formation book has always indicated that it is the secret technique created by Senshou Zhuma himself, rather than inheriting the inheritance of the previous generation of Qianshou clan leader or others.

His strength cannot be copied. His purpose of appearing in this era seems to be to suppress Uchiha Madara, who is the reincarnation of Indra, and create an era of peace.

Ordinary group leader: "It can't be done. If I think about it again, I feel like I'm blowing Uchiha Madara."

Ordinary group leader: "Let's change the topic."

Ordinary group leader: "For example, how did Fuxue surpass the tornado?"

Uchiha Dance King: "???"

What is blowing me?

What Tony Stark said just now is clearly the truth, okay?

In other words, if it wasn't for Tony Stark, he wouldn't have thought that there was such a big difference between himself and that guy in Hashirama.

As the reincarnation of Indra, he is an "ordinary" Uchiha clan, and all abilities are no different from other Uchiha clans.

But why is that dog in Zhujian born with a high-level immortal body!

He himself is the same as the other Thousand Hands Clan!

In that case, look how he still dances in front of him!

Uchiha Madara, who digested Tony Stark's words, felt the difference between himself and Senjuju.

And he and that guy from Hashirama are not on the same starting line at all.

He said how this guy is like clay, no matter what level his Sharingan has evolved, this guy can firmly surpass him and suppress him.

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