MTL - Girl, I’ll Teach You Cultivation-Chapter 766 Next stop, death

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Jiang Chonghai knew that Jiang Xiu was so powerful. At that time, his cultivation was very low and he could win the heavenly immortals. Therefore, these few people all took great pains to invite them, that is, they would kill Jiang Xiu directly.

There must be no accidents in this matter, and Jiang’s future is on this.

Jiang Xiu’s eyes were cold and shook his head: “People are always contented. In those days, I have let go of your family. I could have kept everything, but I want to cross the border to enjoy the glory that was not yours.”

Jiang Chonghai said coldly: "Less nonsense!"


When the voice was gone, there was a strange noise in one of the mouths. It was rumbling, and a piece of smoke filled the air, and then covered the square in a moment, obscuring the world.

The next moment, a sword-colored sword rolled up a golden light, wrapped one of them in it, and the body and sword became a golden stun, and rushed toward Jiang Xiu.


As the golden sword flew, the surrounding world and the atmosphere surged, and the twinkling of the sky flashed in the twinkling of an eye. They also heard about the greatness of Jiang Xiu. When they faced a breakthrough under the ruin, it was obvious that this person would be very tough. This kind of person is hard to kill.

In addition to fear that Jiang Xiu will escape, he will kill the killer as soon as he comes up.

Jiang Xiu saw this sword, his face did not have the slightest expression. If he was still repairing in the indigo, the sword really might have killed his life, but now... he just raised his hand slowly. Facing the giant sword Feihong, the lighter one, I only felt that the scenery in front of me was fluctuating, and then I saw that the sword rainbow that rushed past was brittle, like a pile of sand. Blow, go away.

Even the people with the sword disappeared invisible!


The people who witnessed this scene all screamed in horror, only felt a chill from the back of the ridge directly to the top of the head, just a little empty, even killing the superiors?

This, what is this cultivation, the late Tianxian, or the big fairy?

"No, this is absolutely impossible!"

Jiang Chonghai was shocked by the arrogance.

"You can't make progress so fast..."

Jiang Xiu said: "Is it fast?" He took a step forward and waved the light of the rune under his feet. In the sky that was covered with smoke, a layer of ripples rippled away, and the cloud disappeared. The sky is clear.

Looking up, a person was rushing to the air, Jiang Xiu raised his hand, and a fierce whirlpool in his palm was born, pulling it into the void, and suddenly the other party struggled, but with Jiang Xiu twisted his fingers, and the painful color appeared on his face, and he screamed.


I felt that the air in the whole body was tight, and the whole person was distorted. With a bang, the air burst into a blood dance.

At the same time, a blue light flickered in the sky, and the aftermath of the surrounding space crashed, and it was hit like a tidal wave. Jiang Xixin said that the law of space is rare.

However, he is today a ancestors.

Just between the eyelids, a roar of sound, a huge mouthpiece with a space crack of more than ten feet appeared, and the blue light was directly strangled, and the flesh and blood of the sky fell.

I saw Jiang Xiu’s leisurely walk, step by step, and cold, without words, but if the situation is mad, it will make people feel scared and tremble.

"Impossible, this is impossible..."

One of the seven masters of the line, each time his Jiang family spent a huge price, please come, in the blink of an eye, was killed by Jiang Xiu, three people, still so relaxed.

How do they want to believe, but Jiang Xiu is so strong that he is so old.

He will step out next time and another person will die directly.


Jiang Chonghai was so scared that he sat on the ground, and his son Jiang Haochuan was completely scared. Jiang Xiu is now so powerful that the assassination has become a suspicious suicide, and there is no room for a round of maneuver. .


Jiang Xiu was face-to-face, and there was no chance at all. Even the spells of the blue jade that were displayed were turned into a powder with people.


Too strong, almost any spell is directly destroyed in front of him, not to mention people.

In the twinkling of an eye, the so-called master has almost been slain, and there is a arrogance in the pub. Seeing this situation, there is still the courage to fight, and it is too late to escape.

"No, it's none of my business!"

Jiang Xiu walked step by step, and the arrogant and frightened one fell to the ground, and saw Jiang Xiu’s palms shine, palms, like a bottomless hollow, sucked by a suction, remembering the one just The person who was strangled and killed, completely collapsed, shouting: "Don't kill me!"

Just at this moment, there was a thrilling cheer outside. In the banquet hall, I saw a man being shot down from the sky, falling into the ground with a slap in the face, white and cold, and the style was dazzling. People admire.

"it is good!"

The indigo emperor sang a high drink, and it was very good for Bai Ruohan. This olive branch was very obvious. The white family could certainly feel it. Immediately, a white family member felt a huge face, and the white father was even a cheek. The red, excited, clenched fists trembled lightly.

Bai Ruohan was deeply stunned at the defeated opponent. The attitude was very sincere, and then he looked around and shouted a very domineering sentence.

"Who else?"

Someone immediately shouted: "Bai Gongzi was unparalleled at the time, and his talents far exceeded the river. How can my servants be your opponents?"

"Don't dare to go, don't dare to go."

Someone echoed: "Yes, yes, it can only be a shame."

"Ha ha ha..."

The white family listened well and was not used.

Jiang Xiu said with a cold smile: "If you don't want to die, give you a chance. If you win the white, you can survive!" After he finished, his hand slammed, and the whole person was thrown like a thing. Go out.

"Who else……"

With a bang, a person fell to the sky and fell heavily on the ground. He saw all kinds of ways to force the collapse of the platform. This is the first time that it fell directly onto the stage.

"It's him!" Miss II's eyes pointed out that she suddenly recognized the keeper of the pub.

"There is a lively look!" The mist could not help but laugh.

Lie rushed from the ground and hurriedly climbed up. Jiang Xiu’s words echoed in his ear. He won’t win if he wins. This is desperate. He said to Bai Ruohan: “I’m asking Bai Gongzi’s genius, he’s arrogant, wanting Enlighten me."

Bai Ruohan looked at him up and down. "Well, let's talk!"

On the other side, Jiang Chonghai and Jiang Haochuan and his father and son have already been scared. Looking at Jiang Xiu is like a ghost, and his face has no half of his blood. Jiang Xiu asked: "Want to kill me?"

The two eyes are sluggish, such as the death test.

It’s not a good thing to put it on the grass.

"now what?"

Jiang Xiu’s eyes and cruel means are really as hot as a devil. It’s not as good as human life in front of him. Now Jiang Xiu wants to kill them, it’s just a matter of raising his hand.

They are clear and finished.


Jiang Xiu smiled lightly, but did not kill them. It was even more difficult for them. The best way to deal with a person is not to kill them immediately. They know that they are going to die, but they are still alive. The despair before death is The most painful.

"Let's enjoy the last time."

This will torture them crazy.

The father and the son's face did not have the slightest joy, but it was even more ugly, worried, and dull, and they were all ruined.

"Why don't you kill us right away?"

"Are you tormenting us?"

Jiang Xiu stopped his steps: "Yes, I am sure to kill you, but let you taste the pain before dying. If you have the courage, you can commit suicide."


Both of them are a glimpse. It’s better to die than to die. Let them smother their neck and commit suicide.

"Devil, you are a devil..."

Jiang Xiu has already gone, leaving only Jiang’s father and son. The two men spread on the ground, like mud, shivering, and Jiang Chonghai curled up his body.

"No, I can't die, can't..."

"Oh, I don't want to die..."

The two climbed up from the ground, but the next moment, Jiang Xiu’s terrible eyes came to mind, a, suddenly, and one of Jiang Chonghai’s legs did not know how to break.

"This time is the leg, next time it may be the neck!"

Read The Duke's Passion