MTL - Ghosts Know What I Experienced-Chapter 77 Poor people must have hatefulness 1

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In September, Nanyi picked up one of the best qualified disciples from Ziweixingzhai and sent it to the Qianshan School.

In the end, Yan Xiuzhen is the heart of the knife. Although he hated the nine lords, the former mountain faction was innocent. The Chen Zhenjun who died 19 years ago is also innocent. The Qianshan faction has been inherited for hundreds of years and cannot be ruined in the hands of a nine-legged monarch. Yan Xiuzheng has read the old feelings, so he asked his apprentice to pick the best qualification to send it.

This kind of thing has to be done quietly, and it is also a good thing for the disciple to be picked up by Yang Ze. If he is at Ziwei Xingzhai, he will become an elite disciple at most, but if he goes to the Qianshan School, he will be regarded as a disciple of Yangze, and he will cultivate it with enthusiasm. The treatment is definitely better than that in Ziweixingzhai.

Yan Xiuzhenjun said this thing in the WeChat group, everyone feels quite reliable.

[岐山道人: Yang Ze, this kid is a little more thoughtful, but we are there, can he still turn the sky? Nan Yi Xiaoyou has always been very good at doing things. He will go to Yangze better this month. Waiting for next month, I will let my granddaughter go there and look at him. 】

What Master should do, what should the disciples do? The next morning, Nan Yi took a small radish head to visit Fujian Province.

In the younger generation, the king of Ye Hao has a high mana and can fly in the air. Nan Yi took the younger brother to the spring city by plane, then took the train, the bus, and finally walked in the mountains for a long time before going to the front of the front mountain. It hasn't entered yet. It took half an hour to knock on the door, and no one promised.

Nan Yi made a phone call to his master. Yan Xiuzhen was also very strange, and sent Yang Ze’s micro-signal to him.

After adding a micro signal, I made a few calls and waited until the afternoon, the little carrot head was very impatient. Originally, it was a seven- or eight-year-old child. It was a plane train and a walk in the mountains. The younger brother was very unhappy. He was clamoring to leave here and return to Ziweixingzhai.

Nan Yi did not speak, and the cold voice made the younger brother not worry, and sent a WeChat to Yang Ze. There are two layers of formations in the Qianshan School. The first layer of the formation is the original mountain guardian array of the Qianshan School. There is also a layer of array method that is the enchantment laid by the masters of the Xuanxue circles to prevent Yangze from going out. Nan Yi only opened the outer layer of enchantment, the inside can not enter, can only wait for Yang Ze to open the door.

By the evening, the front door of the former mountain faction finally opened.

Yang Ze was dressed in simple and plain clothes, standing at the door of the Qianshan School, smiling and looking at the purple micro-stars and the small radish head in front of him. The younger brother suddenly saw Yang Ze, a little shy to hide behind Nan Yi, Nan Yi looked serious and walked forward, and gave a ceremony: "Yang Zedao friends."

Yang Ze smiled and asked: "Is this child?"

Nan Yi was the first time to see the disciples of this legendary villain, the head of the nine devils, but he did not show curiosity at all. Instead, he replied in one eye: "Yes. This child is named Zhao Wei, and the master did not give him. The starting number, if you are willing to accept him as a disciple, you can give him a slogan. He is talented and talented, and he is very talented in the formation, which is very compatible with the Qianshan faction."

Yang Ze looked down at the small radish head.

Zhao Wei took up the courage and looked at this strange man with his chest.

For a long time, Yang Ze raised his lips and sneered: "No."

Nan Yi wrinkled his eyebrows: "Why, Yang Zedao friends?"

Yang Ze: "I can't see it."

The small radish head clenched his fist angrily, and Nan Yi could not think of it for this reason. Zhao Wei’s qualifications are already very good. They are not worse than Yu Yu and others, and they are very talented in the best way of the former Shan School. In this way, Yang Ze still can't see?

Nan Yi silent for a moment: "Well, then next month, Lushan predecessors will send someone to send a talented disciple. In a few days, my sister will come and pick up Zhao Wei, Yang Zedao friends, this month in the future. Where do you live?" The small radish head can go, but he also shouldered the task of guarding Yang Ze for a month, and can't leave now.

If Yi Jia is here, I am afraid I will be surprised. Yang Ze, who once received his evaluation of "the only one in the metaphysical circle", looked at Nan Yi with a smile and laughed at the moment. He did not have the gentleness of leading the three people to the tomb three months ago. There was a hint of suffocation in his eyes, which seemed to have been suppressed for a long time and broke out all at once.

He chuckled and said "anyway", then turned and left, did not say a word to Nanyi.

Nan Yi was not happy to frown, but did not say anything, he took the younger brother to find a room in the Qianshan faction. He personally does not need any good living environment, but the younger brother is still a mortal, did not practice spells, he found a kitchen for the former mountain pie for a long time, but fortunately he brought some vegetables and fruits in the Qiankun bag, to the younger brother A very simple meal.

"Master, I don't want to recognize that person as a master. He is nothing at all. I listened to the little sister and said that he is a big bad guy, especially a big bad guy. Master, I want to go back to Ziweixing with you, don't leave it. I."

Nan Yi nodded: "After two days, the younger sister will come and lend you, Zhao Wei, return to the purple micro-star after the cultivation, do not disappoint Master's expectations of you."

The little radish head seems to know how to nod and nod.

In the following month, after Nanyi sent the small radish head, he retired from the Qianshan School. The matter of guarding Yang Ze is that there are points that can be earned. Every time a young sage who is sent to see Yang Ze, he can get compensation for 50 points per month. This compensation is earned for the Tianshi who is ranked 30th out of the ink list. For Yangze, this Tianshi, who can have hundreds of points in one month, is a blood loss.

So next month it would have been Hu Die to watch Yang Ze, but Hu Die was reluctant, saying that he was not willing to waste time here.

The time for retreat cultivation has passed quickly. One month has passed by, and Nanyi has received the WeChat from taking over Tianshi. The other party will arrive at the Qianshan School the next day.

At night, Nan Yi no longer closed, he walked out of the room and looked at the moon in the sky.

It is difficult to see such a bright moonlight in the capital, neon lights will cover the night sky, and only the red light of the sky will carry out the sky. In the middle of the mountains, the roar of beasts came from the jungle. Qianshan Pai An quietly hid in the maolin shrubs, a night wind blew, the trees were hazy and rustling.

Nan Yi watched for a long time and returned to the room to start packing things. When the East is clear, he took the Qiangbao bag and walked to the square in front of the Qianshan school, waiting for the arrival of the next Tianshi. By the way, he wrote a record of the road according to the situation he observed in the previous month. , the character will be sent to a place in the mountains.

Those places are some old graves, because they are hidden in the mountain forest, and may be affected by the large array of cloths laid by the nine princes. The yin is a bit heavy.

Yan Xiuzhenjun and others did not see this kind of thing. Nanyi himself was bored and bored, and in this month he figured out the way to give these old graves a sigh.

After doing all this, he continued to wait for the arrival of the next celestial division.

When it was noon, the other party sent WeChat, indicating that it had begun to enter the mountain. It is estimated that three or four points will arrive. Nan Yi bowed his head and returned a message. He still heard a voice behind him: [Who is the next person? 】

Nan Yi turned around, Yang Ze stood by the door, still wearing that plain dress, smiling at him.

Nan Yi thought about it and his voice was calm: "It is the great granddaughter of the predecessors of the Lushan Mountain.

Yang Ze smiled and raised his eyebrows: "Let a female friend come to this mountain, spend a month with me, is it right?"

Nan Yi did not seem to think about this problem. He was surprised for a moment and returned to the original serious appearance. He said: "Yang Zedao friends, do you think it is inappropriate?"

Yang Ze asked: "I am a man."

Nan Yi saw him: "A decade ago, Ye Daoyou had not reached the age of boarding the ink list. I was fortunate to be ranked third in the ink bucket. At that time, you were the second, and the Taoist friend seemed to be the 19th. Friends, I may not be your opponent. Before that, although we have never seen it, I have heard other friends say that you are good-natured, character..." After a pause, he continued: "Character is good, Very good to get along with."

The character is the fake, Yang Ze has been blaming for so many years, everyone is blindly treating him as a good person.

As for character and kindness, it is very easy to get along with each other. Nan Yi came to the former mountain to send a month, I saw Yang Ze two sides, this is good to get along, as to treat the guests like this?

Yang Ze listened very patiently to Nan Yi to evaluate himself, and did not speak, just listened with a smile. He did not answer the question of Nan Yi, but instead said: "Your younger brother is a good seed, but can not be my apprentice."

Nan Yi: "Why?"

"I told you for so long, have you found out that I have never stepped out of this door?"


Yang Ze said: "One month ago, I told your master, Xiu Shizhen, that I voluntarily did not leave the former mountain faction. You know that you came here to talk about it and come to give me an apprentice. What is actually doing? When my apprentice, it means that at least ten years in the future, like me, I can never do without this door. Nanyi, do you think your little teacher can do this?"

Nan Yi is speechless.

Seeing the other party eating, Yang Ze smiled more vigorously: "Your younger brother has experienced this kind of loneliness, only with me alone, in the former mountain faction, inheriting this martial art that is tabooed by the whole metaphysical school?"

Nan Yi wants to refute, but he knows this is a fact.

I am afraid that until the day when Yang Ze died, the Xuanxue world can completely reassure the Qianshan faction. Otherwise, he is still alive, who knows if he will have a whim, and he wants to give him a revenge for the nine masters. The former mountain faction specializes in anti-drug and array methods. Even if Yang Ze is not strong enough, he can rely on these two kinds to exert great power and give the metaphysical circles a scorpion.

After saying this, Yang Ze smiled and turned and walked away, disappearing into the high mountain gate of Qianshan School.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, a 30-year-old female celestial priest came to the Qianshan faction. Nan Yi had already packed up a room in the Qianshan faction, and the room was left to the embarrassment. The two handed over the affairs, and Nan Yi left the Qianshan faction and returned to the capital. When he arrived in the capital, it was happening that Qin Sanshi asked people to look for Fusu, and Qin Shihuang’s anger was from the beginning of the imperial tomb.

After solving all this, he was relieved to practice in Ziweixingzhai, and he was admired by the younger brothers and sisters, and he was firmly in the second place in the ink list.

In May of the second year, the metaphysical circles sent eight disciples to the Qianshan faction, all of which were rejected by Yang Ze.

At this time, the ghost city of Xiangyang has already been opened, and the ghost king suddenly made a discount coupon discount system. Nan Yi himself does not need this thing very much. After all, he has a lot of points, which is not comparable to Ye Hao Wang, and he is much more than Hu Die. But he didn't want discount coupons, but his younger brother and sister looked at him with contempt. There is no way. As a master of Ziwei Xingzhai, I can only go to Sioux City to take a trip and help the younger brother and sister to give gifts. I got a lot of things from Zhaojia.

When he went to Sioux City, it was just a meal, and he was invited to stay for dinner. At the dinner table, Yu Jia said that Yuyu was sent to Fujian Province last month and was responsible for guarding Yang Ze.

Nan Yi said: "I will go to the province next month to send disciples to Qianshan. I heard that you have friendship with Ye Daoyou, Ye Daoyou and Yang Zedao. Do you have anything to help me bring to him?"

As soon as I mentioned this, Jia Ge would not be able to fight one place.

Also bring something to Yang Ze? This guy, Jia Ge won’t beat him for a while! Last year, Jia Ge and Ye Master first tasted the forbidden fruit. The two were well watched by the metaphysical circles. The Yang Ze guy was confined and confined. He also sent a message to Jia Ge, congratulating Jia Ge for breaking the case and giving him a brother. Send red eggs!

Is this a person officer?

This is also the condition is not allowed, Jia Ge feels that Yang Ze is already pitiful enough, otherwise he will have to go to the province with the incomparable Qing Li Chong, kill him three in three out.

Jia Jiadao: "How is he doing now?"

Nan Yi recalled: "When I saw Yang Zedao friends last year, it was not bad."

Ye Jingzhi gave a piece of lean meat to Yan Jia, and Jia Jia put it into his mouth and chewed it. He thought: "I told you that he can be a bad person. Nan Yidao, don't be deceived by him." We were cheated by him last year, thinking that he is a good person, and that is the result of that." I also ate a bug! "This time I really have something I want to ask for your help."

Nan Yi: "What?"

Five days later, Nan Yi stood at the door of Qianshan School with a bamboo basket and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door slowly opened, and Yang Ze stood behind the door, next to Jiang Jiajiang Tong, who was forced by the elders to visit Yangze in the province.

Jiang Tong is really boring this month. "Ghosts know" there is no fun gossip, no one in the former mountain party to play with him, let him tease. Yang Ze did not care about him, he was already panicked. Suddenly I saw that Nan Yi still had a basket in his hand. He also blocked it with a piece of cloth. He smiled and asked curiously: "Nan Yi, are you watching the people and bringing gifts?"

Nan Yi: "It’s a friend who asked me to bring it."

Jiang Tong just asked, but he did not expect to get this answer, he was surprised: "Ghost king?"

Nan Yi nodded approval.

Jiang Tong looked at the basket in a strange way. Nan Yi was very open and opened the cloth on the basket. When he reached out and handed a basket of red eggs to Yang Ze, he said in a serious way: "Yang Zedao friends, he said, I wish You have today, now, and now, eat more red eggs, and celebrate." For a moment, he asked: "What special day is it today, need to eat red eggs to celebrate?"

Yang Ze, who smiles on his face: "..."

Know what the red egg means, and laugh at Jiang Tong: "Ha ha ha ha, laugh at me, laugh at me. The ghost king actually sent red eggs over, what is this hate! What is this big news? ...... Hey! Don’t grab my points, I will submit it to the 'ghost know', hahahaha, laughing at me..."

The author has something to say: C+: I have a hate on the spot!

Mirror: [anyway, my wife is the best = 3=


Didn't think of it! This is outside! [The atmosphere suddenly begins to lack morality.jpg

Surprise, surprise, not irritating!

That's right, this should be the last one. Recently, I have something to do at home. I have to go home to deal with it. The update will work harder. I don’t like to watch this girl’s sisters skip it and collect the new text of the stupid Fuwa~

The ghost knows that because the author is too stupid to forget the time, he was late for two hours to update a few days ago. Now he has entered the blacklist, and there is no list in the future. Let's write it as you like. Maybe this is the last one. It won't be written too long. Try to end as much as 10,000 words. It is also possible to write a cookie after the end of the game, so that Jia Ge and the mirror show a wave of love.

Anyway... Go to collect new articles~ Give you a look at the newly written copy, search for "Little Love Song" directly in Jinjiang, or click on the author column to collect this article!


Ning Er heard that six classes had transferred a boy, handsome to burst table, cold and cool, just robbed him of the limelight on the first day of the school.

Can this be tolerated?

In the class, Ning Er directly blocked the door with his brother, but he was stupid after seeing the other party.

Ning Er: How... how is you!

Shao Bohan: I haven't seen you for a long time.

Shao Bohan × Ning Er

Eight years ago, I did not say goodbye, and I met again after eight years. This is a story of a bamboo horse meeting again, and the nephew was met by the big devil who met the scorpion. Sweet first love little love song, not long, small is really handsome ~

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