MTL - Ghosts Know What I Experienced-Chapter 74 818 that pill of metaphysics 2

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The first emperor's father is simply unreasonable!

Zhai Jia learned from Ziying that a few days ago, the Emperor’s father also played the game with one heart and one mind. He thought that the technical world was the best. Under the leadership of nine Xuanxue civil servants, he climbed from the diamond segment to the king segment. This is the highest stage of the pesticide game for the dead. How do you say that the first emperor should be satisfied and feel good? Who wants him to know where he found the child? Asking the metaphysical community to help find the Fusu news, suddenly the face is furious, immediately Hey, the table is not dry.

奚嘉百思不解: [No, the First Emperor should also want to find Fusu, right? You are not saying that the first favorite of the First Emperor is Fusu. He only gave Fusu a person to enter the path of the First Emperor's Mausoleum. Now let them help him find Fusu. How can he still be angry? 】

This brain circuit is too clear, isn’t it a thank you son? Thanks to the mysterious school?

Ziying thought about it and gave a conclusion: [I have read an ancient poem on the language document, and the father is perhaps more awkward. 】

Yan Jia: [ah? 】

Zi Ying explained in detail: [The father should want to see his elder brother, but he and his brother have not seen each other for two thousand years, and his brother has now reincarnation for more than 20 times. I think the father is probably not sure how to face the elder brother. As you said, the elder brother may be a woman in this world. Maybe he is a year old, and maybe he is still a child. I thought about it, when I asked you to help find your brother, it was actually that I was smashed. 】

With such an explanation, Jia Ge probably understood the brain circuit of Qin Shihuang.

Speaking simple, the first emperor father is afraid.

He didn't dare to see Fusu, he didn't know what his son is now, and he didn't know what to say when he saw his son. So I woke up from sleep for so long, and the Emperor’s father would rather indulge in the game (in fact, this is really addicted) and did not go to find a son.

However, people have already started looking for it, and now they have to give up suddenly, which is a bit of a reality.

Yan Jia is preparing to ask Ziying what to do next, but he still can't find it, but he hasn't had time to ask, and he saw a child suddenly said: [No, the father found me, Yi Jia, see the mausoleum! 】

Jia Ge: "Ha?!" What is the tomb?

Half an hour later, Jia Ge saw a child in a rush to escape the Tomb of the First Emperor in Chang'an City.

Yan Jia: "..."

Zi Ying: "The father was furious when he heard about this. He came out from the Palace of Eternal Life and exerted pressure on him all the way. He woke up many ghosts who were hibernating. I took the father to the third floor. Quickly escape from the mausoleum. The father can't catch it, wait for him to get rid of it, then I will go back. Yi Jia, I am here to find a brother with you, this is the end of the matter, can not be abandoned."

Ziying said it very easily, but looking at his rushed appearance, Qian Jia thought out, Qin Shihuang is probably playing with his son this time, the child was forced to escape from the Tomb of the First Emperor.

Reasonable, this is to find a son for you. Even if you are proud of your anger, you have to do anything to kill your family!

In the heart of the 奚 奚 , , , , , , , , , , , 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在

The source of everything is Fusu.

As long as you find Fusu, then the wood has become a boat, the first emperor can only honestly face his son, want to be angry and can not breathe.

Zhai Jia also told the "Ghosts" about the wrath of the First Emperor, and the Heavenly Masters of the Metaphysics circle rushed to deal with this matter. Their thoughts are the same as those of Qian Jia: "I have to hurry to find the son of Fusu, as long as I find the son of Fusu, then Qin Shihuang can no longer do anything wrong."

Yi Jia nodded: "If you find Fusu, the Emperor should not be angry."

Lushan Taoist smiled: "The son of Fusu is now a personal class?"

Yi Jia is not clear: "?" Fusu reincarnation is of course a human being, can it be a ghost?

The Lushan Taoist looked at the real person with a candlelight, and the candlelight took a moment to sneak a sneak.

In all the celestial divisions present, the look of Ye Jing is calm and the face is not changed. Zhao Jia looked confused at the side. He is preparing to ask his master Ye, what happened, but he did not wake up, the master coughed, and smiled, and said with compassion: "Amitabha. Fusu reincarnation is the person, I am waiting for this side. Qin The Three Worlds once said that Qin Shihuang had the most love for the son of Fusu during his lifetime, and so far after his death. Once there is a son supporting Fusu... I am still worried that Qin Shihuang will attack the metaphysical world?"

Lushan Taoist said even more shamelessly: "If he rushed to the metaphysical world, let's take the son of Fuxi to the door of the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, and go to the other side! You fight, you come to fight! You hit first. Your son, come and attack the metaphysical world, and then build the Qin Dynasty. Come and come, you will hit your son with the ability! Hehe..."

Candlelight real person: "Hey..."

A group of heavenly masters: "Hey..."

Yan Xiuzheng squinted and didn't want to confuse this group of celestial divisions, but did not deny their claims.

Zhao Jia, who was listening to me: "..."

The child in the vicinity of Qian Jia: "..."

You are in front of the child, saying that it is really okay to use the big brother of the family to threaten the father of the family! ! !

Yan Jia deeply felt that it was the child's temper and good understanding. He knew that this group of heavenly teachers was very unreliable, but he said that it was impossible to do so. This has to change a bad temper, such as Hu Hai is here, absolutely ran back to the First Emperor's Mausoleum in the next second, and gave a small report to the first emperor's father. That Xuanxue world is waiting, the first emperor's father can't tear you apart, just tear the mountain people first, no one should grab it, line up one by one.

After thinking of such a peerless good idea, the heavenly masters of the metaphysical circles seem to have **** their blood and went to Fusu more diligently. However, Fusu did not find it. On the afternoon of the third day, the soldiers split a few roads. Ye Jingzhi went to the western suburbs of Chang'an to find him. Yi Jia accompanied the child to find someone in Chang'an city. When the two found the music square, suddenly, one The horrible yin of the stock rushed from behind and rushed to the sky.

Yan Jia and Zi Ying suddenly stopped, and the next moment, the two quickly turned to look at it.

I saw across the road, a tall, handsome man standing at the door of a bank, staring coldly at his son. Without opening, the anger of the emperor of the ancients will be solidified, and the yin visible to the naked eye will cover most of the sky. The yin is cold and aggressive, and it is more bitter than the cold wind in December.

Yi Jia and Zi Ying all stayed in place.

How did the first emperor father come out? !

Yi Jia took out the mobile phone and sent a message to Ye Jingzhi.

Zi Ying went to court with respect and respect: "Father."

Seeing that the child also knows to give himself a gift, the first emperor’s father snorted, glanced at the side of Zhao Jia, and stepped across the road to the two. When the emperor came to the forefront of the ages, step by step, they were all shaken. He walked straight through a car, and no one around the passers-by could see him. He walked to the side of the road step by step and walked to the front of Zhao Jia and his son.

Qin Shihuang swept Zhao Jia and looked at his son. His voice was cold: "Reverse!"

The child does not refute, quietly salute, keep the posture.

Perhaps the father of the first emperor still knows that he can't beat his son in the face of an outsider. His gown squats and glances at the baby. The opening is: "Hey, go back!" said, the emperor turned and left, leaving A handsome and handsome back of Yan Jia and Zi Ying.

But the mild voice of the child baby rang: "Father, the baby has not found his brother."

Upon hearing this, Qin Shihuang suddenly angered: "You still want to find your brother now?"

The child is silent for a long time: "Why don't you look for your brother? Tianshi Buzhen, my brother is here. Father, don't you want to see your brother? Why don't you dare to see your brother?"

The first emperor was debunked and pretending to be calm: "Hu... Hu Yan! When did you dare to see the reversal?"

Qin Shihuang belongs to the Fushun inherited the Datong, who is expected to be deceived and killed by himself. In a sense, it is indeed a rebellion.

The child did not dismantle the lies of Qin Shihuang, but said: "Father, now the baby has been looking for more than ten days with the heavenly masters. There are less than 10 million people in this place. I have already found half of them, and up to five days, I can get one. The result. Father, can't you wait for these five days? This time you will find your brother..."

"You tell me, how do you find your brother!"

Ziying raised his head in a wrong way and looked at Qin Shihuang.

Qin Shihuang seems to have found a suitable reason. The waist is straight and straightforward. "This big city has nearly ten million people. And if you don't say it for five days, can you find the counter, that is, how do you know that? Your brother, this world is old and young, is human beings? If he is in his prime, his appearance is consistent with the millennium, you can still find it. If your brother is the child, tell you, how do you find him! !"

The first emperor took a finger and pointed to a little boy sitting on the flower bed and ducking his mobile phone.

The child is speechless.

Yi Jia also has nothing to say.

This is what Jia Ge was worried about before. Although the candlelight has already been counted, Fusu is entering the humanity and is determined to be human. But if Fusu is now a child or an old man, he can't find him by his appearance. He has reincarned so many times, his breath has changed too much, and he is not easy to find with his breath.

It is really difficult to find Fusu.

When Qin Shihuang saw that the baby did not speak, he snorted and said: "And even if you are so coincidental, I found your brother, how can you be sure that it is your brother? Even if it is sure that you are your brother, whoever says you want to see him. Take this young child as an example. If your elder brother is like him, after reincarnation, he only knows that he is playing games all day long. He doesn’t study hard, what do you want to see him? Primary school students, what games to play, it’s these When the elementary school students are there, you will lose in the game! What are the reasons for him?"

"Why do you say that elementary school students can't play games? Pupils playing games are much more serious than those of you!"

A slightly green voice rang from the side and suddenly interrupted the words of Emperor Qin Shihuang.

The three men squatted and turned their heads to look at the child who was sitting at the flower bed and playing with the mobile phone.

I saw that the child did not know when to raise his head, looking up at a handsome and elegant face, glaring at Qin Shihuang. He jumped from the edge of the flower bed, and ran to the front of Qin Shihuang in one step. He looked up at him and sneered: "Your father, I just graduated from elementary school this year, and the primary school students can't play games? I see you playing games, than the primary school students. More pits? What happened to the game, have you eaten your rice? Just let these adults play COSPLAY, don't allow us to play games? Have a skill to open one! Your father, I am the first ruling of Changan, have no courage and Dad drives a black, ah!"

The child is beautiful and beautiful, looks like a 13-year-old, and is indeed a junior high school student. At first, Zhao Jia was still wondering how he could see Qin Shihuang, but after listening to him, Yi Jia felt particularly funny.

He actually dared to say in front of Qin Shihuang that he was the first ruling of Chang'an. I don't know what the emperor would be.

Thinking about it, Zhao Jia turned to look at Qin Shihuang and Ziying, and then: "..."

and many more? ! What is the expression of the first emperor and the child? ! ! !

The child's lips trembled, his eyes widened, and he looked at the child in disbelief.

Qin Shihuang even straightened his eyes and stared at the child.

Seeing that this adult does not speak, the boy laughed and dismissed: "Don’t dare to open black with Dad? Dad is too lazy to care for you!"

Qin Shihuang was so angry that he shivered: "Reverse! Who are you daddy!!!"

The author has something to say: First Emperor Dad: I don't recognize this son! ! !

C+: This large-scale ethical parent-child education program is on the scene...

Mirror: The author said that you all gave her flowers, and she asked me to take Jiajia’s little hand...

Fuwa: You will have this! Take a small hand and drive directly!


Today's metaphysical circles and the Daqin family, all pills...

correct! Don't forget to go to the author's Weibo to vote~About the "Ghost Know" slogan's vote~ Weibo name "Mo Chenhuan" ~~~