MTL - Ghosts Know What I Experienced-Chapter 70

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Chapter 70

"One day is a teacher, and life is a father. 』

When the Lushan Taoist hostage asked Yang Ze why he helped the nine lords to help him, Yang Ze answered this question.

More than 30 years ago, the nine lords did not go to the devil, and the exchange between the Qianshan School and the metaphysical circles was not a lot.

Even the morning is still relatively active, character and good, and Yi Lingzi, Lushan Taoist and others. However, although the head of the nine-legged monarch is deep in mana, but his temperament is eccentric, he is proud of his own things. In addition to Yi Lingzi and Yan Xiuzhen, the other masters of the metaphysical circles are not familiar with him.

So no one knows. Thirty-two years ago, Jiujunjun found a wonderful seedling with a very good root in a small mountain village in the province. The family was so poor that there was no money to raise this young son. He had already planned to find a place to throw the child away. Someone could let him live when he could find it. He died in the mountains and that was his life.

When Jiujunjun discovered this child, he was dying and starving to death. This child is very suitable for practicing scorpion venom. Nine princes ecstatically brought him back to the Qianshan faction. From then on, he closed the door and received an apprentice.

Two years later, he was exposed by the act of raising a devil, and was jointly killed by Yi Lingzi and Yan Xiuzhen. His younger brother took the child to the door, and since then, he has become a devil, using the Fengshui Bureau of the former mountain faction to hide the breath and find the child.

It has been thirty years since.

Yang Ze stood on the high platform and smiled at his master.

Nine legacy trembles and trembles, angered: "The old man is your master! What are you talking about?"

"Thirty-two years ago, you saved your disciple's life, and your disciples were grateful. Without you, there would be no Yangze. But in those eleven years, I really nurtured me and taught me..." The voice stopped, Yangze Asked word by word: "Nine legacy, is it you?"

"You dare to call the name of the teacher!"

Yang Ze suddenly looked up and smiled on his face: "That is my master, even the morning is true! Nine legacy, 19 years ago, you asked me to put those books on Master's desk, you may have I told me that the books are related to the ancient tomb? You can say that you wanted my master to die at that time! Have you said that?"

There is a reply from the nine singer’s mouth.

Yang Ze laughed at himself: "You didn't say it. I have always thought that in the past 19 years, Master died in the mysterious tomb, and it has nothing to do with me. Until I entered the ancient tomb three months ago, I found the best corpse and the millennium drought and flood, and then listened to the Shushan Taoist who said that Master found out here, I realized that you started to layout 30 years ago, even if this bureau is to kill your brother, you also Do not hesitate!"

Speaking of this, Yang Ze raised his head and smiled bitterly: "Master, that is your pro-teacher. In the eleven years after your death, he said to me day and night, I am the apprentice of Jiujunjun. It is not his apprentice to Chen Zhenjun. He said that his brother is sure to have difficulties. Although his brother is a strange character, he can’t do anything that hurts him. He accepts me as a disciple, just doesn’t want me to be subject to another. If you let Yan Xiuzhenjun know that I am your apprentice, even if they don’t say anything, there will be whispers in their hearts."

After listening to this, Yan Xiuzhen, who was tied and thrown in the corner, wanted to explain, but he turned to think, but there is nothing to say.

Yang Ze said that it is true, even if they know that the disaster can not be more than others, the nine princes have done the sinful things and his apprentices have nothing to do, but as long as Yang Ze is the apprentice of the nine lords, they will certainly be careful with him, It will not be as tolerant as other juniors, and will be prepared.

Yang Ze slowly stepped forward: "You told Master Shaoshan yesterday that Master is dull. Yes, Master is not smart, he is not good at Feng Shui and poison. After learning for more than 50 years, he will be a little bit. Not like you. Feng Shui and scorpion venom are top-notch in the metaphysical world, and the tactics are quite accomplished. So after Master took me, I never received a disciple. But after accepting me as a disciple, he began to study the secrets of the former mountain faction because He wants to teach me these things. He doesn't know things, he knows that I have talent, he wants me to. My master only has the energy to teach me, teach his brother's apprentice, no time to think for himself. So he This life has confiscated the second disciple..."

Step by step, Yang Ze went to the front of Jiu Yijun and looked down at him.

Slowly, he laughed, his eyes were a little moist, his voice was sharp, and the words were sobbing: "Nine legacy, you have to kill Yi Lingzi, I have no opinion. You slaughtered more than 100 people in Heibu Village, I You won't stop. You want to blood wash the metaphysical world, live with the sky, live forever, I can help you. You saved my life, you want my life, but you should not do it, should not Kill my master with my hand! Kill the younger brother who believes in your death!"

As soon as the words were finished, Jiu Yijun angered his hands and slammed his neck. When he wanted to meet Yangze, five brightly colored mites quickly flew out of Yangze's sleeves, and the nine princes held a large hand and the locusts were smashed by him.

Yang Ze knows that he is not the opponent of Jiu Yijun. He immediately turned his head: "I can't escape, he can't escape!"

Jia Ge, who had been listening to it for a long time, was said to be stunned by this. He saw that the nine princes really fell on Yang Ze’s neck and shouted, “The old man killed you!”, Jia Ge quickly went up. I kicked the old ghost off.

Can't blame Jia Ge for his slow response. It is really a look at Yang Ze's appearance. He seems to be able to solve it directly. I did not expect to fight the last nine, I want to come to help.

When Jia Jia came up, Jiu Yijun’s face changed greatly, and he turned and ran. However, the sneak peek of the Japanese squad has been destroyed by Yang Ze. How can the nine princes escape and escape the sacred heart of Jia Ge? He has been returned to the ground by Zhao Jialu on numerous occasions. At the end of the game, Jiu Yijun was completely convinced and begged for mercy.

At this time, the Heavenly Masters of the Xuanxue circles also gathered around. Everyone looked eccentrically on Zhao Jia’s body for a long time, and Jia Jia’s lips squinted and stood behind Ye Jing’s body, with a look of “I don’t know what happened”.

Master Ye did not care how violent his wife was. He took a piece of candy from his pocket and put it in his palm: "The mana is not suppressed, and it can't be opened. Fortunately, there is a sugar in the pocket before going out. Mint candy. Jia Jia, you eat, run ... Run Runzi."

I just remembered that I had swallowed a mother-in-law: "..."

After all, the things of the nine princes have to be solved. The celestials only watched Zhao Jia for a while, and then quickly turned around and did business.

Candle Maple asked: "I don't have any mana now, and I can't do anything to him. Can it be true that Xiao Xiaoyou will continue to fight him? How can I ask Ling Xiao to let him be punished?"

Yang Ze stood on one side and his voice was calm: "This Feng Shui Bureau is not a battle. As long as it goes out of the Feng Shui Bureau, it will not be affected by it. So the seniors can restore their mana by turning over two mountains. But it is simpler. The way is, I went straight out and broke the Feng Shui Bureau."

Yang Ze walked out of the former mountain pie, he could not fly, even if he had mana, it took a minute to walk to the hillside of the next mountain. I saw him lift a white tiger-shaped stone by hand, and took two steps in the southeast direction, then put the stone down.

During the time, everyone felt that something was shaking between heaven and earth.

Yangze went to the other two mountains and moved the two stones to other locations. Just listening to the "嗡", Yi Jia saw a black smoke rising unreasonably, floating in the hills of the three mountains. When Yang Ze returned to the Qianshan faction, the mana of all the celestial divisions was completely restored.

Once you have the mana, the candlelight is really popular, and you have to bite your teeth.

A faint voice rang from the side: "You have the ability to really go down. Even if he is not struggling now, you have restored mana, he can beat you ten times, the old man, do you believe it or not?"

The candlelight is of course a letter. He looks at the sinister eyes of the nine lords, and he still regains his foot, but he still refuses to admit it. He laughed twice: "Poverty... The poor road is not to care about him! Which friend is talking next to you, or will you come up and try?"

"I am your grandfather, Lushan! I am not happy to let us loose!"

The crowd immediately looked at the Xiu Xunzhen and the Lushan Taoist who were tied and thrown in the corner.

I want to find a hole in the hole to go to the show: "..."

The thick face continues to scream at the Lushan Taoist: "I don't want to loosen the old man, fast!"

The master did not wake up and whispered: "I almost forgot both of them..."

With mana, several heavenly masters recited the curse and finally removed the magic weapon from the two heavenly masters. As soon as he was freed, the Lushan people were too angry to go up to the feet of the nine. His feet just lifted up, and the nine princes suddenly looked up and stared at him coldly.

The foot of Lushan Taoist people stopped in the air and turned a corner, looking at Yi Jia: "Hey Xiaoyou, or... You help the old man?"

Yan Jia: "..."

Jia Ge walked up in a blank expression and smashed his feet toward the face of Jiu Yijun.

Nine Legacy: "..." The old man knows that the old man has no face to speak of...

Although Yang Ze just said some truth, everyone is still in the fog, and I don’t understand what the bad things happened in the past. Everyone knows that the original nine princes wanted to get a long life and started to lay out. Thirty years ago, when he was exposed, he was killed. However, he used the blind eye to force Yi Lingzi and Yan Xiuzhen, and hid in the Qianshan faction, and lived for so many years.

It was him who slaughtered an entire village 30 years ago.

It was also him who deceived Yi Lingzi and others to go to the ancient tombs of Fujian Province 19 years ago.

When Ye Jingzhi heard the truth about the death of Yi Lingzi, his body was shocked and his face was still calm and he did not seem to have much reaction. Yan Jia gently pulled his hand. He slowly turned his head. He saw Xiao Jia smiled slightly and whispered: "Master is very calm when he walks. As long as we have a good life, he has no regrets."

For a long time, Ye Jingzhi nodded and the two looked at each other.

There are only so many things that Lushan people know. Other detailed things have to be explained by Yang Ze. "Three months ago, he ordered me to go to the ancient tomb to find Master's widow. I have long wanted to do this, naturally promised, He also asked me to go to the Lushan Taoist. I thought it was because the Lushan people could help the rest of the celestial corps. I knew that the ancient tomb was not simple. The Laoshan predecessors had been there 19 years ago, and it would be more convenient for him to lead the way. So I I went to find the Lushan Taoist."

Yang Ze’s gaze flashed over Jiu Yijun. He continued: “When I discovered that the ancient tomb was the best corpse, I felt wrong. After that, I knew that there was a millennium drought and drought, and I I realized that when Master entered here, he was sent to death. And he, Jiujunjun, he already knew everything inside."

The master did not wake up and asked: "Then what you just said, what is more than 100 people in the black cloth village, what is going on?"

Yang Ze’s look changed slightly. He lowered his head and smiled bitterly: “There are more than a hundred people who are not completely dead in his hands. I, Laoshan seniors, Ye Daoyou and Shu Daoyou, and four of us, They also joined forces to kill them."

Yi Jia completely stopped.

The cold voice of Ye Jing: "What the **** is going on?"

"When we entered the best corpse, we recovered Master's widows, but I don't know that the nine princes are not at all in the same thing. All he wants is to open the best corpse. Thirty years. Before, he planted his sons in the people of Heibu Village, and the introduction was the best corpse. Those sons eroded the body of these villagers day and night, even if they were pregnant and had children, the children of the offspring also had children. For three decades, these sons have grown up completely and can control their lives, so after we opened the tomb, the sons were provoked... It is."

Words thrown, echoed for a long time.

Yi Jia couldn't believe what he had heard. Ye Jingzhi and Lushan Taoist people never imagined that they had opened the ancient tomb three months ago and would have killed more than 100 people.

Yi Jia still remembers that although most of the villagers did not talk to themselves, they did not reveal any maliciousness to them. The three princes in the stockade also took them to the ancient tomb, and gave them a ceremonial ritual of Yao before leaving. But now, they are all dead...

Yan Jiaji said: "Can you save?"

Yangze shook his head: "It doesn't work. At the moment when the tomb was opened, the sons were inspired. They will definitely die. And the aunt just..." paused, Yang Ze said: "The one just now. The aunt was chewed by the sorrowful friend, and they must have died normally now, no longer walking dead. So... well."

Yan Jia’s lips are moving and she can’t speak.

Yang Ze said: "You don't have to blame yourself for this kind of friends. It may be a good thing for those who are in the village. Those who are the villagers are the experimental products of the nine-legged monarchs, and the aunts are not dead. After they die, the bodies will only be shackled. Control, live the same life every day. In fact, they have been dead for a long time, not your fault."

Suddenly, so many people died, and the masters and several high-ranking monks decided unanimously, and later they went to Heibu Village, for those who were overtaken.

Then everything was solved, and everyone’s eyes looked at the nine princes.

Nine legacy: "..."

After a while, he snorted: "Don't you ask Ling Xiao, the old man has no worries, the soul flies, how about!"

Yan Xiuzhenjun looks cold and goes forward: "Well, the old man will ask you for a visit!"

Yang Ze stopped him: "Predecessors, let me come."

"You..." Looking at the serious look of Yang Zezhuang, Yan Xiuzhen sighed and said: "Well, let's go."

Yang Ze walked to the front of Jiu Yijun and looked down at him.

Nine Legacy Jun smiled and said: "Counter, do you have the courage to ask Ling Xiao?"

Yang Ze did not say anything, he turned and said: "The predecessors of Lushan, the younger generation wants to borrow your Wanbaofang sword."

The Lushan Taoist people threw their own magical peach sword into the past: "Please ask Ling Fu for the old man!"

Yang Ze said again: "Yu Xiu's predecessors, the younger generation wants to borrow the purple micro-mirror of Ziwei Xingzhai."

嶒秀真君 said nothing, throwing the magic weapon over the past: "Let the poor road count together!"

The whole metaphysical world, and the deepest hatred of the nine lords, are the Xiu Xunzhen and the Lushan Taoist. The former used to be a good friend with Jiu Yijun. The greater the trust, the greater the disappointment. The Xiu Xunzhenjun hated the nine lords, and the Lushan people even wanted to peel him off. He came here 19 years ago and never forgot the scene where his old friends died in front of themselves. That picture, forever unforgettable, whenever you think of it, it is like cutting meat and bones!

Yang Ze holds the Wanbao Fang with a sword in one hand, and holds a purple micro-mirror in one hand. With his strength, he can't rely on his own complete three-seeking Ling Xiao. He is not Hu Die. He can ask his grandfather Zhang Tianshi to help, so he uses these two magic weapons. Please ask Ling Xiao.

Yang Zeyi took a purple micro-mirror into the air, and at the same time took out a yellow character, a peach-wood sword, and a yellow character, and the symbol was spontaneously ignited.

"Ling is on, the disciple asks God."

The solemn and dull voice was in the hall of the former mountain pie, and the sound of the bang was heard. Everyone was coldly watching the nine princes, and Zhao Jia stared at him coldly, trying to see how he died.

Yang Ze waved the Wanbao Fang with the sword and painted one after another on the purple micro-mirror.

"The former mountain gate man is a nine-legged monarch, and he wants to live a long life against the fate. Thirty years ago, Tuyi Village, and now a villager. Please ask Ling, what is the sentence?"

Rumble, outside the main hall, a thick flash of lightning like a bucket, piercing the roof of the main hall of the former mountain, and squatting directly on the nine. Nine Legacy snorted and his breath changed. He looked up at his apprentice with viciousness, and a picture appeared in the purple micro-mirror.

It was a white-haired old man. He was first put into the frog mirror and was sentenced to a thousand years of punishment. He was thrown into the blood pool and was sentenced to a thousand years of punishment. Finally, he was sentenced to hell, and he was sentenced to two thousand years. Finally, the soul flies.

Yang Ze raised his head and respected him: "The disciple is leading the life. The nine legacy of this provokes the wrath of the heavens. The mortal life is a rumor. Three hundred blood debts are paid by the hell, and the blood pool of the dynasty is thousands of years, and the punishment is two thousand years later.

Jiu Yijun smiled coldly and was not afraid.

However, next, Yang Ze continued to say: "Ling Yi has already passed, the disciple asks you to listen. Second, the friends and relatives are killed, the three big battles take the yin. The turmoil in the heavens and the earth is difficult to settle. Please Ling Xiao, when the sentence is sentenced!"

Nine Legacy screamed: "Counter, restless nonsense!!!"

However, this sentence has been heard in the ear.


Thousands of miles away, the city of Sucheng was just a clear sky, and suddenly it was overcast. The citizens looked up at the sky with amazement and said strangely: "This is almost October, how can there be thunderstorms?" Everyone quickly rushed home and prepared to receive clothes.

This piece of thundercloud that covered most of the city of Sucheng only dropped a few thunders. Without rain, it completely dispersed. However, at the same time as this cloud dissipated, many girls twisted their necks strangely. Some women who were still suffering from physical pain, even licking their stomachs, sat up in a strange way: "Hey, not so painful?" ”

The yin and yang qi, bit by bit, is hard to detect.

In the past 30 years, all the yin of the Jiangnan land was quietly absorbed by the city, but only a 奚嘉 and a very yin girl were created. The extremely yin body can have one in a few hundred years, and the tens of millions of land to moisten only the two extremely yin bodies, which shows that the yin changes are very subtle. In the past, the Heavenly Masters of the Metaphysics did not find out, and even Ling Xiao did not pay attention.

The yin and yang's turmoil is unpredictable, and the sea and the mulberry field may have a yin and yin in the land hundreds of years ago. But the artificially altered yin and yang is a big taboo. I don't think it will affect the short-term. In the long run, it has caused unimaginable changes to the people of Sioux and other parts of the Yangtze River.

This time, Ling Xiao rumblingly smashed a total of 81 lei over the Qianshan faction. The last ray penetrated the roof and slammed into the nine. This seems to be a very common Thunder, but after the squatting down, the nine princes are shaking and the whole ghost is almost going to dissipate.

Yang Ze waited for a long time, and did not wait for Ling Xiao’s answer. Obviously, Dad is already crazy.

After a while, Yang Ze asked again, and Ling Xiao lowered the Thunder again.

Yang Ze slightly stunned, and then looked down at the nine lords, and smiled: "One life, one life. How many lives have been killed by the nine legacy, how many animals are born. One person, one life, one life, three hundred Ninety-seven lives, three hundred and ninety-seven worlds."

Nine Legacy screamed heartily: "Yang Ze, the old man killed you!!!"

The heavenly masters of the Xuanxue circles also looked at Ling Xiao with amazement. The real people shrank their necks and shook their necks. "There are four generations when the beasts are called, and Ling Xiao is really angry this time..."

Yi Jia also understood this sentence and opened his mouth in horror.

Can Ling Xiao’s father actually give him a punishment like this? Not only the penalty for the nine to go to **** to torture, but also the penalty for the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the reincarnation into a beast, to those who were killed by him?

Lying in the trough, this is too... too cool!

I am blind to my father!

Jiu Yijun was already weak enough to be able to hurt anyone. Yan Xiuzhen and Lushan Taoist people also stepped forward and prepared to take back their magic weapon, and by the way, they succumbed to the nine. But they just stepped forward, and Yang Ze waved a wooden sword and drew a golden note on the mirror.

"The second is heard now, the disciples are three to ask God. The nine surnames are named Yang Ze, and they help the sorrow for 30 years. The three large arrays are guarded by them, and the villagers of Yizhai are ordered to order. Please ask Ling.

Everyone was shocked and wide-eyed, and Jiujunjun smiled sternly: "Yes! For the past ten years, the three battles have been maintained by you. Without you, it is impossible for Ling Xiao to discover the city for 30 years." The yin is eccentric. As long as you dare to ask Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao can't find it. Yang Ze, the old man wants you to die today, wants you to die without a place of burial!!!"

Another glaring white thunder squatted from the air, this time squatting on Yang Ze.

Yang Ze snorted and suddenly slammed into the ground. He sang three heads against the nine lords, and his voice was hoarse: "Master, pay for it."

The nine lords laughed wildly, and their bodies gradually dissipated and were completely thrown into hell. On the purple micro-mirror, there was also a scene. On that, Yang Ze was put into jail and sentenced to 500 years in prison. At the same time, a strange golden rune appeared, and Qi Jia couldn't understand it. Ye Jingzhi whispered in his ear: "For ten consecutive years, the life is reduced by fifty years."

Zhai Jia said: "I remember that he is now in his thirties. Is it that he will be in a few years..."

Ye Jingzhi said: "The average life expectancy of the Xuanxue world is 120 years old. With the mana of Yangze Daoyou, you can live for at least 50 years."

Yan Jia: "..." What is the special life reduction of 50 years? !

However, Ye Jingzhi said: "This world, he has a life span of more than 100 years. But after the replacement of the ninth, perhaps he can not live ten years old."

Yi Jia understands this. He slowly turned his head to look at the young sorcerer who was still on the ground, sighing softly and not speaking.

In any case, the nine legacy is completely reincarnation and reincarnation, and the animals are born. First, give people a horse to suffer for four hundred years, then go to the punishment of four thousand years, and finally the soul flies.

For the first time, Qian Jia saw that Ling Xiao had such a heavy punishment, let alone him. Even Yan Xiuzhen did not hear that Ling Xiao would be so angry.

Yan Xiuzhenjun said: "It seems that the influence of the three big arrays of the Soviet city on the city of Sucheng and the surrounding areas may be heavier than I thought. You, friends, these things can not happen again, wait for the next One session of the Heavenly Masters Congress, the poor road wants to organize everyone, and arrange for the juniors to go to the places every year to prevent the demise of the nine lords."

All the people agreed.

The matter of Jiu Yijun was solved, and the Heavenly Masters turned their heads silently and looked at Zhao Jia.

Yan Jia, who is eating sugar, by the way, and master Ye’s hand: “...”

Jia Ge almost thought that he had stolen sugar and found it. However, looking at the faint gaze of this group of gods, it seems that there is always something wrong.

Masters are not awake: "Hey Xiaoyou, the poor have long heard that you can punch the head of the millennium drought, and then the barren thought that the 'ghost know' is exaggerated..."

Yan Xiuzhenjun said with emotion: "It’s really a young hero out of my generation! Seeing such a talented person with a small friend, the poor road is very gratified! It’s just that Ye Xiaoyou is an apprentice of Yi Lingzi’s Taoist friend. You are a friend of Yi Lingzi. Apprentice and daughter-in-law... Hey, Xiaoyou, what do you think of Nanyi? The poor road thinks that Nanyi is very good with you..."

Yan Jia: "..."

Nan Yi, who is honestly catching ghosts: "Aqiu."

Ye Jingzhi’s eyes straightened and he quickly pulled Zhai Jia to hide behind him.

Yan Xiuzhenjun waved his hand and couldn’t hide his smile. It was obvious that he just made a joke. However, Yan Xiuzhen is always serious, who believes that he will make a joke, Ye Jingzhi stared at him guardfully, afraid to relax.

Being beaten by Yu Xiuzhen, everyone is a lot more active. This group of unreliable celestial singers sneaked into the singer, staring at the singer, and finally screaming at the singularity of the mountain. "The poor road no matter! The poor road half a year ago owed 100,000 to you." Giant debt, this time the news broke down the poor road, must belong to the poor road!"

The Lushan Taoist took a table: "Hey! What is the relationship between the old man and Yi Lingzi? The disciples of his disciples must be the old man!"

The master did not wake up and smiled a little: "Amitabha, the poor boy remembers, the piece of Taishan stone that Xiao Xiaoyou and Ye Xiaoyou decided to kiss is like the poor and easy to get together?"

Yan Xiuzhen did not say anything, and took out the phone directly.

Other celestials saw him like this, and quickly rushed out of the mobile phone, rushing to send a message to the "ghost know".

Yan Jia: "..."

You guys, this group of heavenly masters, did not want to ask him what he experienced in the end will become so powerful now, but want to break the news! You are here for this!

In fact, at this moment, Yi Jia also wants to pull out the mobile phone to "ghost know" broke the news, but he knows that his hand speed is not as good as this group of heavenly masters, it is impossible to grab them, they will go with them. Who knows the next moment, Lushan Taoist cried miserably: "Who is! Grab the headlines of the old man!"

The master does not wake up and complains: "Not barren."

Yan Xiuzhen unfortunately shook his head: "Not a poor road."

Looking around, all the celestials said that they were not themselves.

In the end, it’s the turn of the candle, and the real person’s face is red, and the pain is not angry. “It’s not a poor road!”

Brush it, everyone turned their eyes to Yang Ze.

Yang Ze faintly said: "I did not do this."

Brush it, everyone will look at Zhao Jia.

Jia Ge: "..."

"Not me! And even if it's what happened to me, you are going to explode me!"

Everyone looked at the last person in a uniform manner, and even Yan Jia did not dare to look at Ye Jingzhi. He pulled the sleeve of the mirror and whispered, "The mirror, isn't it you?"

This answer is not even believed by the people of Shanshan: "Ye Xiaoyou is the leader with more points. After two months, the city of Xiangyang will open again. He will care about this point..."

"Well, it is me."

Everyone: "..."

Yi Jia does not believe: "How is it possible? How do you take the initiative to give the ‘Ghost know’ broke?” His master Ye Ye is not this person! Master Ye rarely sees "Ghosts Know", and has never been interested in gossip news, how could it be broke!

Ye Jingzhi said: "Jia Jia, you said after the last time from the ancient tomb, if there is such a thing in the future, you must rush to break the news, you can not give the outsiders to grab points. So I just asked Ling Xiao before, All the things in this time, no details, were sent to the 'ghost know'. I typed a bit slow, and I sent all the messages three minutes ago."

Heavenly Masters: "..."

What kind of wife Yi Zhizi asked his apprentice! Also that innocent Ye Xiaoyou is back! ! !

Zhai Jia was moved by tears: "Mirror, you have done a good job this time!"

Master Ye is boasted by her daughter-in-law, but she decides secretly: I will break the news next time!

At this point, everything is resolved. The Heavenly Masters left the province together, and before leaving, Yang Ze sent them out of the hall of the Qianshan School. Yan Xiuzhenjun looked at him hesitantly, but he smiled and looked at Yan Xiuzhen. He didn’t need the other person to open his mouth. He said: "On this life, the younger generation will always guard the Qianshan faction, and will never leave the door for half a step. Please take the predecessors out. Law, sealing the mountain gate of the former mountain pie."

Although Yang Ze, the thing of Jiu Yijun, helped, but he also did a lot of bad things. I have just said it carefully that Jiu Yijun has been unable to leave the Qianshan School because the Fengshui Bureau of the Qianshan School can hide the breath and not be discovered by Ling Xiao. As soon as he left the former mountain faction, Ling Xiao will find him, and he killed so many people, Ling Xiao will take him to death.

Therefore, in the past ten years, Yang Ze’s strength has improved and entered the metaphysical world. At the same time, he has done a lot for the nine legacy. For example, the three big arrays in Sioux City, Yangze will secretly go to Sioux City every month to maintain a large array, so that Ling Xiao will not find it. There are also aphids refining these past few years, all of which have the power of Yangze.

Yang Ze concealed the 30 years of the metaphysical world. Even his master, even the morning, did not know that the nine princes were still alive. The person like him, Yan Xiuzhenjun is really not at ease, even Yang Ze himself said: "If he does not kill my master, I will not kill him."

The parties have said this, who dares to rest assured?

However, now that Yang Ze himself has offered it, it is not good for him to be really good. He pondered for a long time and looked at the master.

The master does not wake up and shakes his head, and walks up to the front: "The Qianshan faction has been passed down for hundreds of years. You have to be a step by step. The former mountain faction will have no one to follow. The formation does not have to be placed, so I will send it every month. The disciple brings a gifted child to the Qianshan School. You can spend a month to see if the child can become your disciple and inherit the clothes of the former mountain school. The fault of the nine lords should not be borne by the former mountain pie. You shouldn’t let the Qianshan School’s 100-year-old foundation be destroyed. How do you feel about Yangze’s Xiaoyou?”

Yang Ze went to a ceremony: "Listen to the master."

Everyone left.

It is said that every month a disciple sends a gifted child to come, in fact, is to arrange a disciple to guard Yang Ze. This is even more powerful than trapping him, because someone looks at him and everything he does will be discovered. However, if he does not do anything, many years later, guarding his disciples and he is familiar with it, may also agree privately, accompany him to the outside world to see.

This kind of ending is no better.

I was busy for a whole month before and after. From the second extremely yin body to the conspiracy of Jiu Yijun, Qi Jia and Ye Jingzhi did not stop at all, and now they can finally rest.

The truth of the fall of Yi Lingzi was unveiled. This time, the two did not return directly to Sioux, but went to Fuyang.

Ye Jingzhi carefully wiped the Ling Lingzi's spiritual position and talked with Yi Lingzi for a while before going downstairs. He had just entered the door and looked up and saw a dish of food. When I saw him coming back, Zhao Jia smiled and said: "I haven't cooked for a long time. It's a bit rusty. I think the taste is good, mirror, do you want to taste it?"

The warm smile seemed to melt the ice and snow, and the heart of the mirror trembled. For a long time, he nodded gently.

Ye Jingzhi went to the kitchen to help, and after another half an hour, the two talents sat on the table and formally eat. While eating, Zhao Jia looked at the new article sent by "Ghost Know" at zero today. A total of four articles, actually each one is related to the events of the nine legacy.

Yan Xiuzhenjun said yesterday: "Maybe we are all wrong. Thirty years ago we concealed the things of the nine lords. We didn't let more friends know that if all the friends in the metaphysical world knew the sins of his sins. I am afraid that he will not be so easy to put a suffocating suffocation in Sioux City. If you encounter such things in the future, I will not hide it. Every Taoist scholar should know. Truth, know what we have experienced."

"Ghost knows" today completely reveals everything that the nine princes have done, and the four article comments have skyrocketed and ignited the entire metaphysical world.

Now the entire metaphysical community knows that Jia Ge is a monk who can punch a thousand years of drought and kill a nine-legged monarch. When everyone thinks of Jia Ge, there will be four words in the mind, "Hand tearing devils." And Ye Jingzhi actually took Jia Ge’s aunt to eat the aunt and went out! ! !

Yan Jia looked at her own simple leaf master, whispering without words.

Ok, all the world knows that Jia Gesheng ate a bug.

In the afternoon, the gods gave him a message and asked him if he really wanted to find the teeth.

What can Jia Ge do?

His image in the metaphysical world was fierce until he was greeted by wild ghosts and thighs. Today, these articles are published, and Jia Ge does not have to go out and go to hell. Those ghosts will be scared when they hear the name of Jia Ge. The fart is flowing, begging for mercy.

Yi Jia casually sent a sacred stick and continued to read these four highly-reported real reports without a word. The more he looks, the more helpless he is. He put down the chopsticks and looked at Ye Jingzhi: "I was so cruel yesterday?"

Under the mirror, the consciousness nodded, but soon shook his head again: "Jia Jia, you were very... very cute yesterday."

Yan Jia: "..."

Your ears are red, can you lie so clearly! ! !

The two spent a few leisure time in Shuyang County and returned to Sioux City, and Yi Jia lived a busy life. A few days after he came back, he took a play and took a large sum of money. After going to Hainan Island with Ye Jingzhi, he spent the holidays he regretted missing.

Lying on the soft white sand beach, Yi Jia sighed: "It's a pity that Zi Ying didn't come last time. But I don't know how to play with the baby. The sun here is so big, it is not that the ghost can't see. Sunshine, will the soul fly away?"

Ye Jing's answer: "With the yin of Qin San, the sun has no effect on him."

Yi Jia said with regret: "Unfortunately, the child has not been able to play."

The voice just fell, and the phone slammed. Yi Jia quickly took out the mobile phone, and when he saw the name above, he was surprised: "Children?!" No, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive? !

Ziying is the first time to call Qianjia. The signal in Qinshihuang Mausoleum is not good, and the call is always broken. This incident has been said by Yi Jia and Tian Gong Zhai. Tiangong Zhai does not care. He also said that as long as the Internet is good, what phone to call, what bicycles to use, and whether they bury the signal regardless of repair, they can be half-dead.

After receiving the call, Zhai Jia asked: "Children, how do you suddenly call..."

"Jia Jia, urgent!"

Qian Jia stumbled: "What happened?"

"Do you know a game called the pesticide of the dead? The father had found a game character in the same few days as his name..."

"Wait, the Emperor found out today that there is a pity in the pesticide?!"

Zi Yingdao: "Well, but this is not the point. The father was very angry at first. Later, he accepted it. The point is that after the father discovered it, he spent money to buy the character and started to use only this. Characters play games."

Yan Jia suddenly had a bad feeling. He always felt that he had read a long Weibo article and said that the most potent role in the pesticide was Qin Shihuang...

Ziying anxiously said: "The father has just said why this character is so weak and always can't hit the enemy. Every time he uses this character, he will be jealous of others, asking him not to use this character, probably saying something... not big Good words. Now, the father was shackled for three days, and finally could not help but rush out of the longevity hall, saying that he would leave the mausoleum, destroy the unscrupulous people, and destroy the unreasonable world. The baby has nothing to do. All kinds of persuasion, only to be beaten by the father of the Emperor. Yi Jia, how should this be good?"

Yan Jia: "..."

The father of the first emperor decided to die because he was a pupil of the dead.

This special contribution to the "ghost know", the primary school students do not believe it!

The author has something to say: Mirror: Why is the daughter-in-law mainly eating sugar, and by the way, I hold a small hand...

C+: Although the bug is full of yin, it is still disgusting! Sugar is more important than your hand at this time!


Yes, yesterday, a little angel said that not everyone in Guangdong is eating bugs, but you Guangdong people eat Hu Jianren, doge~

Originally, this chapter is going to end, I will refer to it, say that the good text will drive you before the end of the text, rest assured, drive to you tomorrow.


Recommend the friends of the base! ! ! Come see it! ! !

Is a love cookie, sweet! I will tell you the introduction, especially cute~! The name is "Go to death without falling in love."

[Introduction: There are so many people in the entertainment circle. The most unhappy thing about the nightingale is the pseudo-gentle of Renjing. It looks like a kind of temperament. In fact, it is hypocritical. If you say a word, you can't listen to it.

Then one day, the nightingale was drunk, and when I woke up, I was lying next to the big movie.

The nightingale said: "MMP, let the dog smash!"

This was revealed for this matter, and the result was a voice in the night's head: "Daily Quest: Kissing Renjing, rewarding survival after completion: 1."

“Friendly reminder: a survival point below 1 will be taken back.”

Nightingale:! ! ! 】

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