MTL - Ghosts Know What I Experienced-Chapter 61

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Ye Jingzhi sat back on the sofa and never left again.

The master who lost the leaf sometimes reacted slowly to a slow shot. When he stood up, he did not directly say, "I am going to find Yan Xiuzhen, I will not come back tonight." Otherwise, he has no chance to sit down now, only to be wronged. Change clothes, go out to catch ghosts, and leave a man alone at home.

However, after saying this sentence, Yi Jia was also ashamed to be self-confident. He bowed his head and began to work hard to eat apples, and he refused to look up.

There was a very boring variety show on the TV, and several hosts worked hard to make a laugh, and the audience in the show laughed. But two people in the room, no one can laugh. Ye Jingzhi's clever and quiet sitting on the sofa, posture is correct, on the surface of a serious look at the appearance of television, but my heart is not thinking. Yi Jia is eating and eating fruits, eating apples and eating oranges, eating oranges and eating pears, just don't talk.

By the time the program is finished, it is already 11 o'clock in the evening.

At this time, Yi Jia usually goes to sleep, and Ye Jingzhi either chooses to sleep or go out to catch ghosts. But now, the two waited for a long time, and no one spoke. Until 11:05, Yi Jia closed his eyes with a blunt voice, and the voice said weakly: "You... are you sleepy?"

How can Ye Jingzhi be sleepy?

Master Ye is a person who can not eat, sleep, physical strength and full energy for a month. He subconsciously shook his head. When Zhao Jia saw it, he slammed it and did not expect it to be this reaction. After only one second, Ye Jingzhi reacted and quickly nodded: "Sleepy, I am sleepy."

Suddenly remembered the Jia Jia who was set up by Master Ye: "..."

As if he was worried that Yi Jia did not believe, Ye Jingzhi said seriously: "Recently, in order to find the extremely yin body, it took some energy."

Even if he said this, Jia Ge couldn’t believe it and could only continue: "..."

Ye Jingzhi did not think that his poor lies could not be fooled. He looked at Yi Jia and didn't mean to go to sleep. Some of them were anxious: "Jia Jia, are you not sleepy?"

I don’t think about it, I blurted it out: "Not sleepy!"

Ye Jingzhi's slight eyebrows: "You haven't had a good rest in these two days, and your face doesn't look good. I remember that Shennong Valley has a kind of spiritual grass that helps to sleep. I should have bought it." Qiankun Bao, Zhai Jia just wanted to stop, he found a dark green dog tail-like grass: "Jia Jia, this is a hundred-year-old Zhimu, if you are sleepy, just put this on the bed, you can Helping sleep, you can definitely fall asleep within ten seconds."

Yan Jia: "..."

If I really fell asleep for ten seconds, who would like to share the bed with you!

Looking at Ye Jing's sincere and worried eyes, Yan Jia sighed heavily, this time is really a fate. He stood up and smiled. "I will take a shower first. Mirror, if you are sleepy, you can sleep first. Yes, I last week... cough, I changed a bed last week, quite big, not The little bed before. You can... go and see."

When the voice fell, Yi Jia turned and ran into the bathroom, and the heart thumped and fluttered. Even if she forgot to change clothes, she found nothing.

All said that if Ye Jingzhi did not notice that he was suggesting that he could go to bed directly, then Yi Jia gave up. Speaking these words has already used up his courage this month, and Jia Ge has decided that if he sees Ye Jingzhi lying on the bed when he returns to the room, he will consider whether he wants to do something tonight. If Ye Jing is absent, it is destined to be destined, even if it is.

After washing and taking a shower, Yi Jia hesitated for a long time in the bathroom and finally made up his mind to walk out of the door.

He swallowed his mouth and pushed open his door. When he saw the situation inside, he was wide open.

Ye Jingzhi is standing by the bed, seriously... making the bed. He took out the new four-piece suit that he had only washed last week, and carefully smoothed every corner of the bed. Seeing Jia Jia, he stood up straight and said: "Jia Jia, I remember that you have not changed the sheets for a month, I... I will help you change."

Yan Jia: "..."

Jia Ge called you to look at the bedroom, not to let you change the sheets, it is for you to wash and lie down on the bed!

Looking at the neatly laid bed, Qian Jia felt warm and felt helpless. He went to the bed and lay in the quilt and lay in. Ye Jingzhi stood on the bed and didn't know what he should do. After waiting for a long time, he turned to the door and seemed to plan to go out.

Just as he touched the doorknob, Yan Jia coughed and said: "Ye Jingzhi, do you want to... try my new bed?"

Ye Jingzhi turned his head quickly and looked at Zhao Jia.

Yan Jia turned his eyes awkwardly: "This new mattress feels quite soft..."

Ye Jingzhi: "Yeah!"

Finally found the opportunity, Master Ye quickly ran to bed, pulled the quilt and lay in.

In the middle of the night, two big men were lying on the spacious bed, covered with quilts... and they didn’t even talk.

Yi Jia changed this bed last week because she felt that the bed was too small. He used to sleep with this one-meter five bed with Ye Jingzhi. The two big men shouldered their shoulders and were always crowded. So he specially changed the two-meter bed and thought: When you sleep together forever, it is much more convenient.

However, after a week, Jia Ge regretted it and regretted that his intestines were green.

How big is the two-meter bed?

Big to Jia Ge tentatively touched the side, touched for a long time, did not touch the master of Ye master!

This is still the original one meter five bed, they will shoulder to shoulder. With the "kind of the skin", what to do next is always a reason. Now it’s good to have two people lying on a bed. No one can touch anyone. Even if I really want to do something to be sorry for Master Ye and destroy the innocence of Master Ye, he is also powerless and can only look at the ceiling and blink.

In the spacious room, the faint breathing sounded again and again.

No one knows how long it has been. Yi Jia looked at the ceiling and never fell asleep. He vaguely felt that the mirror of the side should be asleep, because he heard that Master Ye had a very steady breathing and had never been moved, much like sleeping.

After waiting for more than half an hour with his eyes open, Yi Jia officially confirmed that Ye Jingzhi was asleep. He swallowed his mouth, took courage, stretched his hand in secret, and began to touch the person sleeping next to him. Probably stretched more than 30 centimeters, he only encountered a warm heat source, and Jia Jia suddenly held his breath and carefully held the hand.

The next moment, Ye Jing’s voice trembled and said lowly: “Jia Jia, what are you doing...”

Yan Jia: "!!!"

You are not asleep! ! !

Yan Jia was cheeky: "No...nothing, I just accidentally bumped it."

One of the mirrors made a sound, and Yi Jia’s hand was like an electric shock, and quickly escaped. He escaped, and Ye Jing was a little embarrassed. He didn't know what he was doing wrong.

From the time when the two people turned off the lights and lay down on the bed, Ye Jingzhi waited, waiting to help each other.

Master Ye did not know how the daughter-in-law wanted to help each other. It was like the one in the province. He helped his wife to touch and the wife helped him to touch. The two were very happy. Do you have to kiss and help each other? Anyway, he listens to Jiajia, and Jiajia wants to do what he wants.

Then he waited for an hour and didn't wait for Yi Jia to say a word...

Master Ye is suffering in his heart!

I couldn't sleep, and I was very wronged. I don't know what I wanted to do when I called myself to sleep, until he suddenly found out that he had touched his hand. At the moment I touched it, Ye Jing’s heart was happy to open the flowers, and then Yi Jia took the hand off...

However, even if he is bitter and wronged again, Ye Jingzhi is more concerned now: "Jia Jia, can't you sleep?"

Where did Jia Jia sleep, he first shook his head, then nodded quickly, and could not answer.

Ye Jingzhi immediately turned his hand and took out a hundred years of Zhimu: "After a while, you can fall asleep."

Yan Jia: "..." said that it is not this thing!

Up to now, there are only two ways in front of Jia Ge. The first one, no matter what, go up and go to Ye Jingzhi. The second one, honestly sleep, and then wait for the opportunity to run Master Ye.

Ye Jingzhi carefully placed the centennial Zhimu on the pillow of Yi Jia. He gently clicked on the leaf surface of this Zhimu, and the warm and medicinal properties slowly came out. It only takes ten seconds, and Yi Jia can fall asleep. However, after only five seconds, Yi Jiayi grasped the Zhimu and blocked the drug.

Ye Jing's mistakes looked up in the darkness. In the darkness, Zhao Jia held up the upper body and looked at him with a faint look: "I don't want to sleep a little..."

Ye Jingzhi: "???"

What do you do not sleep?

Is it... can you help each other? !

Ye Jingzhi suddenly blush on his face.

The dim moonlight shines through the window into the house, barely revealing some vague shadows. Zhao Jia can only see the silent expression of Ye Jing, and can't see his hidden shyness. He thought for a long time, struggled for a long time, suddenly turned over and slammed into the waist of Ye Jing.

Ye Jingzhi’s shock: “Jiajia?!”

Yan Jia gnashed his teeth: "Ye Jingzhi, at this time, you really don't want to do anything at all!"

Master Ye swallowed his mouth and dared not answer.

Yan Jia: "Well? You don't want to do anything?"

Ye Jingzhi: "I... what am I going to do?"

Yan Jia is arrogant and just wants to criticize two sentences. Suddenly he feels that a ** thing is on his lap.

Yan Jia: "..."

Is this the legendary mouth saying no, the body is still very honest?

The hot thing was between his legs, against his sensitive thigh skin. Yan Jia clenched his teeth and his face gradually turned red, but he did not retreat. He looked down and looked at the man who was under his body. It is obvious that a certain part of this man has become like that, but his face is still so innocent. When he saw it, he shyly opened his eyes.

Yan Jia clenched his fist and shouted: "Ye Jingzhi!"

Under the mirror, he turned his head consciously and looked at Zhao Jia. He had not had time to say a word. Suddenly, a hot thing blocked his lips. Ye Jingzhi’s eyes are wide and he looks incredulously at the young people who are close at hand.

This is not the first kiss between the two, nor the first kiss. But this is the first time that Zhao Jia sat on the waist of Ye Jing, holding his hand and kissing it.

Zhai Jia vigorously opened the teeth of the mirror and kissed the soft lips. The pupil of the mirror trembled and felt that his wife had used such a posture to press her own death and kiss. His mouth and nose belonged to the taste of Zhaojia. The warm taste, the taste of the sun, the loneliness but the optimism of the effort.

In an instant, an indescribable fast | feeling penetrated the brain and passed to the nerve cortex.

In the next moment, the body is faster than thought, and Ye Jing’s turn over puts Jia Jia under his body, closes his eyes, and kisses and **** hard.

The kiss technique that was trained in two months of actual combat has the best display at this time. He is familiar with every sensitive point of his youth. He doesn't know what special things are in these places, but he knows that when he bites his wife's soft and sweet lower lip, his Jiajia will make a nice voice, sweet. Greasy, sweet into his heart.

Ye Jing's eyes closed, subconsciously holding his hands on the pillow and leaning over his lover.

The kiss is long and hot, and the end of a kiss, lascivious | 靡 silver silk is constantly involved in the mouth of two people, the moonlight shines, it is the sparkling color.

Ye Jingzhi's physical quality is far better than that of Zhao Jia. After this kiss, Yan Jia gasped heavily, his cheeks were red, half was shy, and half was shackled. And Ye Jingzhi stared at the bright eyes and looked at his wife seriously.

After Yu Jiachuan gasped, he lifted his throat and saw the sharp eyes of Ye Jing. The gaze is more shy and cautious, but there is still a trace of undetectable color | desire, pressed in the depths of the eye. Even if it is pure in love, it is a man, and he will want to do it. Love, but he may not understand it now.

I thought about it all, and Jia Jia suddenly let out a sigh of relief, a big stone placed deep inside, slowly sinking.

In fact, before tonight, there was a problem that had been hidden in the heart of Jia Ge and could not be answered.

He is worried, Master Ye... Is it a problem in that regard?

Of course, this is not to say that Ye Master Yang|痿, when Yi Jia and Ye Jingzhi helped each other last month, it took more than an hour to work hard and finally finally gave it out. In this regard, Jia Ge has authority, and he is so sad and expectant to say: "My family master Ye's physical strength is far more than 99% of the world's men."

What Zheng Jia really worried is, is Ye Jingzhi a bit psychological problem?

Jia Ge did not talk about love before, but Jia Ge heard many students (such as Chen Tao) said that they all want to do something embarrassing with their girlfriend. Indeed, some students are more conservative, not married and not doing that kind of thing. But doing it or not is one thing. Whether or not this idea is another thing.

The problem now in front of Qian Jia is: Master Ye seems to have never thought of going further with him!

When I first kissed my little mouth, I wanted Jia Ge to take the initiative.

Later, helping each other, the initiative is still Jia Ge.

From beginning to end, Yi Jia is alone in this respect. Yi Jia is a man. He can't think about the question of "Is my body so that Master Ye can't play sex." He can only think that Master Ye doesn't want to do it with him.

Ye Jingzhi is always a pure and indifferent look. You and his relatives, he will be shy; last time he helped each other, he was still shy. Then do the last step? What will he do?

Now, Yi Jia finally has the answer.

The corner of his mouth was slightly tilted, and Jia Jia extended his hands and took the neck of Ye Jing. He smiled low and his eyes were calm. He looked at Ye Jingzhi seriously and saw that the face of Ye Jing was getting red. In fact, now Jia Jia’s face is very hot, but he tries to hold back the shame in his heart. He asks one word at a time: “Ye Jingzhi, you are now... Do you want to do something with me?”

Ye Jing's eyes are round and round, and for a long time, he whispered: "Do you do anything?"

Yi Jia nodded.

Ye Jingy closed his eyes and slammed open again: "Jia Jia, can you help each other today..." In the end, it became a mosquito cockroach and could not hear it.

Yi Jia did not hear his words, and asked again, Ye Jingzhi’s courage: “Jia Jia, can you help each other...”

Yan Jia: "..."

After a while: "Do you want to help me with each other?!"

Ye Jingzhi looked at Zhao Jia inexplicably and nodded.

Yan Jia: "..."

My boyfriend is really unable to move, suddenly want to change a boyfriend, how to do online and wait!

Yan Jiasheng couldn't help but look at Ye Jingzhi, the desire in the heart|The fire has not completely dissipated, but there is a sense of despair. Where does Ye Jingzhi know that what Jia Jia wants now is not simply mutual help. He sees that Jia Jia does not speak, and he is anxious. He blames himself: "Jia Jia, you don't want today... don't want that? Then we sleep. Let me give you a hundred years of an aunt." Saying, Ye Jingzhi reached out and went to get Zhimu.

Looking at his anxious and shy appearance, Yi Jia stunned and said subconsciously: "Are you still hard?"

The thing was still hot on the legs of Zhao Jia, and there was no sign of disappearing.

Ye Jingzhi stunned for a long time: "I am fine..."

Yan Jia: "..."

Ye Jingzhi is afraid that Jia Jia does not believe: "I am really okay, nothing, I can use my mind to clear my heart."

When the voice just fell, Ye Jingzhi whispered a spell and seemed to really want to calm himself down. Yi Jia finally couldn't help but laugh again. He smiled and Ye Jingzhi looked at him in confusion. He didn't ask, suddenly, a soft hand was pressed under him.

The eye of the mirror is big: "Jia Jia!"

Yan Jia's cheeks are red, but her face is a very calm expression. The old driver, Jia Ge, calmly pulled the hand of Ye Jing and put it in his pajamas. His voice was calm: "Help each other?"

Ye Jingzhi: "Ah?"

Yan Jia’s hand gently reached into the clothes of Ye Jing, and grasped the small leaf mirror.

Ye Jingzhi: "!!!"

This time, don't help each other, you have to help each other.

The low asthmatic sound echoed gently in the room, and Jia Jia raised his arm and covered his eyes, and the other hand kept stroking. He couldn't hold the voice in his throat, and he could almost feel the slender hand that belonged to the mirror. That hand is often used to draw symbols, but now it is holding itself, a force...

"Ye Jing Zhi!"

The voice suddenly rose, and Jia Jia shouted aloud "Ye Jing Zhi". Suddenly the whole person was soft and lie down, unable to return to the body.

The low voice of Ye Jingsheng sounded at this moment: "Jia Jia, can you kiss you?"

At the moment, Yi Jia had a way to answer. He had a dry throat and wanted to speak. However, he found that he could only make a soft and soft 呻 吟 吟. Ye Jingzhi’s hand has not been taken away. He did not wait for Yi Jia’s answer. Perhaps when he defaulted, he kissed it gently.

The kiss was not as intense as it was just now, but it was like a poisonous medicine that was dead and gentle, licking the wall of Yan Jia, making his scalp numb, his toes tight, and his back tightly stretched. Just got liberated and got up again.

Ye Jingzhi always kissed him gently, lingering, and the two touched each other. After a long time, they got another cast.

Zhao Jia’s forehead was covered with fine sweat and looked at the ceiling with no eyes. He suddenly felt that even if he did not make the final step, he was immersed in it and could not extricate himself. To do this now, he is already the reaction, if it is really the last? With the physical strength of Ye Jing, will he die completely in bed, will it be fundamental...


The sound of magnetic hoarseness sounded on the side, interrupting the thoughts of Qian Jia. Zhao Jia’s movement turned his head slowly. He saw Ye Jingzhi’s eyes covered with a layer of things he could not understand. The eyes were **** and charming, mixed with a trace of unseen, human nature.

Yi Jia vaguely noticed a little, but did not wait for him to understand, Ye Jingzhi asked cautiously: "Jia Jia, can you help each other later..."

Upon hearing this sentence, Zhao Jia was completely awake. He smiled and licked his lips: "After?"

Ye Jingzhi lowered his eyes and whispered "Hm", nervous.

奚嘉嘴角一勾: "The next thing... I will talk about it later. Of course it is okay to help each other. As for other things..."

Ye Jingzhi looked up at him: "Other things?"

Xiaojia smiled slightly: "Well, other things, I will feel better in the future, and tell you."

Ye Jingzhi frowned, thought for a long time, did not expect the answer.

This time helping each other, the two tossed into the middle of the night. Probably because the body was liberated and the mood was liberated, the two quickly fell asleep. Before going to sleep, Yi Jia was still calm and thought: Since his master Ye Ye is so innocent, he doesn't open his mind. Then he will play more games and find a few small yellow films. In fact, Ye Master’s innocence is also good. After he is in bed, he is definitely leading. Maybe he still has a chance to be on it?

With such a thought, Jia Ge was more happy and slept with satisfaction.

However, Jia Ge may never think of it. The current Ye Master did not open up at all, and did not understand what two people should do. Now Master Ye knows what it means to help each other, so that you can't extricate yourself. After two days, you showed Master Ye to Xiao Huang. The film... It was finished, and Master Ye did not eat or sleep for a month. Jia Ge might want to return a boyfriend.

I did it for a long time last night. I woke up in the morning, except that I felt a little sour in my hand, and everything else was refreshing.

In the morning, Yi Jia made a braised fish for him, then ran to the Internet and began to search for resources. The current resources are hidden too much. Jia Ge doesn't look at this kind of thing very much. He found it for more than three hours before he found a film of the same **** theme and copied it to the U disk. When he took the courage again, he decided to take a look at this film with Ye Jingzhi.

Last night's business, used up the courage of Qian Jia in the last two months. He didn't dare to say anything unusual in a short time, so the two men spent a dull and warm day. Only in the evening, Ye Jingzhi wanted to be sleepy with his wife. But he had not yet gone to bed. He saw the domineeringly lying in the center of the two-meter bed and pushed the Jiajia to the corner of the bed.

Ye Jingzhi: "..."

Qi Jia raised his head and said: "Hey, mirror, how come you?"

Master Ye took out a few words: "I don't want to be hungry..."

Yan Jia smiled and said: "It only ate a little fish half an hour ago."

Ye Jing's grievance turned back to his room.

Looking at his back, Yi Jia noticed a little abnormality. The next day, Jia Ge squeezed a small U disk and began to walk around. He walked from the living room to the kitchen and then from the kitchen to the balcony. It is reasonable to say that in a short time, Jia Ge is unlikely to propose to watch Huang | film and give Master Ye a long experience of this kind of thing, but what happened last night, he really can’t bear to let Ye Jingzhi do this again. Understand, do not understand anything.

However, this time, Yi Jia did not have time to practice the task of watching Xiao Huang | film. In the evening, a strange voice rang outside the door.

"Are you sure this is this? Candles are friends, we have gone wrong three times."

"This time the poor road definitely did not admit the mistake, this is the home. Half a year ago, the poor road also scratched this door... Hey, this door has been repaired so well, is it that Ye Xiaoyou used the spell to restore it? Already?"

"Then we knocked on the door?"

As soon as the words were finished, a loud knock on the door sounded.

Yan Jia: "..."

Ye Jingzhi: "..."

The two had long guessed who was standing outside the house. When they opened the door, they didn’t realize it. The candlelight and the real wife stood together outside the door. Seeing them, the two masters sighed with relief. Yan Xiuzhenjun said helplessly: "Ye Xiaoyou, Xiao Xiaoyou, poor road and candlelight friends have just gone wrong with the three families, and this has only found you. This is going to be wrong again, and the poor road will be self-sufficient."

Zhai Jia invited the two masters to the house and chilled a bit. Yan Xiu Zhenjun said what he wanted today.

"This is the case. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has made the final judgment of the ghost-infant incident the day before yesterday. The woman was killed by a ghost baby. Naturally, it has nothing to do with the hospital. It can only be regarded as suicide. The poor road makes Nanyi to use this. The matter was told to the family, and they expected that they would not admit it. They insisted on hospital compensation."

Qian Jia had long thought that the family of patriarchal women might have let go of the big fish in the hospital? Now their daughter-in-law is dead, and her grandson is gone. She must be compensated by the hospital. The hospital is very rich and public, with the government behind it. The government is most afraid of petitioning and making troubles. It is really impossible for them to lie down in front of the government building and cry a few times. The government may give them a statement.

Zhao Jia frowned: "Yu Xiu seniors, how can I solve this problem in the end?"

Yan Xiuzhen sighed: "The poor road is really not good at this kind of thing. Fortunately, there are people who don't wake up to friends and poor people. If you don't wake up the friends and send those people back to their hometown, Nan Yi will display another spell. Let them see the 'ghost' of their daughter-in-law and grandson. The few people were so scared that their faces were white and shivering, and this was solved."

Yi Jia wants to get those who are patriarchal to get retribution, but he also knows that it is not just the family but the woman. The woman herself was also very weak, and she also personally killed her fourth child. What the metaphysical community can do now is to stop the family from having a hospital, and that's it.

As if to perceive the meaning of Qian Jia, Ye Jingzhi pulled up his hand and whispered: "They have no children in this life."

Yi Jiayi: "What?"

Ye Jingzhi explained: "Ling Wei is on the road, the avenue is three thousand. Everyone has his own life, and he has his own destined children. I used to look at the man's face and found that he was destined to have only five children. Now that all five of his children have died, he will never have a child in his life."

When she thought about it, she understood the meaning of Ye Jingzhi.

Yi Jia does not feel that he is a particularly harsh punishment for not being able to give birth to a child or a grandson, but for the family, it may be worse than having to kill them.

After clarifying the follow-up of the ghost-infant incident, the topic returned to the beginning.

Zhai Jia asked: "Yu Xiu seniors, candlelight predecessors, you come over today, what else?"

Yan Xiuzhen and the candlelight looked at each other and nodded to each other. Yan Xiuzhen took a step forward and said: "Last afternoon, the poor road handled the follow-up of this incident, and finally had time to investigate the true face of the ghost baby. The poor road investigation found that this ghost baby is indeed a very yin body. ”

Zhao Jiayu said: "She is a very yin body? Is she not born? And I thought she had a heavy anger and anger because she had been aborted four times in a row, and finally she was so strong."

Yan Xiuzhenjun said: "Yes, although she was not born, she is also a very yin body. As long as she can be born in the middle of the Chinese New Year, she is a pure and extremely yin body. Now the dead ghost baby It is half a very yin body. And Xiao Xiaoyou, this ghost baby is a girl, and if it is not dead, it must be born in the Mid-Autumn Festival. If she is really born, her extremely yin body may be more pure than you. The yin is more terrible and the strength is higher than you!"

Yi Jia did not refute, Ye Jingzhi pinched his hand and did not speak.

The whole metaphysical community only knows one of the mirrors. The reason why the wife of the house has such strong strength can tear the devil, not because he is a very yin body, but because he has experienced a strange change, and since then it has been inexplicable. The ground can tear the devil.

The real reason is that even Jia Jia does not understand. Perhaps in this world, only Ling Xiao understands what he has experienced.

Yan Xiuzhen continued to say: "After the poor road found that the ghost baby is also extremely yin body, he noticed an abnormality. In order to determine that the ghost baby is really extremely yin body, the poor road shouted to the candle, and asked him to Let’s take a look. As a result, today’s candlelights counted three friends, and each one showed that the ghost baby is indeed a very yin body.”

Yi Jia suddenly understood: "You mean..."

"Yes, Xiao Xiaoyou, Ye Xiaoyou, do you think that there are so many extremely yin bodies in Sucheng, what seems to be wrong?"

Half a year ago, the ghost king was born, and the metaphysical circles also discussed it for a while. They are not discussing the appearance of Zhao Jia, but the extremely yin body that has not appeared in hundreds of years. How can it suddenly appear?

The Heavenly Masters of Tianxue are also quite reliable, knowing the priorities of things. In fact, similar things have happened once, that is, twenty-one years ago, the metaphysical circles urgently discussed: The three-dimensional body that was seen in the millennium, how was it born smoothly?

That discussion has already produced results, excluding various human factors, and it is certain that Ye Jingzhi’s own character is too hard. He actually killed his mother in the womb, but at that time he was already in the womb for ten months. After the mother had died, he did not die and was born smoothly.

However, this time, Yi Jia, did not come up with a unified conclusion.

The suffocating body of the extremely yin body is not as heavy as the body of the three scorpions. It appears once every few hundred years, and there are also some. The last appearance of the extremely yin body was more than three hundred years ago. The extremely yin body was eaten by the ghosts at the age of four or five, and did not leave a little research material for the metaphysical community.

This time, the emergence of Yi Jia, the metaphysical circles are also puzzled. Later, the Heavenly Masters no longer discussed this matter. Only when it is the very yin body should appear, then it will appear, maybe a few more than a hundred years later there will be a very yin body.

Until this time, the second extremely yin body appeared again, and it was still in Sioux City.

How is it still Sucheng?

It’s a once-in-a-lifetime appearance that has happened once in a few hundred years. The second time it appears, it’s still in the same place. It’s too coincidental.

If you change to someone else (such as Lushan Taoist), you may not be too lazy to pay attention to such a small matter. It is only a coincidence. However, as the leader of the metaphysical circle, Yan Xiuzhen is responsible for the reliable, of course, it is impossible to let such a strange thing.

Yan Xiuzhenjun's face is dignified: "The two extremely yin bodies appear in the same city, but they are only ten miles away. You Xiaoyou, Ye Xiaoyou, don't you feel strange? Take the liberty to ask, Xiao Xiaoyou, when your mother is pregnant with you, is In Sioux City? You were born in Sioux City? Before you were born, what strange things did your parents have encountered?"

Yi Jia certainly knows the importance of this matter, even he does not believe it, the two extremely yin bodies will appear in the same place. He recalled it carefully: "My parents came to Sioux City twenty-six years ago and settled here. When my mother was pregnant with me, she was in Sioux City. My mother was unsteady and had been raising a baby in Sioux City. I didn't go anywhere else. When my father told me when he was a child, he said that it should be because my yin is too heavy, my mother will be difficult to stabilize. As for strange things... my father never told me."

Yan Xiuzhenjun knows that his parents are both dead. Of course, it is impossible to get clues from his parents, but he can't ask the family. At the home of the family, the woman who had a pregnancy had already died. The man and his parents were peasants. They didn’t know one big character, and they were very arrogant and could not speak at all.

Things once again reached a deadlock, and Yan Xiuzhen thought that he could find a breakthrough from Qianjia, but did not expect Yi Jia to understand anything.

Yi Jia and Yan Xiu Zhenjun, the candlelight real people pondered for a long time, did not get an answer.

Ye Jing's faint opening: "Don't think too much. If the two extremely yin bodies appear in Sioux City at the same time, it is not a coincidence, it must be that Sioux City is weird. Sioux is here, it can't escape. Jiajia and Ghost Baby Twenty-three years apart, the eccentricity of Sioux City should be unchanged, at least for now it must be nearby. We just need to find a place where we can find the truth, can we know the truth?"

The author has something to say: C+: I see it, I will be the leader of the bed in the future~

Mirror [not yet open version]: Everything is listening to Jia's OVO

Fuwa: laugh and not speak.jpg


Don't worry, baby, although it's almost over, but your old driver Fuwa will definitely give you a car before the end!

Xinfuwa, there is meat to eat!

Wait, how do you think the mirror will be blackened? Reasonable, how can our mirrors be blackened! He is so stupid! (mirror:???)

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