MTL - Ghosts Know What I Experienced-Chapter 58

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On the way home from the cinema, Zhao Jia seems to be in a good mood. She has been talking to Ye Jingzhi about the new drama she shot a few days ago. Meeting the old classmates seems to be really just an inconsistency. I don’t mention the old classmates at all, and Ye Jingzhi will not ask.

When the two returned to the community, they also saw a four-year-old devil downstairs. The little devil is mixed in a group of children and wants to play with these children, but these children ignore it. The little devil thought that the children didn't want to take care of themselves. They cried silently, but they didn't know that it was dead. These children could not see it at all.

Zhao Jia took some dishes in his hand. His eyes swept over the children and the crying little devil. He turned his head and continued to say to Ye Jing: "After two days, July and a half, mirror, you really Don't go to the capital? I heard that Yu Yu said that most of the younger generation of the younger generation went to the capital and wanted to keep the ghost gate."

Ye Jingzhi: "There are no problems with Nanyidao friends and Hu Diedao friends. I can't go."

Yi Jia nodded: "I still listened to Yu Yu, he said that he should hurry to keep the ghost gates. In July and a half, there are shopping festivals in Tiangongzhai and Shennong Valley. He wants to buy a lot of things. It turns out that in addition to the ghost city of Yuyang, Xuan There is also a special shopping festival in the academic world."

Ye Jingzhi patiently explained to Yi Jia.

For ordinary people, the most important festival of the year is the Spring Festival. But for the heavenly masters of the metaphysics, the most important festival of the year is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

In the middle of July, the ghost door opened.

Every year in the Mid-Autumn Festival, the ghost gates of the capitals will be opened, and the Tianshi will be stationed in the past to prevent the ghosts from rushing out and harming the human world. Therefore, one or two months before the Mid-Yuan Festival, the Xuanxue Circle will hold the Tianshi Congress. At the meeting, the master of Tianjimen will calculate the scale of the ghost gate this year and decide who will be stationed in the ghost gate this year.

The ghosts that can come out of the ghost gates are at least wild ghosts, many of them are ghosts. However, they have long belonged to the local government, and the ink fountains did not respond to them. Killing them did not count points. The thing of defending the ghost gate is completely unrewarding. This kind of thing is of course handed over to the younger generation. It is famous: giving young people a chance to exercise.

Zhai Jiaben thought that this kind of hard work would be a sneak peek at the gods, and he would not do it. Who would expect that the jade would look like "I don't go to **** and go to hell", and Dayi said that he had already prepared for the ghost gate. , definitely do not live up to the expectations of the organization.

Ye Jingzhi said: "Maybe because the ghost gate is held every year, ‘Ghost knows’ will make a separate headline report on the most dedicated Tianshi.”

Yi Jia did not respond, and Ye Jingzhi reminded: "The Tianshi, who contributes the most every year, will be very popular with other friends, especially female friends."

Yan Jia: "..."

You can't have any expectations for people like 裴 棍!

The days are still calmly passing, and Qian Jia has no work lately, and Ye Jing’s occasional go out to catch ghosts. Life is dull and warm, and the two men seized the time to practice "Yin and Jiuhe", and Ye Jingzhi's suffocation slowly controlled.

Ye Jingzhi did not forget what he heard in the cinema that day. He wanted to ask Yi Jia several times what happened in the past. However, every time I want to open my mouth and look at the calm and gentle smile of Qian Jia, he can't ask why he can only give up again and again.

What Ye Jia does not say, Ye Jingzhi will not go to check.

Ye Jingzhi knows that everyone has their own secrets. He is willing to tell all his secrets to Zhao Jia, but if he does not want to tell him, he will not be reluctant. A lot of things are not meant to be said, some things are too heavy. He will wait slowly, and one day, Jia Jia willingly tells him.

However, this time, Ye Jingzhi did not wait for Yi Jia to take the initiative, but waited for two people who should not appear here.

On the morning before the Mid-Autumn Festival, Yi Jia took the initiative to cook, and Master Ye was very happy. He sat in the living room and waited to eat. Suddenly the doorbell rang, and Yi Jia thought it was a courier, let Ye Jingzhi go to open the door. As soon as the door opened, the priests and monks outside the door had a ritual.

Muyu Buddhist monk: "Amitabha, long time no see, Ye Daoyou."

Nan Yi: "Ye Daoyou, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Qi Jia is cooking braised pork in the kitchen. Master Ye likes to eat this. When he hears these two voices, he walks out of the kitchen in amazement and sees the two masters standing at the door. Yi Jiayi said: "What is this?"

Nan Yi looked up at Yu Jia, and his tone calmed down: "Hey, you are okay?"

A face-lifting 奚嘉: "???"

Nan Yi has a heavy tone: "I heard that you have a problem. I was sent to the Muyudao friends to see your situation. Are you okay?"

Yan Jia: "... Wait, where is my fault?"

He has something wrong, he doesn't know it himself? Then how do you know that!

Nan Yi frowned: "You didn't find it?"

Yan Jia mouth corner: "I am not sick at all, what should I find?"

Nan Yi seemed very surprised. He turned to look at Ye Jingzhi and asked: "Ye Daoyou, have you not found any abnormalities?"

Master Ye is very much in maintaining his wife: "Jiajia is not sick." There is nothing wrong with it!

Nan Yi thought about it and suddenly understood: "I mean, Sioux City is a bit unusual recently. Have you not found it?"

Qi Jia and Ye Jingzhi are together.

These days, Zhai Jia and Ye Jingzhi have been staying in Sioux City and never left. Sioux City is the base camp of Ghost King and Ye Hao Wang, and does not say that the recent Gone Festival is coming, and the solitary ghosts on Sioux Street are less than half. Even if it is not the Mid-Autumn Festival, there are ghost kings and Ye Hao Wang, and Sucheng rarely has anything to do with ghosts and hurts.

Now that Sucheng has an accident, no one of them has found it. It was discovered by the people of the Xuanxue world.

Nan Yi and Muyu entered the house, and Nan Yi said: "In recent days, the yin change in Sioux City is very strange."

Zhao Jia immediately asked: "Wait a minute, what is the abnormality you said about yin?"

Nan Yi nodded.

Yi Jia turned to look at Ye Jingzhi: "Master Ye, is the yin of Sucheng not right?"

Ye Jingzhi shook his head: "It is very normal."

After listening to this answer, Yi Jia also deliberately went to the window and looked up to see the weather outside. I saw the sky, the blue sky and the white clouds, the splendid sunshine, there is a hint of vain floating in the sky above Sucheng, these yin is completely within the normal level, there is no difference.

After confirming, Jia Jia returned to the room and said: "I remember that Saitama once told me that the entire metaphysical world, only Master Ye can see the yin with the naked eye." Well, there are himself, a total of two people. . "Now we have not found any abnormalities in the yin of Sioux City. Master Nan Yi, are you sure that there is a problem with Sioux City?"

Nan Yi has not yet opened, and the wooden fish on the side will go forward and smile: "Hey, you are in this mountain."

Yi Jia was the first official talk with Muyu. Muyu is a big disciple of Dawanshou Temple and one of Ye Jing’s only three friends. The relic that was worn by Yi Jia was the relic left by Master Muyu when he died. It was also the first time that Ye Jing’s came from Dawanshou Temple.

The wooden fish little monk is not tall, has a round face, often laughs, looks a little round and lovely. While playing with the beads in his hand, he said: "In recent days, the yin of the city has changed a bit. The surrounding cities, including Haicheng and Jiashi, have their tendency to gather together in the city. After my uncle and Yan Xiu’s predecessors discovered this incident, please take a look at the predecessors of Candle Maple. The image shows that the yin and yang acacia, a hundred turns to find back. This yin change is related to the body of the extreme yin."

As soon as this words landed, all the eyes of the people gathered on the Tao.

Muyu made a gift: "Amitabha, 奚道友, have you been physically okay recently? Is it... cough, is it too frequent to communicate with Ye Daoyou?"

Yan Jia: "..."

Ye Jingzhi: "..."

When Muyu said this, he still gave face, no point. However, Nan Yi was very straightforward and said straightforwardly: "I didn't know before, and the body of the very yin broke the boy's body. There was such a big movement, and it had such a big impact on the yin of the heavens and the earth. But the city of Sioux City The change of yin is very abnormal, not a good thing, so I don’t know if I can, but I hope that the two will be slightly restrained."

Yan Jia: "..."

If it wasn’t for Jia Ge’s clear understanding that he and Ye Master hadn’t broken the window paper, he couldn’t wash it when he jumped into the Yellow River!

Next, Yi Jia solemnly explained to the two priests that he and Ye Master had never done anything to the Sioux people! Since they returned to Sioux City, the two people went to sleep directly, not to mention doing nothing, and they didn’t even help each other.

And to make sense, even if they help each other, they will have an accident, but they are helping each other in the province. How did the yin of the province not have an accident, and the suffocation of the city of Sucheng had an accident?

Did Jia Ge and Master Ye hit a shot and could cross half of China and hit Sioux City?

This pot is not back, they are absolutely not back!

However, they said so, Nanyi and Muyu are a little unbelievable.

They have all seen the "ghost know", knowing that Jia Jia and Ye Jingzhi have a marriage contract. Moreover, both of them are the core disciples of the four major sects. They have already heard from the parents' generations that when Ye Jing’s sudden aging broke out, Yi Jia’s own lover, his life is forgotten, and he may be suffocated. The risk of exploding and dying, but also to comfort him with Ye Jing.

These two people are greasy, such as glue-like paint. When Nanyi and Muyu just entered the door, they could hear it. The singer called Ye Jingzhi is the "mirror". The mirror is even more powerful. He directly called "Jiajia", don't mention more numbness.


Nan Yi said honestly: "The look of the Taoist friend seems to be better."

Yan Jia: "!!!"

God's little is affected by the theory of moisturizing! Jia Ge has not been moisturized at all! ! !

Muyu Zhengjing said: "Hey, friends, uncle, they sent me and friends of Nanyi Road, they feel that we are all of our peers, we have a good relationship with Ye Daoyou, in this kind of thing... cough, in this kind You can't do anything about it. You don't mind, just when we didn't say anything this time, let's go. Just pay a little attention later, control a little..."

Yan Jia: "We didn't do anything at all!"

Muyu and Nan Yi looked up and looked at Zhao Jia, and looked like "I don't lie to me if I read less."

Yan Jia: "..."

The next moment, Zhao Jia took a mirror and said: "You don't believe me, don't you believe in Ye Master? You think that Ye Jingzhi will lie? Master Ye, you tell them, is it clear between us? ?? They are still Huanghua Datong men!

Zhai Jiaben thought that Ye Jingzhi would tell the truth, because the two of them really did not do that kind of thing, and even if they did that kind of thing, how could it affect the sultanity of Sioux City, sorry for the people of Sioux City. But Ye Jingzhi was started by Zhai Jiala, slowly lowering his head and whispering: "It seems... not too clear..."

Yan Jia: "..."

Muyu and Nan Yi have such a face.

Zhai Jia quickly said: "Ye Jingzhi, you repeat, we are not clear in the end?!"

Master Ye suddenly raised his head and honestly said: "Jia Jia, we did not help each other..."

"That is not at all!" Yan Jia immediately interrupted the words of Ye Jing. He turned his head and saw that, really, Nan Yi and Muyu were thinking about what Ye Master had just said. Jia Ge coughed twice and proved his innocence: "You can say, we have not done that kind of thing, do the last one!"

Master Ye suddenly blushes: "No..."

Zhao Jia immediately said: "Have you heard, Master Ye said that we did not, do you believe it or not?"

Nan Yi and Muyu looked at each other and believed the words of Ye Jingzhi.

When Qian Jia saw their confused expression, it was relieved.

Fortunately, Master Ye is well-known in the metaphysical world, and is a veritable moral model. Otherwise, he will not be able to wash the Yellow River.

Since "Yin and Yang Acacia" does not mean what Zhaojia and Ye Jingzhi did, then who is the one who stirred the sullen city of Sioux City and is sorry for the seven million people in Sioux City?

Everyone suddenly fell into a loss.

Nan Yidao: "The sigh is very clear. This yin change is related to the body of the yin and is related to the yin and yang. If it is not a friend, is there a second yin in this world? Body?"

Zhao Jia shook his head: "I don't know who is the most yin body except me. But if there is another extremely yin body in Sioux City, it will inevitably suffocate, and I will see his yin with the mirror." Gas, you can find him directly."

The wooden fish thought: "Will is there another way to cover the yin?"

Ye Jingzhi said: "Yin and Yang Jiuhe Taishan Stone is the best magic weapon, it can directly cover the yin. But ordinary people can not have this magic weapon, do not know how to use such magic weapon, must ask the heavenly masters In this case, the metaphysical world cannot possibly know the existence of the other side."

Things suddenly fell into a deadlock.

The yin of the city of Sucheng is related to the body of the yin, and it is related to the shackles. How does this look like how Yi Jia and Ye Jingzhi do not know how to control, too many times, do things that are sorry for the people of Sioux City. But this time, Zhao Jia is really innocent. Is there really a second body in the world?

Yi Jia does not know how the yin of a city is too embarrassing, and what serious consequences will result, but Ye Jingzhi knows. Ye Jing’s brow was locked and he said something more serious: “Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival.”

Nan Yi and Muyu Qi Qi Qi Qi, looked up at him.

Ye Jingzhi clenched the hand of Qian Jia, and his tone was calm: "The night of the Mid-Yuan Festival, the yin violent | move more frequently. If there is really a second extremely yin body, we must have a night at the Mid-Autumn Festival. Before he comes, find him out, otherwise... there will be endless troubles."

Suddenly, such a thing happened, and Zhao Jia did not have time to cook. Ye Jingzhi looked at the braised pork that had not been cooked in the pot. Now they must quickly split up to find the very yin body.

Nan Yi contacted the Candle Maple Taoist, please count the candlesticks and see if you can find the second extreme body. However, the Candle Maple Taoist quickly replied: [There are only a small friend in this world who is extremely yin. 】

Nan Yi asked: [Candle Maple predecessors, are you really wrong? 】

[This little thing has not leaked open-air machines, how can the poor road be wrong. 】

Since it can't be counted, you can only find it yourself in the most stupid way. Both Yan Jia and Ye Jingzhi could see the yin, they drove the car and quickly strolled through the entire city. Nan Yi and Muyu also opened the yin and yang eyes, want to find the very yin body.

But how can you find it?

The four found the night from noon, and they did not find another trace of the very yin body.

The Heavenly Masters of Tianjimen also began to count around day and night, and the Candle Maple Taoist people counted more than 50 baht in a row. Every cockroach shows that only the 奚嘉 is the most yin body in the world.

At the arrival of the zero point in July and July, Yi Jia and Ye Jingzhi were standing on the Xiangmen Bridge in Sioux City, watching the people and vehicles coming and going on the road. The second hand just slipped past the zero point. Suddenly, a cold wind slammed from the foot of Zhao Jia and blown his hair.

Zhao Jia looked down at his soles. In his eyes, a faint yin rushed up from the earth and slowly floated in the air. He looked up again and looked far away, and his eyes were tightened and his eyes were dignified.

On the whole main road, the hairy yin of the hair climbed up from the ground and was gently scattered in the air. Before July and a half, the suffocation of the entire Soviet city was weakened by a few points, and the ghosts and ghosts rarely saw it. But when the day arrived, the yin accumulated for dozens of days broke out.

Zhao Jia looked calmly at this bustling street, and saw three lonely souls floating up from the river, and looked calmly on the road. In the darkness of July and a half, such ghosts appeared one by one, far more than in the past.

Ye Jingzhi took the hand of Yan Jia and whispered: "Jia Jia, don't worry, the ghost in the early morning will appear a little more, but it is not serious. Tonight, it is the most savage time in the world. Tonight In the last hour, the ghost door will really open."

Yan Jia looked up and asked: "There is any change in the yin of the city of Sui, will it have any effect?"

In the past seven and a half years of the year, Zhao Jia was calmly eating, drinking and having fun at home. He slept and slept directly, not to care about the outside. But in July and a half of this year, the city of Sioux has changed its yin, and he does not know whether it will be a thing of the past.

However, this problem, Ye Jingzhi can not answer, he can only condense the scorpion, solemnly said: "Be sure to find the very yin body."

In the early hours of the morning, the streets were full of ghosts, and the yin was very heavy. It was even more impossible to find the extremely yin body. So Qi Jia and Ye Jingzhi went home to rest first, and the next day, the two of them continued to go out to find someone.

"The body of the extremely yin is very suffocating, and today it is July and a half, and it is even more impossible to hide it." Ye Jingzhi's low voice.

Zhao Jia looked down at his hand and saw a faint black yin spilling out of his fingers, scattered in the air, and gradually disappearing.

Ye Jingzhi said: "Jia Jia, the relics when the masters are not dead, can really block the yin for you, but this is only a high-grade relic, it is not the best magic weapon, so when it hits the Mid-Autumn Festival, it masks the effect of Yin. It may be a little worse, not as good as Taishan Stone."

Yi Jia nodded, and even more confused: "I can't even completely cover the yin, how does the extremely yin body block the yin?"

Ye Jingzhi could not answer.

At noon, Nanyi and Muyu came back from the west, and four people met.

Yan Jia said his confusion, but the problem that Master Ye could not answer, Nan Yi and Muyu did not have a clue. Nan Yidao: "I have told my master about it. Master said that he will bring a few predecessors tonight to see Sioux City. Even if the extremely yin body really makes a mistake, he will stabilize the overall situation. ""

Since Yan Xiuzhen will come, Yi Jia will be relieved.

The four people continue to be busy looking for people in Sioux City, but the big Sioux City, it is difficult to find someone in one day. In the evening, Zhao Jia saw a more intense yin in the street, feeling the cold and cold temperature, and feeling heavy. On the road, many passers-by tightened their clothes and rushed home quickly, seemingly subconsciously aware of something wrong.

Looking for a whole day, Yi Jia and Ye Jingzhi returned to Xiangmen Bridge. The setting sun shone brightly, and sprinkled the afterglow on the river surface, causing ripples.

Looking at the sunset and sinking to the ground a little bit, Zhao Jia also saw the black suffocation on the street more solid. His face was heavy and long, and he whispered: "The mirror, if the very yin body really makes a mistake... what will happen?"

Ye Jingzhi thought for a moment: "Tonight, the ghost door is open, the yin is heavy, the devil is rampant, and those ghosts see a heavy yin, they will take the initiative to find. But it should not be too serious, Jiajia, you are also extremely yin If you encounter a lot of devils, what will happen?"

Master Ye has long known that he has a wife who tears the devil. When the ghost hits Jia Ge, it is basically looking for death. Jia Ge will not have an accident, they will have an accident.

However, listening to Ye Jingzhi's words, Yi Jia did not say anything.

After a long time, he said softly: "Maybe something big will happen."

Ye Jingzhi faintly noticed a slight anomaly. He looked at Zhao Jia and raised his lips without opening.

Yu Jia looked at the darkness of the sky, and there was no smile on his face. His look was dignified.

The two stood at the bridge and no one spoke. Suddenly an ambulance whizzed past the two men, and Zhao Jia listened to the harsh whistling sound, and the two screamed, and pulled the mirror: "Will the extremely yin body be dead?! ”

Ye Jingzhi stunned: "Dead?"

Yi Jia nodded and analyzed: "The master of the Tianji Gate counts for a whole day. The elephant shows that there is really only one person in this world who is extremely yin. But the elephant said that the sultan gas and the extreme of the city. The body of the yin is related. Will this person be dead, so he is not in the world, but what he did, causing the heavens and the earth to be abnormal."

Ye Jingzhi is shaking his head: "I have never seen other extremely yin bodies, but Jia Jia, with your yin weight, as long as you are not eaten by ghosts, once you become a ghost, you must be a ghost king. Find A ghost king is easier than finding a very yin body, and it is absolutely impossible to hide."

They did not find each other, and the other party must not die. This idea is wrong again.

Qian Jia lowered his head and continued to think: "He does not exist in this world, but he is a very yin body. He is not dead, but we can't find him. Then he..."

The sound stopped abruptly, and Zhao Jia quickly looked up and looked at Ye Jingzhi. Ye Jingzhi also looked at him with horror, and seemed to think of a possibility.

The two said in unison: "He has not been born yet?!"

Within four hours, Yan Jia and Ye Jingzhi ran through the large and small hospitals in Sioux City. They sent a message to Nanyi and Muyu, telling them about this possibility. The four people have been finding more than ten o'clock and only came to one conclusion: "No one in the pregnant women who is already hospitalized in Sioux City has a very yin body."

Nan Yidao: "I just contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They have already found all the pregnant women who have registered with the Sioux Hospital in the past six months. There are tens of thousands of people who are located in Sioux City. If we go there one by one. It must not be found today."

The wooden fish turned to look at the clock on the hospital wall: "Amitabha, there are still three minutes left until the time of the child. I don't know how the body of the extreme yin is formed, but tomorrow is a sunny day. Just pass the night. The extremely yin body avoids the Mid-Autumn Festival. Even if he is born in the Yin and Yin of the Yin and Yin, he will not encounter thousands of ghosts and cause great disasters." After a pause, the wooden fish turned to the first Looking at Zhao Jia, I asked: "Do you know what kind of situation you were when you were born?"

Up to now, the entire metaphysical world, I do not know how the body of the extreme yin is formed.

This incident is not even clear to Jia Jia. It can only be said that it is due to coincidence and ambiguity. However, the article "Ghosts Know" has been written. When Yu Jia was born in the Yin and Yin of the Yin and Yin, it shows that this is one of the conditions for the formation of the extremely Yin body.

Zhai Jia replied: "When I was born, my mother died of dystocia. I heard from my father that on the night of my birth, it seemed that something was wrong, but my father kept holding me on my mother's body and crying. The cold dirty things didn't do anything to us, and I have been growing up smoothly."

Nan Yidao: "The Taoist friends were not born in the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Yi Jia nodded: "Yes, my birthday is in November."

Nan Yi: "I hope that the body of the yin is not born today."

The four men said a few more words and went outside the hospital. Nan Yi sent the information he had received to Zhai Jia and Ye Jingzhi, and said: "Now that when I have arrived, I will open the door to Ghost. Waiting for the ghost door to be finished this evening, Hu Diedao friends, Yu Yudao friends can Take out the space and help find this extremely yin body. We just have to go through tonight, and we can plan slowly tomorrow."

The wooden fish made a joke at this time: "Speaking of it, all the extremely yin bodies appear in Sioux City. Is there anything strange about this Sioux City?"

Nan Yi is very serious: "It makes sense, I will report this to Master."

Yi Jia's footsteps slowed down, and Ye Jingzhi walked behind. He turned over the information on the pregnant woman on the phone and whispered, "Is that very yin body... can I really be born?"

At the foot of Ye Jing, the next turn, look at Zhao Jia: "Jia Jia?"

Yan Jia looked up at him and had no smile on his face: "I have read the article on the 'Ghost Know'. There are records in the ancient books. The extreme physique of the body of the yin and the body of the three scorpions should not be born at all. In the midst of the fetus, the mother should not be born, and the mother and the child will die. I was born, but I killed my mother. Mirror, that person... Can he really be born?"

The youthful eyes flashed with a confused look, lonely and lonely. Ye Jingzhi immediately took hold of Zhao Jia’s hand, and Jia Jia looked at him. He said seriously: “Jia Jia, this is not your fault. The body of the extreme Yin will inevitably bring these results, your mother... your mother. The death of you is not what you want to cause, you should not blame yourself."

Yan Jia looked at Ye Jingzhi's anxious appearance, and his heart was a little soft, but his body was very cold. Ye Jingzhi's hand is very hot, holding his hand tightly. However, there are some things that know what to say, what the heart thinks, but can't control.

Yan Jia slowly opened his lips: "Ye Jingzhi, you don't want me to blame myself?"

Ye Jingzhi nodded hard.

"When are you not blaming yourself, I will not blame myself, how?"

The eye of the mirror is stunned.

Yan Jiawei smiled: "This is fair."

Ye Jingzhi said that Jia Jia has always felt guilty, but why is he not so?

The extremely sinister body will kill the mother because the yin is too heavy, but in fact, as long as you get along well, it will not affect the other people around you too much. Can be different from the three. The body of Sancha is the spirit of the Five Elements. It is a kind of suffocation. As long as she is pregnant with this child, Ye Jingzhi’s mother is destined to be slain by him. Not only that, he will also kill all blood relatives, all friends.

So for more than two decades, Ye Jingzhi never looked for a relative who had abandoned himself. He does not blame them for abandoning themselves, but he also believes that those who abandon themselves are taken for granted, because he should not be accepted by the world, just as the younger generation of the metaphysical world gave him a nickname " Ye Hao Wang, he is never angry.

Because, he should be like this.

These things have never been said, and others never think about it.

Only Yi Jia, he knows, he understands, he said: "You don't blame, I don't blame myself."

The mirror of the mirror trembled. He held the hand of Qian Jia, and his hand was hot. The hand of Qian Jia was cold, but he felt that his body was warmed by his lover.

For a long time, Ye Jingzhi couldn't help but lift his lips and sighed heavily.

Nanyi and Muyu, who walked in front, were busy looking at the information and did not notice the bowl of dog food behind them. Yan Jia and Ye Jingzhi held hands and walked away from the hospital door, regardless of the eyes of others. Just as they were about to go to the hospital door, suddenly a middle-aged man carrying a pregnant woman quickly rushed into the hospital.

Zhai Jia and Ye Jingzhi quickly let go, and they were almost hit by this person.

The man shouted: "My daughter-in-law is going to be born, my daughter-in-law is going to be born! Where is the doctor, doctor?!"

Several nurses ran quickly and pushed the stretcher in the corner. The woman was pale and her stomach was round and big, and the whole person leaned weakly on her husband's back. However, for a long time, the two old people also rushed in from the door, pulling the woman and putting it on the stretcher.

A nurse helped put the pregnant woman on the stretcher. She just put the pregnant woman on, and she was pushed by the next woman: "What are you doing, the action is so heavy. Will your little girl do something, hurt my grandson? Do you pay for it? You pay for it!"

The young nurse didn’t even think that she would help lift the pregnant woman, but she would be pushed. She was almost pushed to the ground and the whole man stared at the old woman. The old woman glanced at her and said to a nurse, "I will push my grandson forward, my grandson will be born!"

The nurse was so trembled, but the pregnant woman had been crying all the time. She could only push the stretcher into the operating room.

Zhao Jia looked at this scene coldly. He looked at him more and turned and walked away. Ye Jingzhi rarely came to the hospital, and he never saw such an unreasonable old woman. He also looked at him and took Zhao Jia away.

But just as the two turned and went out of the hospital door, a drop of blood flowed down the pregnant woman and slammed on the ground. When the blood slammed on the ground, the scalp scalp was numb, and the cold hair was erected. He turned quickly and widened his eyes, staring blankly at the blood on the ground.

Ye Jingzhi immediately turned and looked at the blood on the ground.

In their eyes, a thick black yin burst from the little drop of blood. The violent yin dissipated outside the hospital, and countless solitary ghosts who wandered around the world in July and July suddenly turned their heads and looked in the direction of the hospital.

Zhai Jia and Ye Jingzhi quickly looked at each other and walked to the operating room. When he walked to the side of the blood, Ye Jing’s foot slammed on the blood. When he lifted his foot, the blood disappeared without a trace, and no trace could be found.

Three minutes later, Nanyi and Muyu received the news and also rushed back to the hospital.

In front of the operating room, the pregnant family’s family sat in a chair and whispered. The husband seemed to be a little anxious, and the tone of his voice was quicker, but the old man next to him was a very leisurely look. The old woman said casually: "This is a male baby. Xiaohui's stomach is too disappointing. It's all four, and finally I have my grandson."

They looked a little leisurely, and on the other side of the corridor, the four people in Zhaojia seemed even more anxious.

The four people did not sit down, but stood against the wall. There are not many expressions on their faces, but the attention of the four people at this moment is concentrated in the operating room.

The wooden fish kept fiddling with the beads and chanted the sutra. Nan Yi sent a message to Yan Xiuzhen and others, asking them to come over. Zhao Jia looked calmly at the door of the operating room, and did not say anything, so she looked at it silently.

Ye Jingzhi could hear the sound in the operating room, but listening to the sound inside, his brows were getting wrinkled.

He leaned over and said to him: "Difficult to produce."

Zhao Jia looked up and looked at him.

Ye Jingzhi continued to listen to the voice inside, retelling the doctor's words: "It seems that there are several children, the palace wall is very thin, dangerous." After a pause, Ye Jingzhi said: "This child's yin is very heavy, but It's a lot weaker than you. I've laid the enchantment, so that the ghosts and ghosts outside wandering can't detect his yin. But... he's hard to be born."

Qian Jia asked: "Because he is a very yin body?"

Ye Jingzhi nodded and shook his head again: "He doesn't seem to be very like a very yin body. If you are the standard of the extremely yin body, then his yin is about half of yours, more than the average person. Ten times. Jia Jia, is he really a very yin body?"

Where does Qian Jia know this kind of thing?

The red light in the operating room is still on, the pregnant woman only went in for half an hour, and only half an hour left from the zero point. As long as the zero point is over, it is not the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the second day is no longer a cloudy day. It is very likely that this child is not a very yin body.

The opposite family did not seem to be in a hurry. As time passed, the husband also relaxed and began to ask the elderly to calculate the minimum amount of money.

They were not in a hurry, but the three celestial divisions standing opposite them suddenly changed their faces in an instant.

Ye Jingzhi clenched his hand and lowered his voice: "The doctor is coming out."

Yan Jia brows a wrinkle.

This doctor is coming out? The child was born so soon, how does the nearby yin seem to have little reaction? Suddenly, Yi Jia thought of a possibility, and turned to look at Ye Jingzhi.

The next moment, the doctor wearing the surgical suit strode out of the operating room. His opening was: "The mother had been aborted four times before, the palace wall was too thin, the child was too heavy. Just bleeding, for safety, we feel that Baoda More appropriate, please sign your words."

The voice fell, and the nurse on the side took out the agreement and handed it over.

The old woman rushed up and knocked the agreement to the ground.

The nurse was angry: "What are you doing?!"

The old woman said: "What is big and not big, I want my grandson! You dare not take my grandson out of peace today, I want you to pay for it!"

Doctors have also seen a lot of market, and began to analyze the risks of Baoda Baoxiao. In fact, in the real hospital, basically not small, most doctors recommend Baoda. The hospital can't bear the risk of death. Keeping adults is the top priority, and it doesn't mean that children can be safe.

Where did the old woman listen to these, she yelled: "Small, we have to keep small, hear no!"

The middle-aged man was still hesitant, but the old man on the side began to make trouble, clamoring to hug his grandson.

The doctor said coldly: "Then you decide, in the end, to protect the big?"

The old woman didn't even think about it: "Keep my grandson!"

"Bao Da!"

Suddenly heard this voice, the old woman turned to look at it. This time, she stayed and said: "Who are you, what is the relationship between my grandson and you? Give me a small, I want a grandson!"

Zhai Jia and Ye Jingzhi said this sentence in unison. The old woman only ignored them when they were neurotic.

At this time, the wooden fish also came back. He stepped forward and performed a ceremony: "Amitabha, the donor, they are right. It is wise to keep it." Because of your The grandson has been unable to withstand such a heavy yin and is about to die.

The old woman saw a monk also came out and angered, "Which **** stuff, rolling. You doctors, bring my grandson out, I want my grandson!"

The doctor showed disgust and asked the nurse to change another agreement and let the middle-aged man sign. The middle-aged man trembled and did not dare to sign. The old woman continually urged her to roar. His eyes closed and he quickly signed the word.

The doctor took the agreement and turned to leave. The old woman is still chanting her grandson and has not stopped.

However, the doctor did not have access to the operating room. He had just walked to the front of the operating room and the door suddenly opened. A nurse looked at the doctor anxiously and said: "Dr. Liu, the child is already dead in the womb, and the mother is now having a sudden cardiac arrest. Go and see!"

Outside the operating room, the old woman was all alone.

Yan Jia's fingers were pinched, and the doctor walked into the operating room, and his heart was mixed and could not be said.


Just the next second when the doctor just walked into the operating room, the old woman’s family was sitting on the ground and splashing, and a burst of yin burst out, rushing out, and even hitting the enchantment under the mirror. broken.

Yan Jia and Ye Jingzhi rushed to the operating room, and Nan Yi and Muyu induced a slower rate of yin, but soon they also rushed in anxiously.

A strong yin broke out over the city of Sucheng. Ye Jingzhi said that the child's yin is clearly weak, and even half of the 奚 Jia will not. But now, this yin has all erupted, and the horrible and powerful yin is centered on the hospital, and it rushes to the entire city.

Yan Xiuzhen and others who are coming to the hospital saw this yin far away, and each face sank and speeded up.

In every corner of Sioux City, countless ghosts and ghosts who are breeding in the dark corners turned their heads and looked at the hospital. Many ugly and horrible ghosts have stopped their movements and looked at the direction of the hospital, revealing the obsessive and longing look. They frantically drifted to the hospital and tried their best, as if they had to go late, they would never be able to grab any delicious food.

At this moment, the distance is zero and there are 18 minutes.

The author has something to say: C+: Moderate your sister! You have been moisturized! Master Ye and I are still innocent than green bean curd soup! ! !

Mirror [blush]: But Jiajia, we obviously helped each other...


Baby, don't fatten it, let's finish it, don't let fat know 咩~233333

Don't be too true about the problem of Bao Dabao's small, the plot needs only. In fact, the phenomenon of such phenomena has not been completely eliminated in the country, and there are similar phenomena in some of the more remote places. However, as far as I know, Sioux City is not... cough, don't be true.


Thank you

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